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DLC Emblem Predictions

Fire Emblem Fan

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On 12/9/2022 at 9:37 AM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

They've announced four waves of DLC, and three of those waves will give us additional Emblems.

So, I just went back and re-read the eshop page for the DLC and.....this is likely incorrect; DLC3 has *nothing* told about it, even wave 2 at least told us a general outline. I suspect DLC3 is likely to be very different from the other waves and as a result brings the number of Emblems we can get down. I'm revising my range of 4-7 Emblem Bracelets to being 4-5 instead

EDIT: Actually nvm, I think I may have just misread....or for some reason the text in that section just wasn't being displayed for whatever reason. I do still think that the emblem will be lower though, as there seems to be a different focus for wave 3

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On 12/10/2022 at 3:40 AM, Seazas said:

There's some interesting tidbits too. The gacha side emblems will be key to telling us about future DLC plans. I imagine the list of deconfirmed will rise. As of currently going off Marth's set of stat boosting rings:

-Caeda, Kris, Navarre, Linde, Merric, and Legion are all out of the running for now. 

But in the list of stat boosting rings is Tiki.

In the side list: Caeda, Ogma, Navarre, Merric, Minerva, Minerva, Tiki, Kris, Legion


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6 emblems sounds likely.


- Azura

- Camilla due to her sheer popularity

- Chrom

- Robin

- Hector

- Alm


Tellius and Jugdral will get nothing since those aren't popular. Maybe Lyon could have a shout if there's no Camilla.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/13/2022 at 11:34 PM, Safy said:

- Camilla due to her sheer popularity


Hearing you suggest Lyon makes me very happy as mentions of him always do, so thank you very much for that! If we were to get another FE8 rep though, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if it was Myrrh instead. I mean, I adore Myrrh and it'd be fun to have another dragon on the team, but Lyon... 😢

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I could honestly see them packaging Chrom and Robin together as one emblem and their gimmick could revolve around referencing the pair-up system.  I know Lucina's emblem already kinda does that but unlike with the 3H leaders and Eirika and Ephraim you actually do engage with the two of them at the same time instead of swapping between them.

They'd be more akin to the ice climbers or rosalina and luma whereas the house leaders are pokemon trainer and Eirika and Ephraim are pyra/mythra

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I kinda hope they don’t have many (if any) more multiple character emblems. It feels like it’s supposed to be the twins gimmick. More would make it feel less unique. Sigurd’s uniqueness would be reduced if another would give that move bonus.

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On 12/9/2022 at 11:25 AM, Use the Falchion said:

Assuming two per game going forward (based on nothing other than feeling like it): 

Caeda & Tiki

Alm & ...someone

Seliph & Julia

No idea for Thracia - maybe Nanna and Ced?)

Lilina & Guinevere (although Fir would probably be a little more popular if FEH is anything to go by)

Eliwood & Hector

Ephraim & Innes (or L'Archel)

Soren & Elincia

Sothe & Kurthnaga

Chrom & Robin

Azura & Kaze OR Hoshidan Siblings & Nohr Siblings (Or Azura, Hoshidan Siblings, & Nohr Siblings)

House Leaders & either Shez or Seteth/Flayn...or maybe Seteth/Flayn/Rhea. 


Slight edit to my previous ideas:

Now that we know Eirika and Ephraim share a ring, I think SS would be Innes and L'Archel, if they go with two DLC Emblems per game. 

Likewise, I think Azura would be a free DLC add-on to Corrin rather than her own Emblem, so they can do the whole Hoshido Siblings & Norh Siblings thing. The rest will be the same, I think.

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I think the weirdest omission from Engage's base game would be a key character from Awakening. While Lucina travelling once again across dimensions and time to save a kingdom from a fell dragon fits very well... It's strange that the fell dragon from her world , Grima/Robin didn't find their way here.

