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Asmont Osborne

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About Asmont Osborne

  • Birthday 07/02/2002


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    Might have a himbo problem

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    Gaming, tv shows, some comics, anime and manga, photography, fundraising, probably more.
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  1. Done right? Byleth is much improved by being able to speak their mind. I loved their relationship with Sothis (really underrated character if you ask me) but in exchange, we got to see them actually weigh in on things and their relationship with Jeralt feels more potent here. Jeralt is even better than Byleth as far as I’m concerned. He has a lot of fun lines and I like how they didn’t do away with his flaws in any way (if anything, it’s even more apparent that he has a serious problem with alcohol), but made sure to show his pleasant side. Seeing him interact with Alois and Leonie was great. Caspar and Linhardt benefit a lot from having their parents around (love Leopold, btw), they often felt like outliers among the Black Eagles. Here, they feel like legitimate noble heirs rather than a comedic duo. Done wrong? EDELGARD. No seriously, the brainwashing scene must’ve been written in by someone who despises her because I don’t think I’ve seen a worse display of disrespect from the writers in the whole franchise. I guess I’m happy she survives? Alois and Hanneman. My first and second favorite characters from Fódlan, respectively, for a lot of reasons. They got absolutely nothing here, which is a huge shame, I would’ve loved to see Alois talk with Jeralt at length, one-on-one.
  2. This is my first time commenting in months but whatever, topic seems fun. Anyway, Galuf. V is probably my favorite FF (I’m excluding non-numbered FF games, thus ignoring the Bravely games) and his entire progression is beautiful. I also love his relationship with Krile (and the rest of the team, obviously). Lastly, he isn’t the kind of character most would consider hot, but the game makes such a good job at making him look badass that he’s the closest thing to my FF “husbando”, as much as I don’t love the term. Honorable mentions include Faris, Edgar and Sabin, Garnet and Edea (Bravely).
  3. Hey there! I finally downloaded everything I needed to play The Princess's Lament. I'm currently on Ch. 9. I wanted to post some screenshots of things I haven't seen being brought up here yet. I'm not 100% they haven't been brought up on FEUniverse though, and I'm playing version 1.13 on a mobile emulator - just a heads-up. (I also have a FEU account, but I'm not sure I can post images there yet) Other than that, playing has been an absolute blast so far! Admittedly, I'm nearing the end of a (vanilla) RD run and adapting back to GBA FE after not playing FE6-8 for such a long time was a bit difficult initially, but this has every bit of the charm I expected from something with Harriett, Elaine, Margaret and the merry gang in it. I'll wait to post my team until I'm actually done, but so far, Gilliam is probably the MVP, while Garcia, Harold, Moulder, Neimi and Franz have all been very solid. I'm not using Ross, Artur, Forde, Kyle and As for maps: 5x was a chore to get through (it always is though, and having my favorite couple join made it a bit more tolerable); 6 was much better without the fog (and with an overall stronger cast, I feel); 6x I also really enjoyed your twist on Ch. 8, both story- and gameplay-wise. For the record, I'm looking forward to playing more! By the way, I'm usually very nitpicky about typos and such, but since you said most of the story changes begin around Ch. 8, I must admit I didn't exactly pay hawk-like attention to the dialogue so far (excluding the new story content, that is). I might post some more before I finish the main story with regards to glitches, typos and the like, but I'll probably hold off on commenting on the units themselves until I'm done, outside of particularly fun moments. Hope my feedback was helpful!
  4. Look up a user named Funky Fringus on Twitter. They posted a few screenshots, mostly featuring Margaret and not!Derrick (as you may infer from my wording, I still don’t have mGBA on my laptop, and the hack by extension), and I immediately recognized her. They also seemed to be enjoying using Margaret, whom you apparently turned into a Wolf/Sedgar-style prepromote? Don’t go giving me false hopes. At least I know I can count on you to make Dozla fun to use. h y p e It’s weird and we still don’t know exactly what it may be about. Rising Heroes is the name they’ve given to the 20 characters - ten men, ten women - who had gained the most positions since the last CYL by the end of this year’s third day of voting. The most voted three men and three women in this category will receive a “special introduction” - not sure what that entails, since some of them (like Flavia or Jorge) are already in FEH. Send me a PM if you want me to keep you posted, but you’ll probably find out through the forums.
