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Feh Channel - August, 2023

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they had to put Mercedes on a banner before CYL, they just had to.  I have every Blue Lions student and I'm not going to stop now since I am not too interested in CYL since no one I really like is on it I may not spark it since I will just free pick the strongest and be happy that.  The forma soul and the special heroes tickets are the best freebies to me, here's hoping I can finally get spring and summer xanders for my collection.  I hope L!seliph will get a good refine now that he is remixed I hope he ends up usable now since he was always kind of meh mine just sits in my barracks gathering dust.

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4 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

So what were the sales data for the pirates and thieves banner? IS retiring both of them rather quickly carries some implication about that. 

The dancer and pirate themes are actually the only August-September Special Heroes themes that have been run more than once at all:

  • August 2017: None
  • September 2017: Dancer
  • August 2018: Bon Festival (this one has a different internal identifier from the other dancer banners: "BON" instead of "DANCE")
  • September 2018: None
  • August 2019: None
  • September 2019: Dancer
  • August 2020: Pirate
  • September 2020: Dancer
  • August 2021: Pirate
  • September 2021: Fluffy Hat
  • August 2022: Phantom Thief
  • September 2022: Flame Festival
  • August 2023: Tea Party
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8 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I get why Sigurd is there but thematically the male Jugdral slot should probably have gone to someone more attached to the girls. Either Azelle/Lex because of Tailtiu, or baby/daddy Shanan because of Ayra. 

So what were the sales data for the pirates and thieves banner? IS retiring both of them rather quickly carries some implication about that. 

This is the best we have:


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To say some more things since all I did was make the topic, mention Ayra, and move along (I was tired)...

I'm fine with the tea theme. It isn't one I'm jumping for joy about, but I don't really mind it too much. It's just as fine as the picnic theme, or the thief theme, or the prolonged summer themes. It's fine. It's whatever. I'm honestly just really happy to see bth Tailtiu and Ayra getting a seasonal, and Tailtiu is free! I kinda wish Sigurd's place had been taken by Azelle, but Sigurd is pretty awesome so I don't mind too much.

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17 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

From my understanding, the Pirate banners actually did pretty good. It was the Thief banner that apparently did pretty poorly for a Special Heroes banner.

And I mean, I could easily believe that. That Thief banner last year probably had the worst character lineup ever in terms of star power. Lysithea, by herself, is probably more popular than all of those characters featured last year combined.

That’s my suspicion. The problem with the phantom thief banner wasn’t the theme (although it is a theme/archetype/trope that is far more popular in Japan than in the West,) but the characters chosen. Heroes prefers to have female-dominated banners, but the most popular thieves—Gaius, Niles, and Yuri—are men. Even some others like Shura, Rennac and Matthew aren’t all that unpopular. The only characters on that banner who were relatively popular were Sothe (the demote) and Kagero (the backpack of the Duo Hero.)

It’s a major disappointment they will probably not use the phantom thief theme again, because I’m a big kaitou/phantom thief fan and it is my favorite seasonal theme. At least Rickard was the Tempest Trials character, and he’s incredibly fun to use.

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Nina and Kagero being the duo unit and headliner for that banner was just a complete WTF move. They should've just made the duo Matthew and Leila (the latter of whom was even on the banner), a duo that makes more sense and whom I think people actually wanted as a pair.

That said, I'm personally not particularly upset about the Thief banner not returning. It didn't really do much for me and refused to give me Sothe. Although I think it still might be better than maids and butlers ... Not sure how I feel about Jugdral getting saddled with this theme.

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15 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Nina and Kagero being the duo unit and headliner for that banner was just a complete WTF move. They should've just made the duo Matthew and Leila (the latter of whom was even on the banner), a duo that makes more sense and whom I think people actually wanted as a pair.

Honestly, the bigger WTF move was (I know this going to be really weird coming from me) the lack of Fodlan characters. Petra (who is still inexplicably alt-less to this day) and Ashe were right there to use, but for some reason IS decided to not invoke Fodlan spam for that banner when that lineup could've actually really needed it.