Not a single antagonist has been confirmed for rings , and I doubt they would be since Tiki and the 3H Lords were choosen for the first wave , but I think there is some strong narrative and gameplay potential with a ring that contains both Robin and Grima. Or perhaps a single entity fighting between two split personnalities. After all , we are chasing another fell dragon in Engage , so having the first man made one helping Alear would bring some interesting ideas to the table. Gameplay wise , it would be interesting if the ring granted some of the strongest attributes in the game from raw stats increase , but come at the drawback of gradual health decrease or other malus due to Grima's evil energy corrupting the wielder.

My second choice would be Azura , because she's important in all the Fates routes , and having a dancer would offer new gameplay opportunities. Perhaps the wielder could get access to the dancing option regardless of their class. She could also have an built in slayer effect or malus effects for those corrupted ennemies to call back to how she's the only one who could weaken Anankos after possessing Garon.

As to the rest , I wonder if anything from Heroes , 3 Hopes , and Tokyo Mirage is on the table. But I would prefer that they focus on rings that offer new classes and not new lords with repeated classes , which is why I wish antagonists were possible because they often have unique classes.

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Gonna throw a curveball. How about Female Shez to go with Male Byleth? A Warriors emblem would be fun.


Weapon types granted - swords and tomes. Final weapon is the Agarthan Sword, which has the Soul Cutter skill, which reduces the damage a foe deals and prevents them from applying Break, Smash, or critical.

Sync Skill 1 - Musou Mode - Attacks will deal 20% of your total round damage to adjacent foes (in reference to the big sweeping attacks in Warriors).

(Dragon Bonus - 30%).

Sync Skill 2 - Break Morale - Crowd control effects (IE: Break, Smash, etc.) will be applied to foes adjacent to your target if you kill your target.

Sync Skill 3 - Twin Strikes - Follow-up every attack with a second strike that deals 10% damage and ignores Def/Res. (Backup bonus - also triggers when unit participates in Chain Attacks).

Engage Skill - Shadow Step - activate this command when attacking a foe to revert to your prior location after combat.

Engage Attack - Warrior's Special - a giant AoE attack. If melee weapon, hits 2 squares around and 1 square diagonally around Shez. If a tome or other ranged weapon, hits the same area, but around the target.

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Ooh, a full kit! I didn't expect to see that, and you're right that Shez would be a really cool addition too (though I assume the 3H Lords have taken all the 3H slots). Also, I had a shower thought yesterday that the two Avatars we have are also gender balanced, so if we did get F!Shez we'd probably also get M!Robin to compensate.

That said, M!Robin does seem to be the most popular of the two (at least from what I've gathered from Reddit and CYL, though the latter could just be for people wanting him to win with Chrom) so I don't think that's a farfetched requirement to meet.

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4 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

Ooh, a full kit! I didn't expect to see that, and you're right that Shez would be a really cool addition too (though I assume the 3H Lords have taken all the 3H slots). Also, I had a shower thought yesterday that the two Avatars we have are also gender balanced, so if we did get F!Shez we'd probably also get M!Robin to compensate.

That said, M!Robin does seem to be the most popular of the two (at least from what I've gathered from Reddit and CYL, though the latter could just be for people wanting him to win with Chrom) so I don't think that's a farfetched requirement to meet.

I agree with Male Robin to balance it out. And here's a concept no one's thought up yet. Think of it like a suped up Summoner from SS.


Weapons - mostly tomes, Levin Sword at final rank.

Sync Skill 1 - Shephards Unite - Use the command to summon Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick into adjacent spaces (or the nearest available spaces). They will function as weaker versions of Diamante, Framme, and Vander, and their weaker stats mean enemies will prioritize them. Using the skill again revives, heals, and repositions them around Robin's wielder.

Sync Skill 2 - Experience Share - Gain 25% of combat xp earned from allies within 2 spaces. Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick grant you xp regardless of range. 

(Backup Bonus - earn 40% xp)

Sync Skill 3 - Ignis - 25% of magic is applied to physical attacks, 25% of strength is applied to magic attacks.

