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When does it go too far? Obviously, killing human is regarded as univerally immoral. But what about other organisms? Is it right to kill something based on it's intelligence and size? Killing a monkey or a dolphin would probably be regarded as immoral compared to killing plants, bugs and germs. What makes one organism's life more important than the other?

Edited by Knife
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It depends, I suppose. If you kill an animal, you could be killing for meat. "There are two reasons to kill Son, self defense, and meat." -John Wayne. Truer words have never been spoken. If you want/need meat, killing an animal is perfectly acceptable. Would I eat a monkey? No. Do other people? Yeah. So, killing a monkey is obviously acceptable.

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Killing doesn't, technically speaking, ever go "too far" until it hampers human social systems or human survival. Bad feelings over killing certain animals are probably a byproduct of our highly developed sociability.

I assume you want a moralistic answer? Killing is usually wrong when it lacks a socially-approved utility. Killing out of malice is almost always regarded is wrong.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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Sooo..... If someone kills a human for meat it's just peachy?
Perhaps you need to re-read my post. I said "if someone needs to kill an animal for meat, it's okay." Like it or not, meat is food. People will likely never abolish eating meat.
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Perhaps you need to re-read my post. I said "if someone needs to kill an animal for meat, it's okay." Like it or not, meat is food. People will likely never abolish eating meat.

Except there's one thing....Humans are animals.

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Killing non-sapient is much more acceptable than ending the life of a human. I'd say the less complex the creature is, and the less pleasing it is to the eye, the more acceptable it is to kill it. And of course the emotion it can exhibit. Few would care if I smashed a spider, but I am sure that there would be many speaking out if I killed a stray dog.

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It depends, I suppose. If you kill an animal, you could be killing for meat. "There are two reasons to kill Son, self defense, and meat." -John Wayne. Truer words have never been spoken. If you want/need meat, killing an animal is perfectly acceptable. Would I eat a monkey? No. Do other people? Yeah. So, killing a monkey is obviously acceptable.

What if they are really annoying? As in flies? Also, intelligent creatures are regarded as even worse to kill, but why is it that we value the life of intelligent things over the unintelligent?

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It really goes to "survival of the fittest" with this one.

Of course, all the insects that aren't dangerous are killed anyway with pesticides and other stuff. But the answer is: No one cares [about the insects]. There are too many people afraid of "creepy-crawlies" to give anything to them. My big brother's girlfriend is different however, she'll kill insects, but actually feels bad for doing it.

It also depends on how the animal is treated. Like Esau said, a dog being killed (not necessarily a stray) would be 100x sadder than a lion dying. Cuteness also matters to some guys and girls.

For me, I'd rather not kill anything, but I do anyway.

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From what I understand, Intelligence among animals has nothing to do with whether or not they become food.

Utility>Intelligence in almost every situation. Cows are supposedly more intelligent than you average dog, but even the biggest nicest Bull does nothing that a decent Horse can't do better.

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Imagine getting jailed for washing your hands with soap. Killing is pretty much very "inmoral" but many ppl kill thousands of bugs, cows, chickens, pigs, etc. everyday. So really it's all about idk how to call it. :/

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Well if someone wants to kill an animal for food I think that is alright. Though killing it for the pleasure of sport is cruel.

I'd say that if it mattered whether it was cruel or not, they wouldn't die in the first place. I hardly care if my murderer will devour my flesh when I die. I don't see why it matters if we allow hunters to kill for food.

Say wut?

Humans are animals. Homo sapiens sapiens.

Is there something weird about that?

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Wow, there are people who thought humans weren't animals? Crazy.

Anyways, I find any species killing others of it's species wrong, but some animals naturally eat meat (like lions, tigers, humans, sharks) so fine, just don't eat crap of your own species plz k thx.

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Well, seeing as I'm not big on morals or ethics...

I'll treat killing like everything else. It really must depend. For a human: If it is the only recourse that will surely benefit society, then yes. If the person could live a fully fruit full life on the other hand, it hopefully will be avoided. Sadly, if they're coming at you with a knife, that's kind of hard, and you're the stable one, so go ahead and live. I don't believe in the Death Penalty, but I understand that sometimes death can be the best course of action.

For other animals, basically, as long as it helps. Animals have the right to be tasty. :P

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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The only time I'd ever try to kill is if someone is trying to kill me. Even then, I'd search for an alternative, like disabling the assailant, first. Killing would be the very, very last option I'd choose. As far as animals go, kill for food or self-defense. I would never hunt for sport or just for the fun of it. Otherwise, I would rather not kill any living creature, even insects, but we all kill them by accident.

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