Now, I'm not under the delusion that Petra and Ashe would've turned that banner into a roaring success. But at the very least, their presence would've prevented the banner from being a total flop.

15 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Not sure how I feel about Jugdral getting saddled with this theme.

Personally, I'm just going to be grateful that Jugdral is getting new seasonals at all. Them and Valentia have had it really bad when it comes to Special Heroes representation.

Like, how in the world do Celica and Seliph both not have a single, standalone seasonal alt?

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7 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Honestly, the bigger WTF move was (I know this going to be really weird coming from me) the lack of Fodlan characters. Petra (who is still inexplicably alt-less to this day) and Ashe were right there to use, but for some reason IS decided to not invoke Fodlan spam for that banner when that lineup could've actually really needed it.

Now, I'm not under the delusion that Petra and Ashe would've turned that banner into a roaring success. But at the very least, their presence would've prevented the banner from being a total flop.

The thief banner probably would've been better than spring for Ashe. And Petra could definitely use an alt as well. Her base version isn't bad, but she is a little underpowered.

7 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Personally, I'm just going to be grateful that Jugdral is getting new seasonals at all. Them and Valentia have had it really bad when it comes to Special Heroes representation.

Like, how in the world do Celica and Seliph both not have a single, standalone seasonal alt?

Can't argue with that at least, yeah. Seliph and Celica both should get a seasonal alt at this point. Also, it's kinda funny how Sigurd with two alts is the Genealogy character with the most seasonal alts.

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I like this banner. Maids and Butlers are awesome. Its strange that there aren't any Fates characters since that was the one game with Maids / Butlers. We did get alts of several popular Fates characters earlier this year & last year though, so there likely wasn't room for them on this banner.

Glad Tailtiu is free. I've had a soft spot for her since year one since she was a great demote unit back then. Don't plan to summon for anyone else  though, despite the amazing art of all the Heroes.

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On 8/2/2023 at 4:23 AM, Tybrosion said:

Well, can't say I'm surprised that the Thief theme wasn't given a second chance. Also, I have my next Grail project. Tailtiu getting an alt actually has me hyped.

Ferdinand's new English VA is the guy who voiced Pandreo in Engage. I'd say that's a good recast, but it's incredibly unfortunate that Ferdinand had to be recast in the first place. Billy Kametz was taken from this world far too soon.

I kinda am, I didn't that that banner didn't get that much money, people seemed to like it so much (both the concept of the banner and the units). Also didn't know that Ferdinand's VA had died, that's too bad he was still a young guy, I think that the recast was good too though.


On 8/2/2023 at 6:43 AM, Xenomata said:

Wow, I never thought I'd become completely and utterly unexcited for a seasonal banner just by the THEME ALONE before a single unit on it could even be teased, but they did it!

Well the most notable part of this Feh Channel for me was the additions to the 4* special pool. Unfortunately I don't believe many of these guys are offering too much in the way of notable inheritable skill additions, mainly just Shinon's Deadeye and the Duel 4 skills offered by Erinys and Azelle (B Duel Flying and R Duel Infantry respectively), otherwise it's just a bunch of units who are now waiting for refines to make them relevant again.
Otherwise this is just announcing a bunch of events for cool free stuff, a banner I immediately hated, and some miscellaneous small changes plus the next remix info.

Hmmm, somwhow I think I missed the part they talked about adding these units to the 4* special pool (sometimes I'm so excited about specific parts of these FE channels, AKA the banner, that I end up not paying attention to everything so it's good to see people poining out everything here, otherwise I'd have to watch it again), yeah Shinon is useful because of Deadye, also Erinys is one of the few units that I always felt like I NEEDED extra copies of (mine has very bad IVs and I think that she's one of the few of my units who's acually benefit A LOT of a few extra stats, I mean enought to the point she's one of the only units that I already have that I still spend orbs on to try to get extra copies, never got any though) so for me it's great that she's making it to the 4* special pool.