  5. So… hey. Long time no see. I haven’t been super-active on anything FE-related but I did see someone playing with Margaret on Twitter and instantly knew you were up to something. I’ll definitely be playing this sometime in the near future, it’s looking real promising: Syrene on the title screen and a screenshot (possibly, hopefully) hinting at Mansel and Dozla being a couple? Sign. Me. Up. Funny too, considering I was just thinking of playing FE8 again. Btw, while I’m at it, and coming from the person who spurred you to use Frost: he has a shot at winning the men’s division of the Rising Hero contest for Choose Your Legends (meaning he’d get added to FEH if he hit top 3 in the category) so check the CYL website out if you want to make an old follower happy.
  6. Does anyone know how the Gatekeeper rallying began? I know he’s one of the biggest memes ever, but I’d imagine there was a bit of botting involved. Speaking of memes, I just thought of Ferdinand. How likely is he to win CYL? It would be a good way to honor Billy Kametz, but at the same time, he wouldn’t have the same voice actor.
  7. Well that second paragraph was unexpected. I agree with @Diovani Bressan that it would take botting to see him crack even just the top 100, but I would be SO happy. To be honest, I was hoping he would release before CYL, but I guess chances of that are very low at this point, seeing how we just got a Three Hopes banner (meaning we’re probably not getting another Fódlan NH banner until next year, and January’s NH is very likely going to be Engage). Guess I’ll be voting for him yet again. Sorry Dorothea, hope I didn’t compromise your victory.
  8. Personally, I don’t expect them to include Engage characters in CYL 7, because even if they delayed CYL it would be hard for people to bond with the characters (don’t forget 3H released in summer, so by January people had had the time to get attached to that cast). I’m not too bothered by it (Lord knows Leo and Dorothea don’t need other people to overshadow them), but I do think Three Hopes might cause a Fodlan resurgence for CYL 7. There’s also the possibility (though small it may be) that the leaked FE4 remake is also announced (or something about it leaks, which is more likely), which might spur people to vote for units like Arvis, Sigurd, Lewyn or Ayra (not because of the remake itself, but because they’ll probably advertise it in FEH through banners and such).
  9. Yeah, I mentioned Holy Knight too because they usually come to my mind in a pair, and Valkyrie is still just as valuable for anyone who - for whatever reason - wants to go there instead of Dark Knight, letting a mage keep their spell list while gaining movement and raising their Riding rank.
  10. Probably just a nitpick and not relevant, but shouldn’t the Res threshold be ~17? Hexblade has a fixed +7 might, while Soulblade has +2 +0.3x (where x is the unit’s Res stat). So in order for 0.3x to fill the gap (as in, 0.3x = 5) you would only need 16.6, which is ~17. Not sure if this changes anything, Marianne is still probably the best unit in the game at abusing magical arts (she also has more than anyone else, I believe), but all of Lysithea, Constance and Anna can certify for classes with good Res bases if needed, even though I don’t think any class has 17 base Res.
  11. Interesting question. I don’t think I’ve ever used Valkyrie as a final class, mostly because Dark Knight just has better stats and the two good Tomefaires, while exchanging +1 Movement for +1 attack range often doesn’t make a difference. Admittedly, the latter is probably better on terrain-heavy maps, seeing how attack range is mostly unimpeded by terrain. I guess you could view movement as a Player Phase tool and attack range as an Enemy Phase tool: on PP, you want to reach your target, so there is no difference if the target is an enemy but movement is better if you need to do any kind of support action, like healing or Striding or Rallying; on EP, you could have 0 movement and be fine as long as your attack range is sufficient. That being said, there is a limited amount of things that can attack you from 3 range (Thoron, Mire and archers, basically), and most mages don’t want to see large amounts of EP combat: you can have things like the Vantage Lysithea build that Zoran showcased in his LP, but even she only used the class as a stepping stone towards Dark Knight and, more generally, classes with greater firepower, since Lysithea wants to nuke things and is probably not going to double/survive the enemy’s attack. To sum up, Valkyrie is probably better in tight areas where maneuverability is limited or not as important (basically the same reasons why Curved Shot is good), including EP, but for any other situation, namely support or a lack of rough terrain, a class with higher Movement (Dark Knight is the obvious example) will be better. As for characters, it’s admittedly good for any woman who wants to go into Dark/Holy Knight, and especially ones who lack Thoron or Mire (so Constance, Lysithea, Annette and maybe Mercedes), but 4 move with Tomefaire < 6 move and +1 attack range, so they’re probably all going to pick it over Warlock. I’d say budget builds like Rallybot Annette can use Valkyrie, but Dark Flier (same tier, lower overall requirements, better mobility) and Dark Knight (higher requirements but better) probably beat Valkyrie in that regard. People who want to end up in Dark Flier/don’t care about cavalry mage classes just have no Reason (kill me now) to ever go through Valkyrie, since they don’t care about the Riding rank: said people include Constance, Flayn and some builds for Annette, Dorothea and Manuela. So… wow, I didn’t expect Valkyrie to match up so unfavorably against other options, but apparently it really is just a stepping stone with a solid mastery skill. Lorenz, Hubert and Hanneman wish they could go Valkyrie in Advanced tier, but they too would probably move on to Dark Knight from Lv. 30 onwards. Sorry, I don’t think this was the answer you were expecting.