Engage Skill - Morale Boost - Passivelt increases Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick's stats significantly while Engaged.

(Dragon Bonus - Increases Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick's stats by even more).

Engage Attack - Quadrangle Attack - Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick appear around the Robin's target foe regardless of range and attack them from all sides.

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19 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

I agree with Male Robin to balance it out. And here's a concept no one's thought up yet. Think of it like a suped up Summoner from SS.


Weapons - mostly tomes, Levin Sword at final rank.

Sync Skill 1 - Shephards Unite - Use the command to summon Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick into adjacent spaces (or the nearest available spaces). They will function as weaker versions of Diamante, Framme, and Vander, and their weaker stats mean enemies will prioritize them. Using the skill again revives, heals, and repositions them around Robin's wielder.

Sync Skill 2 - Experience Share - Gain 25% of combat xp earned from allies within 2 spaces. Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick grant you xp regardless of range. 

(Backup Bonus - earn 40% xp)

Sync Skill 3 - Ignis - 25% of magic is applied to physical attacks, 25% of strength is applied to magic attacks.

Engage Skill - Morale Boost - Passivelt increases Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick's stats significantly while Engaged.

(Dragon Bonus - Increases Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick's stats by even more).

Engage Attack - Quadrangle Attack - Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick appear around the Robin's target foe regardless of range and attack them from all sides.

Another "power of friendship" Emblem to match Lucina and a way to sneak the main Shepherds in, cool! I like the homages to Robin's FE13 kit here too, I really appreciate how much thought you put into this!

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It’s exciting to me that so many mention Lyon. He’s probably one of my more wanted characters who actually feels like they have a shot, even if I know it’s really unlikely.

As for who else gets in its really a question on what they’re prioritizing. If they want balanced gender representation that means the all male remaining Lords are pretty much unlikely. How concerned are they with equal representation of games, or at least trying for that? Unit diversity? It’s kind of hard to predict because of that. Mostly I’m just echoing what others said I suppose.

That said for who I want, Lyon is definitely top or close to the top of the list of reasonable candidates, along with Soren. I’ve always been fond of Eliwood too so I hope he would get in. There are definitely others but I don’t want to go on too long.

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4 hours ago, Mirron said:

It’s exciting to me that so many mention Lyon. He’s probably one of my more wanted characters who actually feels like they have a shot, even if I know it’s really unlikely.

I know I say this every time Lyon comes up but... me too! Thanks for liking him as well!

I agree that him showing up is pretty unlikely though, especially if we assume Wave 1 is indicative of the other Emblem choices (i.e. only the "obvious" choices qualify). The odd thing is that this probably makes Eliwood more likely than Hector, even though Hector would arguably bring more to the table as the sole armored Emblem (though Eliwood would be another source of Canter). I guess those two could share a Bracelet, but putting them together and leaving Lyn on her own feels weird to me. I doubt it'd feel weird for IS. Seliph feels like another safe bet. I'm sure to IS Thracia having three reps seems unfair, but they just gave Three Houses four so they don't get to make that argument.

Speaking of, I wonder if IS considered Three Houses and Three Hopes to be separate entites. If so, I wouldn't be surprised if F!Shez is included along with M!Robin as I mentioned earlier, since she'd also contrast M!Byleth making the cut. But again, I'd be surprised if the opposite gendered Avatars don't also make the cut, as freebies or otherwise.

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I always wish there was like, a third route with a happy ending for Lyon, he deserves it. If I had any talent with game design would probably try to do that.


