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The Game is not out, but the ROM is


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I'm playing through the ROM right now, because due to financial issues this month, I won't be able to import the game on Friday (likely in a week or so).

I'm gasping at the names they translated to. Frey, I can understand. We know of Jagen (OK) and Caeda (What the FUCK). But Gordin? Was Gordon not good enough? They changed out Macedonia for reasons I can't fathom. These names are FUCKED.

The translation of the text itself - conversations, etc. - is well done, the characters get emotion across better than they did before. But the exoticness of the names leads me to the same conclusion I broached in my review: NOE/NOA intentionally fucked the names to get at the fanboys that have played the game. It's almost like they want to stamp "DEFINITIVE, FUCKER" on the game. It makes no sense.

EDIT: It looks like Sheeda was translated as Shiida. Still stupid, but hey.

EDIT2: Draug? DRAUG!?

EDIT3: Riff > Wrys. That's just silly.

EDIT4: Barts, Maji and Bashi = Barst, Card and Bard.

Edited by Superbus
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I'm playing through the ROM right now, because due to financial issues this month, I won't be able to import the game on Friday (likely in a week or so).

I'm gasping at the names they translated to. Frey, I can understand. We know of Jagen (OK) and Caeda (What the FUCK). But Gordin? Was Gordon not good enough? They changed out Macedonia for reasons I can't fathom. These names are FUCKED.

The translation of the text itself - conversations, etc. - is well done, the characters get emotion across better than they did before. But the exoticness of the names leads me to the same conclusion I broached in my review: NOE/NOA intentionally fucked the names to get at the fanboys that have played the game. It's almost like they want to stamp "DEFINITIVE, FUCKER" on the game. It makes no sense.

EDIT: It looks like Sheeda was translated as Shiida. Still stupid, but hey.

EDIT2: Draug? DRAUG!?

EDIT3: Riff > Wrys. That's just silly.

EDIT4: Barts, Maji and Bashi = Barst, Card and Bard.

Not to be rude but can you give descriptions of some of the dialogue events?

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EDIT: It looks like Sheeda was translated as Shiida. Still stupid, but hey.

EDIT2: Draug? DRAUG!?

EDIT3: Riff > Wrys. That's just silly.

EDIT4: Barts, Maji and Bashi = Barst, Card and Bard.

Shiida is still better than Caeda, as you no doubt know.


Wrys sounds funny to me.

Barst, they just swaped the T and S, wow.

Card? Bard? lol

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I'm wondering about the new dialogue events. Like what Marth says to Hardin in chapter 5.

There's a lot to the prologue. As for regular dialogue events, the only one I've really seen is just Castor (Kashim) talking to Marth, with him telling Marth that he's glad to have joined and how wonderful Sheeda is, where Marth tells him to honour him with his fighting. I've so far beaten the prologue and Chapter 2, but with Chrono Trigger in my review queue, I'm done with FE for the night.

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I'm kind of lazy to clean the script, but here's the Marth and Hardin convo.

|HARDIN|Lord Hardin,2 I am Marth of Altea.4
I've come to offer what help I can.And I very gratefully accept it.sStories of your exploits travel fast,2
young prince.4 I feel as though I've gained
a thousand allies in one.sI've heard a few stories about you as
well,1 Coyote.4 It will be an honor to fight
alongside such a courageous man.I've left Princess Nyna someplace safe
for now.We need to decide who will command here.4
I was hoping it would be you.Me?4 But,2 Sir Hardin,2 you are far more
qualified-Tsk,2 Princess Nyna would not be pleased
to hear us nitpicking over who will be
listed in the history books.Take command,2 so we can oust this
Medonian scum and be done with it.You are sure?Make no mistake,1 Lord Marth.4
I consider myself an exceptionally good
judge of character.If I thought you acted out of selfishness1
or ambition,2 I would not extend the offer
I have.4 You have my trust.Lord Hardin,2 thank you.4
That is an honor.If you don't mind me saying so...3
I feel as though I've made a good friend.4
We share the same ideals,2 I think.That we do.4
May our friendship be a long one.

I'm quite liking the dialogue translations myself as well. It's just the names they went with that irk me.

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The dialog seems overly "Bri'ish" to me, but that's likely me realizing the game came out there first, and I'm imposing accents and cultural language over the translation :E

I don't see, as I keep saying, why everyone continues to be astonished over these name changes. It's been happening continually since the series first began their localizations. Now, you have fanboys who feel any name that they continually have used beforehand should never be changed, and only because they change, do they not like it. Then you have the idiots who say any name that isn't from the Nintendo of their region is a "fanslation," completely ignoring the original name given to the characters, and justifying the new localized names as official and true--since, you know, a "fanslation" has nothing to do with translating the names, but rather, making names up to sound cool or fitting. And you have the ones who don't care, and the ones who care because those translating really don't care what they translate to, and take their liberties given with the right of a localization project--to make the game welcoming and understandable to a culture.

