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Will we be able to assign units to base buildings?


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While I grind 30 quartz for a Chef's Hat, visiting otherwordly castles for extra arena battles and advanced shopping centers, I wonder to myself- "Why don't I use Citra?" and then, separately, "Doesn't that one cavalier show up in a shop in one of the Engage trailers? I sure hope I don't have to grind 30 quartz to get people in roles that they're good at."

That's basically it. Do we have any indication on whether units manning shops are randomly selected, if there's a way to assign them, a chef's hat, etc?

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From my understanding, the shopkeepers we saw seem to be proper characters of their own. On the other hand, we know the cafeteria can have assigned characters (we saw Ivy and at least someone else but I forgot who it was). So maybe a mix? Some you can, others you won't.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

On the other hand, we know the cafeteria can have assigned characters (we saw Ivy and at least someone else but I forgot who it was).

Hopefully lethal chefs aren't a thing here like they were in Fates...

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