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  1. As I lay the final blow on Takumi and progress further in my quest to complete all games on Lunatic/Maddening/whatever, I thought I'd write some things down about Conquest Lunatic. I decided to tackle this playthrough like the others, so with no DLC, and not giving a rat's ass about turn counts. I was pleasantly surprised to find a game considered so hard to actually be quite fair for the most part. Whenever I had to reset a map, it mostly felt like the mistake was on me, and not on cheap map design. HOWEVER, every chapter past the great wall of Takumi can go straight to hell. Inevitable end, 12 mov fliers, and above all else, the infinite Staff Savant Maids in CH26 are absolutely insufferable. I was fairly optimistic about the notorious endgame map, as I had accumulated quite a few good skills on the most valuable characters (Sol and Axefaire on Xander, Some Berserker and WL skills on Camilla, Bowbreaker on Leo,...) and I miraculously made it through in Only 2 attempts, with Ophelia!Elise (bless her heart) delivering the killing blow. Overall, this was a quite positive experience, minus the sour taste of the lategame. Among my favorite maps are probably CH10, 22 and 23, with most of the others being decent to pretty good. Off to the next game! (Revelations) P.S. Kids were not included in the tier list template, but Velouria!Camilla and Ophelia!Elise were absolute monsters through the lategame. Nina!Mozu and Forrest!Felicia were decent for supporting roles and chip damage, and I didn't really bother using the others
  2. I hacked a code way back in 2015 to allow both of FeMU and MaMU (from Avatar Logbook importing) to actually have supports and support each other in one given save file. I never really did anything with it other than make silly posts on my Youtube channel. Fast forward to today where the 3DS Firmware updates and new hardware (New3DS and New3DS XL) have rendered those codes useless. Because of Awakening's 10 year anniversary as of April 19, 2022 of the Japanese release... and how this single game changed the course of my life (that being I met my wife through it despite the astronomical chances of everything) I felt a little nostalgic. I rehacked those old codes of mine and the itch to use them for a playthrough just happened. I definitely lurk in Serenes discord but posting a playthrough like this in a discord server feels wrong and sucks for archival purposes. The premise: A Lunatic/Classic run where there are two MUs that are married to each other. I must recruit everyone possible and any character permadeath requires a reset. That's it. The general guidelines is this is a no-grind/DLC run and I will try to use actual strategies that are reliable. But when it comes down to it if I survive via RNG and it prevents a reset, I will take it. This is a gimmick run after all. It's time to show everyone how much of a faker I am making that Lunatic+ guide years ago when I actually suck at the game when you record everything I do. Codes used with Luma3DS Action Replay plugin: Before I posted something here I felt like I should at least get to the point where the entire premise of the playthrough was proven. Link to Playlist: Click here for the playlist I am now up to Chapter 7 and my uploads up to Chapter 4 where our MUs meet up gameplay-wise. #1 Prologue (Rey's Side): I have to admit, the Prologue was definitely a slap in the face and set my expectations of what I'm facing in early game. Like it took me SO MUCH to readjust and derust my brain on things I could do to prevent oneshots from enemies. The game definitely said "are you sure you want to jump back into this game after 7 years right into Lunatic?" And as a self-proclaimed masochist, I answered: "Yes. Yes I'm sure." #2 Prologue (Belinda's Side): This time around I used the water trick. Pretty straightforward... until I had to reset a lot because my muscle memory hadn't come back yet. I even had a misinput and had to kill the mage with Frederick's Silver Lance. But it be that way. And also my wife gets FRIGGIN PERFECT LEVEL UPS. #3 Chapter 1 (Rey's Side): Chapter Bear Meat. Now I remember the story of this game somewhat lol. No notable occurrences other than fort strats and praying some misses occur. Now I'm starting to remember that trading in this game in Lunatic = losing. You have to dodge a lot of stuff. #4 Chapter 1 (Belinda's Side): Really feeling the earlygame boredom here. Like being shocked back into the mindset is nice but man these chapters don't have any options for the player so it's a lot of pain. #5 Chapter 2 (Rey's Side): True hell. "You are sentenced to death of a thousand resets." This place is the wall for earlygame Lunatic. Some part of me wishes I did the water trick in Prologue for my side. Considering this isn't a guide, I just... gave in and kept the Dual Guard save. Like I didn't want to reset anymore. THEN I WAS ALSO A DUMBASS and didn't calculate damage right and the short axe would have killed Viole/Virion if they didn't dodge, forcing a reset. I'm just glad it's over for my side. #6 Chapter 2 (Belinda's Side): Hell 2: Electric Boogaloo. Here we go again. I really went for mountain strats instead of just sending frederick to get overwhelmed with a Silver Lance and pray they don't die. #7 Chapter 3 (Rey's Side): I'm at the final stretch before our files finally combine. I actually felt like this was a lot more fair than Lunatic+ Chapter 3. I remember hating that. #8 Chapter 3 Belinda's Side): I had a couple of stupid resets because I was just really dumb about making sure people were out of range. Was all on me and not on the game. Very fun and chill chapter. Regardless of this file disappearing I'm leveling all the side units as normal so that her MU isn't overleveled. #9 Chapter 4: Masked Math Finally. This is where the real playthrough starts. There was so much management until I could get to the fun part. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to get here no-grind again after 7 years of rust playing this game. I have to say though I reset a lot more than I thought I would working with two MUs instead of just one. It's kind of different compared to anything else.
  3. Hi! This is my first post on Serenes Forest and my re-introduction into Fire Emblem Fates. The Fates cast has some of my favorite characters of all the games and I've been wanting to revisit the game and attempt a Lunatic play through of Conquest. I've lurked on some topics to try to get a better understanding of how to plan out my run, but, if I am to be completely honest, I feel a little bit lost. So, I came here hoping to ask for a little bit of help and guidance for a first time Lunatic Conquest gamer. My favorite character is Selena (with Laslow as a close second) and I'd like to utilize her to her utmost ability, so I am mainly looking for a way to build her. Hero seems like a fairly straightforward pick in terms of her classes, but does anyone else have any other skill recommendations? What my post boils down to is the following: I'm attempting Lunatic Conquest for the first time and I would love some tips for planning characters with a focus on Selena. I hope anyone who sees this has a wonderful day! ❤️
  4. Hey everyone, I recently came across the idea of a corrinquest which I feel like could be a fun way to play lunatic conquest since I’ve never done it. If you would like to help out, please create a Corrin in a unique class and add 2 skills you would like to add I would be happy to use them since it doesn’t seem like too many people play anymore. If anyone would like to put their castle names/addresses below I would really appreciate it!
  5. I decided to try out vanilla Lunatic for Awakening's 10th anniversary, and this chapter is a massive roadblock (no pun intended). Any ideas for how I can make it through? Since this is a quasi-ironman run (i.e. I'm allowed to reset from my last save if I get a Game Over instead of starting the whole run from scratch), I'm open to any plan that requires sacrifice, though I'd obviously prefer keeping everyone alive if I can. I know Lunatic doesn't really have any consistent strategy and requires you to rethink your plan on the fly, but even just an idea for what to do on Turn 1 would be a huge help. NOTE: This is NOT Lunatic+; this is regular Lunatic. No worrying about shit like Vantage+, Luna+, Pass, or Hawkeye. I'm masochistic to a certain extent, but I have my limits, and Lunatic+ sounds like CBT without the CB. (Plus, I haven't unlocked it yet, so I couldn't play L+ if I wanted to.) My current team (not including Stahl, Vaike, or Miriel) Chrom Level 3 Lord (36 EXP) 22 HP 8 STR 2 MAG 9 SKL 10 SPD 7 LCK 8 DEF 3 RES Inventory: Falchion, Rapier (34 uses) Supports: Frederick (C Support) Weapon ranks: D Swords Skills: Dual Strike+ Robin (female, +Spd/-Def) Level 5 Tactician (98 EXP) 21 HP 9 STR 7 MAG 8 SKL 11 SPD 8 LCK 6 DEF 4 RES Inventory: Thunder (25 uses), Vulnerary (1 use) Supports: Lissa (C Support) Weapon ranks: E Swords, D Tomes Skills: Veteran Lissa Level 2 Cleric (19 EXP) 18 HP 2 STR 5 MAG 4 SKL 4 SPD 9 LCK 3 DEF 4 RES Inventory: Heal (23 uses) Supports: Robin (C Support) Weapon ranks: E Staves Skills: Miracle Frederick Level 1 Great Knight (76 EXP) 28 HP 13 STR 2 MAG 12 SKL 10 SPD 6 LCK 14 DEF 3 RES Inventory: Silver Lance (18 uses), Miniature Lance (10 uses), Bronze Sword (50 uses), Elixir (3 uses) Supports: Chrom (C Support) Weapon ranks: D Swords, B Lances, D Axes Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Fighter Sully Level 2 Cavalier (93 EXP) 20 HP 7 STR 1 MAG 8 SKL 8 SPD 6 LCK 7 DEF 2 RES Inventory: Bronze Lance (47 uses) Supports: None Weapon ranks: E Swords, D Lances Skills: Discipline Virion Level 2 Archer (0 EXP) 19 HP 6 STR 0 MAG 11 SKL (9 naturally, +2 granted by Skill +2) 5 SPD 7 LCK 6 DEF 1 RES Inventory: Iron Bow (40 uses) Supports: None Weapon ranks: D Bows Skills: Skill +2
  6. Hey! So I'm gonna be completely honest, I only made this account so I could post this thread because I feel like I'm out of options. To preface, my lunatic mode run has been...less than ideal, but I've already struggled enough to get to where I am now, I don't think I have the heart to reset completely. I'm stuck on chapter 5, the one where you get Maribelle and Ricken. Apparently it's notorious for being hard to beat on lunatic, so I've looked at guides and stuff for help. The strategy I've seen everywhere was that you basically use Lissa and a Rescue staff to save the two new units and then keep them behind. However, my problem is that I don't have Lissa to begin with - I was struggling with chapter 3 and I ended up having to sacrifice her near the end. It wasn't an easy decision, but I figured that Maribelle or Libra could end up being my main healers. Little did I know that getting Maribelle in the first place was going to be damn near impossible to begin with. My strategy so far has been to send Robin/Sumia up to kill the eastern myrmidon with Celia's Gale so Maribelle/Ricken can hide in the corner and after that I have Frederick/Sully kill the fighter next to it. I'm not really sure what to do next, so I usually just keep Lon'qu/Kellam at the bottom to fight the enemies to the west and Chrom/Stahl just kinda hide in the corner because they're both fragile as shit. I usually survive the first turn, but it's the ones after that get dicey. If I get good RNG, Frederick/Sully and Robin/Sumia pick off some enemies and get left with relatively high health with Maribelle/Ricken still in the corner. At this point Lon'qu/Kellam either survive by dodging and abusing the Killing Edge or they get overwhelmed and die. Turn 3 is as far as I usually get since at this point the main damage dealers can only do so much at the giant swarm of enemies, which usually ends up with one of them making it over and killing Maribelle/Ricken. If those two somehow miraculously survive, it's usually Chrom/Stahl that end up getting killed by this point if the bottom enemies haven't killed Lon'qu already. You can see the struggle I'm facing, right? Quite literally an uphill battle. I'll give any information you guys need, I just need some advice. Hell, I don't even need Ricken or Stahl - as long as I end up with Maribelle and everybody else alive, then I'd call it a success. Why yes, this is my first lunatic run, how could you tell?
