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Defeatist Elitist

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Status Updates posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Very GAY. Almost as GAY as an Elephant. Or a Zebra.

  2. Transfers would just be yuck. Besides, I figure it'll be pretty obvious if people are Battle Save abusing (if they're consistently being successful with strategies that have a <50% chance of working, and thus massively cutting turn count). Plus yeah, it would be pretty damn tough for some people if it was Hard Mode.

  3. You're probably like, asleep or something, but I'm going to post this and say you are on in the draft topic just in case you ARE online and receiving the email notification from this awakens you.

  4. Because stuff? Dunno, the last one was, so yeah...

  5. You're not posting!

  6. Hey. Stop being so GAY.

  7. Hey post more so I can mock you publicly and build up my fragile self esteem please.

  8. Alright. Figured I should let you know. I've ordered another computer though, so I'll be back soonish (within a week or so)

  9. You just are. IT'S DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN.

  10. Nah, you're pretty beast, so it wasn't just because I could.

    It's kind of like rape, right. I mean, the other person can't say no, but you don't do it just because you can, right? You only rape someone that you really WANT to rape.

  11. inorite

    This forum has the bestest friend feature.

  12. A real man never truly dies, even when he's killed...

  13. omg omg omg omg a gurl takled to me u r a gurl right omg omg omg sry jst came in pants i accidently and now it s rly sticky


  15. Do I have to sacrifice a hooker or something in order to resurrect you?

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