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(FE12) Yet Another NM Hard No Reclass Draft (nothing to do)

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Started, MyUnit is a Merc, +2 str/+1 def/+30% HP, named Grigoriy. Copypasted my own strats from the previous no-reclass draft.

P1 3/3 turns

Kill soldier, attack Jagen on turn 2, finish him off on PP3.

P2 2/5 turns

Grigoriy went within range of Rody on turn 1. Ryan stayed on a fort and both cavs attacked Grigoriy, who 2RKOes them.

On turn 2, Grigoriy healed with a vulnerary. Because he didn't proc Def after beating Jagen, he needed to move onto a fort for 1 extra point of defense to survive both Luke and Rody on turn 2. Ryan has 7 def (next to Grigoriy's 6), so Grigoriy is still targeted, allowing him to defeat both Luke and Rody on EP2 so Ryan doesn't steal any exp.

P3 2/7 turns

Grigoriy moved into the center and attacked a fighter, who he failed to kill because his str is too low (so Rody got the kill on EP). He pulled Shiida and the top-left fighter on turn 1. Turn 2, Grigoriy finished off the Merc, Luke and Ryan finished off Shiida and the other fighter respectively.

P4A 2/9 turns

Ryan and Shiida killed the upper soldier near the start. Wrys healed Shiida for exp. Grigoriy killed the archer. Luke and Rody attacked and surrounded the lower soldier so he can't attack Grigoriy on EP. On EP, the soldier got counterkilled by Rody. All enemies near Athena attacked Grigoriy because his Def is lower than Luke's or Shiida's. He barely survived the onslaught and counterkilled a merc.

Turn 2, Shiida attacked Athena and Grigoriy finished her off. Together, they occupied a two-tile-wide chokepoint so the Myrmidon (only enemy remaining) can't go to the right. This allowed Wrys to heal Grigoriy so he can get the myrm kill on EP. Rody, Luke and Ryan just retreated.

P5 2/11 turns

Grigoriy moved onto a forest tile in the center and ORKOed a bandit. Athena went 2 tiles above him and Ryan went within range of the right hunter, while Athena prevents the Thief from reaching him. EP, Athena counterattacked against the thief and killed a bandit. Ryan was targetted by the hunter, whereas Grigoriy wasn't targeted by any enemies because he was standing on a forest tile.

Turn 2, Wrys healed Athena. Merric, Shiida, Ryan, Rody and Luke ganged up on the enemies that survived. Athena and Grigoriy attacked the boss. Athena had to dodge a 43 on PP so the boss doesn't bring her to low HP - this ensures that Grigoriy is targeted on EP instead of her so he gets the kill (Athena is a less attractive target because her Avo is higher due to B swords). Together, they 3HKO the boss, so he was killed on EP2.

P6O 2/13 turns

Ryan and Merric chipped the upper fighter and Cecille took the kill. Athena then moved onto the upper bridge so Ogma can't attack Cecille, and took a steel sword from here. Grigoriy ORKOed the archer near Ogma and Shiida moved next to the lower fighter to bodyblock him. EP, Ogma attacked Athena, the lower fighter attacked Shiida and the cavalier attacked Grigoriy.

Turn 2, Athena attacked Ogma (who doesn't 2HKO her on hard) and Grigoriy took the kill. Merric went in front of Athena so the cav can't kill her. Cecille killed the lower fighter, who was weakened by Shiida, got tradeswapped to an iron lance and counterkilled the cav on EP.

P7C 2/15 turns

Deployed Luke, Shiida, Cecille, Merric and Ryan.

Had to get creative because I didn't want to rig a Shiida dodge against Cain again. Merric attacked the knight in the center and Cecille went above him to take the kill. Shiida ORKOed the upper archer. Luke went left of Cecille, blocking off the central Myrmidon. Ryan attacked the lower knight, allowing Grigoriy to finish him off with Steel Sword. EP, Luke got attacked by the central myrm and Grigoriy got attacked by the archer and the myrm from the left.

Turn 2, Steel Sword!Luke attacked Cain for 8 damage, Steel Lance!Shiida attacked him for 8x2 damage and Steel Sword!Cecille finished him off (8 damage because she procced str, but it doesn't matter because H1 Cain only has 31 HP). Merric killed the myrmidon next to Grigoriy (who was too slow to ORKO on EP), Grigoriy killed the left archer. EP, Merric also counterkilled the myrmidon from the center.

Marth      Lord            6.00 26  8  0 10 10  9  8  0 D Swd       -
Grigoriy   Mercenary       7.87 27 11  2 16 13  7  8  0 C Swd       -
Cecille    Cavalier        4.87 20  7  0  8 10  7  5  0 D Swd E Lnc -
Wrys       Curate          3.51 16  0  3  6  7  3  3  7 E Stf       -
Merric     Mage           10.46 24  0  7  6 10  6  7  5 D Mgc       -


Edited by Gradivus.
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I guess I'll take Tomas as my last.  Good luck boys

Started yesterday since we got the point where the picks don't matter.  MU is a Merc named Kongming with boosts to def, str, and hp in that order during creation.

P1: 3, P2: 2, P3: 2, P4: 2. P5: 2. P6: 2, P7: 2, P8: 3.  Don't think there's a lot to say about the prologue, other than I reset to make sure Kongming got at least Str and Spd on his levels most of the time.  18 turns total for the prologue.

C1: 6 turns, 24 total

Had to get Marisha.  Hopefully repairing again staves is enough to make up for the turns.  Arran got the cave money.

C2: 6 turns, 30 total

Marth walks forward while Kongming and Arran make sure nothing gets in his way.  I think this took more luck that I make it sound like but it was second attempt and I was mashing through EP so I don't even know what happened.

C3: 6 turns, 36 total

Kongming eats wyverns and horses while Marth has to walk around to get a key and stroll to the castle gate. Arran helps Kongming defeat Rucke.  Being free for C3, Palla gets us a steel sword and a master seal.

C3x: 6 turns, 42 total

Kongming promotes, Marth slays armors on his way to the castle.  After helping to clear the first half of map, Arran hangs around Marisha for her to heal.

C4: 3 turns, 45 total

Hey finally a unit I drafted.  Kongming goes north to catch up to the devil sword thief and perform convoy warping shenanigans.  Arran heads south with Marisha to get the armorslayer and some staff use.  Yuliya rescues Marth, who then slays the hunter on the right from the tile north of him.  Ogma recruits Sirius, who then slays the hunter on the left while standing next to Marth. Most of the bandits end up running into Sirius, best I could get out of the AI for something reliable.  Turn 2 Marth and Sirius go south and stay close enough for Ogma to Convoy and Trade the devil sword to Sirius on the next turn. Turn 3 Sirius gets his sword and clears the way for Marth.