  7. Welcome everyone to this small LP of mine! Some of might have seen my PME Thread (where you can also see all the changes) over on the Fates Subforum, and after finally getting all 16 of units, and some asking around, i decided to do a small LP! It won't be a detailed one, but i will try to post pics of my general strategy and of interesting events happening! For this post, i have only a small introduction. I went and edited my units right after the route split. Our Main Character, the Man himself, Kaga! Somehow, in his way to infiltrate IS' games, he became... a fish dragon? What's interesting about this unit is that it has access to 1-5 range attacks and heal, but can't double attack or Attack stance. Can still pair up, though! Although the Bonuses are abysmal, really. Following Kaga in his adventures, his loyal servant disguised herself as a lord! She knows that they've got trouble with how her lord became a fish and all, hence she is going all out with her magical arsenal! This is the start of a chaotic adventure, and i hope as much fun as i will have, you all will be entertained as well! Index: Episode 1 Episode 1x Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Bonus Episode Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Interlude Episode 16 Episode 17 Endgame
  8. I must admit, I barely remember Awakening. I played through only once on Hard Classic back in the day and at this point I felt like I needed a bit of a refresher. Now I wanted to see how Lunatic was like, and similar to my Lunatic Conquest I was curious how it would play without using the combat effects of pairup, but knowing how integral they tried to make that mechanic in Awakening I was uncertain if this run will be entirely possible. I have seen forum rumors of someone on another forum claiming they beaten a Lunatic no-pairup run, and theories that it is possible, but neither of these were particularly promising, so I did wait until I unlocked the ability to summon teams from the battle box that could be battled to grind before just to test how possible this run will be before committing to an LP. I suppose it is about time to set down some ground rules: 1. Having a unit that is paired up engage in combat is a reset worthy offense. 2. Having a unit paired up that could have been targeted on enemy phase is a reset worthy defense 3. No paid DLC (as I do not have any) I will also restrict the amount of off screen grinding I do based on reader feedback. Now I will still use pairup to increase my maneuverability on the map, so expect liberal use of the pairup, transfer, swap, and separate commands to give me a tactical edge. Also do be warned if things get dire enough, I may leave units dead on the field of battle, but I will try my best to keep everyone alive. Now for reader convenience I will start by try to have updates separate into 3-4 spoiler tags, as I will be looking at the story and supports I get I will separate updates into supports (if applicable) opening story, chapter, and ending story section. I guess it is time to start
  9. So I've been a long time lurker on this forum since Fates first came out. I played the hell out of Awakening and Fates during my first couple years of college but I was either playing on casual or resetting on unit deaths. I always considered ironmaning a game but never really had the drive to, but with a couple FE youtubers lately have been streaming iron man runs and I figured I might as well give it a shot. I decided on running Fire Emblem Fates Birthright on Lunatic mode since it was the game I had the most experience with, it's a little easier, and I plan on running Conquest on Lunatic soonish and I figure it will get me familiar with the systems in general. After a couple failed runs due to my negligence with my Corrin, tonight i was able to knock out the last couple chapters and have my first Iron man under my belt. This has been one of the top gaming experiences i have ever had. While ironmaning Birthright might not seem like much to some people on account of the game's general lack of difficulty, it really pushed me to my limits. as a more casual Fe player it was really rewarding unlearning a lot of the more lazy ( I hope that's not too harsh a word) habits I usually employ when playing. there was this back in forth with most chapters where I either needed to be really aggressive, defensive or mostly some sweet mix of the two. I ended up losing about 9 or so units through out the course of this run and I got to say, there's this weird sensation I got with every death; like the guilt and frustration was there, but there was this feeling of excitement as I got to play around with the units I had to fill the hole. I definitely got a new appreciation for a lot of Fates' systems. A few thoughts/highlight's in no particular order: Ryoma is a monster of a man and probably saved this run. It's been said a hundred times, but Ryoma is such an amazing unit and there is weird comfort in knowing that if Ryoma goes into a hallway filled with enemies, he's gonna hold the line no problem. It's great to have a dodge tank that actually dodges. Alongside Ryoma, I got to give props to Saizo, his right hand man. I lost Kaze very early and later Kagero in the mid game and this dude pulled his weight and then some. Ninja's are a weird thing in fates since they suck when your fighting them, but they are so powerful in your hands and they can really turn the tide. Saizo had insane level ups and between him and his son (with hinoka as his the little guy was hitting like a train) it definitely solidified the importance of ninja's in my mind. another class that has moved up a lot in my book is the spear fighters. I mean they were always useful in the lower difficulties but swap utility is something else on lunatic. There were a lot of times that I was able to get a necessary kill or heal in because I got a swap conga line going. I ended up having three with me through most of the end game and I was glad I did. I really hope that they continue to implement movement abilities in future games, they add a much needed and honestly fun layer to the typical player phase ballroom blitz. I ended up losing Azura rather early in the game and dude did that make things more interesting. Losing a dancer is always a blow but fates is basically built around Azura being there. Despite all the difficulty of not allowing Ryoma or Corrin to attack twice in one round, losing her made me appreciate my other units a lot more. not being able to rely on having one of my powerhouses to get a second turn was a huge wake up call and really allowed a lot of otherwise meager units to really shine and contribute. I definitely plan on keeping her alive through through Lunatic, but it was a unique moment that reverberated through out the late game. Staff utility made so much of a difference. On Lunatic the enemies have such a massive amount of stats that I found myself really relying on those late game staves. Hexing, Silence, and Rescue staffs honestly won me this run on multiple occasions. The only reason I was able to one round dragon Garon and not lose half my units was because I hexing rodded (Is that even a verb?) him Much like movement abilities, I didn't see there utility until Lunatic but now I can't imagine playing with out them. Last but not least is the most surprising and odd takeaway from this run, on of my new favorite units: Reina. She wasn't the most powerful or useful unit on me team. Honestly I ended up benching her quite often. But throughout this run I ended up losing a lot of my go to units (Kaze, Rinkah, Kagero, Silas) and Reina just fit in in a lot of weird ways. She wasn't a power house by any means, but she came in clutch in a lot chapters. Not in a crucial way like save Corrin or preventing a game over scenario, but defintley made things easier. Be it allowing one of my other units to reach across the map to cinch a kill, dodging every single enemy archer that took aim at her, or getting the most unexpected but beneficial crits on this run. she didn't do everything, she doesn't have as much fire power as other heavy hitters and there were more than a few chapters when she was just sitting around, but she has come out of this run alive and one of my new favorite units. If you ever have an empty slot in one of your runs defintley consider using her, she'll surprise you. So yeah, those are my thoughts on my first Iron man. A little long and self indulgent, but hey what's the internet for if we can't gush about the nerdy shit we enjoy? big thanks to the community for bringing this fun way to play to my attention, Looking forward to Lunatic Conquest run in a couple weeks after I take a much needed break from Fates. Take care all and stay safe out there!
  10. Doing a birthright lunatic ironman! Requests for units? Need Parents and Kids. Never done an ironman before, so any tips for birthright lunatic in particular would be appreciated. I've done most fe games on their hardest difficulty, but never an ironman. Rule 1. If giving a kid, give their parents. Refrain from just giving a parent. Giving the family would be nice. Rule 2. No paid dlc. But can use stuff like balistician, witch (mutually exclusive), paragon, exalt's brand. Rule 3. There are no mods on the games, so will be a vanilla run Rule 4. Looking for around 18 units, which will probably be cycled through the run based on deaths and viability. Rule 5. Avatar can be customized by anyone who comes first. You can decide appearance, name, Class, Bane and Boon, S-Support partner and gender. suggestion: i've never married a gen 2 unit, and that could get more units into the fray, so feel free to use that! Parent 1a: Great Knight! corrin(+spd, - def) Parent 1b: master Ninja! Saizo kid 1: Noble! Kana Parent 2a: Swordmaster! Setsuna Parent 2b: Oni chieftain!Hinata kid 2: Sniper! Hisame Parent 3a: Mechanist! Azama Parent 3b: MasterNinja! Kagero kid 3: Priestess! Mitama Parent 4a: Ballistician! Silas Parent 4b: Great Knight! Rinkah kid 4: Hero! Sophie Parent 5a: Master of Arms! Ryoma Parent 5b: Merchant! Oboro kid 5: Spearmaster! Shiro Parent 6a: Merchant! Mozu Parent 6b: Jakob (unspecified) kid 6: Dwyer (unspecified) Parent 7a: Master of Arms! Subaki Parent 7b: Unspecified! Azura kid 7a: FalcoKnight! Caeldori kid7b: Lodestar! Shigure Unpaired or Unspecified: unspecified! Azura unspecified! Jakob unspecified! Dwyer Kids are also not paired if yall want to do that as well
  11. Ok, so since I kind of let my last playthrough of Fire Emblem Awakening lapse, I kind of realised I needed to...do it again and this time give it a more sustainable future and not lose any units because that is the ultimate goal here. Also I'm a masochist and like to drive myself crazy. The last playthrough I did had a poll on whether or not I would do Lunatic Classic or Casual, but since Classic won by a landslide and so, for the sake of those whom wished to see me complete that run, I have returned to do just that. Complete this run of Fire Emblem Awakening Lunatic Classic and do so without losing a single (Virion included) unit. I am a pure masochist so for the real fun I am opening a few things for suggestions, take note however the following has been set in stone: 1. The team must have Chrom, the Avatar and their wives (Maribelle and Lucina). Sumia is locked to Henry because I have massive bias and I like a dark mage Cynthia and a +6 mag modifier Grandmaster/Dark Flier Morgan abusing Aether like no tomorrow XD 2. The Avatar is +Mag/-Def named Grima and his birthday is the 19th of April (mark that down if you like, we'll call it an Easter Egg for this playthrough, brownie points if you can guess why that is so.) 3. The first couple of chapters are over two videos, but hopefully it will be a chapter/map per video thereafter. 4. There will be some grinding, this isn't meant to be a massive challenge run, but will contain the bare minimum of stats required to pull through each chapter map without the units dying. DLC will help build up certain relationships after all. 5. Class suggestions will be considered, even the DLC classes if it's worthwhile. 6. There won't be any Enherjar units unless needs really must. 7. Enherjar shopping and grinding is acceptable for this run. With those wrinkles out of the way, suggestions and the run will now begin in ernest. My next post will contain Part One and Part Two of the run. Thanks for following and I do hope you enjoy me being the masochist I truly am. Tagging previous run watchers @Nym @DisobeyedCargo @deskita @ChickenWings @ElectiveToast @Light Strategist so you can join in on the masochism and take a sip of soft drink or more healthily water every time I tell Grima off in this playthrough. Part One: The Curse of the Game Overs XD Part 2: Chrom gets a kill XD
  12. Since I am redoing my Lunatic Classic Awakening run, with the men and women left, I would like it if people were able to finish the roster of the future children because I am somewhat at an impasse on which pairings to do (somewhat). The following couples are set in stone: Chrom x Maribelle Avatar x Lucina Cordelia x Gregor Sumia x Henry An honorary mention is that I won't be picking up Donny due to his beginning frailty. Otherwise the pairings are fair game. Who knows maybe they might take on Apo XD Thanks in advance 😄
  13. I think it is about time I tackle the last of the Fates Lunatic modes, but after an intense Conquest play through I want a different kinda challenge run, hence the PMU. So some ground rules, 1. You have 13 slots to pick. Feel free to choose classes and parents for child characters. 2. Corrin (M), Azura, and Felicia are already part of the team, although people can pick a final class for them (and Boon for Corrin) 3. The only DLC classes available are the free DLC classes and bonus Path classes (max 2 Dread Fighter, max 2 Dark Falcons; max 1 of either Ballistician or Witch) 4. No Amiibo or DLC characters (Sorry Anna fans) 5. Have fun with classes, I rarely experiment with changing classes, so I am looking forward to having to play with some people in very different classes this time around. Edit: As of now all slots are filled. The units that have been chosen are as follows If there is interest in me doing so, I can do a write-up of the run as I go, and some more detailed rules I will be following for the run are listed in the spoiler tab below.
  14. Well, today I got some rare free time, and decided to try playing Fates again after about a year hiatus. I thought I'd limit myself by trying an Ironman run. The Rules: 1: We will be playing on Lunatic/Classic 2: We will not reset if a unit dies. If my Corrin dies, I reserve the right to try again, or this might be a very short run. 3: No DLC grinding for XP or gold. Grinding supports in castle battles is okay. 4: I will limit myself to one "bought" skill per unit 5: No Bond units will be used, but "Captured" units are okay. 6: We will be starting after the route split. 7: Children paralogs will be played, if available, and children units are okay to use. 8: I will be skipping over most of the story for this LP, since it's more about seeing how well badly I do. 9: To make things interesting, I will let the audience pick who my Corrin will wed in holy matrimony. 10: If I forgot any rules, I reserve the right to add more rules. I've already married Jakob and Kaze in past playthroughs, so I prefer to try someone different, but we'll see how it goes. If the top choice dies before we can consummate the marriage, I'll try to pick the next top available choice. If anyone wants to visit my castle during this glorious campaign, my address is 05107-66614-62592-54117. Feedback and comments are always welcome! For Marriages and Stuff Summary as of Page 24
  15. So, I'm at an impasse not sure to continue or stop and say this is where I got in Lunatic. I love Awakening and have beaten it many times and likewise have tried Lunatic many times as well. Just in the past week I've managed to get further I ever have (which usually resulted in me quitting at around ch5 cuz I hated the early levels). It wasn't bad once I got out, but I did have to reset a few times. Now I just hit Ch 15-17. I think 16 was Mila tree and that was nuts. It was my first non-full deploy and just rushed chapter. Now I'm on Ch 17 and some of my units aren't promoted, but a good half are, but the promoted enemies are just killing even my MU. I hear all this talk that it really trivializes the difficulty when you grind (and I won't Nos-tank because I don't reclass my MU ever so that's not even a thing for me). I have been doing skirmishes until they got too hard as I don't consider them grinding as they are part of the game, but have yet to touch the DLCs. I know I'm close, but from my time playing hard so many times is that the later chapters are annoying (personally). Awakening as fun as it is for me the late chapters are just hellish devils and have terrible map design and enemy placement. I just feel as if I grind my run is shit and what not, but I would like to complete it. I guess what's getting to me is all the stuff I read about people doing it no grind and such...not like I know any of the people on here or on other sites I read it from, but just makes me feel like I'm bad...IDK. I once read an old thread here from like 2014 that some people do minimal grinding? They don't overly grind, but do like a DLC like every 5 chapters or so for the lower peeps? Thoughts? Advice? Should I just throw in the towel now?
