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The World's Requiem: Act 1 Truth in Lies


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"A war's end is only the beginning. Those who survived have to carry on the will of the fallen, and remember their sacrifice. Never forget who gave us our future..."

- Gaius Solfuse the Second, King of Lohengrin.

Arkus was a small continent with a lengthy yet bloody history, all thanks to a rampaging behemoth called Requiem. It was born of out of an intense desire to master certain magic, and grew out of the control of the creators. The destruction is caused was enough to completely sink a certain kingdom, and that forced the other nations to rise up and finally face the beast. They were lead by the king of Lohengrin, Gaius the first, and the church had granted them weaponry known as Heroic Regalia to face Requiem. However, before the heroic king could defeat the behemoth, he was struck down by his own allies at the final moment. This gave Requiem more of an opportunity to continue it's chaos until the rest of the allied nations eventually brought it down, though the cost to do so was too great. Almost a millennium later, the continent is still feeling the aftereffects of the beast's influence.

But it's not all doom and gloom, some people see the Requiem War as a victory despite the immense losses. Isolde in particular holds a special festival once a year known as the Festival of Liberation, on the day of the end of the war. The kingdom of flowers had decorated the castle town in flora, and there were various stands about. Food, games, and even small performances here and there. It was a day of happiness, for most anyway. For a certain red haired woman in white, it was a stressful day. A young woman named Eve stood at the entrance to the castle town, she looked over a small device in her hand with a sigh. "...Luce should be here by now, I hope they didn't get attacked or anything." The merc lifted her head to the road before her, there were a few hills but she mostly had a clear view of the path before her. I just hope the escort won't be too hard to convince...gotta start thinking of a proper approach.


Speaking of the road in view, a carriage was a few miles out on the road. It had a coachman in front of it in a green hat and matching suit, and the passengers were two women. A certain princess of the nation of Phantasma in fact, Lorelei Prisma. "...well, we're close to our destination, Alouette." The princess turned her contrasting eyes toward her friend. "Tell me, you were originally from Isolde. Is there anything you can tell me about the nation? I rarely visit, and even when I do it's quite brief. So I'd love to take advantage of the festival while I'm away from my uncle's prying eyes."

The carriage continued on as she struck up a conversation, unaware of a travelling duo on the road ahead of them... 

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Luce wasn't as happy as they could be. They had been on the road for too long, so far as they were concerned. Really, their benefactor should have paid for a carriage, since they'd been willing to pay for an escort. I'm going to have calluses on my calluses at this point, really not good for a dancer. They let out a self pitying sigh, before glancing over at their escort. The twin blades at her side were still intriguing, but thankfully they hadn't needed to see the blades in use yet. As they opened their mouth, their ears suddenly perked up. "Ah, Ichika, I think we might need to keep an eye out. There's a carriage coming our way. Perhaps we should move to the side of the road?"

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"H-huh?" The red haired woman blinked as if she's woken from a daydream, and turned her bright blue eyes to her companion. "Aha... sorry, I was just thinking, as per usual... maybe panicking a little." Eight long years had separated her from these roads that they now rode on, eight years from this festival that had always been a part of her life, and eight years from both country, and city that had made her into the person she was today. Both wonderful, and painful memories were swirling about in Alouette's head, but, she couldn't let Lorelei be alone as she headed to the Festival, most to take part in the talks between nations about what the future was to hold. I wonder if Lyria, or Italo would be involved in some manner... 