C5: 9 turns, 54 total

Best I could figure out was 4 turns without getting Hammerne or 9 turns with it.  Both feel a bit bad, as the javelin armor knight likes to target Marth instead of killing himself on a javelin wielding Sirius, but if Marth lags behind to avoid being targeted then he doesn't make it in three turns anyway.  Maybe if I had rigged some defense levels for Marth it would work, too bad for me.  And going north, Marth moving his max movement every turn seems to place him 1 space short of the village.  Kinda messed up, but then there's 6 spaces of slack for picking up kills on the way, I guess.  In the end,  I figure 3 repairs of the Again staff comes out 6 turns saved and so a net save of 1 over the 4 turn.  Don't know if it'll work out that way.

Anyway, Ogma recruits Barst, and Barst+Sirius+Arran escort Marth north and to the Hammerne village.  Kongming and Marisha help a little at the start and then make their way to the boss.  At about the bridge, Barst doubles back to wait and get the physic staff on the last turn.  After he gets the village, Marth is rescued by Marisha. Kongming goes shopping for more handaxes. Marth then seizes.

C6: 5 turns, 59 total

I think you need a sage to 4 turn this.  Kongming positions to solo the left side (having gained D rank axes from our long Ch 5) and Caeda follows safely behind to recruit Samuel.  Arran runs right and kills the elfire mage, Marth runs right to open some chests on the following turns.  Marisha goes northeast with Sirius and Barst, undrafted mounties follow safely behind for some rescue boosting later.  Swarm mage hits Barst, keeping Sirius and Marth healthy.  

Turn 2, Kongming takes out the last remaining mage.  Sirius takes out the swarm mage and an undrafted mounty trades the door key from him.  Marisha and Barst move forward, with Marisha using physic for exp.  Arran starts running back to catch up with Marisha's team.  

Turn 3, Kongming readies himself outside the left door, waiting for Ceada to be able to recruit Sam next turn.  Door key mountie waits to the left of the door, Marisha moves forward, trades to receive the key and open the door.  Sirius runs forward to OHKO the mage in the next room.  Undrafted mounties funnel in around Marisha's max move so that next turn's rescue places Marth to her left.  Barst starts hand axing the physic mage to get the secret book.  

Turn 4, Marisha full moves and rescues Marth.  Marth runs as far left as possible and pops a pure water.  Sirius positions himself to Marth's left to help with the unreliable EP coming up (Marth needs someone to miss him).  Arran places himself near the room, but outside of anybody's range.  Kongming opens his door and Caeda recruits Sam.  Barst finishes his job and gets the book.  Sam hits the save tile and we reset a couple of times for Marth to get a dodge on EP.  

Turn 5, Arran swoops in and kills a bishop in Marth and Sirius's way.  Sirius, with a drill grounds Str level and +2 Str from star shards, 2HKOs the boss with an armorslayer.  Marth seizes.  Frey didn't get to do anything but I have him now so that's cool. 

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P8 3/18 turns

Deployed Cecille, Merric, Athena, Merric, Cain, Wrys and Shiida.

Turn 1, Athena moved onto a pillar and attacked the left Thief, Marth finished him off. Cain fed the right Thief to Merric. Grigoriy (to the right) and Shiida (to the left) killed the Hunters and Cecille moved two tiles above Grigoriy. Wrys healed Cain, simply for exp. On EP, the upper Silver Axe!Fighter attacked Athena because he can kill her if he connects at 50 hit. Thus, she has to dodge and counterkill him with Steel Sword. The other Silver Axe!Fighter preferred to attack Cecille over anyone else, which ensured that Shiida and Grigoriy are safe. They each tanked one mage.

Turn 2, Wrys healed Grigoriy. Grigoriy OHKOed the mage to the right, Athena ORKOed the one to the left. Shiida moved two tiles below Athena so Katarina can't kill her at 2-range, healed with a vulnerary and equipped an iron lance. Cain went within range of Katarina and Marth finished off Cecille's bandit. Cecille used a map save and merric went within range of a reinforcement thief. EP, Cain was attacked by Katarina. Shiida was attacked by a regular thief and another one that appeared as an ambush spawn. With iron lance, she didn't ORKO them back, so only two thieves attacked her. The other two thieves attacked Grigoriy and Merric respectively.

Turn 3, Wrys healed Grigoriy, who then ORKOed Katarina with Iron Sword. Merric, Cecille, Marth and Shiida finished off the four thieves.

C1 4/22 turns

Forged a +1 mt, +6 crit Steel Lance named Exublem.

Funnily enough, you don't have to do anything illegal to surround an enemy bow user with 4 undrafted units, so that's what I did.

Turn 1, Marth ORKOed the left-most fighter and Grigoriy ORKOed the second one from the left. Cecille went within range of the two fighters behind the fort and Arran used the first map save. EP, Cecille had to dodge one out of two 69s to survive and counterkill both fighters. Grigoriy counterkilled all the remaining fighters to the right and got attacked by the Hunter near Malicia's village.

Turn 2, Cecille moved onto the fort and used a vulnerary. Marth went behind her. Arran moved ahead and ORKOed a hunter with Steel Sword. Draug, Gordin, Rody and Luke surrounded the Hunter so he doesn't attack anyone and Grigoriy moved towards the cave.

Turn 3, Cecille used the second map save and Arran went next to Lorenz, equipped the Exublem and healed with a vulnerary. Grigoriy moved onto the mountain next to the cave. EP, Lorenz attacked Arran.

Turn 4, Grigoriy moved into the cave and took the bullion. Arran attacked Lorenz - he had to crit either on EP3 or on PP4 at 12% crit. A crit + hit inflicted 32 damage on Lorenz (out of 33 or 34 HP), which allowed Cecille to take the kill. Doga entered the armory and bought 6 javs and 2 hand axes.

C2 6/28 turns

Marth recruited Cord and moved up the right. Arran pulled the right-most hunter on turn 1, while Catria got the Exublem, an iron bow and a vulnerary from undrafted Draug. Grigoriy moved up the center and Cecille went up the right.

On turn 2, Catria recruited Warren and ORKOed the left generic hunter with iron lance. Cecille finished off the one to the right. On EP, Cecille, Grigoriy and Catria ORKOed a soldier each.

Turn 3, Catria healed with vuln and counterkilled the left Silver Sword!Cav with Exublem. Marth counterattacked against the right Silver Sword!Cav with Rapier, but didn't kill because he didn't double. Arran attacked a Iron Lance!Cav with javelin, so Cecille killed it with iron lance on EP. The other Iron Lance!Cav also attacked Cecille, but didn't die.

Turn 4, Marth moved within range of the right Dracoknight and healed with a vulnerary, but Arran moved onto the right fort and Grigoriy moved within Rumel's range, so Marth was shielded from the DK. Cecille moved far to the right and healed with a vuln. Warren moved onto the left fort to attract the left Dracoknight and Catria ORKOed the Lady Sword!Thief.