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I don't see, as I keep saying, why everyone continues to be astonished over these name changes.
It's like watching different episodes of Jerry Springer. You just never know what crazy shenanigans they'll come up with next, but you know they're coming.
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Did Marth call Hardin "Coyote"? I thought he was supposed to be a wolf. >_>

Nitpicks aside, the dialog looks pretty good. Name changes are annoying, but I'll live.

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The dialog seems overly "Bri'ish" to me, but that's likely me realizing the game came out there first, and I'm imposing accents and cultural language over the translation :E

I don't see, as I keep saying, why everyone continues to be astonished over these name changes. It's been happening continually since the series first began their localizations. Now, you have fanboys who feel any name that they continually have used beforehand should never be changed, and only because they change, do they not like it. Then you have the idiots who say any name that isn't from the Nintendo of their region is a "fanslation," completely ignoring the original name given to the characters, and justifying the new localized names as official and true--since, you know, a "fanslation" has nothing to do with translating the names, but rather, making names up to sound cool or fitting. And you have the ones who don't care, and the ones who care because those translating really don't care what they translate to, and take their liberties given with the right of a localization project--to make the game welcoming and understandable to a culture.

Some of the name changes make sense. Kashim was changed to Castor; that one makes sense. Doga was changed to Draug, which Thunk brought up as being historically notable. But some of the others just make no sense. Why change Sheeda to Shiida? That's minor - and infinitely better than Caeda - but still silly when NOA/NOE knows they're fighting eighteen years of established fan canon. It's like Nintendo is full of people in category 2 of what you brought up; "those silly fans think they run shit? Let's cockslap 'em a few times to remind them!" This could have been decided by IS, but I doubt it, considering Nintendo's the same company that decided to hold off on the release of three games on the Virtual Console (Samurai Showdown II, Mega Man II and Ys 1 + 2) SPECIFICALLY because they were announced prior to that Monday; Nintendo gave us the 8 bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog, and released a terse statement stating that only Nintendo is the "reliable" source for VC releases, and the message was clear: we run the show, and we'll trample anyone who doesn't toe the line, consequences be damned.

That's a strange connection at first glance, but I think it show's Nintendo's contempt for anything that doesn't go with their internal policy. And their internal policy has historically been extremely aggressive against anything fan made.

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Did Marth call Hardin "Coyote"? I thought he was supposed to be a wolf. >_>

Note that there's a character named "Wolf". Hardin's title was probably changed to remove the confusion.

Anyway, name changes stopped bothering me a good while ago. I was a bit annoyed at some of the FE9/10 name changes, but then I figured "wait, what's the point? A name's a name." I'm content just so long as I don't have to identify people as "person on a horse #1" or "guy with an oversized nose".

That being said, there's nothing like a good laugh at some of the name changes and the reactions that come from the fanboys

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Since noone else has mentioned it, Macedonia was 100% going to be changed for the EU release, because it is already a real place in Europe. IIRC, "Bern" was also changed in FE7 for the EU release (though dont quote me on that, memory's not perfect -_-;).

That said, it's entirely possible the US release will Have Macedonia instead of Medon (which sounds retarded)

And "Shiida" is actually the most correct romanization of シーダ, so it the very least, it's forgivable.

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Doga was changed to Draug, which Thunk brought up as being historically notable.

Actually, I'm not Thunk--I'm just his partner in Communist crime. Back on FESS I was General Veers.

Since noone else has mentioned it, Macedonia was 100% going to be changed for the EU release, because it is already a real place in Europe.

Using the names of republics from the former Yugoslavia usally isn't such a good idea. And then there's Alexander the Great, too.

Edited by Commissar Gaunt
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Actually, I'm not Thunk--I'm just his partner in Communist crime. Back on FESS I was General Veers.

Using the names of republics from the former Yugoslavia usally isn't such a good idea. And then there's Alexander the Great, too.

I'm not saying it would be changed for the better, just that it would be changed.

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I'm not saying it would be changed for the better, just that it would be changed.

I wasn't disagreeing with you or anything, actually. I was merely providing reasoning why the change might have occurred in the first place.

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I misinterpretted ^_^;, anyway, I didn't mean to seem like was attacking or anything . ^_^;;;

No, its fine. I've done the exact same thing before but actually attacked people. Now that one is embarrassing. No harm done, no harm done.

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And "Shiida" is actually the most correct romanization of シーダ, so it the very least, it's forgivable.

Not only that, but Shiida is used for the Brawl sticker. That doesn't mean that it had to be translated that way, but it's certainly a point in its favor.

I don't know why people are flipping out that NoE left a name completely untouched.

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