  16. I always wanted to do an Awakening playlog and this place in particular is fond of them so I'm hoping at least someone will take an interest in mine here. I wanna do a high man, no kids Lunatic+ run. Highman runs are fun, even more so if no kids are involved, especially on Lunatic or above. I love the no kids variant as you have to raise a bunch of losers weaklings from beginning to end, making sure all of them pull their weight. There is always the decent possibility someone will lag and will be left behind so you have to backtrack. There is the equal possibility that someone will hog exp if they become too strong. This also means no Lucina, so Grima is harder to take down if I don't raise my units well. For the longest time, I avoided Lunatic+ because I didn't think I could do it. I found out recently I totally can. Counter is a nasty little bug, so my main way to deal with it is Nosferatu. I don't care, I'm not a good FE player. Couples I plan to use: Chrom/Sushi (an avatar name some people chose) Stahl/Cordelia Gaius/Tharja Henry/Sumia I usually get Libra and Olivia married through the art of dance. I'll do my best to get Frederick and Lissa to marry each other as well. My restrictions: No DLC No barracks No sparkly tiles I love Anna shops too much to give them up. Her items aren't free and may kill my budget if I am not careful, the same applies to why I don't ban the Bonus Box sellers. Poor money management can kill even the best of runs. I hope to begin this run by next week.
  17. I really enjoy FE:A Lunatic, so I'm wondering if Conquest Lunatic would be too.
  18. This is both my first play through and my first iron man run, so don’t expect it to be good or anything. Hopefully the memes will be good enough Rules: 1) If a unit dies, then they stay dead. I only reset if my Corrin dies 2) The game will be played on Classic/Lunatic 3) Grinding with DLC or scouting is banned. Any other method of grinding is allowed 4) I can only buy one skill per unit 5) Children can be used and obtained. The marriages for gen 1 will be decided once I get to a certain point (after completing chapter 20 in my case 6) The game will start at the route split 7) A special self imposed rule; Ryoma is banned from use until the end of chapter 20 (when I will be getting the kids) 8) The marriage options for my Corrin and others will be decided by you!
  19. Hello and welcome to my playthrough of Lunatic mode for Conquest. I actually couldn't find a thread like this anywhere, and even if there is one, I'd like to make this to log my personal playthrough of the game. The idea for this kind of thread was inspired by Interceptor's Lunatic+ Awakening guide, and I'll be trying to follow a similar format. Here's his thread, if you're interested: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/40300-lunatic-playlogguidewalkthrough-completed/ So, setting some ground rules: Lunatic. COMPLETE BS rewarding and challenging. Semi-Classic. Classic mode, with soft reset when a character unintentionally dies. L + R + START is a useful shortcut that instantly soft-resets the game. NO S SUPPORTS. No child characters, no extra paralogues for free exp, nothing. The game is beatable without them. No wireless bonuses of any kind. That includes path bonuses, stuff from other peoples' castles, and rewards for castle battles/visits. No buying skills/units online. Buildings are allowed. You can build these on any playthrough, so forging is allowed. Meals are RNG based on who happens to be in the kitchen at the moment, so I'll block them. Tonics are allowed. No random event items. There are some really useful items you can get from talking to the people in My Castle such as Raider weaponry (+3 effective speed for double attacks), Leo's Iceblade (magic weapon with high might), Hunter's Bow (bow, effective against beasts), etc. If you get lucky enough to get one, great! The game will probably be easier for you. I won't be using them, though. Turn counts - irrelevant, but less so than in Awakening. Conquest tends to have better map design that results in maps forcing you to play more aggressively, and complete them quickly. Press Start to skip. The fifth time you restart the map, you don't really care so much what excuse the game has for putting you into this battle. NO DLC. Did you ever spend $40 on a game and then decide you want to pay extra money so you don't have to play the game? That's DLC in a nutshell. Big no in every way imaginable. No resetting for better level-ups. This isn't actually a ground rule - it's something that is actively prohibited by the game. Your units will get the same level-ups every time no matter how much you reset. The basic plan for this run is to have a super-tanky Corrin who will singlehandedly wipe the enemy team. Everyone else is a supporting character. Corrin will be a dodge-tank with high (but still damageable, so enemies will attack her) defense, to get the maximum mileage out of Draconic Hex. I'll go over the units we recruit as we get them. So let's begin! Character creation: Meet Stella, the (female) Sturdy but Unlucky Ninja-at-heart. In actual stat terms, that means +def, -luck with a Heart Seal class of Ninja. Ninja is important for 3 reasons: 1. We want Mechanist for Golembane to deal with Stoneborn/Mechanists. 2. Lethality is a nice skin to have. 3. Knives are a great weapon to have since they're 1-2 range and therefore able to bypass both Counter and Countermagic; also, Master Ninja has a good avoid rate and Shurikenfaire helps with the damage output a LOT. Also, we want to have a female Corrin since we get Jakob early instead of Felicia. Jakob is a bit more useful early-game due to his strength stat (he actually has one) and a better personal skill for late-game. The plan is take Stella up to Nohr Noble 5 for Draconic Hex (one of the best skills in the game), then take 3 levels of Mechanist for Golembane, then swap into Master Ninja for the final class change. Let's begin! Chapter 0 (Prologue) Goals: N/A Reinforcements: N/A New units: N/A This is gonna be tricky, so bear with me here. First, attack the red enemy and he will die. Then, another red enemy will appear. Attack him with Takumi and finish him off with Corrin. Nice job, we've learned how to play Fire Emblem! Chapter 1 Goals: N/A Reinforcements: N/A New units: N/A Don't bother listening to Xander. Just attack him until he dies. Chapter 2 Goals: Give Gunter as few kills as possible, don't let anyone die. Reinforcements: N/A New units: Gunter, Jakob. Gunter is a worthless unit that you lose in 1 chapter due to plot. You get him back later and he's hardly better then. Jakob, on the other hand, is a unit we'll be taking to the end of the game. He uses knives (your only ranged unit for a while), is reasonably fast, and can heal (and heal himself using Live to Serve, which he gets in a couple of levels). Not only that, but he has 6 MOV at the start of the game, which is pretty great. Finally, his personal (-3 damage taken and +15 avoid to Stella if he supports her) is going to carry us later in the game because Jakob alone has the ability to make her into an unstoppable tank of a unit. His other learned skill, Tomebreaker, is also pretty good, especially considering how early in the game you'll get it. Welcome to your first chapter of actual Fire Emblem! This is the first chapter in the game that requires any amount of thought. We can do this one turn by turn: Turn 1: We pop the dragon vein with Stella, opening up the healtile room. Then, we move Jakob and Gunter into the healtile room. Turn 2: The left 3 enemies have two ranged attackers and one Oni Savage (who can take a hit from Gunter). We'll let Gunter block this side off while we deal with the more squishy right side. Gunter goes on the middle-left healtile, blocking the left entrance to the room. Jakob goes in the top-right corner of the room. Here, he can only be hit by Kaze, who can't kill him in one round (even with a dual strike). Stella goes in the middle-right healtile, blocking the room. The single Samurai that could have reached her will ignore her since he will deal no damage, thanks to +5 DEF from Jakob's personal skill and Gentilhomme. Turn 3: Jakob can kill Kaze without fear of being attacked by anyone since he is out of reach of the two other ranged attackers. Gunter moves right to block off the right doorway into the room. Stella moves left and kills the Oni Savage, who is on low health from fighting Gunter. Turn 4: 2 enemies down, 4 to go. One samurai will be right outside the bottom door, so we hit him with Stella and then kill him with Jakob (Jakob needs exp more so than Stella). Gunter moves back to the left doorway to block the passage. Turn 5: Actually, Stella missed the bottom Samurai last turn, so I just moved her right to block the right doorway from the second Samurai (who's trying to sneak back around) and finish off the bottom Samurai with Jakob. Stella is on pretty low health, but she can still take a hit from the Samurai. Meanwhile, Rinkah will be almost dead to Gunter + one hit from Stella, so we finish her off with Jakob (dual strike from Gunter). Then Gunter moves over to support Stella, so she can one-round the upper Samurai on enemy phase. Turn 6: The only enemy left is the Samurai with the Kodachi, so I just one-round him with Stella to get her to level 4. Chapter 3 Goals: Get as much exp as possible, don't give Gunter any kills. Reinforcements: 3 Sky Knights with abysmal stats (but Darting Blow) will appear from the bottom fort once you aggro the Archers near the boss. New units: N/A Hey, you can use Guard Stance now! Cool! Turn 1: I put Stella in range of both of the Samurai on the bridge; paired with Gunter she can one-round them both on Enemy Phase. We want to avoid Hans killing them. Turn 2-4: Hans is going to go kill himself at the top area, so we're just going to ignore that and move down, popping the top dragon vein on our way. Turn 5: Stella pops the bottom dragon vein. I put Jakob in the forest tile right above the dragon vein, and Gunter to the left of Jakob. Turn 6: The Samurai here has Duelist's Blow, so there's a pretty good chance you won't have hit him at all. One Archer will attack Jakob, and he'll be a free kill - the other Archer will have attacked Stella, so he'll still be on full health. Stella kills the Samurai who attacked her, and Jakob kills the Archer who attacked him. This leaves the other Archer to attack Jakob (Jakob lives on 1 HP). Gunter can just kinda... do nothing. Turn 7: I gave Jakob the kill on the Archer here. The basic strategy now is just to heal everyone up using the fort, and then bait the two Archers near the boss without actually letting the boss attack you (with Jakob in Guard Stance with Gunter to avoid the dual strike). Jakob will go ahead and kill both of those Archers on enemy phase. 3 Sky Knights spawn from the bottom fort. Their stats are abysmal, but they have Darting Blow, and the 3 of them can kill Stella all on their own. We just take them out one at a time by putting Jakob and Stella in range of only one of them each. After this, it's time to kill the boss. This is a Seize map, so after we do this we will go and kill the machine gun nest in the top right of the map. The boss isn't too tough - just hit him with Jakob (paired with Gunter), then finish him off with Stella and Jakob. If you miss an attack, no worries - just retreat to the fort and try again, he doesn't heal from the building he's on so you can win a battle of attrition. I gave the boss kill to Stella. Now it's time to take out the top right of the map. We send Gunter up in range of the Archer closest to us to lure the Archer and the guard stance units towards us (the two archers on the forts don't move). Then we put Jakob on a woods tile, just in range of the bottom Archer. Jakob with a dual strike from Gunter can one-round that Archer on enemy phase, and the rest is easy - just pair Jakob with Stella and hit the Guard Stance units until they're dead. Once those two are dead, we go ahead and feed the other two Archers to Jakob since he needs the exp more than Stella. Then we Seize. I lost track of the turn count here. It was probably about 14-15. Chapter 4 Goals: Exp only for Kaze and Stella, talk to Hinoka for a free Concoction. Reinforcements: N/A New units: Kaze. Kaze is a great unit. He's the typical fragile but fast myrmidon, except in this game he's a ninja instead. That's all the better because of how busted shurikens are. It's a good idea to train him up in this chapter since after this chapter you get him back pretty late, so he'll be a bit behind. We're going to put him through a few levels of Mechanist for some much-needed DEF growth, then drop him into Master Ninja for Lethality and Shurikenfaire. He has a pretty bad LCK stat so we might give him a couple of Goddess Icons. This is more of the kind of chapter I expect to see from Awakening - a big Rout map without many interesting features. in this case, what we're going to be trying to do is steal as many kills from Ryoma as possible (he will solo the entire map on his own if you let him). It doesn't matter if Sakura dies, but you want Hinoka to stay alive so you can get her Concoction. There's pretty much no chance of her dying, though, so no need to sweat it. Also, don't give any kills to Rinkah since you lose her after chapter 5 - but don't let her get killed either, you need her for chapter 5. Go ahead and use the Vulnerary Kaze has as much as you like, you don't keep it either. Let's begin! Turn 1: Visit the village with Stella to get a Goddess Icon. Useful since we have a LCK flaw. Everyone else moves up towards the Faceless on the mountain. Turn 2: Stella pops the closest dragon vein to make the closest Faceless attackable. Rinkah attacks that Faceless, then Kaze finishes him off. Put Kaze to the right of Rinkah so the two Faceless above Rinkah have to attack both Kaze and Rinkah once (Rinkah will die to two Faceless). Turn 3: Ryoma just stole one of our kills. I move Stella as far toward the mountain with the boss on it as she can move, then kill the Faceless with Kaze (his STR was sealed, so he needed a duel strike from Stella to pull it off. Rinkah gets the Vulnerary from Kaze and uses it. Turn 4: We won't pop the dragon vein