EP4, Marth finished off the right Silver Sword!Cav (who couldn't attack Cecille because she's too far away) and Cecille counterkilled the lance!cav. Grigoriy counterattacked against Rumel and the right DK, Warren got attacked by the left one.

Turn 5, Catria attacked the left DK and Warren finished it off. Grigoriy finished off Rumel and Cecille took the Lady Sword from the convoy to finish off the generic DK. Marth then walked to the castle as all enemies were gone.

C3 6/34 turns

On turn 1, I baited the left three-DK group near the start and fed the kills to Catria, Cecille and Warren. Palla killed the Thief on turn 2 and moved into the mountain range immediately to prepare her attack on turn 4. Meanwhile, everyone except Grigoriy moved towards the drawbridge.

On turn 4, Marth opened the drawbridge and Arran immediately ORKOed the ballista with Silver Lance. Cecille went within range of the right-most dracoknight on top of the mountains, while Catria moved within range of the central one that doesn't have a droppable silver lance. Palla ORKOed the one with the droppable silver on PP. Grigoriy moved to a forest tile and pulled the three right-most dracoknights.

EP4, Cecille and Catria got attacked by two dracoknights, which ensured Palla's survival because they 4HKO her with their iron lances. The Master Seal!DK got counterkilled by Palla. Grigoriy counterattacked against his three dracoknights, but didn't kill them yet. Arran counterkilled two boss area cavs (who happened to have 7 spd) and Matthis, while one of the cavs survived because he had 8 spd.

Turn 5, Warren killed Cecille's DK and Catria finished off her own DK. Cecille, Arran and Palla used vulneraries to heal and Marth moved closer to the castle. Grigoriy moved to the fortress near the start and healed with a vuln aswell. On EP, Grigoriy killed all the nearby dracoknights and Marth got a cav kill in the boss area.

Turn 6, the boss was killed by Palla, Arran and Cecille, the latter of which got the kill.

C3x 6/40 turns

Moved right and fed as many kills to Marth, who can ORKO armor knights here with Rapier even with base stats. Everyone else just got exp and Wrys used heal 3 times to raise his staff rank.

Marth      Lord            8.82 28  9  0 12 11 10  8  0 D Swd       -
Grigoriy   Mercenary      12.62 33 13  2 19 16 11  9  0 C Swd       -
Cecille    Cavalier       10.30 25  9  1 10 14 10  7  0 D Swd E Lnc -
Catria     Peg Knight      9.13 24  8  2  9 17  9  9  6 C Lnc       -
Warren     Hunter          5.27 23  8  0  7  9  2  5  0 D Bow       -
Arran      Paladin      xx/4.31 26 11  1 12 11  5 10  6 D Swd B Lnc -
Wrys       Curate          4.53 17  0  3  6  7  4  3  8 E Stf       -


Edited by Gradivus.
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C6x: 2 turns, 61 total

Not a whole lot to say about this one I think.  Actually didn't bring Arran so that a couple of fighters would run into Marth instead.

C7:  5 turns, 66 total

Marth and co. skirt around the left side of the forest.  Sirius and Arran pull ahead and get a couple of thieves, Sirius sits in front of the boss to start working on him. Navarre and Phina dance around the forest figuratively to slay thieves for their items and just for survival.  Phina eventually pulls far north enough to give Marth a last boost to reach the castle on turn 5.  Sirius ended up missing the killing blow on the boss so Navarre picked up the slack.  While all this goes on, Frey kills the fire dragon with a killer lance crit and Samuel collects the cave physic. Barst and Frey get some exp from the reinforcements later. Exp definitely could have been distributed better but I don't feel like resetting.

C8: 3 turns, 69 total

Since it's the first action of the map anyhow, I arrange for Frey to get a killer lance crit on the north thief for some exp.  Arran gets the south thief with some star shard help and the devil sword. Everyone else heads north, with Phina twerking on Marth to send him further and rapier Roger.  Sirius parks himself nearby Marth to block the cavs from being able to go down the bridge, hopped up on defense boosts from starshards to take a ridersbane to the face.  Undrafted unit purchases an extra silver lance and a hammer for us.  On EP, Sirius ends up dodging the ridersbane, which I think matters considering what I'll have him do next. Marth eats the other two cavs.  

Turn 2 Marth simply continues, Kongming moves forward a little bit to squeeze some extra move out before getting danced, which lets him hand axe and defeat one of the snipers.  Sirius positions himself below the fort to bait the generals and readies his armorslayer.  Arran rides back north to join the crew.  Marisha is providing physic support.  Sam pops the map save.  Sirius kills a couple of generals on EP.  Turn 3, Kongming defeats Jeorge, Sirius gets healed and gets the arms scroll.  Arran gets within javelin range of the remaining sniper and provides chip, Barst gets danced and further chips the sniper, then Frey comes through to claim his exp and level up.  Marth seizes.

C9: 7 turns, 76 total

I guess I could've done this one turn faster with a rescue, but I think I'll save it for C14 since it might save more than one turn there.  Sirius bolts right to double and kill the Thief staff thief, convoy warping it back to Marth.  Marisha takes the staff, steals the boots, and convoy warps those to Marth.  Marth moves right and eats his boots, then gets twerked on and continues onward to Minerva's village, which he'll reach on turn 4.  Sam also goes right, at base with a +1 str star shard he can kill a thief in 2 rounds, so he waits patiently for the thief to get the capricorn shard for him.  The rest of the crew head north to take out mages and wyverns, with a pure water use on Kongming and some barrier uses.  Sirius runs back and joins the northward force since I get Minerva and she can get the master seal thief for me. The crew pushes forward and makes sure Phina doesn't see combat so that she can wade through the desert and twerk on Marth one last time on turn 7.  Minerva buys a few door keys that might make my life easier/save master key uses, Frey gets a round in at the arena for a little change, and Barst gets the bosskill.  Math seizes.

C10: 2 turns, 78 total

Marisha promotes, not that it matters much on this one.  Minerva takes a swarm mage down with a handaxe, Marisha barriers Marth, Marth places himself on a river tile, Phina twerks him and he gets through the river and moves forward.  Kongming defeats the merc with a hand axe.  Frey and Arran travel left, and Barst+Sam+Sirius go right.  Merric crits his friend so no healers come looking for him.  On EP, the remaining swarm mage targets Sam, the mages go after either Minerva or Kongming, and Marth sees a round from the sniper.  With nobody in his way, everyone else finishes their business and then Marth seizes.

C10x: 1 turn, 79 total

Marth and Minerva eat a berserker each, Phina dances for Sirius and he defeats the boss.