  12. To each their own, I guess. Personally, I find that while some Master-tier mastery skills are definitely not worth it, others can either be really useful (Defiant Magic, Avoid, Critical) or simply revolutionize the way a character plays (Quick Riposte). Besides, I just like playing with all the tools at my disposal, and since I’m not an LTC player by any means, I can afford to slow down if needed.
  13. I absolutely agree with @Shanty Pete's 1st Mate, this is a great idea for a thread! To be honest, I’ve been postponing making a list of builds for my own personal use, as 3H does give you a lot of ideas, but I got some new ideas for things I’d never even considered! Magic Bow Lorenz sounds really fun, and I’d argue he’d be better with brave CAs than most thanks to his personal skill giving him +2 damage for free (which translates to +4 with double attacks). I’d never even considered Quick Riposte on Claude, and while it may be hard to stray from the tried and true Vantage/Wrath or AS+/BW builds, it made me realize that there may be potential for a bulkier support build on him, especially considering the fact that he gets access to the Sword of Begalta from Ch. 17 onwards for enhanced healing. Pair that with his Crest (chance of healing 30% of damage with combat arts), as well as the usual AS+, Sword Prowess and some crit boosts, and he can sustain Quick Riposte even better! Of course, the sword comes pretty late, so you could either use a different Sacred Weapon (namely the Axe of Ukonvasara) or just forego that part entirely, but it’s a fun idea. That being said, I wanted to contribute something to the discussion myself, with regards to some of the builds you suggested. Female fliers are definitely some of the best units you can build. I’d never thought of Manuela or Catherine (as the former joins late, and the latter has basically no starting ranks and no useful boons outside of swords), but I feel like all of them can benefit from Defiant Avoid more than the Player Phase skills you mentioned. Outside of dancing, they need to Wait to be at their best on Enemy Phase, so you can probably fit more generally useful things in those slots. Out of the four I’d consider best at the job - Petra, Hilda, Leonie and Ingrid, in that order - two are Crestless, which means it’s very easy to reach the HP threshold with something like the Rafail Gem, which also prevents them from dying instantly to archers while they prepare (actually, does wielding two Relics mean you lose 20 HP per fight? I don’t remember). Out of those same four, two learn Battalion Wrath and two do not: unfortunately, the two who don’t are also the ones who lack Axe boons, from which they could really benefit as these units really appreciate raising their axe skills for Wyvern Lord (in my opinion, it’s strictly better than Falcon Knight for this build and generally for anyone not named Marianne or Bernadetta who wants to be a flier and can choose between the two). Axe skill also allows Ingrid and Leonie to qualify for Warrior and unlock Wrath, which works beautifully with AS+ (no need to preempt enemy attacks if you can just dodge them) and synergizes with Defiant skills since you can keep your battalion’s HP full (moreover, you won’t need to avoid replenishing battalions). Another cool Defiant skill is Critical, which you are already working towards by being in Wyvern Lord. It’s usually overkill and you’ll get it a bit late, but hey, it’s basically free. Like other users who have already commented, I find Dimitri to work with mostly anything as long as he has BV/BW and a way of countering enemies, so I’d rather give him Retribution support, which doesn’t incur in any Hit penalties. My latest Blue Lions run features him in Holy Knight, since I wasn’t swimming in healers and Recover utility was something productive for him to do on Player Phase. Generally, my Dimitris run BV/BW, Lance Prowess, Lance Crit +10 and Hit +20. Similarly, as @Dark Holy Elf said, I don’t find that Lysithea gets much use out of Dark Flier: her spell list and Black Tomefaire are incompatible, which really isn’t what you want from a unit whose best offense comes from 