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FFtF is dead


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I guess it is the same thing as what happened when I spoke out against script-fics, so obviously I more sympathetic towards the critics. Such a shame really since Art_Dragon clearly knew what he was talking about.

Personally from my own experiences, I find your reactions to criticism to be disgusting. It is not like the comments you people ever make are of any value; so you have to right to condemn people for putting a little bit of honest facts in their posts.

Edited by Shuuda
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I guess it is the same thing as what happened when I spoke out against script-fics, so obviously I more sympathetic towards the critics. Such a shame really since Art_Dragon clearly knew what he was talking about.

Personally from my own experiences, I find your reactions to criticism to be disgusting.

It's not about the criticism itself that got everyone pissed, it's the way it was executed. Language and abuse of that extent towards other members just doesn't cut it. It should be ban-worthy, to be honest.

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I'm a firm believer in the need for thick skin on the internet. Sometimes, a few insults are needed to grab attention and get a point across. Besides, people could have just reported it and ignored it.

Secondly, I do not blame them people for being a bit rude over it. I get rather angry when I look at the written section, the urge to give you an unfiltered opinion is very strong when I read the writing of certain people.

Edited by Shuuda
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I'm a firm believer in the need for thick skin on the internet. Sometimes, a few insults are needed to grab attention and get a point across. Besides, people could have just reported it and ignored it.

It certainly grabbed attention, not so sure about getting the point across, but whatever. It's Serenes Forest, there's always someone who will react to this stuff. Things like that would probably have been reacted to on almost every other forum as well, unless the thread was locked before anyone had a chance to react.

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Well, here's my two cents on the matter:

1. It's not surprising that Princess Kilvas didn't even defend her own art, although a little disappointing. She'd have gotten more credit for me if she actually stuck up for herself, but whatever, it's not my business.

2. I personally don't think it's right to sell her works either. Not because they aren't good, but because they aren't good enough to be money worthy. This site isn't a business, so it's a little strange that someone is selling things here and using the site for shameless advertising. Not to mention there are probably WAY better artists here. Hell my Onee-sama is simply amazing, and she doesn't charge anything for requests. I personally don't think we should allow the, "selling," of art, because it's basically taking advantage of the site to advertise. Not saying her work isn't good, I'm saying I have seen a lot better, and they don't even charge money, but that's in my honest opinion really.

3. Personally, I don't consider her work, "art," I don't even consider my own, "art," simply because people have the misconception that everything is art now, when it's not. If it was people would pass wind and call it art. My art teacher has never given a 100% on any project in his entire career, he's gotten up to a 99% on some people, but never 100%. I ask him his reason for this, and he states, "because not everything is art, and it takes a long stride for something to become art. You haven't truly painted something until you've painted it one hundred times." Which makes perfect sense, because some of the greatest artists in the world spent months on just one painting. I would consider anything else, "works," or "drawings," not art. I wouldn't pay for, "drawings," or "works," I'd pay for art.

Not to be as critical as the person who posted there though, as I believe Princess Kilvas does have talent, but I don't believe she's anywhere NEAR the level of being able to call her works art, and to actually sell them. If people want to buy them that's fine, but really, is it worth buying something that you're just going to display on a forum? If I paid money for something, I want it to be something that is going to be framed, and can be hung on my wall.

Seriously, why not just search Deviantart, or other art sites, or ask other people on THIS site if they are interested in doing something for you. Who knows you may find someone with an undiscovered talent, and even if they aren't to the same liking, you're giving business and practice to someone else, and I'm sure it'll make them feel good that you considered them, instead of always going to the same person.

Once again I just like to say that this site is NOT an advertising center, they have Deviantart for that, so I think we should have SOME kind of rule for using it as such. Really advertising on a forum like this is a little annoying. I know people are going to say, "Just don't read that topic then!" Well I understand that much, but when people around the site in other places are saying, "Hey, check out *insert person's name here*'s artwork! *Insert link here.*" All over and, "Hey if you like this, you should check out, *insert person's name here*'s stuff! You'll love it!" And of course, "*Insert person's name here*'s art owns!" It's a little difficult to ignore the advertising, because it spreads via word of mouth. I wouldn't have a problem if it wasn't for profit really, as that's how undiscovered talent gets discovered, but someone is making a profit, this site wasn't meant for someone to make a profit. That's my only really concern about it.

I honestly don't think that the two members who attacked the works needed to do so however, as they were simply being critical to a level that is considered rude and uncalled for. I only believe that the works shouldn't be being sold for money. There is such thing as constructive criticism.

(I bolded that part because I know people won't read the entire post. So that they'll at least see that before they go after me on something that they misinterpreted due to their own laziness.)

Just my two cents on the subject, doesn't mean you have to agree with it.

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If it were me on my own forum, I wouldn't have let the topic degenerate like this, to the point that it's not the moderator team, but the topic owner who lock the topic in order to cut short the shit. I would have locked the topic quickly, and give at least a warn on both MF and AD, since the policy at Serenes is clear : no insults. The mods were too soft on this one.

Personnally, I am a firm believer of constructive criticism without insults. To be blunt is okay, for example I did it myself recently on PM with a member here when he show me his Poké breed IVs (to cite myself : "Don't want to offend you, but your Pokémon's IVs are average at best."). But I didn't insulted him.

Mad Frelin and Art_Dragon had some good points (and clearly showed they're knowledgeable about the subject), but like Raven said, the execution was simply terrible. No wonder everyone jumped on them. We're not in FESS or the Ashtray here, they should have known better.

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If it were me on my own forum, I wouldn't have let the topic degenerate like this, to the point that it's not the moderator team, but the topic owner who lock the topic in order to cut short the shit. I would have locked the topic quickly, and give at least a warn on both MF and AD, since the policy at Serenes is clear : no insults. The mods were too soft on this one.

Personnally, I am a firm believer of constructive criticism without insults. To be blunt is okay, for example I did it myself recently on PM with a member here when he show me his Poké breed IVs (to cite myself : "Don't want to offend you, but your Pokémon's IVs are average at best."). But I didn't insulted him.

Mad Frelin and Art_Dragon had some good points (and clearly showed they're knowledgeable about the subject), but like Raven said, the execution was simply terrible. No wonder everyone jumped on them. We're not in FESS or the Ashtray here, they should have known better.

I agree with the bolded text.

Valid points that should be taken into consideration, however what did you mean by, "we're not in FESS, or the Ashtray here, they should have known better."? Does that mean this kind of thing happened all the time there?

Edited by Cynthia
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