C11: 6 turns, 85 total

At first I was just gonna let Marth walk the whole way there.  Then I decided "what the hell" and gave Marisha four Mag/Speed levels in the drill grounds, a speedwing, and the speed starshard, which just lets her hit 20 speed to double everything but the boss.  Sam and Frey stay home for this one since they can't contribute, but Caeda is deployed to carry Anna's credit cards and recruit Jake for his stuff.  Malicia goes northwest with a dance and places herself close enough to the axe dudes to see extra combat on turn 1.  Between that and the billion rounds of combat in the drill grounds, she reaches D tomes.  On turn 2, she pops the arms scroll, allowing her to wield thoron later.  She continues north-northwest nosferatu-ing everything in her way, warping Marth up on turn 5; he kills the sniper and waits for Marisha to finish the job next turn.  

As for everyone else, Kongming heads west and eventually gets the speedwing.  Phina heads northwest for the spirit dust and the seraph robe.  Sirius heads north and obtains the arms scroll.  Minerva heads north, pulling wyverns and oneshotting them with her dragonpike and pockets full of str starshards, she also gets the dracoshield.  As mentioned, Caeda follows safely behind Minerva and eventually recruits Jake.  Jake takes Anna's credit cards and goes shopping for all kinds of fun weaponry.  Barst also heads north, he doesn't collect anything but cleans up one kill for Sirius and later hits the map save just before Marisha is ready to thoron crit the boss, to make our resetting life easier.  Marth seizes after Marisha defeats the boss.  I hope I don't all of those resources later, but it was fun to figure out.


I can see that Marth can seize C12 in 5 turns potentially, but that is a problem for next play session.

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Time to post logs. Also time to not be too original, as my MU build is also a Merc. Preset is Priest's Child, Beautiful and Recluse with the name ドーナツ (Donut).

For the prologue pretty much all I have to do is to pull out my old strats from the previous NR draft since this is the same build.

P1: 2/2
Attack soldier on T1, finish him during EP then attack Jagen to finish him during T2EP, likewise. Priest's Child preset makes this work provided Jagen only rolls 12 Atk. First level was HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Lck.

P2: 2/4
MU can draw both Luke and Rody after Ryan takes the fort, he also has just about enough Str and bulk to finish them both on T2EP after drinking a vuln on T2PP. Level up was Str/Skl/Def.

P3: 2/6
On T1, MU attacks the fighter to the left from the bush (he needs to dodge at least 1 axe hit @58 Displayed Hit for this clear to work) while Ryan stays put and Rody and Luke surround him, I also make sure to switch Luke and Rody's weapons around because this actually allows Luke to get more EXP. On T2, MU finishes the Merc, Ryan KOes Caeda and Rody+Luke team up to KO the last remaining fighter. MU level was HP/Str/Skl/Spd.

P4-A: 2/8
Caeda+Ryan take out a soldier to open the way for MU to KO the archer while Luke positions himself of the other soldier, chipping him for EXP. On T1EP MU chunks Athena while the Merc and Myrm get ORKO'd (the Myrm can actually avoid getting doubled on rare high rolls, this doesn't affect the final outcome though). On T2 I feed Athena to Luke after Rody and Ryan or Caeda chip while the rest mop up the remaining enemies. Luke and Ryan got their first level ups here too.

P5: 2/10
MU takes hold of a bush to the southeast of his starting position on T1 to KO a fighter, Athena positions herself to bait a hunter plus a thief while Luke positions himself to bait a barbarian and another hunter. Next turn, MU attacks the boss putting him in range to get KO'd next EP while the others mop up scrubs, Luke got the thief. For this to work, Mu has to dodge at least one axe attack out of 3, their accuracy numbers are something like 57, 48, 48. Not bad.



Sometimes, the boss can roll enough Spd to avoid getting doubled by my MU and the thief can roll low enough Spd to get doubled by Athena but fortunately the rolls I need seem more common.

P6-O: 2/12
On T1 I have Ryan + Merric chip the upper bridge fighter for Luke which is followed by Cecille trading a Steel Sword to MU who then proceeds to KO the archer. Caeda occupies the space right in front of the fighter in the lower bridge to weaken during EP. During T1EP, Luke barely survives a round of combat against Ogma while MU KOes the cav that attacks him. On T2, I feed Ogma to Luke and the last remaining fighter to MU.

P7-C: 2/14
Deployed Caeda, Cecille, Luke, Ryan, Merric. T1, Caeda killed the upper archer, Merric + Cecille KOed the upper armor and MU fought the lower armor after Ryan chip, Luke followed Cecille around and blocked the myrm from attacking her on EP. MU's bulk was just about good about good enough to live 2 rouds of combat versus the armor, an archer and a myrmidon. On T2 I fed Cain to Luke, a myrm to Ryan and the last remaining archer to MU.

P8: 3/17
Deployed Caeda, Luke, Ryan, Merric, Athena, Cain. Started by having Caeda and MU KO the archers while Cain was actually fast enough to KO the Silver Axe barbarian. On T1 I also fed thieves to Marth and Luke. Then on T1EP Caeda got KOed by a barb + mage combo, other mage weakened Cain heavily. On T2 I had Luke ORKO the mage that attacked Cain while MU OHKO'd the mage that KOed Caeda, putting him in range of Katarina, a thief and a thief reinforcement. Athena occupied a space next to MU to bait an attack away from him while Merric took position to bait the thief + reinforcement on the RHS. Cain also used the map save this turn. T2EP saw MU surviving Katarina + thief reinforcement on 1 HP, who got KOed by MU, while Merric weakened a thief and Athena baited. On T3, Merric weakened Katarina surviving on 1 HP to allow MU to exactly finish her with Steel Sword, as for the rest, thieves were fed to Marth, Luke and Cain.

UNIT		CLASS		Lv	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP		Statboosters
Marth		Lord		7.24	27	8	0	11	11	10	8	0	D Swd
Donut		Mercenary	9.04	27	12	1	16	16	7	11	0	C Swd
Luke		Cavalier	6.00	25	11	0	8	11	7	12	0	D Swd E Lnc
Ryan		Archer		3.16	20	8	0	6	4	4	8	0	D Bow
Arran		Paladin		3.00	26	10	1	12	11	4	10	6	D Swd B Lnc


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C12: 5 turns, 90 total

I forgot how brutal this map is, took a long time to figure out something that's not even very consistent. I keep Sam home for this one and probably the rest of the game.  I deploy two undrafteds to plug up the middle forts and prevent reinforcements that in come in around turn 3 or 4, which I guess is fine because they're not actually performing any actions, similar to rescue boosting.  The energy drop and speedwing went to Minerva to OHKO wyverns and one round the boss, the robe and dracoshield went to Marth because my strat is pretty unreliable.  All of Sirius, Minerva, Frey, Barst, and Marth trained in the drill grounds.  The first two needed a single level to meet speed thresholds, Frey and Barst were just finishing their levels before promoting for the extra bulk, and Marth didn't actually level but he got enough to level off of the first dragon of the map.  Marth will need a speed level off of that first dragon to double the rest of them.  Minerva carries str starshards, and Marth def and spd starshards, nobody else needs them to make particular breakpoints.