I definitely think obvious/important is the name of the game, though how much the other factors matter is hard to say. Like you said Eliwood is more the main Lord of FE7, but we got Lyn because she qualified for Covert unit type to them (which is fair, as far as main Lords go I think she’s closest by default), is a girl, and probably because she uses a Bow. Eliwood by contrast is… basically just Sigurd. Horse, sword, lance. He fits a very default FE Lord mold that his compatriots don’t. Hector has more to his name as one of the few Lords who uses a non Sword as his main weapon (think the only others are Micaiah and Ephraim unless you’re broad with the definition of Lord), and the armor thing. So far it seems like gender balance is a bigger thing as Eirika even got top footing in the twin ring (Ephraim is more unique if just due to primary weapon type), but hard to say if that will count for downloads. As far as Eliwood/Hector go I prefer them together if just because excluding one is odd, and they definitely have solid pairing vibes even if mechanically I don’t know what that looks like. Great Knight vibes time I suppose.

I wouldn’t mind seeing the spin-offs getting reps. Heroes and the two Warriors games. Oh, and the Persona one possibly. Only issue is that with space as tight as it is they’re really hard sells, at least to me. Especially as I’d really like to see more diverse roster options, and all of them are basically just your classic Sword on foot Lord archetype. Why although it’s putting a lot of eggs in one basket I tend to come back to the Tellius duo as you get an arguable flying Lord and an important Dagger user, even if it’s already got two characters. But it’ll probably be easier to predict how they’ll pick stuff with another wave. We really could use a fair amount more though I feel.

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I want to go with my opinion on this topic too.


For my part, since we had 2 new Emblems in the upcoming first wave, I think it will be around 4-6 new Emblems at the end. Like 2 Emblems next, and 4 for the third wave. We may even have 3 Emblems in the second wave since they have more time than for the first. Maybe Tiki and 3H lords are just how little time they had to make this. Anyway. I think 6 more Emblems are not too crazy to hope. I would go by this, partly on a bit of logic, partly on my preferences.


Second wave: 2-3 Emblems

-Alm: Seem to be the more obvious one, since we already have Celica (she's a bit more popular than him) and it makes sense to have them in the same game. Plus, he can be another bow wielder, and it's nice to vary the weapons emblems gives. In the end, he looks like a lot of FE lords, as it's a male, with a dragon-effective sword, etc.

-Azura: She could be a good fit here, since she's a notable lord in the FE history, and she would give some interesting things to units, like a lance and healing/song.

-Chrom: If it's 3 Emblems, I think it could be Chrom. it would round the 3DS era by giving the last lord, and the "counterpart" of Lucina. Being a paired Emblem with Robin could make some sense, as the mechanic to pair up came in Awakening, but I hope it would be just a skill, as we already have Eirika/Ephraim, and the 3H lords as multiples Emblems. And I'm not that fond of "canon" Robin..


Third wave : 4 Emblems

-Hector: It would be a nice addition, since he's a pretty popular lord, gives an axe to fight, and would round the things with Lyn being already here. By the way, he could give armor units a bonus. It could be Hector from FE7 or FE6, depending on what they want to even.

-Eliwood: If Hector is an Emblem, he will be too. It would be strange to not see him coming after his two co-lords are here. I don't really think IS would leave him all alone. Like Hector, it could be his FE7 or FE6 shape. I think he's more closely linked to Lyn, but linking him to Roy is not a too bad idea.

-Lyon: Many think he could be an Emblem, and I agree with that. I think it makes sense, as he's kind of a lord, not really a bad guy, and people like him a lot. Plus, he could add a tome user  to the Emblem roster. Or even mechanics with summoning monster or whatever.

-Elincia: The other two emblematic (you got it, ahah) figures of Tellius are already here, so she could be an option. Plus, appart from bringing lance/sword, she could give a bonus to flier units, like Sigurd give a bonus to cavalry. That would rounds the things a bit even...I guess.


That's my guesses for those new Emblems. I did not consider the warriors characters, since they're not really from the main serie. Also, I didn't care with the Fates siblings, too many lords for not so great outcome, I guess. It could be like 2-4 lords by worlds (Jugdral, Tellius, etc.), the minimum being 2 for most of them, and the max of 4 for Elibe?

Another possibility could have been Sothe, since he's almost a lord, and he could benefits thief units, they don't seem to have an Emblem that benefits them. And giving the possibility to units to wield knives?