Alli cleared her throat, "Well, as I'm sure you know, Isolde's the country of flowers. It's warm, and the grounds suitable for these large, and flowing fields of flowers... It's a big part of Isolde's identity, to the point that some of the other countries use it derisively because we're not as militarily capable. We've made it work of course; I don't know how things have changed in eight years, but between our noble houses, the knights, and mercenaries, they've always been able to hold the peace well enough. Otherwise... Isolde is quite open; people are rather friendly, and festivals like this one are fairly common in Isolde--just not as big as this one. Most of them involve Orchids in someway..." Alouette touched the orchid that she had tucked into her hair, before fixing her hairband. "In any case, there's plenty to find, and do during the festival, so if you have questions, or want to find something... I probably know how to find it, or who would know." Alouette's nerves were evident, but they couldn't hold the small smile on her face back. Even if the chance of being recognized, or seeing Bars were fairly high and concerning, the Festival of Liberation had always found someway to cheer her up. Memories with Kat, Lyria and others as well as the incredible flower decorations were always ones that she thought of when things were tough. 

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Ichika had become rather tired of her charge's sighing, about to speak up about it when Luce mentioned a carriage. "Hm?" She turned to see the approaching transport, taking steps out of the way on the road to not cause issue. "Thank you for alerting me... Luce, if you are in pain from all the walking, shall we break for a rest? I do not know why the man who hired me did not think to provide transport, but you seem... Less used to this sort of travel, compared to myself. That is not to brag, but I am beginning to worry from all of your sighing. If you wish to rest for twenty minutes, thirty, perhaps an hour, I can entertain myself or meditate while you find your feet again. Please do not worry about me." The sandals Ichika wore around her feet were incredibly sturdy, but definitely worn, having seen many weeks worth of walking.

"Would that this carriage would stop and collect us, hmhm." For the first time since they'd met, Ichika let out something of a laugh and a smile, though it faded quickly. "Once the carriage passes, please give me your answer." She idly placed her hand on the hilt of one of her blades, not planning anything, of course, but on the off chance this carriage was full of marauders or bandits...

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Lorelei couldn't help but have her eyes drawn to the alluring pink flower tucked in the red hair of her companion, she gave her a small smile as she recounted Isolde's attributes. "...I can tell you've looked forward to this festival for some time, I count my blessings that you found yourself in my company." The princess turned her eyes to the window of the carriage as they continued down the road. "It's such a stark contrast to Phantasma, like a shining sun to our waning moon..." Her eyes glazed over as she recalled bitter memories of her life at home, her hand clenched itself into her dress. Before Alouette had the chance to ask however, the carriage turned slightly as they passed by a peculiar looking duo on the side of the road. Lorelei eyed the two as they passed. "Ah, a pair of travelers." The princess had a short moment to ponder to herself. "...Alouette, would you mind extra company?"

Meanwhile, the coachman continued to guide his horses down the road. He briefly tipped his hat to the dancer and wanderer before he continued onward at a slow pace.

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Alouette sheepishly smiled, "Well... Yes, it's been a long while since I've been able to partake in the festival. It's... nice to take my mind off things, sometimes..." Then Lorelei's disposition changed somewhat, likening the Isolde and Phantasma to a vibrant sun and a fading moon. Alouette frowned, but she understood the comparison. Phantasma was a beautiful place, but it was cold, and often quite dark. There was a specter that hung over the country; the ghost of Requiem that they couldn't quite escape from. As a result the country was further isolated in their cold and darkness; visitors from other countries were rare, and those who decided to stick around were almost unheard of. It was a huge adjustment on her end, so imagining what the princess had gone through wasn't too much of a leap, if still difficult. 

"Huh? Travelers?" Alouette tensed up immediately, and then more so as Lorelei seemed to imply that she was going to let them aboard. A small pout came across her face before she sighed, and brought her face back to neutral. "...I suppose it will be fine." Her voice had little of the vibrance from earlier. "If you're sure, Lorelei, then I won't really mind. Can't imagine that someone would be brazen enough to try anything on a main road..."

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Luce had been considering their answer to Ichika's question when suddenly she presented an even better solution to their problem. The dancer visibly brightened and nodded. "Oh of course! We should just get a ride with them!" Without waiting for an answer, they dashed off, putting doubt on their earlier sighing about their feet, tail swishing happily behind them as they waved towards the carriage. "Hello! Yes, you all, in there. I don't suppose you could take along two weary travelers with you, no?~ It's been quite a long walk, and we're only going as far as the capital, so really we're almost there." They smiled up at the carriage, hopeful that it would slow and give a positive response to their plea.