Turn 1, Minerva chunks the right dragon with a javelin, gets danced, and heads northwest to see 2 wyverns on EP, one space shy of the third unfortunately.  Marth comes through to finish the dragon, making sure to receive speed on his level up or otherwise resetting.  Sirius come through and parks to Marth's left and javelins the left dragon to weaken it.  Arran comes up on the left side of the bridge and readies a dragonpike as the dragon will target him.  Kongming, Barst, and Marisha full move to try to keep up, and Frey comes through to hit the save point, just in case we get unlucky misses on the wyverns or bandit, the latter of which will be targetting a javelin wielding Frey.  

On turn 2, Minerva takes out the last of the west wyverns, and she gets a speed level so she can double the boss later.  Barst finishes the dragon and Kongming finishes the bandit.  Now moving up the bridge, past the forts, Sirius ORKOs the left dragon.  Marth shuffles forward a bit for Phina to be able to move her max distance before twerking on him, then Marth moves up through the left side as far as he can.  Frey moves up the right side, his maximum movement placing him one space short of the dragon, but he can't go on the offensive and survive anyway;  he equips a dragonpike and uses a vulnerary.  Everyone else moves forward, Arran using a vulnerary, Marisha using physic on Sirius.  On EP, a dragon and Darros go for Frey, and Marth takes the rest.  I think Marth got a dodge on this run, though I think he usually survives anyway.  

Turn 3, I have to perform mental gymnastics to make sure everyone who needs to move up does.  If I recall correctly, Frey takes a step back and javelins the fire dragon for the kill.  Kongming moves in to ORKO Darros (rip I should have picked somebody else) and then Phina comes in from behind to dance him.  Then he kills the swordmaster.  That takes care of a lot of problems, but the only thing legitimately in Marth's way is the tomahawk bandit, which Sirius ORKOs.  Marth moves ahead, landing himself on the left fort on north side of the bridge and he uses a vulnerary.  Arran moves to sit in front of the devil axe bandit and pops a vulnerary.  Everyone moves up, I think I had Marisha physic Sirius, maybe Minerva.  On EP, the bandit moves first and chunks Arran, and the dragon kills itself on Sirius.  

Turn 4 now, Arran moves to take the central north fort, then Barst comes in to take his spot and defeat the devil axe bandit.  Marth max moves west along the bridge, now a space short of the first fire dragon there, and heals to full with a vulnerary.  Minerva flies in to Marth's left and gets the speed starshard since she'll need it for the boss, then tops off with a vulnerary.  Sirius moves to the left fort where Marth was previously, and Kongming moves to the right fort.  Frey pops the map save for our pretty unreliable EP coming up.  Marths sees two fire dragons and a wyvern and needs to dodge one of them.  Minerva sees two fire dragons.  Kongming sees a fire dragon, not a big deal for him.  Turn 5  Marth's wyvern ends up north of him, blocking the bridge.  Sirius comes in just behind Marth to javelin it and finish it off.  Minvera takes her Hauteclere and reliably 2HKOs the boss.  Kongming overkills the pisces dragon.  Marth seizes.

C13: 4 turns, 94 total

I think maybe you can 3 turn by rescuing Phina but I'm sure I can save a turn later with it and this gets me the secret shop.  Turn 1 Marth gets on the river and Phina twerks on him and he goes to slay the farther back dark mage while sitting on the forest.  Kongming barely gets across the river and hand axes the close mage.  Minerva flies across and gets the axe dude.  Barst goes east and into the forest to chip the dragon with a hand axe and Frey finishes it just barely with a dragonpike.  Sirius goes west with our new silver sword for WTA reasons and takes down the dude with a pocketed poleaxe with a ~50% dodge for good measure, which helps quite a bit.  Marisha Thiefs the spirit dust.  Arran readies a dragonpike and stands at the edge of the west dragon's range.  Our new friend Robert sits around since he can't do a whole lot right now.  On EP, the dragon takes a chunk out of Arran, a mage dies to Barst and an axe dude takes a swing at him bringing Barst to critical HP, the tomahawk dude misses Sirius and the mage hits him, from the north one dragon wades across the river to die to Minerva, and another one to fight Marth who handles it well but doesn't KO in return.

Turn 2, Kongming finishes the dragon that went for Marth, Minerva heads northeast just outside of a dragon's range but within the range of two approaching wyverns, she eats a vulnerary and readies her dragonpike.  Marth crosses the second river and drinks a vulnerary.  Barst finishes the axe dude who went for him last turn, Frey takes out the other axe dude officially clearing out the southeast of immediate danger.  To the west, Marisha elfires the dragon that faced Arran, Arran defeats the mage that targeted Roberto, and Roberto drinks some HP juice and moves just into the range of the tomahawk guy harassing Sirius.  Sirius moves north to be outside of Beck's range but within the two wyvern's range and pops a vulnerary.  On EP, the tomahawk guy goes for Roberto, Sirius kills his wyverns, Minerva kills her wyverns.  

Turn 3, Marth crosses the river, sits in the woods, drinks some pure water, and readies his wyrmslayer.  I think he once again needs a single dodge, but at least he has terrain this time.  Minerva sits on the fort behind Marth and drinks a vulnerary, and Marisha physics her back to full to guarantee she survives EP.  Sirius full moves north, getting past the dragon's range and into Beck's, and drinks a vulnerary.  Frey pursues the dragonpike thief with a javelin, he'll get to finish him next turn.  The southern crew + Barst finish what remains in their zone.  

Turn 4, Minerva doubles and barely kills the boss.  Frey gets us a dragonpike from the thief.  Sirius with his Anna club member and discount cards buys us three physics, probably overkill but between this map and the previous I'm hoping these will make me a little less reliant on getting a couple of dodges.  Marth seizes.

Surely it's smooth sailing from here, right?

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C4 3/43 turns

Rescued Marth on turn 1. Ogma recruited Sirioo on turn 1 and Sirioo ORKOed a Hunter, allowing Marth to occupy that Hunter's forest tile to tank bandits on EP more reliably. Catria flew across the mountains to take the bosskill after Sirioo softened him up. Cecille got the devil sword and everyone else just fought enemies or healed allies for exp.

C5 5/48 turns

Sent Marth and Catria to the drill grounds. Catria was promoted at level 11.

