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He was a rare exception that we're not likely to encounter again ever.

John Chretien DID throttle a protester. :P And I bet he could beat ANY world leader in a fist fight, even after his stroke. :P

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I think the fact that very few Americans know shows how much America does a poor job at educating students about the government of Canada. Possibly even showing how the United States government feels about Canada in a sense.

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I think the fact that very few Americans know shows how much America does a poor job at educating students about the government of Canada. Possibly even showing how the United States government feels about Canada in a sense.
I think it's just a sign of how shitty American schools are, and how ignorant most Americans can be.
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I think the fact that very few Americans know shows how much America does a poor job at educating students about the government of Canada. Possibly even showing how the United States government feels about Canada in a sense.

Lol, I think its just that not too many of us give a crap who the leader of Canada is. I dont. Hell, I dont even know who the godamn major of our town is. ^^

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It'll be Obama in a bit more than a month.


What's really sad is that no one cares enough to just go and look it up.

What I do know, is that three of the canadian politicol parties are trying to remove the current Prime Minister from power. So it may be changing soon.

Edited by James
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the United States government feels about Canada

And this is where you Canadians have it backwards. We don't really care about Canada, we just want you to babysit Alaska until California drifts up there.

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