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"Luce!" Ichika cursed under her breath and dashed off after their charge, putting herself in front of the dancer as they approached the carriage. "What are you doing? We do not know these people. Be more careful!" Ichika kept a tight hand on her sword, unhappy about the sudden circumstances, but unable to do anything to change them now. "Ugh... Yes, a routine escort mission, without issues..." She grumbled under her breath and kept eyes focused on the carriage, walking along with Luce to keep up with it. It hadn't stopped yet, but given the call out, the chance existed, and she couldn't put down her guard.

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"Truth be told if they were muggers I'd feel quite sorry for them." She replied with quite a sinister glint across her green eye. "Aha, but no. I'll make it up to you during the festival, I promise." Lorelei shifted to an apologetic look, but before she called for the coachman to stop the traveler outside had taken the initiative. "Ah, it seems like we're all on the same page." The carriage slowed to a halt, and the cabin door opened to show two lovely ladies onboard. "Well, a good day to you too good...performer." Lorelei failed to place Luce's gender, though it seemed their companion was easier to identify at least. "It would appear good fortune has graced you both, I had planned to offer a ride to the capital." The princess smiled as warmly as she could. "You may call me Lorelei, and as long as you mean my friend and I no harm you may join us." The coachman gave Lorelei a concerned look, but he relaxed as soon as she returned the gaze with her own.

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Ichika sighed, openly. "My apologies for our outburst. My charge has grown weary of walking and could not help themselves, it seems... Before we embark upon your carriage, I would ask for your names and affiliations-- but I am not so base as to ask without offering. I am Yamada Ichika from the land of Akatsuki. I have been charged with escorting this dancer to the festival in Isolde..." The wagon's occupants didn't seem to be bandits, but Ichika kept her hand on her sword's hilt, still on guard. Hopefully the woman would identify herself.


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Lorelei had carefully observed Ichika's movement and behavior, and she understood why she kept a guarded stance before her. "Yamada Ichika from Akatsuki...the name doesn't ring any bells, but I do know of Akatsuki at least." A foreign traveler was the conclusion Lorelei had drawn. "Well, I'm not certain you will believe me, but..." The woman raised her hand above her chest. "I am the crown princess of Phantasma, Lorelei Prisma. My companion and I are on our way to Crecia for the festival." After a brief moment she lowered her hand and took a small huff, she had hoped her voice and appearance backed up her claim. "Alright then, your turn." She turned to Alouette.

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Alouette went to speak up, but Lorelei--her own charge--beat her to the punch. I'm supposed to be the one guarding you, Lorelei... Ugh... Well, stop being idle, Alouette. Alouette stood up, brushing her red hair behind her, "It's... nice to meet you, Yamada Ichika." She waved at them both before doing the same greeting as Lorelei had, though, she avoided placing her hand above her chest. She needed no help drawing attention there. "As my charge said, we're both on our way to Crecia for the festival. My name is Alouette..." Alouette paused a moment wondering if it was a good idea for her to use her full name. The Celti family wasn't exactly unknown, and she had little idea of what Ichika, or the vibrant performer next to her knew of Isolde and their noble families. After a moment she sighed, "Alouette Celti, I'm a magical researcher in employ of the crown of Phantasma. Hope that will do." Just relax a little... Neither of them seem interested in causing a problem, and they don't seem like the type to... Mmm... 