Grigoriy, Marth and Arran just beelined towards the boss area. Grigoriy led the charge and ORKOed armor knights with steel sword, leaving only one Javelin!Knight alive on EP3 so Marth can take the kill next turn. Catria counterkilled all the mages near the start, got healed, hunted down the Master Seal!Thief and Rickard (who got killed on turn 1), soloed the dracoknights on turn 4 and killed the boss on turn 5 (both of which were ORKOes with Silver Lance).

Arran entered the secret shop to buy another Master Seal and Cecille killed the Physic!Bishop. Warren and Wrys got some exp along the way.

C6 5/53 turns

Used drill grounds on Warren, Grigoriy and Cecille. Cecille and Grigoriy were promoted.

Deployed undrafted Sirioo and Palla. After Cecille ORKOed the Swarm!Bishop (with a droppable door key) with Javelin on turn 2, they each took the door key from her so Arran can take it while standing 3 tiles away from Cecille and open the door immediately. This allowed Catria to enter the throne room on turn 3, most importantly to counterkill one of the Bishops.

Marth entered the treasure room and used a pure water on turn 1. He got both chests over the course of turns 2 and 3 and moved into the throne room after getting rescued by Wrys on turn 4.

On turn 4, Catria OHKOed the other Bishop in the throne room with silver lance. Turn 5, she killed Lang with an Exublem hit + crit (13% crit).

Grigoriy soloed the left side with armorslayer and iron axe, killed samto on turn 4 and used a map save on turn 5 to rig the bosskill.

C6x 2/55 turns

Used drill grounds on Marth, Catria, Cecille and Warren. Went up the right, Cecille fed the bosskill to Warren and I killed all generic enemies for exp, but left Caesar and Radd alive to get their equipment.

C7 5/60 turns

Moved up. Grigoriy triggered the dragon to spawn on turn 1 and softened it up enough so Warren can take the kill. Grigoriy then moved up to kill some reinforcements for weapon exp. Warren later got the Physic.

Catria led the charge into the forest and ORKOed thieves easily. Cecille and Arran followed her by moving around the forest. Obtained all the items from the thieves, and Catria killed Astram at the end (reaching the Spd and Atk benchmarks with Taurus and Scorpio). Arran fed the bosskill to Cecille.

C8 3/63 turns

Used drill grounds on Warren. Cecille got the Leo on turn 1 and convoy-dropped it so Wrys can give it to Catria, allowing her to ORKO Generals with Silver Lance. Catria ORKOed the Firestone!Thief and got danced to move onto the sea. Marth and Grigoriy then blocked the way so the Paladins can't kill Feena. All three Paladins were counterkilled by Marth, but nothing happened to Roger because my units were too far away to be attacked by him.

Turn 2, Shiida recruited Roger and Marth moved into the boss area after being danced. Catria entered the range of 2 generals and counterkilled them.

Turn 3, Cecille ORKOed the sniper with the droppable silver bow. Catria killed the Arms Scroll!General and Grigoriy got danced to kill Jeorge with Devil Sword. Marth seized.

After the chapter, Catria and Cecille were sent to the drill grounds.

Marth      Lord           12.56 31 13  0 14 15 13 12  1 C Swd       -
Grigoriy   Hero         14/3.22 43 17  3 24 21 12 14  3 B Swd E Axe -
Cecille    Paladin      12/4.05 31 15  3 15 18 13  8  6 D Swd C Lnc -
Catria     Dracoknight  11/8.30 33 18  1 16 21 12 18  5 A Lnc E Axe -
Warren     Hunter         10.23 25 13  0  9 13  4  6  0 D Bow       -
Arran      Paladin      xx/4.97 26 11  1 12 11  5 10  6 D Swd B Lnc -
Wrys       Curate          8.27 18  0  3  7  7  6  3 10 D Stf       -
Feena      Dancer          2.48 17  3  0  3 14  9  5  0 E Swd       -
Norne      Archer          5.32 20  8  0  6  9  6  7  0 C Bow       -

C9 5/68 turns

Catria killed the Thief!Thief on turn 1 and then went left to join forces with the rest of the team (except Marth and Feena), who went up the left side. She hunted down two Thieves with droppable items on turn 2 and 4 and killed the left Swarm!Bishop on turn 5.

Wrys used Thief (convoy-dropped by Catria) on the boots and convoy-dropped them so Marth can use them on turn 1. He then got Capricorn on turn 2 and recruited Minerva on turn 4.

In the left section, Grigoriy was my main combattant. With Aquarius and Levin Sword, he ORKOed mages at 1-2 range. Cecille and Warren each used a Pure Water on turn 1 so they don't die - Cecille also killed Etzel.

Grigoriy killed the right Swarm!Bishop on turn 4 and the boss on turn 5. Wrys rescued Marth on turn 5 (as usual) and Marth seized. Undrafted Shiida bought three door keys and a pure water.

C10 2/70 turns

Used drill grounds on Grigoriy, Cecille and Catria.

Merric killed Elrean with a crit. Cecille went left to get the droppable Fire, Arran and Warren went right to get the droppable Elfire. Catria ORKOed the right Swarm!Bishop with Javelin on turn 1, so Marth (with Barrier from Wrys) got danced and moved through the water. Grigoriy killed the Merc above the pond with Levin Sword and counterkilled both Shaver!Mages (because Marth had higher Res and they couldn't reach Catria because Marth was in the way). The Sniper attacked Marth. Turn 2, Catria and Grigoriy killed the Sniper and the other Bishop respectively, Warren and Cecille obtained the droppable tomes and Wrys used Thief on the large bullion. Marth seized.

C10x 1/71 turns

Used drill grounds on Warren and Merric, promoted Warren. Warren and Cecille killed the Berserkers in the central section for exp, while Arran and Horace (who took an iron bow from Arran) weakened one of the lower Berserkers so Maris can take the kill with Levin Sword. Catria chipped the other lower Berserker for Marth and got danced to ORKO the real Roro with Silver Lance.

C11 6/77 turns

Drilled Marth and Cecille once each, Maris three times (back-to-back) and Merric four times (one 3-series and one additional round to top off level 14). Promoted Maris at level 12 and Wrys at level 10.

Catria got danced on turn 1 and ORKOed most wyverns to the left with steel lance. On turn 3, she picked up the secret book and killed the killer axe!bandit and the killer bow!hunter that block the entrance to the boss area. Turn 4, she killed the MasterSwordSwordMaster and got the hidden energy drop. Turn 5, she picked up the elysian whip and 2RKOed the wyvern in the top-left corner with javelin. Turn 6, she ORKOed the boss with steel lance (doubling thanks to scorpio).

