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Favorite Character Designs

Fire Emblem Fan

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To go along with the "Least Favorite Character Designs" topic I made, what are your FAVORITE character designs in Fire Emblem? Like the other topic, I'm not talking about personalities or anything, I'm just talking about the physical designs.

One favorite for me is Lyn. She doesn't look particularly flashy and she honestly doesn't look like the traditional lords of the series, but her design really works. Another favorite is timeskip Dimitri, both Three Houses and Three Hopes, he just looks cool. To list one more, another favorite is, to the shock of no one, Brom. Brom is possibly the most average and plain-looking person in all the Tellius cast, and it's a big part of why I like him.

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anyone from Genealogy except substitute characters, anyone from Tellius except Fiona and Mia (not really a fan), anyone from Echoes, Guinevere, Eliwood, Hector, Roy... they're too many

as for Engage, probably the only character I REALLY like as of now is Chloé, as she looks like the most "classic FE character design" in the game; I might also add Diamant and Alfred too

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Top 3 per world 




























Blue Eyes White Dr- Nasir















Boar Dimitri

Three Hopes Ferdinand

Female Shez






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You can't get much cooler than the Black Knight. Another cool design is Arval's, I don't know why. it's just an appealing design to me. Runner up is Astram with that simple armor, I just like 'im.

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My favorite has to be Forrest because I love that pastel and those curls.

My second favorite has to be Ferdinand (Time Skip) because of the beautiful lion mane.

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Elincia is also a favorite for me. She looks so pretty and elegant. I especially like her look in Radiant Dawn, the outfit together with her green hair works incredibly well.

Come to think of it, I really like the designs for a lot of the flyer characters. Caeda, Minerva, Palla, Catria, Est, Clair, Heath, Fiora, Farina, Florina, Melady, Thea, Cormag, Jill. I really like their designs.

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I'm gonna say Micaiah. She gets three outfits in her base game alone, and they all have drip. I'm starting to think that the three-tier system was introduced because they had two "promoted" outfits, and neither one would budge to the other, so they threw in an extra tier to fit it all.

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For some reason the villains appear to me.


Lyon, and his father Vigarde, from FE8. Lyon pulls off the “quiet kid in the back of the class” look well. When he’s possessed he pulls that off well as well. But Vigarde man… the look of a noble and wise emperor- and that’s what he was- but then you realize that by the time you kill him its *only* the look. He never expressed emotion or anything else. Easily a fav.


Zephia and Marni from the new one. The former for the asymmetrical horns, the later because she just absolutely stomped me in a map and she kinda reminds me of CoCo with her stats flipped.


I only played FE7 once, far preferred FE8 in my youth, but I enjoyed the look of the homunculus women or whatever they were. They managed to convey, despite being a GBA cart, an almost other worldly beauty- one that shouldn’t be and was dangerous.


And now for something completely different, honorable mentions to Riev and Valter. Valter just has that maniac “look” to him despite the fact he was likely regular before taking the cursed weapon. He has the same haughty look of, say, Virion but with just a few pixels they conveyed a complete story of a deranged and dangerous man. Riev? He just looks like a cult leader. You know he’s bad news even if he was the nicest man in the neighborhood.

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Masked characters like Conrad and Sirius.  I think this is more of Gundam's Char Aznable influencing me more than Fire Emblem though.

I've weirdly always liked Legion's design in a way.  Though I feel like I still often forget about his existence. 

Edelgard because I like axes but am tired of shirtless dumb dude if they don't have a dragon or horse.

Anankoss' final design in rev was pretty baller.

Flame emperor cause I love those medieval helm faces.  I wish we saw more of em but with the more uncanny designs. 

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

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I don't know if it's my favorite favorite, but one that instantly comes to mind and haven't seen others mention is time-skip Constance. The blonde in front/blue in back hair thing going on (for lack of a better term...) is really cool, and the time-skip design highlights it even more.

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Marth: There’s an elegance to him I find extremely appealing. I like how the gold, brown and red accents break up the blue in his design.

Sheena: She gets my vote for best armor in the series, especially in Heroes. I also love her hair.

Leif: His off-white armor with gold accents is very elegant, and contrasts nicely with his brown hair.

Oliver: His design works perfectly with his overall character. He’s also a good example of a very bold and colorful character that isn’t garish.

Black Knight: His armor is right on the edge of being cool and fantastical without being over the top. He has probably the most iconic armor in the series.

Panne: She has a distinctly non-human look to her that makes her stand out among the beasts and dragons throughout the series. I’m impressed that the character designers were able to make her transformation look formidable and not cute (hard to do with rabbits, since they’re among the cutest creatures on Earth.) Her Heroes and Cipher art are much more flattering than her game art, IMO.

Camilla: See the Black Knight. Her armor and design push cool and sexy to the maximum without being over the top (for comparison, I think Aversa and Loki’s designs are a little over the top.) Also, her hair is among the most beautiful in the series.

Jakob: I like that he has a somewhat Baroque-inspired aesthetic, and Kozaki did wonderfully at making the butler aesthetic fit the Fire Emblem universe. Butlers have one of the best class outfits in the series. I wish he had a more appealing hair color (a shade of purple or even black would look nice) but otherwise I love his design and color scheme.

Keaton: He has a minimal color scheme, yet looks very cool and distinctly different from the wolf laguz even when not transformed.

Lilith: Another simple but very effective design. She has a unique dragon design and one of my favorite dragon designs ever, not just in Fire Emblem. Out of all the characters in the series, her human form and transformed forms fit each other best. Panne and Yarne are close seconds.

Shura: I love the Adventurer class outfit (though I wish Shura had the stylish hat) and he has the best color scheme for it. I also like the Robin Hood vibes I get from his design. Like Panne, his Cipher art (and hopefully future Heroes art) is much more flattering than his game art.

Hel: She has such a distinctive and intricate design. You could get lost in her Heroes artwork.

Laevatein: From a visual standpoint, she’s my favorite Heroes character. I love her hair, color scheme and outfit.

Faye: Her design is simple, but really works well for her character and gives her a wholesome and innocent look. Normally I somewhat dislike pale/pastel color schemes, but her color scheme helps make her adorable.

Céline: Overall I really like the Engage characters’ designs and aesthetics, and from who I’ve seen so far, she’s my favorite. I adore her hair, dress and fashion sense.

There’s a “worst design” topic, too? I’ll take a look at that. One character immediately came to mind.

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Here are a couple of other favorites:

Nyna, Cecilia, and Isadora. Like Elincia, I think all three of them look so elegant and pretty. Nyna looks like a queen, the most important person on the continent, the main ruler. Cecilia and Isadora look like awesome generals or knights. Something about their outfits with their color schemes with their hair, it just works for me.

Pent and Canas have great designs. Pent is potentially the coolest looking mage/sage in the series, maybe? In my opinion, anyway. And Canas has a great color scheme, and that monocle is neat.

And, finally, Caineghis. I mean, come on, he's literally a humanoid version of Mufasa if Mufasa didn't die, right? Caineghis looks freaking awesome.


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