we've been moving towards since the boss will just feed himself to Ryoma (or possibly kill you). Instead, we move Stella in range of the bottom left Faceless, with Kaze supporting her in attack stance. Rinkah will follow. Turn 5: The Faceless that attacked Stella will now be low on health, so I finish him off with Kaze. Then I move Stella up within range of the other Faceless from that group. I actually made a positioning mistake here - I wanted to put Rinkah closer to the bottom left, so she could support Stella in attack stance on the previous enemy phase. This doesn't really matter, though. The Faceless that attacked Stella is low on health, so I finish him off with Kaze (dual strike from Stella). Then I put Rinkah into guard stance with Stella and move them both as far into the mountains as possible, towards the Dragon Vein. Turn 6-9: Some Faceless will kill themselves on Hinoka, we kill the Faceless that attacks Sakura, and get the Concoction from Hinoka. From here, Ryoma will hang out with Hinoka so we don't need to hurry anymore. It's time to take out the boss. We won't hit the dragon vein since the mountains work in our favor, thanks to the Faceless having pretty low hit rates. First we bait the top two Faceless with Kaze, then kill them, and then fight the boss. Dual Guard works very well for us here, allowing Kaze to take a crucial extra hit from the boss. I gave the boss to Stella. Turn count: 18 (I wasted a couple of turns positioning myself). Chapter 5 Goals: Exp for Kaze. Level up Azura before completing the chapter. Reinforcements: When you engage the lower group of enemies, 4 Dark Mages will appear - one from each corner of the map. New units: Azura. Azura is the singer of this game. Her combat stats are terrible, and she's very fragile, but she gives your units a second turn, so it's worth it. Also, aside from DEF and HP, her growths are very strong and she'll end up with capped STR, which can be marginally useful. She's the only singer we get, so obviously we're keeping her. This chapter has the sole purpose of leveling up Kaze and Azura since Stella gains 1 exp from every kill except for the boss. At the same time, Kaze is pretty squishy, so it's tricky to give him all those kills. No need to conserve Sakura's Bloom Festal since we don't keep her after this chapter - and it doesn't matter if Sakura or Rinkah get killed, not that they will. Turn 1: The four enemies closest to our units will charge immediately, so we will want to head them off. The enemies on the right can kill Stella all on their own. Unfortunately, Kaze doesn't have enough DEF or RES to survive both of these guys at once, so we'll send Kaze and everyone else to the left side and leave the right side alone for now. With the help of a Sing, I put Kaze in range of one of the Mercs on the left (right in the middle of the chokepoint), which he barely survives with the help of a Rinkah guard stance. Meanwhile, Sakura is going to be a decoy for us and run to the top right corner of the map in order to lure the Dark Mage on the right away from the rest of the group. Turn 2: Now Kaze is within an inch of his life, but we're in good shape. Kaze stands still and kills the Merc in one shot (he's now at 4/5 dual guard). Azura moves between Kaze and the central rubble mound and Sings him. Kaze then completes his dual guard by attacking the other Merc without moving. Finally, we put Stella directly above Azura, leaving Azura completely surrounded and the enemies with no way to attack her. Stella will take a hit from the Wyrmslayer Merc on the right, but it's fine - she can live it. Sakura is going to run away from the enemy Dark Mage and move towards the rest of our units, staying out of enemy aggro. Turn 3: All the enemies are now dead except for the one Dark Mage. We put Kaze within the Dark Mage's range with the help of Sing, also healing him. Stella stays where she is for now. Turn 4: Kaze finishes off the Dark Mage. We move Stella up towards the top right corner to take out the top reinforcements as they come in. Turn 5: Now, it's crucial to act fast: Kaze has a dual guard that we want to make use of. We heal Kaze and then put him in range of two of the lower Dark Mages, triggering the reinforcements. Turn 6: Two Dark Mages are on 3 HP, and Kaze is on half health. Stella goes ahead and kills the Dark Mage that spawned in the top right. Under no circumstances do we want those two guard stance Mercs anywhere near Kaze yet, so we're moving everyone away from the enemies, towards the top right (there's one Dark Mage that spawned there as well). We put Kaze in the range of all 3 Dark Mages but out of reach of the Mercs. With the help of a Dual Guard he will live. Turn 7: Kaze's now on 1 2 HP (he gained a RES point during enemy phase) and now there's one almost dead Dark Mage and two full health Mercs to worry about. There's also a Dark Mage behind us we should worry about. Fortunately, Kaze has another dual guard lined up just in time to deal with this. Kaze moves up and to the left to attack the full-health Dark Mage that spawned there, then we Sing and heal Kaze to kill that Dark Mage (putting Azura and Sakura out of range of enemies). Kaze now has enough health to live another hit from the (weakened) Dark Mage. Stella can stay where she is. Turn 8: There's a dark mage moving up the left side of the map that we will deal with now. Kaze moves away from the angry Mercs, Azura Sings for him (moving out of reach of the Mercs), Sakura heals him (ditto), and Kaze blocks the top left rubble choke so that the Dark Mage there will attack Kaze on enemy phase. Meanwhile, Stella is a little cornered (the Mercs and a Dark Mage are going for her) so she kills the Dark Mage and stays out of reach of the Mercs. Turn 9: Kaze finishes off the Dark Mage, and gets ready to fight the Mercs. (We heal and Sing for him, of course.) The Mercs are eyeing Stella so she's just going to run away from them towards our team. Turn 10: With the help of Sing, Kaze is going to take the first shot at the Mercs. He has a dual guard up to soak a hit from them. Stella keeps running away from them. Turn 11: The lead Merc (they switched places) is now in kill range for Kaze despite the dual guard the Mercs have set up. Kaze kills the lead Merc, then Azura Sings him for the kill on the other Merc as well. The chapter is now effectively won, but we're going to grind Azura up to an absurdly high level before continuing by Singing repeatedly. Turn 106: After a fun and exciting experience, Azura is level 16. Stella is going to walk up to the boss (after being healed) and kill him. Turn count: 106. At the end of this chapter, Kaze is level 9 and Azura is level 16. Chapter 6 Goals: Catch Jakob up on exp. Reinforcements: N/A New units: N/A We might as well try to min-max exp gain while we're here. The chances of killing Ryoma with anyone but Xander or Leo is pretty slim, and the only units that benefit from kills in this chapter are Jakob and Stella. Therefore, we're going to lure Ryoma away from us by unequipping Xander's sword if we hit Ryoma at all. We'll then feed Takumi and Hinoka to Jakob or Stella, kill Yukimura with Jakob, and then kill Sakura with Jakob as well. Turn 1: Xander moves towards the top right and unequips his weapon. Ryoma will spend the next few turns beating him up. I move Leo in range of Takumi/Hinoka. Nobody else can get in range at the moment. Turn 2: Leo missed Takumi, but that doesn't matter - I go ahead and hit him with Leo from range 1, and then kill him with Stella. Jakob moves up and attacks Hinoka, everyone else moves back. Turn 3: Jakob is now on 3 HP. Leo moves next to Hinoka for Heartseeker, then Jakob attacks Hinoka with Stella in attack stance. With the help of Heartseeker, Jakob kills Hinoka. Elise moves up and heals Jakob. Camilla moves up and gets ready to pop the dragon vein to dry up the river. Xander managed to land a hit on Ryoma last turn. If he lands another one, I'll unequip his sword. Turn 4: Xander is pretty low on health so I use his Elixir. Jakob steps into Yukimura's range, Elise heals him, and Stella supports him for the attack stance. Turn 5: Jakob kills Yukimura with a dual strike from Stella. Xander moves down out of Ryoma's range, and Elise heals him. Now we want to hit Ryoma with Xander 1 more time in order to get him low enough to land a killing blow on Ryoma with Jakob (that's a lot of extra exp!) We don't have a chance of hitting Ryoma on his turn because of Duelist's Blow (hit chance of 25% or so) so we will go ahead and attack him with Xander repeatedly until we land the hit, running away and healing Xander as needed. I lucked out and hit him on my first try. Turn 6: Run away from Ryoma with Xander, luring him down towards our units. Turn 7: Leo moves next to Ryoma for the Heartseeker bonus, then Jakob finishes him off. Chapter 7 Goals: Train Silas and Effie. Reinforcements: N/A Supports: JakobxStella, C New units: At the start of turn 3, Silas and Elise show up on the right side of the map. Effie and Arthur show up in the same place on turn 4. Silas is the early-game cavalier. He's got good STR and decent DEF, but his SPD and RES are pretty bad. His personal is pretty good for early game, but becomes much less impactful late-game. I like him a little better than Peri, but that might be due to personality more than anything else. Elise is our prime healer for the game (Troubadour). She has a pretty excessive MAG and RES growth, good SPD, and pretty bad stats for everything else. We're going to keep using her until the endgame because other healers are hard to come by (Jakob has low MAG, Felicia comes in too late, Flora/Izana are expensive to get). She's strictly a player-phase unit, though. I fully expect her to finish with an HP of less than 25. Effie is a Knight, but her stats don't match it at all. She has a very high STR which is further accented by Puissance (+3 damage dealt if STR is 5 higher than opponent's). She has pretty bad DEF for a knight, and has a pretty good speed growth (she can actually double enemies later on). Given that, General doesn't really fit her because Wary Fighter makes her speed stat worthless. Instead, we'll probably put her into Great Knight. Arthur is a Fighter, and not a very good one. Did you ever get that feeling when that enemy with the Killing Edge criticals you and instantly kills one of your units? Now imagine that every enemy in the game now has a Killing Edge. Sound good? Arther's stats aren't all that great. He can't hit reliably, and doesn't even really do that much damage when he does (especially since we're keeping him locked to bronze weapons so he doesn't get crit out), and we aren't using child characters, so his one saving grace (Percy) isn't even accessible. We're going to not give him a single kill if we can avoid it, and we're dropping him ASAP. The one thing he's good for is his +4 STR from the guard stance bonus. Let's begin! Our plan is to get Stella to below half health to turn Silas into an unstoppable tank, and then use the choke on the bottom right of the map (which has a 4-tile long 1-tile wide bridge) to turtle the enemies until we win. Turn 1: The first couple of turns we only have Jakob and Stella to move. We move them both into the range of the Faceless on the left in Attack Stance. Jakob on the lower side of bridge, and Stella on the upper side. Turn 2: Both Faceless are pretty low now. They can both die to Stella in 1 hit. We're going to move Jakob into the woods as far away as possible since he's pretty low on health, then use Stella to body-block the one tile where he can be hit from. Both Faceless will attack Stella and die. Turn 3: There's a Faceless coming from the bottom side who's in range of Elise. Stella was missed by a Faceless last turn and is still above half health, so we attack this Faceless with Stella and leave her low enough to trigger Vow of Friendship. Silas moves up and finishes off the Faceless. Elise and Jakob move up and support Stella. Stella also equips the Dragonstone to force the other Faceless to attack Silas instead. Turn 4: Effie and Arthur are here! Effie finishes off the Faceless that attacked Silas last turn. Silas moves onto the forest tile in range of the left Faceless. Elise heals Silas, and Arthur goes and pairs up with Jakob who then transfers him to Silas. Stella moves down in range of one of the two other faceless with dragonstone equipped. Turn 5: Jakob finishes off the Faceless that attacked Silas. Elise heals Jakob since he's in range of one more Faceless and is currently on 7 health. Stella backs off from the bottom Faceless, and Silas moves in and takes the one on low health out. Effie stays where she is. Turn 6: Silas finishes the Faceless that attacked him. Jakob comes and heals Silas, Stella pairs up with Effie (no actual need for it but there's not enough room for her on the bridge). Effie blocks off the front of the bridge, with Elise right next to her. Our setup now is as follows: Silas on the bottom, with Arther guard stance. Jakob above him, then Elise above Jakob, then Effie blocking the top of the bridge. This is how we're going to weather the Faceless. Turn 7: Jakob heals Silas, everyone stays where they are. Turn 8: Elise heals Effie, Effie kills one of the two Guard Stance Faceless. Everyone else stays where they are. Turn 9: The boss got Silas down to 1 HP with the Savage Blow + Grievous Wound stack, but Silas has a dual guard lined up so he still manages to live the hit from the other Faceless. Chapter 7 Goals: Train Silas and Effie. Reinforcements: N/A Supports: JakobxStella, C New units: At the start of turn 3, Silas and Elise show up on the right side of the map. Effie and Arthur show up in the same place on turn 4. Silas is the early-game cavalier. He's got good STR and decent DEF, but his SPD and RES are pretty bad. His personal is pretty good for early game, but becomes much less impactful late-game. I like him a little better than Peri, but that might be due to personality more than anything else. Elise is our prime healer for the game (Troubadour). She has a pretty excessive MAG and RES growth, good SPD, and pretty bad stats for everything else. We're going to keep using her until the endgame because other healers are hard to come by (Jakob has