Grigoriy marched towards the bottom-left corner, obtaining the Speedwing on turn 6 and reaching D axes by killing all the enemies with an iron axe. Maris walked up to the dracoshield (obtained on turn 5 or 6 depending on whether she doubles the Wyverns) and killed the two top-right wyverns with Lady Sword. Cecille slowly moved towards the arms scroll (obtained on turn 6) and killed two wyverns and multiple bandits along the way. Marth just helped out Cecille by killing a Hunter.

Merric got danced on turn 2 and counterkilled a wyvern each on turns 2 and 4, which gave him another level. On turn 5, he promoted to sage so he can rescue Marth to the gate on turn 6. Wrys accompanied Merric, getting danced on turn 6 and using Physic on various units. He obtained the goddess icon on turn 6.

Shiida recruited Jake on turn 6 and he went shopping, buying 3 dragonpikes, 3 wyrmslayers and a hammer (in case I ever end up needing it, thanks to silver card there's no risk to buying it).

Marth      Lord           13.52 32 14  0 15 16 13 12  1 C Swd       Boots
Grigoriy   Hero         14/6.78 46 18  3 24 24 14 16  3 A Swd D Axe -
Cecille    Paladin      12/7.35 33 17  3 17 20 14  9  6 C Swd C Lnc -
Catria     Dracoknight 11/12.18 36 21  1 18 23 15 19  5 A Lnc E Axe -
Warren     Horseman     12/1.30 28 14  1 12 17  5 10  3 E Swd C Bow -
Maris      Swordmaster  12/2.00 33 12  1 16 19 11 12  3 B Swd       -
Merric     Sage         15/1.25 33  3 12 11 14  9  9  8 C Mgc E Stf -
Horace     General      xx/3.10 34 15  1 11 10  7 17  3 B Lnc D Bow -
Dice       Fighter        12.00 32 15  0  7 11  6  8  0 C Axe       -
Arran      Paladin      xx/5.34 26 11  1 12 11  5 10  6 D Swd B Lnc -
Wrys       Bishop       10/2.17 26  1  7  8  8  9  3 13 E Mgc C Stf -
Feena      Dancer          4.18 19  4  0  5 16 11  5  0 E Swd       -
Norne      Archer          5.32 20  8  0  6  9  6  7  0 C Bow       -

C12 5/82 turns

Gave a Seraph Robe and a Dracoshield to Catria. She got danced on turn 1 and ORKOed a bandit (on PP) and two wyverns (on EP) with javelin. She also weakened one of the central fire dragons. Warren and Marth ganged up on the Fire Dragon on the right fortress. The other units shielded Feena from the second fire dragon near the start, who attacked Horace on turn 1 (doubling, but not 2HKOing).

Turn 2, Horace finished off the Fire Dragon near the start. Grigoriy and Marth ganged up on the Fire Dragon in the center that was still at full HP. The other one was finished off by Warren. Feena danced Marth so he can fullmove ahead, ending up within range of Darros. Catria got physic'd by Wrys and killed the Levin Sword!SM. A bunch of units, including Arran on a fort, shielded Feena so the remaining Wyvern can't kill her. Because Arran gets doubled, Merric used a map save so Arran dodges one of the hits from the wyvern.

Turn 3, Warren and Grigoriy finished off Darros. Catria and Maris killed two Fire Dragons near the upper fortresses. Everyone else just advanced.

Turn 4, Catria and Marth entered the boss area, with Catria standing in front of Marth so only a wyvern can attack him. Maris, Arran and Warren occupied the upper fortresses, while Merric, Wrys and Horace blocked the central ones. Grigoriy used a map save. Maris counterattacked against two dragons (thanks to fort avo), killing a fire dragon and weakening a wyvern, which was finished off by Warren next turn. Marth counterkilled a wyvern with a KE crit for exp, Catria counterkilled 4 fire dragons with Steel Lance.

Turn 5, Wrys physic'd Catria, Cecille killed the Pisces!Dragon and Catria killed the boss with two silver lance hits.

After the map, Warren, Merric, Cecille and Catria went to the drill grounds.

C13 4/86 turns

Catria, Marth, Feena and Grigoriy went up the center. With Feena's help, Marth got the wyrmslayer chest on turn 1 and also grabbed a dragon kill. Maris went left and killed four dragons, including the two wyverns, using Scorpio to double wyverns. Warren and Arran distracted two generic enemies (tomahawk!bandit and dark mage) so they don't harass Maris, and Warren killed them for exp.

Merric, Cecille, Horace and Wrys took care of the right side - on turn 3, Horace and Wrys ganged up on one of the wyverns while Merric killed the other one. Cecille hunted down the Dragonpike!Thief on turn 3 and used the map save on turn 4 so Catria connects two dragonpike hits against the boss.

C13x 2/88 turns

Drilled Marth, Warren and Merric. Marth killed the nearest Ballista with Levin Sword and got danced on turn 1 to reach the Iote Shield chest on turn 2. He used the Devil Sword to OHKO the myrmidons. Warren, Catria and Cecille handled the left side. Grigoriy pulled Kleine on turn 1. Catria killed her on turn 2 and got danced to kill the bottom-right ballista aswell (after it had been made visible by Grigoriy). Wrys was deployed to use a staff twice so he reaches B staves.

Marth      Lord           17.16 36 16  0 18 19 15 13  1 C Swd       Boots
Grigoriy   Hero         14/8.46 48 19  3 26 25 16 16  3 A Swd D Axe -
Cecille    Paladin      12/9.38 35 17  3 18 22 15 10  6 C Swd C Lnc -
Catria     Dracoknight 11/16.63 45 24  1 20 23 16 22  5 A Lnc E Axe 1 Robe, 1 Shield
Warren     Horseman     12/4.75 28 16  1 14 20  5 12  3 E Swd B Bow -
Maris      Swordmaster  12/5.70 34 14  1 18 22 12 12  3 B Swd       -
Merric     Sage         15/4.01 34  3 14 13 16 12  9  9 C Mgc E Stf -
Horace     General      xx/3.98 34 15  1 11 10  7 17  3 B Lnc D Bow -
Dice       Fighter        12.00 32 15  0  7 11  6  8  0 C Axe       -
Arran      Paladin      xx/5.41 26 11  1 12 11  5 10  6 D Swd B Lnc -
Wrys       Bishop       10/3.99 26  1  7  8  9 10  3 13 E Mgc B Stf -
Feena      Dancer          5.71 20  5  0  5 17 12  5  0 E Swd       -
Norne      Archer          5.32 20  8  0  6  9  6  7  0 C Bow       -

C14 3/91 turns

Used an arms scroll on Warren so he can use Parthia. He was the only one to enter the drill grounds in this chapter.

