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Has anything like Golden Wildfire happened in real life

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So, I'm happy Claude joined Edelgard in Three Hopes. I think for the character Claude allegedly is, it should have happened in some scenario in Three Houses. That being said, his decision to join her is just downright bloody weird. She launches an unprovoked attack on his nation which he only just manages to repel, and then...turns around and joins her. If they were that much in agreement then why were they bloody fighting in the first place? Surely that first act could have been dispensed entirely with just one conversation. I'd like to think it's because Claude wasn't in control of the Alliance and didn't have the authority to do so until he pulled a Palatine, but anti Edelgard sentiment seems to be completely non existent in Part 2. Everyone is completely on board with just allying with the person who was storming their capital just months before.

But before I call something unrealistic, I just have to check...has anything like this happened before? It feels like it's a symptom of Fire Emblem's complete disregard for diplomacy and that in real life there would be a lot more negotiating of terms and open communication with hostile nations, but, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction. Can you think of any scenario in history where a nation is invaded, manages to repel the aggressor and then suddenly decide completely on their own terms to team up with said aggressor and turn on a former ally? The closest I can think of is Italy in World War II, but it's not really the same thing as they overthrew their previous government to turn on the Nazis while all the exact same people are in control of Claude's new kingdom, they sort of just changed their minds about the whole war.

Edited by Jotari
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Kinda. Most noteworthy being Wu suddenly allying with Wei after decades of war with them in the Chinese Three Kingdoms period. And as we know Adrestia is pretty much Wei to Faergus' Shu, with the Alliance and Wu being the respective third wheels. So I think the Claude Edelgard Alliance had at least some inspiration from the Three Kingdoms Period. 

The Dutch Republic and England also teamed up to fight absolutist France after three wars between them. Sure it kinda required a Dutch backed coup in England but even after the monarch from that coup died the alliance against France remained. Anti English feelings must have been high in the Republic since its third war with England emerged due to England launching an unjustified invasion alongside France not just to defeat, but outright wipe the Dutch from the European map. In fact fear of this scenario repeating is exactly why the Dutch did the risky move of doing a coup in England. 

Prussia very ruthlessly turned on Austria to rob them of a highly lucrative province. As a result relations between them were intensely toxic for decades but when Napoleon emerged these enemies still teamed up despite their rocky history. 

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27 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Kinda. Most noteworthy being Wu suddenly allying with Wei after decades of war with them in the Chinese Three Kingdoms period. And as we know Adrestia is pretty much Wei to Faergus' Shu, with the Alliance and Wu being the respective third wheels. So I think the Claude Edelgard Alliance had at least some inspiration from the Three Kingdoms Period. 

The Dutch Republic and England also teamed up to fight absolutist France after three wars between them. Sure it kinda required a Dutch backed coup in England but even after the monarch from that coup died the alliance against France remained. Anti English feelings must have been high in the Republic since its third war with England emerged due to England launching an unjustified invasion alongside France not just to defeat, but outright wipe the Dutch from the European map. In fact fear of this scenario repeating is exactly why the Dutch did the risky move of doing a coup in England. 

Prussia very ruthlessly turned on Austria to rob them of a highly lucrative province. As a result relations between them were intensely toxic for decades but when Napoleon emerged these enemies still teamed up despite their rocky history. 

If anything, I'd argue that the alliance is the Shu equivalent in terms of "muh virtues." Them basically folding into the empire after defeat to fight against the last enemy standing could also be a reflection of Jin's (Wei's) conquest of Shu, then final war against Wu.


And that's an interesting intepretation to view Edelgard and Hubert as being the Sima family overthrowing their own country's incompetent leadership before conquering the continent.

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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18 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Kinda. Most noteworthy being Wu suddenly allying with Wei after decades of war with them in the Chinese Three Kingdoms period. And as we know Adrestia is pretty much Wei to Faergus' Shu, with the Alliance and Wu being the respective third wheels. So I think the Claude Edelgard Alliance had at least some inspiration from the Three Kingdoms Period. 

The Dutch Republic and England also teamed up to fight absolutist France after three wars between them. Sure it kinda required a Dutch backed coup in England but even after the monarch from that coup died the alliance against France remained. Anti English feelings must have been high in the Republic since its third war with England emerged due to England launching an unjustified invasion alongside France not just to defeat, but outright wipe the Dutch from the European map. In fact fear of this scenario repeating is exactly why the Dutch did the risky move of doing a coup in England. 

Prussia very ruthlessly turned on Austria to rob them of a highly lucrative province. As a result relations between them were intensely toxic for decades but when Napoleon emerged these enemies still teamed up despite their rocky history. 

I've read Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and while I don't remember all the details, I don't remember ever reacting to the situation the same way. Alliance being Wu is exactly why I think the alliance should happen, but from what I remember Wu's actions seemed a lot more self interested than Claude and Edelgard's "Actually let's be friends" turn around.

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