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1 hour ago, Mirron said:

I always wish there was like, a third route with a happy ending for Lyon, he deserves it. If I had any talent with game design would probably try to do that.

Same here! But at the same time I know that'd probably cheapen his story. Maybe in a what-if story perhaps? :')

1 hour ago, Mirron said:

Eliwood by contrast is… basically just Sigurd. Horse, sword, lance. He fits a very default FE Lord mold that his compatriots don’t. Hector has more to his name as one of the few Lords who uses a non Sword as his main weapon (think the only others are Micaiah and Ephraim unless you’re broad with the definition of Lord), and the armor thing.

If they shared a Bracelet then you could have Canter and an armor-based skill instead of Sigurd's full cavalry-based kit? But even if that were the case, as someone said earlier you'd risk making either Eirika/ Ephraim or the 3H Lords less unique. If they could swap at will you'd step on the twins' toes and if it's a random toggle you'd probably end up with a stronger/ weaker version of the latter (based on how their skills fare against the 3H Lords - the EXP one). The only other way to get a "shared Emblem" would be if you had skills matching both active at all times (like having a cav AND armor skill always available). But the cynic in me goes back to what I said before that IS is probably only going to focus on the newer entries.

1 hour ago, Hiroki said:

I think it will be around 4-6 new Emblems at the end.

I do think Wave 3 will have more Emblems than the first two, but I didn't expect anyone would hope for six more overall! You have a really good line-up too, and the more I see people hoping for Lyon the more I start to think it's possible too, and I don't want my heart broken like that!

If we're looking for Emblems that would bring something new to the table while also being Lords or Lord-adjacent, I'd probably go for something like this:

  • Elincia - a flier as Hiroki stated, and another staff user. She could maybe also have a Triangle Attack effect, or even confer that status on allies like B!Catria/ W!Cordelia in FEH.
  • Azura - dancer, and a modern FE representative.
  • Hector - for the reasons described above. I'd also like Eliwood, but I don't know how likely that is.

But I'm sure who we'll actually get are Chrom, Robin, Azura and Alm with one more to round out the roster (I'd put my money on Seliph).

Of course, as I've probably made abundantly clear by now, the Emblem I'd love to see more than anything is Lyon. I know Engage doesn't have any magic triangles, but he could be our sole Dark magic rep alongside the two Light magic (and also Fire for Celica) reps we have so far. He could also have the Summoner class' abilities for his Sync Skills and pull out the Dark Stone for his Engage Attack (or be another support Emblem) and maybe even talk to Eirika and Ephraim? That could be really interesting if he's pre-FE8 and they're post-FE8.

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I’d like it if Lyon was also post game. As a way to have something… else happen I suppose. With full knowledge. That is also probably how I would do a Lyon route, that and some sort of splitting probably of Lyon and the Demon.

I’m not sure what a combo Eliwood/Hector looks like. I think at the same time might work best, I think I joked about Great Knight time and it would fit. It might weaken another Emblem’s uniqueness but I’m also alright with that. 

And yeah, I’m worried we will just get proper Lords which is fitting in some ways but also boring in others. I wish they did more combos so that this was less an issue, even if it removes a gimmick. At least then most are represented and DLC could be newer stuff instead of leaving kind of a feel bad route either way.

Also on the Sothe point earlier, Lyn is the Covert Lord I believe. But getting someone actually associated with the role more closely and someone who is actually tied to knives would be nice.

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On 1/2/2023 at 3:16 PM, DefyingFates said:

You have a really good line-up too, and the more I see people hoping for Lyon the more I start to think it's possible too, and I don't want my heart broken like that!

Me neither. At first, I just thougt it was a good idea. But after seeing many people talking about Lyon, I think it could be a good coup from IS, as he seems to be popular and interesting.