Arran hunted down the Warp!Thief over the course of turns 1 and 2, dropping warp into the convoy. In the entrance, Dragonpike!Horace and Thoron!Merric killed the right dragon. Grigoriy killed the left one with Mercurius and Maris the central one with Wyrmslayer. Warren then killed the upper Ice Dragon with Parthia. Catria and Cecille killed the upper dark mages. Marth used a pure water, got danced and killed the nearest Thief with Devil Sword. Xane transformed into Wrys. EP, Marth counterkilled two Thieves and damaged an Ice Dragon. Catria killed two Mages and damaged an Ice Dragon. Merric counterkilled two Mages and Arran survived the Ice Dragon in the outdoor area due to Scorpio.

Turn 2, Marth visited Gotoh and used a vulnerary. Merric thief'd the Again and Wrys took it from him to use it on Marth. Marth moved into the center, killed a thief and got danced (very importantly, Feena took Warp out of the convoy). He then moved far to the left and used a vulnerary again, standing within range of two Dragons with Wyrmslayer equipped. If necessary, Xane used Physic on Marth so he can take two hits. Everyone else mopped up the enemies in the center.

On turn 3, Warren just killed a dark mage and everyone else piled up on random enemies for exp. Wrys took warp from Feena and warped her to Marth so he can seize on turn 3.

C15 1/92 turns

Xane waterwalk strats.

C16 2/94 turns

Sent Cecille and Catria to the drills. Warren hunted down the Geosphere!Thief and Grigoriy went left to kill some heroes to obtain two droppable silver weapons (for additional money). Turn 2, Horace opened the door. Maris killed the soldier, Marth fed the General to Merric, Catria!Xane killed the Sniper, Catria killed the Fortify!Bishop with Iron Lance and Cecille killed the boss with Exublem. Marth got danced to the throne.

C16x 1/95 turns

Marth went to the drills. Warren got danced to kill two Berserkers and counterkilled a sniper. Cecille fed a Berserker to Marth and Grigoriy fed one to Merric. Catria killed Katarina, the other Sniper and both swordmasters.

C17 3/98 turns

Drilled Catria, Warren and Merric. Grigoriy and Merric killed the sniper and the dracoknights left of the start for exp. Marth got a Seraph Robe and a Luck Bond. He got danced on turn 1 and used Devil Sword and Starsphere to kill a sniper in the center. EP1, he counterkilled two warriors and tanked a sniper. Turn 2, he opened the door. Cecille killed the sniper that was still alive, Catria used the map save and got danced by Feena, who was warped to her by Wrys. Warren and Maris killed the Warriors south-east of the start to protect Feena and Co.. Wrys!Xane healed Marth with Physic. EP2, Marth and Catria counterkilled all the enemies in the boss area save for two snipers.

Turn 3, Cecille killed a sniper that had attacked Marth to unblock the chokepoint. Catria killed Sheema with Exublem and Marth got danced to seize.

C18 2/100 turns

Standard idea. Catria massacred all the generals, Marth killed two paladins and visited the village on turn 2. Merric rescued him to the right. Maris and Cecille got some exp and Grigoriy picked up the arms scroll.

Edited by Gradivus.
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C13x: 2 turns, 96 total

Short one, Sirius+Minerva+Marisha clear the top, Kongming+Frey clear east, Phina helps Marth get the Iote shield on turn 2.  Marisha used over Barst because he is one point shy of doubling the axe dudes.

C14: 3 turns, 99 total

I previously thought you needed to talk to Tiki to open the throne room, so this was easier than I thought it was going to be.  Still took a bit of tinkering to get right but really not bad thanks to all of our dragon killing weapons.

Roberto is sent to get us the warp staff; he can either crit with his killer bow or get the kill on turn 2, which just makes the order of operations in turn 2 a little more particular.  He won't do more than that.  Either way, Frey takes care of the right dragon, Kongming swings around behind the middle and slays it, and Marth goes to the other side of the left dragon follows suit.  Phina gives Marth a congratulatory twerk, taking the warp staff from the convoy if Roberto got his crit, which I think he did on this run.  Marth will run up to the save point once everyone finishes their actions.  Marisha comes up behind Phina and takes her warp staff, and then Xane comes up behind Marisha, takes the theif staff, and transforms into her.  Barst full moves up and hand axes the right mage to death and Minerva does the same to the left.  Sirius slays the farther-back middle dragon and reequips Barst with the devil axe for EP.  Arran sits next to the right mage across the wall with a javelin ready.  On EP a thief dies to Barst and the wall mages hit Xane and Arran, and a couple of thieves die to Marth.  

Turn 2, Marth talks with the old dude, Frey and Kongming defeat dragons, Barst devil axes the levin sword thief that swung at Marth on EP, Sirius and Minerva slay thieves, leaving the levin sword thief from the west alive just because we don't have anymore units to make the last PP kill.  Xane moves up and thieves the Anew staff, Marisha moves up and takes it to refresh Marth, who then moves back south and gets twerked on by Phina, and then he goes west and equips his wyrmslayer.  On both of his movements there he uses a vulnerary to recover from the triple thief EP on turn 1.  The next EP goes well enough, the levin sword thiefs takes Phina to critical hp but she's aight, Marth defeats two dragons and tanks a mage, can't remember if much else happened.  

Turn 3, the team cleans up some enemies around them for extra exp, Marth wobbles toward the throne, Marisha warps Phina to Marth for one last twerk, and he seizes the throne.  Hope I can get a few nice clears with Anew staff repairs.

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C19 2/102 turns

Marth      Lord           24.59 49 20  0 22 22 21 16  1 B Swd       Boots, 1 Robe
Grigoriy   Hero        14/10.99 50 19  3 27 26 16 17  3 A Swd D Axe -
Cecille    Paladin     12/11.34 36 19  3 19 24 16 10  6 C Swd C Lnc -
Catria     Dracoknight 11/20.00 48 26  1 22 23 18 25  5 A Lnc E Axe 1 Robe, 1 Shield
Warren     Horseman     12/8.92 31 19  1 17 23  7 13  3 E Swd A Bow 1 Scroll
Maris      Swordmaster  12/8.97 36 14  1 19 25 14 13  3 B Swd       -
Merric     Sage         15/9.18 38  3 17 16 19 15 10  9 C Mgc E Stf -
Horace     General      xx/4.17 35 15  1 11 10  7 18  3 B Lnc D Bow -
Wrys       Bishop       10/5.44 28  1  8  8  9 10  3 14 E Mgc B Stf -
Frost      Bishop       xx/5.45 26  3  9 10 14  4  5  9 D Mgc C Stf -
Dice       Fighter        12.00 32 15  0  7 11  6  8  0 C Axe       -
Arran      Paladin      xx/5.41 26 11  1 12 11  5 10  6 D Swd B Lnc -
Feena      Dancer          7.97 21  7  0  7 18 14  5  0 E Swd       -
Norne      Archer          5.32 20  8  0  6  9  6  7  0 C Bow       -
Xane       Freelancer      6.55 20  doesn't matter



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