low MAG, Felicia comes in too late, Flora/Izana are expensive to get). She's strictly a player-phase unit, though. I fully expect her to finish with an HP of less than 25. Effie is a Knight, but her stats don't match it at all. She has a very high STR which is further accented by Puissance (+3 damage dealt if STR is 5 higher than opponent's). She has pretty bad DEF for a knight, and has a pretty good speed growth (she can actually double enemies later on). Given that, General doesn't really fit her because Wary Fighter makes her speed stat worthless. Instead, we'll probably put her into Great Knight. Arthur is a Fighter, and not a very good one. Did you ever get that feeling when that enemy with the Killing Edge criticals you and instantly kills one of your units? Now imagine that every enemy in the game now has a Killing Edge. Sound good? Arther's stats aren't all that great. He can't hit reliably, and doesn't even really do that much damage when he does (especially since we're keeping him locked to bronze weapons so he doesn't get crit out), and we aren't using child characters, so his one saving grace (Percy) isn't even accessible. We're going to not give him a single kill if we can avoid it, and we're dropping him ASAP. The one thing he's good for is his +4 STR from the guard stance bonus. Let's begin! Our plan is to get Stella to below half health to turn Silas into an unstoppable* tank, and then use the choke on the bottom right of the map (which has a 4-tile long 1-tile wide bridge) to turtle the enemies until we win. *he's actually still barely strong enough to handle what the game throws at him Turn 1: The first couple of turns we only have Jakob and Stella to move. We move them both into the range of the Faceless on the left in Attack Stance. Jakob on the lower side of bridge, and Stella on the upper side. Turn 2: Both Faceless are pretty low now. They can both die to Stella in 1 hit. We're going to move Jakob into the woods as far away as possible since he's pretty low on health, then use Stella to body-block the one tile where he can be hit from. Both Faceless will attack Stella and die. Turn 3: There's a Faceless coming from the bottom side who's in range of Elise. Stella was missed by a Faceless last turn and is still above half health, so we attack this Faceless with Stella and leave her low enough to trigger Vow of Friendship. Silas moves up and finishes off the Faceless. Elise and Jakob move up and support Stella. Stella also equips the Dragonstone to force the other Faceless to attack Silas instead. Turn 4: Effie and Arthur are here! Effie finishes off the Faceless that attacked Silas last turn. Silas moves onto the forest tile in range of the left Faceless. Elise heals Silas, and Arthur goes and pairs up with Jakob who then transfers him to Silas. Stella moves down in range of one of the two other faceless with dragonstone equipped. Turn 5: Jakob finishes off the Faceless that attacked Silas. Elise heals Jakob since he's in range of one more Faceless and is currently on 7 health. Stella backs off from the bottom Faceless, and Silas moves in and takes the one on low health out. Effie stays where she is. Turn 6: Silas finishes the Faceless that attacked him. Jakob comes and heals Silas, Stella pairs up with Effie (no actual need for it but there's not enough room for her on the bridge). Effie blocks off the front of the bridge, with Elise right next to her. Our setup now is as follows: Silas on the bottom, with Arther guard stance. Jakob above him, then Elise above Jakob, then Effie blocking the top of the bridge. This is how we're going to weather the Faceless. Turn 7: Jakob heals Silas, everyone stays where they are. Turn 8: Elise heals Effie, Effie kills one of the two Guard Stance Faceless. Everyone else stays where they are. Turn 9: The boss got Silas down to 1 HP with the Savage Blow + Grievous Wound stack, but Silas has a dual guard lined up so he still manages to live the hit from the other Faceless. Silas missed the boss last round (with bronze lance? really?) but hit the other Faceless, so he finishes off the non-boss Faceless. Jakob heals him, leaving him with enough health to survive another hit from the boss (thankfully the Gauntlet reduced his STR so he can't kill). Effie finishes off the second Faceless from the Guard Stance stack that she dismantled last turn (this is because the other Guard Stance Faceless have a dual guard up so there's no point in attacking them). Turn 10: Effie takes apart the second Guard Stance Faceless. There are now about 5 Faceless above Effie, none of which can deal any damage to her. Jakob attacks the boss from far away, then Silas finishes him off. That's it for the enemies coming from the bottom, so now we can just sit there and wait for Effie to slowly kill all of the Faceless. Actually, we won't do that - instead, we'll move Effie down to the bottom of the bridge, but unequip her weapon and feed the remaining kills to Jakob since he's the lowest level. The end - Everyone is now level 8 except Stella (9) and Elise (6). Silas missed the boss last round (with bronze lance? really?) but hit the other Faceless, so he finishes off the non-boss Faceless. Jakob heals him, leaving him with enough health to survive another hit from the boss (thankfully the Gauntlet reduced his STR so he can't kill). Effie finishes off the second Faceless from the Guard Stance stack that she dismantled last turn (this is because the other Guard Stance Faceless have a dual guard up so there's no point in attacking them). Turn 10: Effie takes apart the second Guard Stance Faceless. There are now about 5 Faceless above Effie, none of which can deal any damage to her. Jakob attacks the boss from far away, then Silas finishes him off. That's it for the enemies coming from the bottom, so now we can just sit there and wait for Effie to slowly kill all of the Faceless. Actually, we won't do that - instead, we'll move Effie down to the bottom of the bridge, but unequip her weapon and feed the remaining kills to Jakob since he's the lowest level. Turn count: 14 The end - Everyone is now level 8 except Stella (9) and Elise (6). Chapter 8Goals: Visit 3 villages for 10k gold, train OdinReinforcements: Lots of enemies from each village the enemy Lancers visit.Supports: EffiexStella, C - JakobxSilas, C - ElisexEffie, C New units: At the start of turn 2, Odin and Niles will come in from the bottom of the map. Niles is an Outlaw. He's the only Nohr unit with the Capture command which pretty much makes him mandatory. He has very good SPD, and decent STR and RES - but bad DEF and mediocre HP. He also has very bad LCK, but that won't be a factor until later. Bows are very strong in this game, so even though his stats aren't the best, he's still a pretty good unit. Our plan is to put him into Bow Knight, because we absolutely need Shurikenbreaker before chapter 25 (also we don't need another staff user). Odin is a Dark Mage. He comes in at a very low level (5) and his stats aren't stellar, but he's much better than Nyx (who is fragile to the point of being unusable). Odin has decent stats, but he's not actually a good mage - his MAG growth isn't actually very high at all. He's got pretty good defenses (DEF better than RES) but his SPD isn't very good. For some reason, he has an obscenely high SKL, which isn't very helpful at all since he already has Heartseeker to augment his hit chance. Fortunately, a lot of enemies in this game have terrible RES stats, so even though he won't ever reach very high power, he can still deal a pretty good amount of damage in early to middle-game. We're going to leave him in Dark Mage and put him into Dark Knight for the mobility, but he'll probably end up being a backpack for Leo in the endgame. On to the chapter! This is one of my favorite chapters in the game. It actually gives you incentives to play aggressively, as opposed to the usual turtle/hit and run that the game often degenerates into. The setup is that there are two Lancers with 3 MOV who are moving from village to village, trying to visit each village before you do. If you get to the village, it closes and the enemy can't visit it. If the enemies get to the village first, it closes for you and many enemy reinforcements (3 Dark Mages and 3 Fighters) appear around it. Visiting these villages is crucial, because if we manage to visit 3, we get an extra reward of 10,000G, which will be very useful in the coming few chapters. What makes this harder is that there are enemies in the way of the villages, and in particular, Flora will use her Freeze staff to try and stop you from getting to the villages. We will be going for the village on the bottom left of the map, and the village at the top of the map, along with the "free" village that is given to us next to our spawn. Setup: Jakob is in the bottom left starting position. Above him is Silas, behind him is Arthur, and to the bottom right of Stella are Elise and Effie. Turn 1: Stella pairs up with Jakob, Arthur and Elise move as far left as possible, Effie pairs up with Silas. Jakob moves as far to the left as possible (and one tile up) and Silas moves to the left and up as far as he can. Both of them drop their pair-ups in the direction they were moving. Turn 2: Odin and Niles show up right where all the other units are. Elise pairs with Odin (to prevent enemy Dual Strikes), then Odin moves up to the space directly below and to the right of the corner of the central ice statue. Effie moves behind Odin, and Stella (Yato Equip) moves to the left of Odin. One Dark Mage will take a bite out of Stella, the other will attack Odin. Jakob has to move to a very specific spot which is in range of all three bottom Dark Mages, 4 tiles to the right and 3 above the left Dragon Vein. With the Arthur +4 STR, Jakob will ORKO all three Dark Mages. This specific positioning also has the benefit of luring one of the enemy Fighters down (he will attempt a Dual Strike which will be blocked by Arthur). Jakob can attack that Fighter next turn while making his way to the bottom left village. Turn 3: Jakob attacks the fighter we lured last round. Odin finishes him off. Effie kills the Dark Mage that attacked her with a dual strike from Stella. Niles moves into Flora's Freeze range and kills the Dark Mage that attacked Odin, with a dual strike from Stella. Silas moves to the left of Niles, in range of the Fighter that we hadn't lured. Stella moves to the right of Niles, and uses a Concoction (Dragonstone Equip). Note that Flora will Freeze Silas (not Niles) because Silas has lower RES. Turn 4: Stella's now on low health, so Silas gets his +3/-3 boost. Silas kills the Fighter who attacked him last round. Effie kills a full health Dark Mage with a dual strike from Stella, Odin attacks and Stella kills the Fighter. Jakob secures the bottom left village. Odin comes back and kills the Fighter who attacked Stella. Silas kills the Fighter who attacked him last turn. Niles moves 1 tile above Stella, which puts him in range of where the top Lancer will move this turn. Stella moves as far up as possible, staying out of range of enemies. Turn 5: Jakob retreats from the enemies that spawned from the leftmost village. Odin switches to Elise and heals Jakob. Stella attacks the top Lancer with Dragonstone, then Niles finishes him off. Effie moves next to Silas (who is Frozen). Turn 6: Effie is Frozen, so I pair her with Silas. The enemies from the leftmost village are moving towards us, so I put Jakob just within the reach of the front two (a Fighter and a Dark Mage with Fire). Elise moves next to him, but switches to Odin (if Lily's Poise is active, the Fire Dark Mage won't attack Jakob at all). Jakob will have a Dual Guard lined up after the Dark Mage attacks him, so the enemy Fighter won't actually damage him. Stella moves upwards and secures the topmost village, in range of the top left Fighter (NOT the Dark Mage). Niles pairs with her. With his SPD boost, she can ORKO that fighter with Yato Equip, and she will barely survive his attack. Silas (carrying Frozen Effie) moves around the central statue, towards Stella (staying out of reach of enemies). He drops Effie. Turn 7: There's a Fighter with HP + 5 and a Steel Axe who's within range of Jakob and Odin. We move Odin in the direction of Stella (staying out of range of the remaining enemies on the right side) and bodyblock the Fighter with Jakob, who can live one hit from the Fighter. Silas and Effie stay where they are, and Stella moves just in range of the top left Dark Mage and switches to Niles, then they separate. Turn 8: Odin finishes off the Fighter that attacked Jakob, staying in range of the last Dark Mage that moved up against Jakob and Odin earlier. Despite being on 13 health, he can live one hit from that Dark Mage. Everyone else stays where they are. Turn 9: Odin moves back from the Dark Mage towards the rest of the group, someone transfers Elise away from him and heals him. Everyone else stands still. Turn 10: Odin finishes the Dark Mage. From here on out, the map is pretty much won - all we need to do now is kill the single Lancer who's slowly trooping towards the village on the bottom right (which we never visited. I'm just going to repeatedly shoot him with Odin until he's dead (weakening him with Jakob first). Heartseeker/dual guard helps here. None of the other enemies move, and there are hardly any of them left. We're going to steadily feed them to Odin and Niles, giving a couple to Silas to get him to level 9. In particular, I gave Flora to Niles. The boss is actually kind of a pain. He has the annoying combination of Nosferatu and Vantage, which makes attacking him on player phase ineffective - but, he's on a gate, so he heals on enemy phase. We whittle him down with JakobxOdin (who has enough RES to survive many hits, especially with Lily's Poise), then finish him with EffiexStella when he's 2 health above half. Turn count: 36. I played really slow after we cleared out the main enemy force. This chapter is a good illustration of how strong a shuriken user with good defenses can be, especially against tome wielders. Jakob pretty much soloed half the map. Stella is level 9, Jakob is level 10. Elise is level 7, Silas is level 9, Effie is level 9, Odin is level 7, Niles is level 9.