On 8/2/2023 at 7:12 AM, Tybrosion said:

In fact, I'll be pretty surprised if we don't get Alear (probably Female specifically) + some other dragon (like Idunn) on the October Special Heroes banner.

Yeah, that's definitly gonna happen, either Idunn or Lilith or someone like this, maybe even a duo of Alear and her mother, tbh I can't stand another Idunn alt (I mean, in FE6 she has literally only her defeat quote and a 2 words line on a post credits cutscene that you can only get on the extra extended epilogue, in terms of dialogue, also she gets a total of like 5 minutes of screen time during the whole game (probably counting her boss fight), 80% of people hate her bossfight or at least find it extremely underwhelming, and her personality is literally suposed to be "not having a personality", I can't understand how she even became popular enough to get 2 alts after her OG version (I mean, yeah, she's pretty and has a cool design but that can't be the only reason why) and in danger of getting more) so I really hope it's ANYONE else in the world (except adult Tiki, because Tiki already got 3 alts on the past 12 months and her young self has a haloween alt already, so it'd be too much for it to happen now) (now watch how it'll be F!Alear + adult Tiki). I wonder if they'll stop using dragons as most of the units on the halloween banners soon, not that I dislike it, but I think that we don't have many banners worth of popular dragon characters left, so in 2 or 3 years max they'll either have to start feeling the banners with very "obscure" characters like Jhan, Julius, Garon or Bantu (I'd actually like to see Jhan get an alt, or into the game at all, but I find it unlikely to get a halloween alt only with a bunch of obscure dudes) or stop feeling the banners with dragon characters.


On 8/2/2023 at 11:20 AM, Humanoid said:

Ayra is a cavalry, so it certainly won't be infantry locked.

Oh yeah, lol, somewhow I failed to notice that or forgot it when I was typing my responde, my bad :P. 


On 8/2/2023 at 4:52 PM, Etrurian emperor said:

I get why Sigurd is there but thematically the male Jugdral slot should probably have gone to someone more attached to the girls. Either Azelle/Lex because of Tailtiu, or baby/daddy Shanan because of Ayra. 

So what were the sales data for the pirates and thieves banner? IS retiring both of them rather quickly carries some implication about that. 


On 8/2/2023 at 6:07 PM, Tybrosion said:

From my understanding, the Pirate banners actually did pretty good. It was the Thief banner that apparently did pretty poorly for a Special Heroes banner.

And I mean, I could easily believe that. That Thief banner last year probably had the worst character lineup ever in terms of star power. Lysithea, by herself, is probably more popular than all of those characters featured last year combined.

 I think that they only put Sigurd here because they desperately didn't want this banner to flop, I'd also have liked it way better (and it'd match better too) if it was Lex or Azelle or Shannan, but they probably had to shove Sigurd here so it'd wouldn't be like that Scion 12 banner again (they put Julia, Lewyn, Seliph AND Leif there and still had to switch the theme of the september seasonal banner on the following year) they probably didn't wanted to commit the same mistake with Jugdral characters again but now on the August seasonal banner, I think that they think/realized that most Jugdral characters (even the most popular ones, save Sigurd, Ishtar, Reinhardt and maybe Ayra) are not popular enough to make a banner about Jugdral not flop (and they already gave Ishtar and Reinhardt -who are ironically probably the only Jugdral characters that could save a banner by themselves- one seasonal banner, and it'd be weird if they got more, I think) so they had to shove Sigurd and Ayra there (+ some 3 Houses characters) to be sure that the banner wouldn't flop. That's just speculation, of course, but for me it sounds like it, the first two seasonal banners with a large amount of FE4 characters were those soiree banners that besides not having only FE4 characters, were also dancer banners (AKA more people would want it) and had ship teasing AND a bunch of the most known main characters of the game all at once + Ishtar and Reinhardt because they were overwhelmingly popular at the time, the second try was that Scion of the 12 banner that they also tried to put some of the most known characters of FE4 but didn't do any of the other things (no characters from other games, dancers, ship teasing, characters extremely popular among the westerns AKA Ishtar, Reinhardt, Sigurd and Ayra,...) and the banner flopped, so now they put both Sigurd and Ayra here, tbh I like it better than if they had put a very popular 3 Houses character there to try to "save" the banner instead of putting Sigurd, if this banner don't flop then there be a bigger chance of they doing another FE4 banner on the future (maybe a repetition of this tea banner next year) and put other characters like Lex and Azelle.