Alouette sat back down in the corner of the wagon, arms crossed in front of her, "If the Princess seems to believe it's okay, then I don't have much else to say." A quiet huff as she fixed the flower in her hair before pulling out a book. 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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"And I! Am Lucero Raisa!" The cat struck a pose with a flourish, clearly something that they would use at the end of a performance, holding it for a moment, before bowing with a grin. "It is a pleasure to meet you, your majesty. I am a traveling performer of some small renown, and I have been requested to perform in the upcoming festival, thus why we are on this road." They bounded up into the carriage, sliding into place next to Princess Lorelei in a flash, ears wiggling contentedly for a moment. "Ahhh, this is better. Thank you for your kindness, it is appreciated. Come on Ichika, it seems perfectly safe." Honestly, the fact that a princess was willing to let two strangers into the carriage with her was surprising, but Luce wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially not when the gift horse was going to take them to where they wanted to go without their needing to walk any further. "If you are going to have time, you should come see my performance during the festival. I'm sure I'll be able to give you something to enjoy~"

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"The crown princess, is it..." Ichika began to deliberate, but Luce decided for them, jumping into the ride right next the woman claiming to be a princess. "Hahhhhh..." Ichika felt her patience slipping, eyeing both of the women with daggers for a moment before slowly climbing along into the transportation, sitting herself neatly next to this Alouette. "If you will excuse us, then..." She folded her arms and closed her eyes, trying to focus on staying calm. I cannot believe this dancer... If you are asked to be guarded, surely it is not just because the journey is lengthy, it is because you are someone worth protecting, yes? Someone famous or needing or protection from targets? And yet you are this defenseless and eager to ride in a tight carriage with strangers... If you get us into trouble, I will do my duty, but please do not get us into trouble so easily!

Ichika vented her frustrations mentally and then sighed, finally opening her eyes and glancing between these women. "What are the crown princess and a magical researcher doing on their way to Crecia? Simply for the festival? This festival must be a large event..."

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Alouette's eyes ever so slightly narrowed as Lucero found themselves right next to Lorelei. She shook her head and returned to the book that she was half reading, half using as an excuse to not have to converse openly. She was not fond of the situation they found themselves in, and clearly neither was Ichika. But Lorelei, and Lucero had both already made the decision so nothing to so but follow along. If anything did occur, Lorelei could definitely handle herself.

"In part because of the festival, yes." Alouette replied to Ichika's question, not looking up from her book. "Whether the princess sees fit to tell you of our reason for being here will fall to her. I'm just here as her companion since I am..." Another pause. "Well informed of Crecia, and Isolde as a whole. So I was selected to serve as her guard. The Festival brings people from all over, so being prepared is preferable." Anything more would fall to whatever the princess saw was reasonable enough to give away. 

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"Oh my, you are certainly an open cat. If time allows, I would certainly be pleased to watch your performance." She princess gave a small giggle at the cat's wiggling ears. "Lucero, hm? Very nice to meet you, and you as well miss Ichika." Once the samurai had stepped onboard she closed the door and the carriage continued on it's path. The coachman remained silent during the journey and focused on the road instead. Lorelei was about to take a moment to relax, until Ichika addressed her and Alli about their business. She left it up to Alouette to explain, but then she realized it may have been a mistake from the tone of the red head. "Alouette..." She gave her a small look that screamed please play nice, before she turned to Ichika with a softer look. "This isn't classified, I see no harm in telling you. It is an important festival, that much is true. It's also where I, and many other important diplomats, will hold a meeting." She leaned back a little and gave off a small sigh. "A meeting to discuss recent events across Arkus, to decide on a better course for our future, and...mm." She lifted her hand to her cheek. "Honestly I haven't been looking forward to it, this has been a very stressful few weeks for me. Most of the attendees are members of the Alliance."

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Ichika gave the woman next to her an odd glance, raising an eyebrow, before turning her look away and focusing her gaze back on the floor. Charming. "It sounds like it will be a gathering of very influential and important people. I only hope there is enough security... But I am a worrier by nature, so pay my words no mind. I do not know exactly which performance my charge will be putting on at the festival, but I suppose, having come all this way, I can give it my attention before I return to my travels. I still have so much more of the world to see, after all..." She smiled slightly, realizing that may have been a bit vague... but, left it anyway, fine with the vagueness of her statement. Perhaps it is petty of me, but if this Alouette does not wish to play nice, and I am to be harried by my own charge's decisions, why should I not also play along with their selfishness~? A little cliffhanging of intent is fine, yes.