  20. So my Christmas holidays start in 3 weeks and I thought it would be fun to play an increased difficulty patch over the holiday but then remembered the pme craze that seems to be going round after Mangs started playing them - so why not do both? I can do most of the hacking but if custom graphics are required then assistance might be needed. e.g. portraits are not my forte Here are some of the current edits: Circles' (and everyone else who helped) skill system Overlapping weapon triangle (Dark/Axe > Anima/Lance > Light/Sword etc) 2-3 range bows increased enemy growths - most likely 20% Seth becomes Kid Seth (recruit/squire class) If i can figure out how then level cap at 30 with promotion at 20 and no level reset upon promotion Link to the current edits: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZouXEcGKQ7lRJKMlYaDHSesNsJvgM7Z2D2pL0iJBS2Q/edit?usp=sharing EDIT: Updated as of 27th Nov In summary then if anyone has edits fun or hard leave them in the comments and when this is finished I will add a patch to this post. Coming Soon!
  21. Hello, As you can guess from the title, I've begun a Lunatic run. Well, Prologue is a real pain (in the ***), but it's manageable. Gamble and Focus are the only really annoying skills the ennemies have. Still, without the water trick, only Frederick can take down most of the ennemies. But when you face Counter users...well, they just reck you if you don't play full ranged attackers. The gae's balance is totally broken. Some classes aren't even useful. When you make a Griffon Rider, you only want it's skills, but you would really prefer a wyvern lord, which is much more cool-looking and has generations of FEs of existence. You would like to promote your fighter into a hero because hero has more reliable overall stats and sol? You won't before long, because you NEED that Couner skill if you want to hit back your opponents like they dare with you. You nearly can't fight a Warrior at 1 range because you'll get severely wounded by the Counter. That skill was supposed to deal 30% of the damage back or not far from that, but in Awakening they decided that this skill would be cheated, and in Lunatic, as if the +13 HP to everybody, and the +5 HP skill to Fighters weren't enough, they also put Counter 100% activation and 100% damage returned. Even in the Exp DLC you face 1 luck/level shadows and the lv 30 have counter and some have counter + miracle...the ultimate skill abuse... It happened even in easy mode that I died from trying to kill them in close combat, just because the 2nd hit was returned thanks to damn miracle. Galeforce i lower difficulties is a 3 turns/map skill, but in Lunatic it's just a hit and run skill. Because you can get really bad from one only fight. I've bought Ashnard because he's so good, and I've used him in 2 or 3 chapters because the beginning of the game doesn't keep my attention, but even with his 29 res, he took 15 damage in one hit in the chapter where you defend the castle of Ylisse from Vallsomething. It means chapter 5 or something like that had a 44 magic damage unit outside of the boss (I think it was a wind magic, but even like that it means that you need 15 res and 30 HP to block it, and it let you with 1 HP). Skills I would never want in an easy or even a hard mode run are totally worth or even OP in Lunatic, you really want them (for example, you would probably like a MU with anti-bows, anti-swords, anti-spears, anti-axes and anti-tomes, because basically you gain 50% accuracy and avoid against all of these annoying 40-60 Mt ennemies and it means you will mostly dodge everything, but also you won't be dodged by insane avoid ennemies). Lunatic ennemies are so annoying. You see in the chapter where you recruit Cordelia, there is a lv5 Fighter with 32 HP (with HP+5), 16 strength and 11 speed. Then, WHY THE **** DOES MY VAIKE HAVE 6 SPD, 8 STRENGTH OR SO AND NOTHING ELSE? Seriously. I'm running lunatic only to see what the last chapters are like in Hell, but if not for curiosity, I would never run such a no-brain mode. It's not about you having to deal with more ennemies, or choose a little character pannel to go further, it's about EACH SINGLE ENNEMY HAVING MORE STATS THAN YOU + SKILLS! And that from the very beginning, where your Lord can't even 1v1 a little swordsman without taking 2 potions or dealing a critical hit! you get hit, even a potion doesn't heal enough for you to fully heal. Every single ennemy starts with A rank in every weapon, but you start E or D... Even Frederick's 14 base def let 5-9 damage pass through during the first 3 chapters, and then it's even worse since wyvern riders are even more abused with more strength, more mobility, much more def etc. than fighters and barbarians. I think I'm really gonna put everything into Chrom until I get Lucina, then put Chrom in the support position and never use him ever again to avoid certain death! What I intend to do: Chrom lv 20/15 Lord, then reclass into Great Knight/Bow Knight, take dual guard+/anti-bows then go for Bow Knight/Paladin and go for anti-bows/aegis, then the last one (I think I'll go for GN last because it gives +1 movement as a support character). Sumia 20/15 Dark flier, then GN/general, then the other one, and finish with war cleric/Valkyrie for bonus res to Lucina (the only stat which won't cap otherwise when you get her lv 10). This way I get Lucina maxed stats everywhere, with Galeforce Aether, promote her for Majesty, then switch for a more useful class, depending on what I'll need by then. After that, as always, rush to Yggdrasil map, finish it, and unlock Scolaris for grinding the units I want to use, and make an anti-everything MU and see if he needs it all the time or not, depending on the ennemies' cheatedness. If you have more advice to give me, (assuming I'm using EXP DLC and gold DLC), don't hesitate. If you just want to dicuss about how Lunatic is really dumb as full of stats-cheaters and annoying skills, there you are! I made this topic for that, and you can also tell us what skills they possess that makes you COMPLETELY MAD MAWAHAHAHAHA! See you!
  22. So...i'll be completing Maniac of FE12 in a few days and i want to head towards Lunatic after this. So i would like to know exactly what i'm getting into Judging by the stats of the enemies on Maniac i can only imagine the enemies will probably be capped or close to that. Most of them will have Forged weapons or something like that. So exactly. How hard is it ? I won't be using the Growth Drop or Rainbow Potion
  23. Is there any way I can find a mod to amp up the lunatic difficulty in birthright?
  24. This is my version of a Birthright Tier List. The overall goal is to analyze a unit's effectiveness throughout the entire game and to differentiate units based off of stats and availability. I have played birthright twice on Lunatic so I have experience with a wide variety of characters and build paths. A couple things to note: I am omitting DLC and any stat boosters and arms scrolls when assessing characters. This is to get the least biased approach to each unit. However Invasions and limited skirmishes are acceptable. THis is what separates Birthright from Conquest and I think it is fair to once in a while participate in a skirmish battle whenever available and not abuse the system (i.e. not spending gold to force enemies to appear.) No skill inheritance and no reclassing except for master seals. Any additional information that does not affect the rankings comes after a : We all know that Ryoma makes this game really easy, even on Lunatic mode. So for this list, I judged units as if Ryoma never existed. I benched Ryoma to see how the other units would react and the game is quite more challenging without Lobster Lord (and chapter 25, the one with Camilla in the underground is one of the hardest levels in Fates with or without Ryoma.) You could make a whole separate list on which units benefit Ryoma the most but that isn’t the case here. You really get to see how other units shine when Ryoma isn’t in the fold. There is a giant drop off in viability from Ryoma to Corrin and another drop off from B-C tier or Azama to Hayato. One thing I noticed was that from Felicia to Azama, the units are very close together and there isn't as much of a gap as you might think. The goal of this list is to discuss the overall ability of characters. The best ability is availability. This is factored into the list as well. The list also is effort to reward as it discusses which characters will perform best with the least amount of resources (however it is not an LTC list). Obviously your opinion might differ from mine so discuss why you agree or disagree. Check out my Conquest Tier List https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/72009-conquest-tier-list-in-depth/ Now onto the list S+ Ryoma S Corrin S- Azura A+ Silas Scarlett Takumi A Hinoka Kagero Saizo A- Felicia 1 Oboro B+ Kaze Reina B Sakura Hana Jakub 1 Orochi B- Rinkah Kaden Azama C+ Hayato Subaki C Hinata C- Mozu D+ Izana Felicia 2 D Shura Jakub 2 Setsuna D- Yukimura S/God Tier/The overpowered tier where even if they get RNG screwed, remain elite and available throughout the game. Ryoma- The number 1 unit in the game (they call Birthright Ryoma Emblem for a reason) and he probably could make a run for the Fire Emblem Hall of Fame. He joins with amazing base stats and above average growths in most other areas. He is 1 level away from Astra (which is even stronger because of removal of weapon durability.) With a pair up unit, he can single handedly carry your team. His only knock is his pedestrian resistance growths, but his skill and luck are high enough that he dodges constantly from mages. On top of that his passive ability is pretty much a free crit, damage reduction, and damage buff. What is there not to like? He joins relatively late, but that isn’t too much of an issue. On top of that, Rajinto lets him attack from 1 or 2 spaces which is invaluable. Definitely the best unit in this game by a landslide. Corrin- You can shape him however you like and Yato is a very solid weapon even if it is locked to 1 range. Hoshidon Noble might have better skills that Nohr Noble, but rods over tomes is a huge downer. I can’t really recommend + magic because of that. I tend to go +speed -luck to match all the other units in the game with high speed. Either way, he/she is available for every level in the game so plenty of opportunities to overlevel. Azura- Dancer/Singer/Heron/Refresher of Fates. Always viable. Even though she is hella squishy, her offensive growths are actually good and could pick up a few kills in a pinch. Even though she is locked to C lances, her with a killer lance is surprisingly filthy. Her skill and luck make her dodge consistently and her 60+20% speed growth is absurd. Don’t rely on her fighting though as most physical units will 1 shot her: Consider temporarily reclassing her to a witch to get teleport. She can still use her refresh after teleporting to an ally. Just think about how busted that is. A tier/Tier 1/ Strong units that are extremely viable but RNG gods could prevent them from reaching their full potential. Silas- He is the anti-epitome of Birthright; meh speed and great defensively. He is one of the very few units that can truly excel at being a tank. On top of being the only cavalier unit in the game (without MC branch,) he is one of the highest movements for a non-flying unit. And he hits hard with his exceptional strength. As for promotions, both Paladin and Great Knight work but Great Knight helps him be the tank you desperately need. A whopping 4 out of the 29 Hoshidon classes give a defensive bonus of 15% or more (and yes Rinkah’s classes are 3 of those 4) and 40+20% is insane for this route. A staple for any team. Scarlett- Pretty much the only viable axe user before promotion and she comes in great shape. Excellent base stats with very high strength. On top of that she is the only unit that can go down the wyvern route in Birthright. She is one of the few candidates that can use the hammer obtained in Chapter 12 which is crucial considering the excess amount of armored units in the late game. She comes with a high base defense and her speed growths let her double consistently. She should fit into any team comp nicely. Takumi-We are assuming no Point Blank skill as with that he could rival Ryoma as the top unit potentially. Fujin Yumi is an amazing weapon and helps add a lot of value to a yumi user who is locked to 2 range. Insanely high skill and the special weapon helps make up for his average strength and relatively subpar speed. He is also surprisingly beefy for a yumi user and can take a few more hits than a majority of other units. Also, helps deal with the plethora of wyverns in the game. Overall a really good unit and with minimal protection can shred through the enemy: even if the Ballistician class is relatively underwhelming, Fujin Yumi makes him hit like a truck and can take out squishies with ease, if he gets in range that is. Hinoka- Joins with exceptional base stats and joins early. She is your only viable flying unit this early. She hits pretty hard and doubles consistently. She is a powerhouse late game as well as she scales well into the endgame and has solid defense and HP to compensate for the bow vulnerability. With a guard naginata, she will be one of your bulkier units. Works exceptionally well as a carrier as she can drop off slower movement units into the heart of the battle and fight alongside them. Her pair up gives a healthy balance of stats that are beneficial to a lot of units: Consider making her a Dark Falcon as well as her growths stay similar and her strength growths shifts to magic growths. Even if her magic growth is underwhelming, it is viable enough to make her a dual threat unit as she is one legitimate case of someone who can do that in this route. Even with the Galeforce nerfs, it still is a nice ability to shove in your back pocket. Kagero- Best strength growths by a longshot at a commanding 65%. On top of that she has great speed as ninjas have some of the best class speed growths in the game. However, she has comically bad HP and Defense stats. True definition of glass cannon. Her skill growth isn’t anything to gawk at either, but shurkiens are some of the most accurate weapons so that mitigates it a ton. A surprisingly exceptional mage killer as well as her 40% Resistance is second only to Orochi. She takes close to no damage from mages and her high damage output shred through the low defenses. Works amazingly as a Master Ninja even if Lethality is kind of wasted on her, Shurikenfaire makes her even more deadly. Will deal the highest damage output out of any unit in the game. As a pair up bot, she gives the much-needed strength growths that a lot of units could benefit from. Definitely has potential to be at least a top 5 unit in most playthroughs. Saizo- He has the best total growths in the entire game so that is definitely is vital. He is a pretty solid unit across the board but his biggest downfall is his pitiful speed at 30%. To be fair, the ninja class helps neutralize this weakness to some degree. He is a tanky unit in general and can take a decent amount of punishment. 