On 1/2/2023 at 3:16 PM, DefyingFates said:

Of course, as I've probably made abundantly clear by now, the Emblem I'd love to see more than anything is Lyon. I know Engage doesn't have any magic triangles, but he could be our sole Dark magic rep alongside the two Light magic (and also Fire for Celica) reps we have so far. He could also have the Summoner class' abilities for his Sync Skills and pull out the Dark Stone for his Engage Attack (or be another support Emblem) and maybe even talk to Eirika and Ephraim? That could be really interesting if he's pre-FE8 and they're post-FE8.

Maybe, h'es post-FE8? I'm not sure I understood it well, but I had the impression that Emblems were kind of ghosts. Maybe a thing like in Star Wars, with ghosts of powerful jedi to guide others jedi.

But you're right. Even if we didn't have a magic triangle, or any type of different magic, Lyon, as a DLC Emblem, could bring a new "weapon" (as wielding dark magic) and this could even be a condition to access a new class like Dark mage, only available in DLC. In wave 4 or so. They already made some DLC exclusive class in the past, so why not this one?

Yeah, I know this is kind of a dream, but....

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22 hours ago, Hiroki said:

Me neither. At first, I just thougt it was a good idea. But after seeing many people talking about Lyon, I think it could be a good coup from IS, as he seems to be popular and interesting.

I think he won an official "best villain" poll a while back too, though that was pre-3H and that spot would likely go to Edelgard were it held this year (along with her winning "best protagonist", I reckon). Anyway, I'm glad you think so too! I'm so happy that so many people are thinking about him!

22 hours ago, Hiroki said:

Maybe, he's post-FE8? I'm not sure I understood it well, but I had the impression that Emblems were kind of ghosts. Maybe a thing like in Star Wars, with ghosts of powerful jedi to guide others jedi.

That was my assumption at first too, but all the 3H Lords seem to be pre-timeskip (and Sigurd is obviously taken from the early-game of FE4) so I don't think they're all from the ends of their stories. More like snapshots taken from key periods in the original Lords' lives and preserved as a separate entity, given Marth explicitly calls himself "Emblem Marth".

22 hours ago, Hiroki said:

But you're right. Even if we didn't have a magic triangle, or any type of different magic, Lyon, as a DLC Emblem, could bring a new "weapon" (as wielding dark magic) and this could even be a condition to access a new class like Dark mage, only available in DLC. In wave 4 or so. They already made some DLC exclusive class in the past, so why not this one?

DLC classes are a bit icky (I hope they're all gender-neutral or at the very least balanced), but I love the thought of him adding Dark magic to the weapon selection!

22 hours ago, Hiroki said:

Yeah, I know this is kind of a dream, but....


I can see it already: Gleipnir, Naglfar and Nosferatu for healing could be a good three weapon arrangement for him, along with the Skills I mentioned earlier...

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Dlc exclusive classes are already confirmed in the expansion pass details, and it's normal for FE dlc now.


Anyway, Hector took some thinking since Ike's kit really steps on his toes (and Eirika/Ephraim took one of Ike's biggest claims to fame in turn). But ultimately, doubling down on that enemy-phase tanking playstyle of GBA FE was just right for him.



Swordreaver - reverse weapon triangle.

Basilikos - heavy weapon

Wolf Beil - effective against armor/cavalry

Armads - effective against dragons, buffs users Def and Res.


Sync Skill 1 - Retaliation - Boosts attack by 5 and crit rate by 10% when attacked on enemy phase. (Dragon bonus - further increases attack and crit bonus to 10 and 15%).

Sync Skill 2 - Live to Fight - When attacked by a foe, heal 20% of the damage you deal on retaliation.

Sync Skill 3 - Bulwark - Gain additional Defence while on a defensive terrain.

Engage Skill - Priority Target - Enemies will priorize Hector's wielder over adjacent allies. (Backup Bonus - Adjacent allies may retaliate with you, prioritizing the ally with the highest support rank).

Engage Attack - Come At Me! - Taunt all foes within 3 squares in all directions and gain 10% damage reduction. (Armor Bonus - increase to 20% damage reduction).

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