 About the Thief banner, yeah, they could have put better some characters there, but I also think that if they had made the minimum effort to make Sothe (who is a fairly popular character, and could have gotten more fans if he had been a goof unit on that banner) be a good unit then the banner could've gone somewhat better, he could've kept being the demote but didn't have to be as bad as he was (also probably putting only either Cath or Rickard, not both at once, since they're both VERY obscure, maybe Matthew/another tellius thief- or a very popular thief character from another FE- instead of Cath would have been a better idea, then maybe even make this character be the demote and Sothe the other 5* instead of Cath unless if it was a character more popular than Sothe). The pirate banner always had some obscure characters but they balanced the obscure and the popular very well so it never flopped. Against, just speculation, but I can't think of more motives as to why, because the flamboyant thief theme seemed like a theme most people were on board with.

On 8/3/2023 at 11:23 AM, Magenta Fantasies said:

That’s my suspicion. The problem with the phantom thief banner wasn’t the theme (although it is a theme/archetype/trope that is far more popular in Japan than in the West,) but the characters chosen. Heroes prefers to have female-dominated banners, but the most popular thieves—Gaius, Niles, and Yuri—are men. Even some others like Shura, Rennac and Matthew aren’t all that unpopular. The only characters on that banner who were relatively popular were Sothe (the demote) and Kagero (the backpack of the Duo Hero.)

It’s a major disappointment they will probably not use the phantom thief theme again, because I’m a big kaitou/phantom thief fan and it is my favorite seasonal theme. At least Rickard was the Tempest Trials character, and he’s incredibly fun to use.

 Yeah, if they had put Yuri, made Sothe be the 5*, or made Kagero the lead instead of Nina (or made Kagero the lead and gave her another backpack, that is not Nina) then the banner wouldn't have flopped so hard. Ok, I$, we get that waifus give more money, but the pirate banners always had some 2-3 men too and didn't flop because of it, they could have put a popular guy instead of Cath and it could have gone way smoother than it did.


On 8/3/2023 at 10:14 PM, Sunwoo said:

Nina and Kagero being the duo unit and headliner for that banner was just a complete WTF move. They should've just made the duo Matthew and Leila (the latter of whom was even on the banner), a duo that makes more sense and whom I think people actually wanted as a pair.

Yeah, that would have added ship teasing to the board (instead of that weird ass ""ship teasing"" that no one cared about between Nina and Kagero we got, with Nina dropping those lines about the "a forbidden love between a thief and a guard"), instead they decided to make that weird ass duo and to randomly shove Cath with Leila just because they're both from Elibe even though they've never met and lived 20 years apart (I mean, Leila must have died some good 5 years before Cath was even born!). If they REALLY wanted a Fates duo then it could've been better (something like Niles and Nina then, or Kagero with... someone else?)


On 8/4/2023 at 6:11 AM, Sunwoo said:

The thief banner probably would've been better than spring for Ashe. And Petra could definitely use an alt as well. Her base version isn't bad, but she is a little underpowered.

Can't argue with that at least, yeah. Seliph and Celica both should get a seasonal alt at this point. Also, it's kinda funny how Sigurd with two alts is the Genealogy character with the most seasonal alts.

Yeah, it's sad how little people care about even some of the most popular characters in Jugdral and Valentia (barring White Wings, Alm, Sigurd, Ayra, Reinhardt and Ishtar... I think, perhaps we can add Duma and Mia to the list too, and Berkut was popular back in 2018 or something). Boey and Mae don't have a single alt, just like a BUNCH of the main characters in FE4, as much as I didn't love this banner, I hope it won't flop for FE4's sake because I want them to get more seasonals.

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