45% magic growth is exceptional for a ninja as he is a solid dual threat option (although the only real option is a flame shuriken.) A thing to note is he joins with a measly 3 magic so it will take some time for him to build up his magic pool. He is probably the best candidate to make a Mechanist as his overall versatility lets you do more with Replicate and he is tanky enough to not get busted down if he is split up (although Master Ninja is almost always the way to go). You could knock him for being an all round unit as he won’t be the best at anything, but the versatility he brings is crucial to any team (and the fact that ninjas in general are strong) Felicia 1- Even with the abundance of early game rod users, what makes her stand out from the pact is her magic ability. She isn’t competing against strong magic competition overall and her early game availability sets her over the top. Although, until she gets the Flame Shuriken, she is rather underwhelming. But any damage is better than no damage (which is the case with both Azama and Sakura.) Overall a great support unit who can be an effective mage killer as well as pick off Generals later in the game. S rank rods also are a nice addition as well. Oboro- She has 40s across the board in the majority of her stats. She is the only Spear Master which benefits her greatly as she gets access to the highly coveted Lancefaire which increases her damage output significantly. Seal speed is a solid skill as well. Overall she is a good balance of attack and defense and can dodge a few hits as well. Unfortunately, there are not many Killer Lances in this game so getting your hands on one can be difficult, but her high ability to crit is also noticeable. Her passive is one of the best in the game as the vast majority of enemies faced are Nohrian in this route. Add all of that up and she hits extremely hard and can tank a solid number of hits as well. B tier/Tier 2/ Balanced tier that has viable units but weaknesses are more noticeable or units are outclassed by contemporaries Kaze- Out of the 3 ninjas he is by far the fastest. The problem is that it is usually overkill especially with Nohrian enemies being relatively slower. Other than that, he has very solid HP, Strength, and Resistance growths so he can also be a solid mage killer. Even with the high HP growths, he is still fragile due to his horrendous defensive growths. Kagero does his job better but with ninjas being so incredibly overpowered in this game, he won’t ever be a bad unit. SPOILER, on a lesser note, you must get an A support with the MC or he dies in chapter 15. It shouldn’t be too hard to do but if you ignore supports this can be detrimental as you lose a unit for nothing. Reina- Birthright did us the favour of giving us legendary prepromotes and Reina is definitely one of them. Even if her base stats are suspect for a prepromote, she has excellent growths in her 2 biggest stats, strength and speed. On top of that Chapter 11 is solely flying enemies so it is incredibly easy to get her a few levels. Her only knock is that she is terrible defensively and her growths won’t help her get much better here. She can use naginatas but it leaves her highly susceptible to counter attacks. It is easy to overextend with her but that leaves you increasingly vulnerable but if protected well enough, she can deal a ton of damage. Sakura- Her growths in magic and luck are excellent and she can surprisingly take a few more hits than expected with her adequate HP and defensive growths. Her biggest fault is being stuck on Shrine Maiden which also has limited movement (although festivals help counter this weakness a lot.) As for promotions, her as a priestess with a shining bow is incredibly filthy. She can double many enemies and on top of being able to attack from 1 or 2 spaces, it is incredibly versatile as well. However, getting C rank bows is so difficult as you are stuck with using physical bows for so long. For a more immediate impact, her as a Onimyoji is also a solid option as she can succeed with E rank tomes. Both options are viable but depending on if you want her to help you instantly, or more in the future: A couple of arm scrolls can speed up the process along on priestess and make it even more viable. When I am not using them, I tend to favor Onimyoji as I don’t want her to be useless for so long and the extra babying you must do as Priestess is too much for me. Hana- She is underappreciated mainly because she is often compared to Ryoma which is unfair. Even if Lobster Lord is better than her in every way, she is still incredibly lethal offensively. 55% Strength is the second highest and makes her hit incredibly hard. On top of that her speed at 55% is also well above average. However, she is made of glass. There is an incredibly high chance of her dying if hit with 2 strong attack. On top of that her early game is incredibly weak as it takes her a while to build up her skill pool. But after a bit of training, she can dodge pretty consistently and deal a ton of damage in the process. But a lot of luck is involved with her as she cannot get hit or she drops like a fly. Jakub 1- The thing that made him so amazing in Conquest hurts him tremendously in Birthright. With 3 other ninjas who use hidden weapons and can debuff, he is by far the weakest in that regard. On top of that, his low magic makes his healing even weaker (especially with festivals having less base heal than staffs.) With that being said, he is still a solid support unit and still has solid kill potential. He is also one of the most readily available units in the game so he has plenty of opportunities to be helpful. Oroichi- Her magic and skill are through the roof. She is a nuke that hits incredibly hard. Plus, the highest resistance growths in the game, she can also tank against mages incredibly well. With all of these amazing attributes it pains me to mention her nonexistent, sinful speed. 15% is so terrible that she gets doubled by godamn Generals. Especially with almost everyone else in the game having incredible speed, they are truly light years ahead in this area. Yes, she lands her hits and hits hard, but without being able to hit twice, her damage potential is wasted incredibly. But even with this terrible fault, she is still a solid magic user in a game lacking in that position and can be used as a long range nuke to weaken caught out enemies for other units to finish off. Rinkah- She really should be a lot lower but she has one saving grace; she is the only early game axe user. Until chapter 13 where you get Scarlett, you are stuck with her. Unless you somehow got Silas promoted which is highly unlikely, she is your main unit to deal with the endless waves of lance users. Her strength is also terrible. But her defense and skill are above average and can be used as an off tank. On top of that, she is the only unit able to promote into a Blacksmith (for better stats) or Oni Chieften (for amazing skills). Overall being an axe user and having access to exclusive classes helps save her from being hot garbage: The memes about Sakura being more jacked are actually justified as her strength growth is surprisingly higher than Rinkahs. Apparently, muscles don’t mean anything in Ryoma Emblem. Kaden- There is nothing to special about Kitsunes/Ninetails except for Beastbane which is a solid ability and Even Better which is incredibly busted. This ability gives him a bit of extra survivability as his defense his average. Overall speaking, his stats are average across the board but consistently doubles. Beaststone+ comes relatively late so that is something to factor in. Not a bad unit, but doesn’t bring anything special that another unit doesn’t already do. Azama- His growths are actually amazing. Amazing HP, Strength, Speed, and Defense growth. But unfortunately, he starts off locked onto rods, which scale off magic. Another unit’s potential wasted due to a terrible starting class. Consider master sealing him early as he is a very solid naginata user with the ability to double consistently. It’s a shame that his early levels plus rod abilities are wasted with his terrible magic growths. C Tier/ Tier 3/Requires a lot more work put into them or units that get outclassed due to bad growth distributions. Hayato- He has pretty average growths across the board except for Luck which is well above average. His early game is absolutely atrocious though. Joins incredibly underleveled with subpar base stats. His direct comparison is Orochi who joins 1 level earlier and far stronger. Maybe at 20/20 they are comparable but usually 1 Orochi hit equates to 2 Hayato hits if you look at the math. He has solid potential if enough resources are dedicated to him but even then, he is nothing special. Highest potential is a top 10 unit which is nothing to write home about. Subaki- It is complete irony that he is portrayed as a “perfect person” when in reality, he is one of the most imperfect units in the game. 30% strength and 20% is god awful and means he literally will not do any damage. 45% defense and 55% HP might make him into a viable tank and then you see the 5% resistance growths and wonder what they were thinking when they made this character. However, giving him a bolt naginata makes him marginally better as 20% magic is not too bad for a physical unit. But a bolt naginata works for a lot of other units like Hinoka, or Scarlet, or Azama, or Oboro, or even Azura. At best, he is a solid tank that needs to stay miles away from mages. Hinata- His stats are all over the place. Until you reach his speed at 15% …as a samurai…whose MO is to double enemies. He has good defense but is literally shoved into the worst class as both Swordmaster and Master of Arms are not tanky classes. And 35% strength is nothing to write home about either. Although to his credit, he joins with 14 base speed so he will be a lot more useful off the bat than Hana, but she literally needs a few levels before she starts running circles around Hinata. He also is one of the worst characters in the end game as his scaling will catch up to him and his high base speed will get ousted by literally every other unit. Useful due to his high base stats he joins at but he will fall off a cliff real fast. Mozu- Very similar to Hayato except that she is locked to lances so she can’t even hit from a range until she gets D rank javelin. The one thing going for her is access to the Merchant class which no one else has access to even if it is a gimmicky class. Spendthrift is a sketchy ability but if used correctly can be game changing. With more areas to train, she is a little more viable in Birthright. But even with her above average growths and aptitude (which only equals to 1 extra point every 10 levels), she requires way too much effort to get the ball rolling and you are better off using the exp on someone else. D Tier/ Tier 4/ Joins late and terribly under leveled. Requires too much effort for too little gain Izana- A solid unit to slot in the bottom of your team if too many units die. He joins underleveled and almost every unit will be higher level than him. Can be a solid mage if your other mages didn’t pan out (which surprisingly happens very easily), he can be a niche magic user which are barren in this route. Felicia 2- Another healer is always welcome and another magic user couldn’t come quickly enough. Unfortunately, she is incredibly underleveled and needs a lot of staff spamming to catch up to the rest of the team. Shura- He wouldn’t be bad if he didn’t join in Chapter 22. Even if he isn’t underleveled, his stats are just bad and he doesn’t provide anything to the team besides maybe a marginal healer. Having too many bow users on your team leaves you incredibly vulnerable and he really isn’t worth running over Takumi or Reina. Jakub 2- Similar to Felicia 2, really underleveld. On top of that, he scales off of strength and not magic which hurts his healing ability tremendously. His debuffs are helpful but gets outshined by the other ninjas who are far ahead. Setsuna- The only things she excels at are speed (which is number 1) and resistance. Every other stat is terrible. She is so fragile that she could die to 1 ballista shot if they let them kill in this game. Additonally her strength is terrible and struggles to deal significant damage to wyverns (where there is a 3x multiplier.) She can be used exclusively as a mage killer at best. Especially with all the amazing yumi users in this game, she gets outclassed by a mile: A shame because she probably was one of the funniest characters in Birthright in a route that lacked intriguing personalities in general. Yukimura- Just don’t even bother. He isn’t worth the time. Terrible stats and joins at Chapter 23 at the earliest. To be fair his passive gives +5 hit rate to all units which is one of the better personal abilities. But if you are not running him for that then there is 0 reason to use him. And replicating trash just gets you more trash so don’t be deceived by that ability.