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Alouette opened her mouth to continue, but the look from Lorelei informed her that she was being too obtuse. Alouette fiddled with her flower, and headband before releasing a light breath, "...Yes, the main reason that we're here is because of this meeting. I'm personally not privy to all that will be spoken about, but... Given our country's history, I can only imagine that things won't be--and haven't been--pleasant." Some of the steel in Alouette's voice seemed to disappear in that moment. Given all that happened with Requiem, and the isolation that stemmed from that; Alouette couldn't imagine that Lorelei's standing with the other members of the alliance was much better. "That, I suppose, is also why I was selected to accompany Lore--the princess," Alouette found herself stumbling between her professional, and real self, "She wanted to experience the Festival as the Festival, and not just as this meeting." Alouette turned away, masking the small blush she felt forming on her cheeks.

She cleared her throat, and refocused herself, "A-anyway. You're a traveling bodyguard, then?" Ichika's vagueness of her objective was mildly concerning, but Alouette imagined that was her fault in some manner. Still, she couldn't help a touch of the protective steel returning, "Come to think of it... it sounded like this would be your first time experiencing the Festival, in Isolde, at least. Or are you just ferrying your charge along and moving on?"

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"Oh, you can just call me Luce, if you prefer~ Lucero's so much more formal, Luce fits me better." The cat grinned, settling comfortably into the seat as the others talked. This was the life. They were going to have to grumble at their benefactor after all of this. Couldn't even get me a horse. Hmmph. The princess and her companion explained their reasons for coming to the festival, with Ichika asking more questions, their bodyguard seemingly somewhat bothered by Alouette's attitude judging from her glance, but she kept it private if she was. Luce leaned forward, chiming in anyways, hoping to keep things light. "Ah, I didn't think about that! Ichika, you'll love the festival! There's so much to see. Lots of flowers too, if that's your thing. Though, I suppose that makes sense, given the name... Still! Plenty of fun to be had. Games, performances, food... Oh the food~ Honestly, I agreed to perform here just for the food much less the prestige it could bring me." They glanced over at the princess and smiled. "I would be honored, really, if you showed up. I have nothing to hide, a simple performer~ So why would I not be open? And if I could say that the Princess of Phantasma, the crown princess even, came to watch me perform, why, I can't even begin to imagine. Truly, more than I deserve~"

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"The Alliance is well aware of the potential risks that comes with gathering several figureheads from across Arkus, and from what I understand security is quite strong." Still, even the most fortified fortress had it's weak points, and Lorelei knew it. She couldn't help her own anxiety, though it was from being an outside more or less. "So much of the world to see you say..." Her eyes had grown dim once more. "Mm, I certainly hope you treasure that freedom, miss Ichika. That being said, Arkus can be cruel. If I could offer some advice, try to make connections where you can. It's better to have more friends than enemies right?" She turned her gaze to Luce, she was impressed by their charm. "Aha, I'll do my best to make time for you then, Luce. Thank you."

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"Yes, this will be my first time visiting the festival. As I am from Akatsuki, I have not been on the mainland for very long. My clan sends their priestesses on pilgrimages of sorts so that we may train our bodies and enrich our minds. The Yamada clan has an ancient duty to attend to... One that I am currently in training to then take over. My mother is the matriarch of the clan and once I have returned home, I shall take my seat as the head, produce an heir, and the cycle will continue." She nodded with a small smile on her face, rather pleased with her family's duty. "From the sounds of things, this festival might be a good step on my journey of enrichment, so I shall partake of it as best as I can, and my employer's pay should suffice for taking care of costs while I am visiting. I hope that is a sufficient answer, Princess, Lady Celti."

