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Defeatist Elitist

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Status Updates posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. im glad you are still around

    1. Defeatist Elitist

      Defeatist Elitist

      im still planning on reading the gene wolfe books i swear

    2. Original Alear

      Original Alear

      I am worried I am still around...I am sometimes a deeply haunted and most likely deluded person, worrying I have wounded existence profoundly, afraid I caused Donald Trump (even though I  voted against him), Covid, and recent spates of anti-asian discrimination in America...you don't have to read the Gene Wolfe books. But you might enjoy them, and I don't recommend against it.

    3. Original Alear

      Original Alear

      And it was nice to see you around of course.

  2. Soul!

    1. Junkhead


      Hey dude long time no see mang.

  3. Yeah, I'm a big fan of his work on Buzzcocks. That's definitely pretty cool though.

  4. Holy shit did he really? That makes me somewhat jealous.

  5. OH WELL. I appreciate the offer anyway.

  6. Well I haven't been to a concert since like September so unless something really huge comes up, sure. Except since I won't be 19 by then I don't think I'd be let in.

  7. I tend to be pretty hit and miss as far as less melodic vocals go, but I think that's one of the places where they work.

  8. are you trying to seduce me

  9. I'm logged in pretty much whenever I'm on my computer, so I guess so, though more and more people just seem to use Skype or IRC now. I mostly just use it to talk to Joe.

  10. I don't have all day!

  11. I know, right? The member title is actually sort of quoted from the character in the avatar.

  12. School's going pretty well, I'm definitely enjoying myself here. I figure I should get out to see the city more though, I spend almost all my time on campus.

  13. Well I don't hang out here too much, so that's probably why.

    BUT ANYWAY, wussup?

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