  25. This is my version of Fire Emblem Fates Conquest Tier List. I have beaten the game on all difficulty settings and I have used all of the characters with different builds. I looked more at stats and tried to make the list as objective as possible. I also considered no grinding except for invasions and paralogues, no DLC, and no elaborate reclassing. On top of that no skill inheritance from other save files. Any unit can become elite with the right skills so I didn’t want to muddy up the results. I also kept all the prepromoted units in their current class and discussed both promotion options for basic units unless one clearly outshines the other (making Elise a maid will never be helpful.) I occasionally added more personal information that had no bearing on the results but I thought was interesting nonetheless. Anything after a : is subjective. Also, no children characters as there stats vary by pairings. I have played every Fire Emblem game that has been released worldwide and I thought this was a good game to do a tier list for. The goal of this list is to discuss the overall ability of characters. The best ability is availability. This is factored into the list as well. The list also is effort to reward as it discusses which characters will perform best with the least amount of resources. Obviously your opinion might differ from mine so discuss why you agree or disagree. Now onto the list S+ Camilla S Corrin Elise S- Azura A+ Xander Jakub 1 A Charlote Effie A- Niles Silas B+ Leo Felicia 1 B Benny Kaze Peri B- Selena Keaton C+ Beruka C Laslow Arthur C- Nyx Gunter Shura Flora D+ Felicia 2 D Izana Jakub 2 D- Odin F Mozu S/God Tier/The overpowered tier where even if they get RNG screwed, remain elite and available throughout the game. Camilla- Base stats are ridiculous and is a complete monster. Not quite on the levels as RD Haar or POR Titania, but nonetheless strong. An amazing safety net to have on difficult early missions such as Chapter 10, and 12. Remains strong into the late game. Even if she falls off a little in the endgame, she will still be a top 3 unit heading into chapter 26. Her only knock is she is a pretty underwhelming magic user so she wastes some of her magic growths as a Malig Knight: Reclassing her to a Wyvern Rider gives her even more insane stats. Even if the skills are objectively worse, she doesn’t waste any growths on magic. However, Camilla in Blue and white looks weird. Corrin- MC unit will always be viable because he/she is available for every mission. Bane and boon aren’t game changing but I tend to go + Speed – Luck to make doubling enemies in the early stage easier. Nohr Noble makes you dual threat so + Magic isn’t a bad idea either. Dragon transformation isn’t that helpful: Reclassing to Grandmaster makes Corrin even more of a dual threat. Elise- A complete monster on offense. Will almost always cap Magic, Luck, and Resistance before 20/20. Doubles ninjas consistently. Even if her skill is below average, give her a forged fire tome and she will hands down be the highest damage dealer on your team. She usually comes close to capping her important stats before 20/0 as a troubadour so you can master seal her as soon as she hits 10 to strategist. Squishy against physical units but keeping her in the backrow makes her an unstoppable cinnamon roll who can 1 shot 95 percent of units in the game. You don’t even have to babysit her that much as you can staff spam and a second healer with freeze is a must for chapter 10. Absolutely should be considered one of the best magic users in any game of the series: Witch Elise is even more filthy as her magic cap goes even higher plus being able to teleport makes up for the lost movement. Azura- Dancer/Singer/Heron/Refresher of Fates. Always viable. Even though she is hella squishy, her offensive growths are actually good and could pick up a few kills in a pinch. Even though she is locked to C lances, her with a killer lance is surprisingly filthy. Her skill and luck make her dodge consistently and her 60+20% speed growth is absurd. Don’t rely on her fighting though as most physical units will 1 shot her: Consider temporarily reclassing her to a witch to get teleport. She can still use her refresh after teleporting to an ally. Just think about how busted that is. A tier/Tier 1/ Strong units that are extremely viable but RNG gods could prevent them from reaching their full potential. Xander- Joins relatively late but has pretty solid strength, defense and skill for a 20/4 Paladin. However, the pedestrian speed is quite annoying as he will have difficulty doubling enemies and actually gets doubled by ninjas in Chapter 17. However, Siegried makes up for this as being able to attack from 1 or 2 spaces and the bonus dodge and defense, Xander will always be a cornerstone in all teams: I like how the game makes it seem like Xander and Ryoma are equals on the battlefield but let’s be fair; Ryoma would slaughter him in a 1v1. Jakub 1 – Available for pretty much the whole game plus access to S rank staffs and constant debuffs. Hits harder physically and can take more physical hits compared to his female counterpart, however he is worse in both dealing and taking magic attacks. Without a full roster of hidden weapon users compared to Birthright, Jakub is very important for surviving the early levels and offers uncontested support throughout the game. Charlotte – Crit machine. Even when she first joins, giving her a killer axe gives her insane crit numbers. Her strength growth is elite and her skill is well above average so she hits hard and hits often. If you are willing to sacrifice her hit rate for gamble and a great club, her crit rates can reach between 80-90 %. Her high health and solid defense keep her alive for multiple fights as a Berserker (although Sol is very useful as a Hero, you miss out on death blow and loses a lot of her crit). Magic users are an issue though as her resistance leaves her vulnerable: If you could somehow get vantage on her (either through MC marriage or skill inheritance) she literally cannot lose a fight. Probably one of the most broken things I’ve seen. Effie – Clinically underrated. But then again, almost every Knight/General in any game is severely underestimated. She joins early and has unmatched strength growths. On top of that she has strong defense and health growths that turn her into a hard-hitting tank. Probably better than Kellam from Awakening but not as good as RD Gatrie. 50% speed growth is actually very solid and will actually double a significant number of enemies and once in a blue moon doubles a Swordmaster. She rarely gets doubled so going down the General path for Wary Fighter is unnecessary. Those who complain about movement can reclass her to Great Knight for 7 Movement and Luna at a cost for a little bulkiness. Either way, Effie hits and takes hits like a brick wall: Her speed usually is higher than Xander for me so take that into perspective. Niles – Almost solely is this high on the list because he is the only early game bow user and only unit that can use ballistas in Chapter 10 as well as opening doors and chests and capturing units. As an Adventurer, he gains even more utility with staves. Great speed and resistance, but suffers from pedestrian strength growths. Silas – Your OG cavalier. Available early and often. Excellent growths in Strength and Defense. Tends to lack in speed and is terrible in resistance. Level into Paladin for a more offensive approach and Great Knight for a bulkier build. Viable in both classes. A necessity to survive the early game onslaught and scales well into the end game. B tier/Tier 2/ Balanced tier that has viable units but weaknesses are more noticeable Leo – Brynhildr isn’t enough to save Leo from being the worst Nohr Royale in my opinion. Although he gains good skills from the Dark Knight class, mediocre speed growth leave a lot to be desired. He has decent strength growths and is the only other somewhat viable dual threat unit besides Corrin. Leo is however a very well rounded unit as most of his other stats are pretty decent and having solid defense and resistance will let him take a few extra hits. His biggest strength is also his biggest weakness as his mix of bulk and damage prevent him from excelling in any one particular area even if most of his growth rates are above average. To be fair he still has the potential to be a top 5 unit and is still a very reliable unit: Still one of my favorite characters, too bad he gets shafted by his speed. Felicia 1 – The only hidden weapon user that excels in Magic for the early game. With a Flame Shuriken, she can become a powerhouse. However, many of the Hoshidons in the game have high resistances which mitigate her damage a lot. Flame Shuriken, also doesn’t apply offensive skills which is unfortunate. Either way, she joins early and even if she is not as powerful as her counterpart, she is still a very strong support unit who can pick off magic users easily with her high Resistance and Magic. Benny – If Effie is a brick wall, then Benny is a steel barrier. He can lock down zones with ease. Give him a healer, and he can camp in a chokepoint for days. He also breaks the stereotype of Generals being susceptible to magic as his 45% resistance growth is tied for the highest personal growth. The only downfall is his horrendous speed and will almost always get doubled and can become exposed before he learns Wary Fighter. Should almost always be a General. 5 movement isn’t too big of an issue as the average is 6 and you can use an escort to drop him at his location. He ain’t moving too much anyways. Kaze – Being the only ninja on your team gives him bonus points. Joins a little underleveled but his bases make up for it. Unfortunately, he is terrible defensively and doesn’t hit hard enough to consistently kill higher defense units. Also being shuriken locked is less than ideal as he won’t offer the same utility as your personal maid/butler. Luckily, 21 base speed is enough to double pretty much anyone for multiple levels to come and being able to open locks is huge as well. Peri – Gets outshined by the other Cavaliers because of her bases and join time, but is in no means a bad unit. She has unorthodox growths as she isn’t like the others who excel in Strength and Defense. She has above average speed growths and very solid resistance growths for a lance user. There is no point in making her a Great Knight but her as a Paladin lets her unorthodox growths shine. However, like Leo, being well rounded can be her biggest downfall as she doesn’t excel at anything. Selena- Joins decently early and will end up with enough speed to double most enemies. She is a solid unit all around although is relatively squishy. Her skill and luck growths help her dodge consistently. Even though she is statistically better as a Hero, making her a Bow Knight gives you a much needed second bow unit as well as additional movement and the base speed on top of her outstanding speed growths can make her dangerous. Unfortunately, both these classes are relatively underwhelming which affects her greatly. Keaton – Is naturally bulky and with the Beastrune (which he comes with when recruited.) He becomes a solid physical tank. On top of that you get the Beaststone+ as a drop in chapter 19 which is much earlier than the other 2 routes (Chapter 26 in Revelations lol). Beastbane is a solid ability to have. However, he requires a lot of help from the RNG gods to be considered an elite unit as his Strength, speed and defense is average at best and his Skill is blasphemous. C Tier/ Tier 3/Requires a blessing from the RNG gods to be viable or units with bad availability Beruka- Unfortunate for her, she joins at the same time as Camilla who is better in every way plus she can also use Dragon veins. she has asinine Strength and Speed growths for a physical unit. To put it into perspective Odin has higher base strength growths (and he also isn’t that good of a unit.) Good news is she has one of the highest skill growths which is crucial for the unreliable hit rates of axes in the game. If babied a little, as well as offering a sacrifice to the RNG gods, she can become a decent unit, but a lot has to go right. Laslow – The only thing that keeps him somewhat relevant is his personal rally skill which is one of the better personal skills in the game. He has superior Strength and Skill growths but Selena has better Speed and tank growths (and she was already fragile to begin with.) He works well with a Kodachi as he ain’t doubling anyone anyways. His Skill and Luck will make sure he rarely misses. Most people just turn him into a rally bot: For me personally, he was blessed by the gods as my Laslow would always end up with far better stats than he should have. Arthur – Justice did not prevail when they decided to make this character. 5% luck growths might fit his character traits, but it is truly abysmal on the battlefield. On top of that, Charlotte outperforms him in every way as an axe user. At least he joins early enough and has solid strength. He won’t be doubling people often either and isn’t exactly tanky enough to take endless punishment: I always found a way to keep him on my Conquest teams just for the sake of it but objectively, he is nothing special (although he is a huge beneficiary of goddess icons.) Nyx – Dank Knight helped saved her from being completely terrible as it balances out some of her biggest weaknesses in durability and Skill as well as strong skills. However, she is competing against Leo and Elise who are both better and they can use Dragon Veins. Even Felicia offers superior utility as a healer so Nyx is the odd one out. With the worst strength growth in the game, she can't be used as a dual threat Dank Knight. Too much effort to train her for not so great reward. Gunter – A staple for Chapter 2 and Chapter 15. Other than that, he is not so helpful. His only real benefit is to be Corrin’s personal pair up buddy as his passive is decent. But most people don’t want to waste a unit slot on just a support buddy. His base stats are what you get because he isn’t getting much better. Shura – Did Niles die? If not there isn’t a reason to use him. If you desperately want a second archer and you didn’t turn Laslow or Selena into a Bow Knight, than he isn’t a terrible option. But if you really wanted another bow user you could have used Anna who can join much earlier. But he joins late and SPOILER if you choose to execute him instead, you get a much-needed pair of boots which would be more helpful. Flora – Earliest she can join is Chapter 19 which is a huge downer. Good news is that she has excellent base stats for a level 5 Maid. Like Felicia she is incredibly lethal for a support unit with a Flame Shuriken and you can’t go wrong with another healer. Availability is her biggest weakness. D Tier/ Tier 4/ Joins late and terribly under leveled. Requires too much effort for too little gain Felicia 2: She comes at the end of chapter 15 and her base stats are pretty underwhelming. Chances are even if you train her she will be at best equal to Flora when she joins 4 chapters later so you are better off using the exp for other units. Izana – He is the stereotypical late game prepromoted unit that you could slot on your team as a bottom 5 unit. He comes incredibly under leveled and the earliest he can be added is Chapter 23. His base stats are very solid for a 20/5 but almost all of you units will be higher level so he really is just a filler unit if you either killed too many units or mismanaged experience (pretty easy to do with Camilla, Corrin and Elise being EXP whores, but don’t do that as you will not beat the endgame) Jakub 2 – Healing scales off Magic and with him being a physical attacker, you won’t be an efficient healer. On top of that his base strength is so low, you will hit like a noodle. The only thing he is helpful for is debuffing the enemy but he will die to almost anything by being so underscaled. Odin – His growth rates make sense in the context of the story as he is an axe user that switches to a magic user. That explains the horrendous Magic and Resistance growths. Doesn’t make him good though. Even in the chapter he joins he is useless. He is an OK dual threat Dank Knight at best. He also can’t double anyone even if his life depended on it (and it does because he isn’t that beefy either) Too little reward for the amount of babying you have to do. F Tier/ Ninja/Takumi Bait/ Terrible investment for little to no reward; no realistic approach to becoming viable Mozu – Benny is still better Takumi bait than her even if you didn’t use him at all. The only reason I play her prologue is to get Elise the exp she needs before she Master seals. Especially without being able to grind (besides DLC) you will be sacrificing other units to make her somewhat usable. And no matter what, she will be completely useless for Chapter 10 as you literally need all hands-on deck for that level. Aptitude only gives a 10% increase which really only equals to 1 extra point for each stat every 10 levels, so her potential isn’t even that good anyway.
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