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About Benice

  • Birthday 10/30/2005


  • Member Title
    Well, I'm on my way/I don't know where I'm goin'

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  • Interests
    Making the world a better place every day, Classical music, playing the oboe, writing, reading, food, tasty food, fire emblem, legend of zelda, food, recorder, the Yakuza series, Majima, Dark Souls, soup.
  • Location
    Cantaloupe Island

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. You better be bein' nice over there.

  2. I AM A GOD




    Erm, that aside, hello again! I realize now that there's been basically nothing but radio silence on my end for a few months now, so I figured that, just in case anyone wants to know, I am doing OK! I have started my Bachelor's of Music Education at Victoria, and I am truly delighted to be living in such a beautiful place. I'm not actually entirely sure why I stopped posting (I check the forums pretty much every day and I still read most of the Teehee thread), but I would expect me being silent to continue for a while longer just because... I dunno, it feels right to abstain from conversation for the time being.


    Just before I sign off for to return to lurking for the time being, a couple specific messages to people and groups:


    I apologize to the Write Your Butt Off community for my vanishing overlapping with my time spent as host for the competition. Overall, I'd say that my tenure as host was... Pretty bad, considering I was perennially late and don't have a good enough conception of time to have consistent timing, but I an still glad the competition ran for a little while. I know it'll come back someday, but I'll probably wait for somebody more suitable to preside over the halls of WYBO. Thanks to everybody who participated! Have a nice day, my friend.


    Secondly, I wish to highlight how based Twilit. Not only for being a great human being, but also because he is playing Yakuza games. Thanks for keeping me in the Yakuza loop! I know I didn't reply, but I did see, and I did smile.


    Third, I affirm what Ruben said four months ago about Berwick doing characters better than FE. P̶̠̭̦̍͐͋l̵̞̦̍̄̕͜ả̴̛̺̩͎̎̋͜y̵̪̾̋͒̍̃͝ ̵̗̿̅̓͝ţ̴̥̙̗̺̞͗̾̀ḩ̸̖̖̘͖̼͊̅̈́̾̑́ẽ̵͙̓͐̌͠ ̶̬͌̒̕͠g̷͕̝̰͊̒̒a̷̳̍̿͠͝͝m̸̢̡̼̻̬͉͗̈́̇͝e̷̢̧̪͕͚̠͆̃͠,̸̫͙͔͈̆̈́͌͝͠ ̶̅ͅS̶̢͕͙͕̆̊̒̍̊ͅö̷̫̠̫̪́̊̓̊̂ŏ̷̱̯̰̞̫̥̒́̕̚k̵̢̛̛͈̮͔̇̅͑͜͝s̶̛̓̕̚̕͜.


    Fourth, I thank Eltosian for keeping the memories of my truly awful LP alive. I cringe at it 90% of the time when I think about it, but golly am I still proud of it, in a weird way. I still will go back someday and make a better, more mature, and less offensive LP of FE6 starring My Dude. The last one ended because Elen gained just one point of magic in 18 levels and I wanted to cry. And also because it was very haphazard and didn't have the love it needed to be a good LP. The FE7 one might be awful and cringe, but it's filled with love all the way through, and I want to continue that legacy of love for what I create.


    Fifth, I wish Armagon a great trip! My family is Catalan, and my grandpa is huge on the Catalan independence movement, so you could PM me if you want to know a bit more about it. Please keep letting Ruben know about all the anime stores in his country, you are doing God's work.


    Sixth, my son, Sooks. You are amazing, and I hope you keep being you. And hey, if you ever want to pick up the saxophone again, maybe I'll be able to teach you someday! Your squid mother is also proud of you.

    Seventh, my son, Sooks. You still haven't played Yakuza 0 or Berwick Saga, and are on the verge of being disowned.


    Next, my father, Shrimpy. Keep grinding it out, man! I'm really sorry that employment's been rough on you (I get it, though, I really struggled with my job for a long time), and I also know that you're still super young and have a lot of time ahead of you to figure out your best path through life. One thing that helped me manage my difficulties with work and such was Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which both have quite a few online resources. Psychwire's ACT course is very good, in my opinion. (And my mom's a psychologist, so I would know!) If you're struggling, I want you to know that there's stuff out there. There are resources, and there are new paths and new perspectives. When he was your age, my IRL Dad was a chemist working on fuel cells, but found that job to be lifeless and unfulfilling. After a chance encounter while volunteering, he found something new, and he's been working with kids on the spectrum for over 20 years now, even though it has nothing to do with his degree in Chem. Channel your inner anime protagonist and never give up! (Please don't get hit by a truck though, don't be that kind of anime protagonist)


    Interdimensional Observer: I'm really sorry that things have been rough for you as well. I wish that there was more I could do to help you, but all I can really say is that if you find yourself unable to get in-person therapy, online resources are available and might be worth looking into. I know you sell yourself short a lot, but you are so bright and so interesting- I am being completely serious when I say that I could listen to you talk about history for hours upon hours. You have skills and talents, and you have great value for the world. You are also still super young and have tons of time to search for your path and start following it. Keep exploring and look for opportunities, and don't give up! You are far too brilliant and far too wonderful to do anything but succeed.


    Lastly, the rest of the teehee thread. I was going to do a paragraph for everybody, but it's concert week and midterm week so I'm really low on time and I have to leave for a class in five minutes and I don't trust Serenes not to erase the post by the time I get back. Y'all are my favourite community on the internet, and I really enjoy basking in the immense diaspora of topics and moods the thread goes through daily. I sincerely apologize to everybody who didn't get a paragraph, but I hope you all know that y'all are amazing and mean a lot to the thread.


    Big Benice is Watching.

    1. null


      hope you stay doing well, man

      glad to hear from ya, and I hope we get to see you active again whenever you feel comfortable

  3. OP is updated! Congrats to @SoulWeaver for a victory in his last entry for a while. The next writing phase will end Friday, July 14. Happy writing, all!
  4. I'm sorry for your loss... Nice! However, between starting University, and whatever the heck this is, I don't know if I'll be able to try it at any point soon. ...Is P3 the one that has the really long dungeons, or was that P3P?
  5. Christ on a bike, that's awful... Did that happen on purpose?
  6. OP is updated! Good luck! One of my friends got back from a mission recently, and he loved his experience. We shall miss you, and look forward to seeing you in a while!
  7. Please ignore my team, they're trying their best. ...Also, oof, some of these were really hard to choose.
  8. Banned because pain Let's try again!
  9. Yeah. Though, in some ways I don't mind that, since essentially any news source is the mouthpiece for one idealogy or faction or another. A Qatari perspective is different enough that I think it provides a pretty interesting angle on the world that the orgs here don't have. Or maybe I'm particularly easily swayed by propaganda, I dunno.
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