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Alouette flinched as Ichika explained her duties, and what she could expect in her future. A pilgrimage that all in her family undertook, before they ascended to head the family and proceeded to sire an heir so that the cycle could continue. Though, ignore her own past, more intriguing was the ancient duty of theirs, enough that Alouette perked up ever so slightly from her disdain of her own situation. "An ancient duty? If it's not... too personal, might I... inquire as to what it is?" Alouette caught herself starting to warm to the whole situation, and quickly veered off course, "In any case, even if you cannot, it's as the princess says, Arkus can be rather cruel. I would suggest taking in as much of the festival as you can; it's a fairly magical experience... not that I've partaken, many times myself." 

Luce seemed to have a decent idea of what went on during the festival, which meant that she could keep more distance. "It sounds like you've performed at one of the festivals yourself, Lucero. It's quite a feat to be allowed to do so, so you must be quite experienced." Alouette touched her flower again, this wasn't as terrible as she was expecting, though still not ideal as far as she was concerned. "I'll be sure to see if I can locate you after the princess has dealt with her pressing matters with the council." 

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I am afraid, Lady Celti," Ichika began, closing her eyes, "that unless you were making plans to become a member of the Yamada clan, this duty of mine must remain secret. I am sure you may find it weird that I am even offering that I have such a duty, but, it is something so very unknown that even were you to look into it on your own, the chances of you finding any information would be slim to none. So, the secret will have to dance in front of you for a moment before being snatched away. My apologies." She cracked an eye open in Alouette's direction and let out something of a chuckle, rather amused with herself. "I will do as you've both suggested and see the festival, though I would not worry about Arkus being cruel. I am well trained in the art of the blade. I do not carry these swords for show."

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"I... had no plans on such, no..." Alouette pouted a little as Ichika seemed to throw her standoffish posture back in her face. The claim was a little difficult to believe; it was relatively rare for something to have such little information that making a concentrated effort on searching would yield little. Perhaps that was her time in Phantasma speaking, what with all of their libraries, and information that she still hadn't found the time to comb through even a fraction of it all. Alouette huffed, crossing her arms once again, "Well, that's good at least. The Festival is something that all should be able to experience at least once. Isolde strives to make it an event to remember."

The mention of the swords brought Alouette's mind back to them--she'd put them out of her thoughts, surely the swordswoman would have no reason to use them here. She looked over them both, and surely, they were just common swords; the sheathes simple, and not unlike any that she'd seen before. They reminded her of those that Lyria practiced with often. Then, Alouette jumped a little as she absentmindedly focused in on one of the blades. For a moment, she felt... something. She didn't quite know how to explain it other than how fleeting it had been, but there was a touch of hostility behind it. The only thing she'd been certain of was that she felt it when she had been gazing at one of Ichika's swords, and that, it might have been magical in origin.

"...Strange. Ichika, is... Akatsuki known for their magical blades? I... I don't know if it might have been just my magic acting up, but I could have sworn that... I felt... something, from one of your swords. I'm not... quite sure how to explain it. ...Oh." Alouette realized that she'd vocalized what she had been thinking out loud. "...Ahaha..."

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The princess couldn't help but smile at the back and forth Alouette and Ichika had, though she preferred to keep her gaze on the window to potentially interrupting the fun. Alouette was known for being a little prickly back at Phantasma, Lorelei was convinced that if she didn't hold the high standing she did now she may have had a lot more trouble with bonding. She found it refreshing to see her talk casually to someone she just met. On the other hand however, Ichika was a little withdrawn, rightfully so given her own position. Even so, Lorelei could tell she meant well. When her red headed companion brought up the foreigner's blades, Lorelei couldn't help but turn her head toward the two. Her eyes turned to the blades at the girl's side, she couldn't help but study them. "Mm, I haven't been to Akatsuki, but my bodyguard has a few foreign katanas in his collection." She narrowed her eyes a little as she tried to sense out the magical blades in question, her jade colored eye gave a brief flash, and Alli would have sensed another magical spike. "Ah..." The princess turned to the side and rubbed her eye gently with her hand. "...pardon me, something got in my eye." It was...almost like looking into the sun. I should be careful around this one.

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