1HKOs. For the Advanced tier, I think Valkyrie suits her best, as she appreciates Uncanny Blow and general mobility on her way to Dark Knight (I tend to have my Gremories go Dark Knight too, as mobility and firepower are always a good option to have). Speaking of offensive mages, the Wyvern Lord Annette build you mentioned is one of my favorites in the whole game, but I do have some comments to make. First of all (and this is rather minor, but still), I feel like Annette has better options for her main weapon: she can definitely do well with Silver+, but Steel+ has 4 less Mt (may be crucial) and 5 less Hit (not a game changer) with 1.5x the durability, which lends itself well to a unit who spams CAs for a living. There is also the Devil Axe+, which may be useful for lowering her HP (more on that later), Freikugel (if you don’t need it on anyone) and obviously Crusher (and Dust). Additionally, you may want to use grounded battalions, or Annette’s spell list, at times, and Dark Knight can be a good alternative for those situations: while getting her Riding rank up, she can go into Cavalier first (D+ lances is enough for any class she may want to be in, but between Cav and Pegasus Knight for Flying you may as well go up to C, then use axes) and then Valkyrie for Uncanny Blow: this will help raise her accuracy on Player Phase (the only phase where Annette truly shines, imo) while also building relevant ranks for Dark Knight and providing healing support. While in Advanced tier, I’d personally prioritize Valkyrie for the mastery skill and then go Wyvern Rider. Dark Flier doesn’t offer much to an offensive Annette, I’d argue, although you ARE giving her Nuvelle Fliers Co., so it’s still an option. I’d also run other things over Alert Stance+ on Annette, for the reasons I mentioned. I spoke of the Devil Axe+ earlier, and that’s because I think all Player Phase nukes (which, by definition, rely on good positioning to circumvent their lack of durability) can make great use of Defiant skills: Strength for men (especially Sniper Ignatz, or anyone who uses Wrath) and Magic for women (namely Annette or Lysithea: for the former, it might be a bit of investment since you’re trying to escape her spell list, but when it works, it really Crushes the enemies - pun intended). One last thing, this time about your Brawling dodgetank: it’s certainly a fun build that I’ve used myself, but I do find it unfortunate how pretty much all dodgetanks want AS+ to excel. Instead, I like using Brawl Avoid +20 as an extra for Brawling specialists, especially those who don’t need to go Grappler (at least not right upon hitting Lv. 20) because they already have a CA that hits twice. My favorite user of this is Alois - who, as you may have already realized, is my favorite character in the game by a mile - since One-Two Punch is an excellent art that boosts his survivability by preventing the enemy’s follow-up attacks, and Brawl Avoid +20 mitigates the chances of that single hit landing. Pair it with Quick Riposte, and it will be easier to maintain the 50% HP threshold. Other candidates are Caspar and Felix, whom you’ve already mentioned, as well as Dedue (same CA as Alois and bulkier, but suffers from a Faith bane) and even Catherine (since a Brawling Catherine doesn’t have access to any Fistfaire classes other than War Cleric, and she does have Nimble Combo for Brave attacks and even more Avoid). I think I’ve rambled way too much. Again, great idea for a thread. I’ll make sure to follow it as more fun builds will no doubt be added.
  14. @Razul To answer your question (not part of the SoA team, but I assume the OP will be updated once they're done with Act 2).
  15. Honestly, Genealogy’s main mechanic being blood-specific really works in favor the idea of predestined, flawless heroes (ideally both for men and for women, but Sigurd is obviously a man). If today’s Direct is what’s worrying you, don’t forget that Eliwood and FE5 Leif (and to a lesser extent, FE9 Ike, Micaiah and Seliph) are possible lords for the next game, and I would hardly describe any of them as brave, flawless heroes.
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