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9 year old gives advice on how to talk to girls


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... a nine year- what on earth?

I don't know whether to wonder how I've yet to even hold hands with a girl while he's mastering pickup lines, or to give up hope due to being trumped by someone who has yet to reach double digits. >_>

Edited by The Blind Archer
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What, a, freaking, tool.

Obviously, this kid needs a girlfriend, he needs to get his head out of his ass.

Seriously, a kid writing a book of love? Smart move, i'm not sure girls go for who wrote the book >_>

All hes saying is that love can be controlled, true love is a natural feeling that can not be controlled changed or altered in anyway, love is love, it happens automatically.


Im tired...

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Don Juan is a tragedy, you know?

EDIT: Plain English translation for those of you without culture: This can't end good.


Don Juan is a tragedy!


i laughed in the end of the storyl! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Edited by Jessie
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Basically, what he wrote in it is common sense stuff. The fact that people don't realize the things he wrote about already, is well, pathetic. The fact that media has twisted our definitions of relationships so far that a nine-year-old, who obviously is not affected by the media too much yet, as he's too young, has to slap some common sense into people with a book.

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Clueless kid is clueless.

"It is easy to spot pretty girls because they have big earrings, fancy dresses and all the jewelry"


There's a difference between putting on lots of jewelry and being pretty.

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Clueless kid is clueless.

"It is easy to spot pretty girls because they have big earrings, fancy dresses and all the jewelry"


There's a difference between putting on lots of jewelry and being pretty.

No he's right. If you see some girl with designer clothes and pretty jewelry all the time, that's a pretty good sign to stay away. The stereotype for that type of girl is usually true.

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No he's right. If you see some girl with designer clothes and pretty jewelry all the time, that's a pretty good sign to stay away. The stereotype for that type of girl is usually true.

He was clearly saying that you can tell if the girl is pretty by the crap she wears. Or at least that's how I interpreted it.

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So it's come to the point where guys need advice from a kid on how to talk to girls... What the hell is next?

To be honest this as Jyosua put it is more about the common sense stuff, and he actually puts some good morals and values into it. He is saying not to go for material girls because overall they aren't worth the effort, and they are easy to spot, which is true. He is also saying that you should wait until you're older to seriously date.

Basically this is at the very least a good sign that some kids have common sense now, which is more sad that people need a kid to tell them to have common sense. That's just a sign of how shallow people are these days.

I honestly doubt someone that has the moral value that you shouldn't chase girls that are impossibly beautiful with bad attitude, and instead to pursue honest girls who you can actually connect with is going to grow up to think he's some kind of, "player." I had the same values at his age, thinking that it's not worth going after boys or girls who are either impossibly handsome, or impossible gorgeous, and completely ignoring their attitudes for their attractiveness, and I will say I am no where NEAR a, "player," or a "whore."

Just my two cents.

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That's all well and good, but even at like mid teen years, if you were unusually well read or whatever, I think the most you'd be able to talk about dealing with the complexity of love of all things is to quote somebody who most assuredly has more experience and has thought about it more than you have had time to.

Not like it's the kid's fault he's overshooting himself or anything, and it is just a 3-dollar 50 page book written for kids by a kid so I'm probably looking at it too closely lol

Edited by Mac
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Correction: It's supposed to be a tragedy.


you're right, but i can't help but laugh at his death.

even though it was a bit tragic.


That's all well and good, but even at like mid teen years, if you were unusually well read or whatever, I think the most you'd be able to talk about dealing with the complexity of love of all things is to quote somebody who most assuredly has more experience and has thought about it more than you have had time to.

Not like it's the kid's fault he's overshooting himself or anything, and it is just a 3-dollar 50 page book written for kids by a kid so I'm probably looking at it too closely lol

not necessarily.

maybe he's really observant and and a naturally precocious child. after all, we know almost nothing about the kid.

Edited by Jessie
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Clueless kid is clueless.

"It is easy to spot pretty girls because they have big earrings, fancy dresses and all the jewelry"


There's a difference between putting on lots of jewelry and being pretty.

Nooooooooooooooooot really. His wording is poor, but he's got the right idea actually: lots of jewlery? Lots of fancy shit? High maintenance.

If read objectively, the kid's actually got it right. More right than most of you, I'd say.

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It's nice to see that there are kids these days that aren't whacked in the head. I wouldn't be surprised if he got somewhere in society. There needs to be more people with his perspective on relationships these days. We could probably then kiss high divorce rates good bye! It might be interesting to see where his future will lead him. What I'm trying to say is, the stuff he's saying actually makes great sense to me.

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