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Sid Starkiller

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Everything posted by Sid Starkiller

  1. Even if it wouldn't actually improve the class mechanically, I still think it would be a nice way of making the class hers. But I am the kind of guy who enjoys Awesome But Impractical stuff, so make of that what you will.
  2. Edelgard says in CF that Thales purposely led Dimitri to hate the Empire via Duscur. If Thales could manipulate Dimitri without him even knowing it, he could do the same to Edelgard. If she hadn't already come to hate Crests on her own, she would have been led to that line of thinking. That's the sick genius of Slither: they're just as much manipulation masters as tech masters. And while I admit this is headcanon, IMO Claude had just as good a chance of achieving his dream in CF (assuming you spare him, of course) as in VW. Claude goes back to Almyra and takes his rightful place as king, still holding onto his ambition. He would absolutely be keeping tabs on what Adrestia is doing, and finds out about their war with Slither. He knows that he can trust, if not Edelgard, then at least Byleth, and decides helping them fight would be a great setup to an alliance between Fodlan and Almyra. He then proceeds to pull the same Big Damn Heroes moment he does in his paired ending with F!Byleth in VW. Edelgard is grateful enough to finally talk to him, and they hash out a formal alliance.
  3. Thanks. At least now I get it, even if it doesn't make me like any more.
  4. I left on the prep screen for Blood of the Eagle and Lion when I went to bed last night. Finished a few minutes ago, and no, there isn't. Sorry.
  5. Which would solve another of my gripes: Silver Snow is the only route where you explicitly side with Rhea (rather than Dimitri/Claude) and the final boss is...Rhea? That's stupid.
  6. I'll check once I finish this fight. EDIT: Nope. Speaking of CF Dimitri, maybe you guys have some detail I missed: what is up with his characterization? It's like they tried to blend the axe-crazy part with the calmer-after-Rodrigue's-death part, but it just comes off as waffling between them. Please tell me if I missed something here!
  7. And suppose the people that make the content you like rely on their ad revenue to make more videos, and shut down their channels. What then? I don't make content, either, but I'm still really worried for the people I subscribe to.
  8. If you choose to use Dimitri's Part 2 design in Part 1, he'll still have both eyes, since canonically he hasn't lost the one yet.
  9. And the classes could have unique crit animations showing images of their dragon forms!
  10. I wouldn't give anything to AM because it already has the most playable units. The others need to be brought up to its level (that, and Rodrigue has to die for Dimitri's arc). VW: Is effectively short 2 units from AM (Dedue & Gilbert). Judith and Nader would be perfect. CF: By far the fewer units in the game, even with the addition of Jeritza. Unlike Rodrigue in AM, Randolph and Ladislava die abruptly, in absolutely no buildup or effect on other characters or plot. Randolph, Fleche and Ladislava would make up for losing Catherine, Flayn, and Seteth respectively (so I guess Jeritza is a substitute for Dedue/Hilda, just because?). SS: Haven't played it, so I can't really say who to add, but I wish Seteth was exclusive to it. It wouldn't make any sense, but SS has nothing to call its own (maps same as VW minus Gronder, technically the same final boss as CF even if different mechanically), and that's dumb.
  11. So ever since the latest update, my adjutants are no longer earning support points with people. Was that intended, or a glitch? EDIT: It's actually just the display of getting support points that's gone; they are still earning the points. Still weird, though.
  12. Yup. For the female, it's Ingrid (probably a kneejerk reaction to possible philandering because of Sylvain) and Manuela (she's just that desperate).
  13. One of the new DLC quests has a nameless student accuse you of getting too close with your students (I don't think the implication is sexual, but that's not important right now) and challenging you to a "proper conduct tournament". The accuser, the 3 randoms you fight first, and the 2 named characters you fight last all match your gender.
  14. I've seen a lot of complaints about Petra, in the vein of "How has her language not improved in 5 years of living in Fodlan?" Well...it did, just in more subtle ways. Compare lines that change after the timeskip: 1: When mastering a class: "My understanding has completion!" vs "My understanding is complete!" 2: One of her level up lines: "War feeds my body and mind!" vs "War fuels my body and mind!" Replaying CF (again) I noticed a lot of little ways her language has improved. She's not fluent by any means, but it's there.
  15. ...so Mercedes can't join Edelgard, but the Death Knight should leave her? Sure thing, pal.
  16. Literally just finished a VW run, was gonna do AM next to finish Dimitri and Dedue's supports, but that can wait. I need to try out Jeritza!
  17. I wouldn't want a whole game of it, but it at least serves the purpose of showing how bizarre the remnants of Agarthan society really are, so I guess that's a plus.
  18. On the subject of Sothis: I've haven't S ranked her yet (and won't for a while), but how does it work? Does she get a body? Is it just an imaginary friend scenario?
  19. I would assume space limitations were the biggest factor. While a better translation, "Flame who seeks through the Flow of Time" is quite the mouthful, and wouldn't fit on the end card.
  20. If they can only cover one route, the obvious choice is no anime at all. Any choice will invalidate 3/4 of the fans' opinions.
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