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Everything posted by bethany81707

  1. Nah, I have no idea how they expect to keep their balance with legs so spindly. The legs Ranulf had in his cutscene appearances in both games works well enough, even if the stationary cat pose in RD is crouched and hides the true lengths.
  2. They're far too big for their proportions. Their legs weren't nearly this long in Tellius itself.
  3. The sprites look starved, Ranulf and Caineghis got their voices switched, and this doesn't help my Heroes-only run (I need Dawn Brigade/Crimean Royal Knight units!). Honestly, I kinda don't like the look of this banner.
  4. I still have the All-Girls file. Natasha is level 17, L'Arachel is 12. I also went with Assassin Marisa, for some reason.
  5. I don't think Natasha and L'Arachel reached tier 2 in my run, but back then, I was still in the Tellius mindset of reaching 20. I think. Considering Laura never promoted in my RD All-Girls because she didn't even reach level 10, maybe L'Arachel failed that too.
  6. Eirika/Vanessa charge, I think. Don't even give the Bael time to think.
  7. Syrene boosts Tana's damage output significantly versus the bosses, thank you Triangle Attack. I feel like I kept Marisa and Amelia to have someone with Audhulma and Garm- though Marisa competes with the Falcos and Amelia if you want Audhulma bad enough. ...
  8. The postgame areas use teams of eight, so you'll have to make meaningful drops. The final boss is the only other map you have to bench someone. I forget who I benched, probably Tethys.
  9. 21.3% to 24.49%. EDIT: I'm not playing, and because I haven't been playing for so long I just have never actually tried for some Book 2/3 units on this list, it might not be accurate to what I would have by now, but I thought I'd give my own a try.
  10. The FEH Channel video added a correction on the Olwen issue to the description. Can someone tell me if this is actually correcting the matter? It just sounds like it's doubling down on the error.
  11. If I wasn't already gone, this might've made a good tipping point. This change affects only a small portion of summoning and basically tells me that, even if anyone interesting showed up on a banner, I'm not even going to get Elincia, Tana, Faye or Sanaki when running after them, and if I see one of them on a sub-banner, nothing about that experience has changed.
  12. Can't be, Seth, Titania, Oscar and Frederick should get some of that backlash.
  13. Pikipedia wrote Olimar's journal entries on the entire Smash cast. ...I actually want this. Or at least something in Smash to show off Olimar's character.
  14. Oh boy, Chapter 3 time. I remember struggling with Chapter 3 real badly. Also, Paladin Amelia or armoured? I went with Great Knight almost entirely so I could have someone to use axes. I don't remember if she got enough axe EXP to use Garm.
  15. So, now that I have a spreadsheet and could sort the growth rates by Defence, the following is a list of characters who tie with/surpass Meg in Defence growths for Radiant Dawn. Of the four armours in RD, Tauroneo has the lowest Growth total, at 330 (tied with Titania, Lyre, Geoffrey). Following is Gatrie (345, Zihark, Marcia, Makalov), Brom (350, Sothe, Mist, Heather, Astrid, Tormod, Nephenee, Rolf, Stefan) and Meg (375, Aran). The highest growth total is 400, a tie between Vika, Micaiah and Sanaki. Laura, Elincia, Edward, Leonardo and Nolan have higher growth totals than Meg and lower than Micaiah. The lowest growth totals (not counting BK and Lehran, who have flat 0s) is 240, a tie between Reyson, Caineghis and Giffca. The lowest growth rate total for a beorc unit is 300, tied between Bastian and Renning (and Ena).
  16. Meg has 10 base defence at level 3, which is less than Aran (11/7), Sothe (14/21), Jill (13/14), Tormod (12/25) and untransformed Muarim (15/19), among others. She has a growth of 35%, matched by Edward, Leonardo, Nolan, Jill, Tormod and Muarim. Fun fact: among the Dawn Brigade, it is surpassed only by Aran (70%), Fiona (55%) and Tauroneo (45%), which probably says more about everyone else. As a numerical support for the argument.
  17. Occam's Razor. Untransformed laguz have a class called "Beast/Bird/Dragon Tribe" in Path of Radiance that Herons have too. Totally didn't forget about this while watching a friend play a randomiser.
  18. Sacred Stones was my first All-Girls, too. Back then, I didn't use the Thief clause and routed keys instead.
  19. I think I considered that once. For the Senate, Lekain's entry in one of the artbooks claims there are meant to be seven Senators. Lekain, Numida and Valtome are obviously for it, Hetzel is suspicious but too cowardly to act, Sephiran was out on some business and didn't learn about the assassination until the people told him (and whatever suspicion he had was quickly enveloped by the threats to his and his people's wellbeing), Oliver probably wasn't informed of the plan ahead of time, and number seven is never given a name. If he's the one with the tiny little moustache from early part 3, he's probably on Team Evil. (Though this doesn't explain the other two in 3-2). For the Holy Guard, presumably at least one of them is the one who managed to get Micaiah to Daein, and then the rest of them are stuck with an uphill battle and a people who probably aren't in the mood for more wanton destruction in the aftermath of the Massacre. But their voices would be loudest in trying to get an Apostle back in power. ...It says a lot about how confusing the mechanics of the Branded are that I take unstable politics to take away the chance Sanaki is Branded at all as an easier solution. At least I can fudge together an explanation.
  20. ...Oh, right. I was working with a Begnion Senate with a shade more confidence and assumed that Micaiah's mother was killed too in canon. (There has to be a reason Micaiah was snuck out in response.) In fairness, it's a reasonable explanation. Senate gets a power coup, the people demand an alternative, and the Senate suddenly has to find something to put on the throne and make the people happy. Preferably something that wouldn't do annoying things like try and stop their evil deeds. Like a random five year old child.
  21. Because Misaha was still in office. All good questions. Beyond the scope of my work, though, and probably not something I could even try to answer even here, where I consider the matter objectively and externally.
  22. I don't think any of them got less votes than a single person can cast. At least two people care about everyone. Or one guy with a proxy.
  23. This bothers me so much (as well as other factors relating to the assassination) I've all but abandoned the idea that Micaiah and Sanaki are sisters. I am willing to compromise and say Sanaki is Micaiah's half-sister through her father, so she isn't a descendant of Lehran. Working on a story that addresses Kilvas's Blood Pact. Point 2 is check, point 1 is... I want to say check? It's not much, and I haven't gotten to the point of writing it, but it's development, not a plot point. This is what I'm going with. Doesn't really make a ton of sense for males, but then again, it's not like I have a lot of males to apply it to when considering this. ...Wait a minute, yes I do...
  24. Yune's MHB looks like the lower left corner of From Pain, Awakening.
  25. Also, fun fact: I first saw the title, and before I could get the full bracket on my screen, I was thinking "is this to do with Yune" and then having all sorts of opinions, going from "but she wasn't much of a destructive force in the game" to "oh, right, she destroyed everything other than Tellius", and then the bracket popped up and I went "oh."
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