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Soul's FE10 Casual effeciency playthrough [Complete]


Those little balls are annoying  

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  1. 1. Anyone else agree those little balls at 4-E-4 are annoying?

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My first, full Hard Mode runthrough, and it'll be logged here at SF as I play along. Do note that even though it isn't a Maximum effeciency run, I will be trying to pull turn-counts low enough as they don't exceed the limit required for max BEXP.

First, this is not a speedrun. However, in no way does that mean I will be spending ten-million turns raising scrub units, waiting to kill all reinforcements, or much worse, boss-abuse. I will be pulling effeciency-like turncounts.

There a few character stats I transfered from an Easy Mode file in FE9, and the list is the following:

[spoiler=Transfer characters (12)]Ike (HP/Str/Skill/Spd/Def/Res)

Titania (Skill/Spd)

Boyd (HP/Str/Skill/Spd/Def)

Shinon (Str/Skill/Spd/Def)

Soren (Mag/Skill/Spd/Res) - S rank in Fire magic.

Mia (Str/Skill/Spd)

Jill (HP/Str/Skill/Spd/Def)

Ulki (Str)

Haar (Str/Skill/Spd/Def)

Lucia (Str/Skill/Spd)

Elincia (Str/Mag/Skill/Spd/Res) - S rank in Swords.

Giffca (Str)

The last thing I have to clarify is, that I don't really have enough experience with this game to go with strategies that might make it shorter for me, so that will sometimes affect my turn-counts.

Index to the chapters:

[Part 1]

1-P - 1-E


[Part 2]

2-P - 2-E


[Part 3]









[Part 4]

4-P - 4-5


4-E-1 - 4-E-5


Total turns: 246 :newyears::newyears::newyears:

Top 5

Number 5


Ike! With 83 victories.

Number 4


Edward! With 127 victories.

Number 3


Jill! With 128 victories.

Number 2


Boyd! With 133 victories.

And at last, here we have our Number 1!

Number 1


The great HAAR! With 137 victories. 8D

Edited by Soul
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1. Why did you give the Secret Book to Volug? Jill is a much better canditate, since she doesn't get a h4x prf weapon.

2. Do you mind sharing a list of transfers?

3. Not very efficient. Dumping kills and BEXP and stat boosters into Micaiah and Ilyana? Especially with Laura dead, Micaiah is doomed to healbotting.

4. What are your plans wrt Rafiel's Seraph Robe?

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Let's begin, shall we!?


I did the other way around here, and had Micaiah chip for Edward to get the kills. Micaiah got the boss kill.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    2.26 16  2   8   9   8   10  2   4    A Sothe
Edward     5.51 20  8   0  12  13    9  5   0
Leonardo   4.12 17  8   0  12  10    6  5   4

7 turns.


Brolan head for that chokepoint to corner the Soldier with a Javelin. Edward stayed sideways to him so he can stay in range of the two Fighters to Nolan's right, to lighten up the weight a bit. Edward didn't work as a decoy, so the enemies attacked Nolan instead, and right before he was on the verge of death, the Javelin Soldier missed the attack, and Nolan scored. On my next phase, I have Micaiah finish up some left-overs, Leonardo chip a Fighter that was 1 HP away frpm dying to Edward's blade, and Nolan chug a Vulnerary. Leo got the Hand axe for Nolan.

After most of the enemies in the middle side of the map where cleared, I had Nolan walk up to the boss, chug another Vulnerary, and simply wait so he could counter-attack on Enemy Phase. That way Edward could finish the boss. In the end, everyone escaped.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    3.02 16  2   8   8   9   11  3   5    A Sothe
Edward     7.06 22 10   0  14  13    9  6   0
Leonardo   4.24 17  8   0  12  10    6  5   4
Nolan      9.55 29 12   0  11  10    7  9   3

7 turns.


I got pretty unlucky on the last chapter to not have Edward gain a Spd proc. Because, if he did, he would be doubling the Soldiers here. But that wasn't an issue, as I manipulated Wrath a bit, and had him 1RKO the Soldiers with a Steel sword. :D Meanwhile, Nolan went up the ledge and attacked the Fighter up there. Then Micaiah got shoved by Leo and finished the Fighter up. Laura followed.

Sothe arrives, I have him kill most of the Soldiers there, but in the attempt to kill them, he fails to 1RKO to of them, leaving them as food for Micaiah and Nolan. Nolan killed one of those Soldiers with his Hand axe, and waited in range of the Javelin Soldier down the pit. Nolan later attacked the Myrmidon, and Edward finished it. They got the treasures. Sothe got the Energy Drop in the last turn. Aaaaaaand, Laura arrives!

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    3.63 16  2   8   9   8   11  3   5    A Sothe
Edward     7.77 22 10   0  14  13    9  6   0
Leonardo   4.52 17  8   0  12  10    6  5   4
Nolan     10.22 30 13   1  12  10    8  9   3
Sothe      1.17 35 18   4  20  20   15 14   9

7 turns.


As usual, I take on the LHS. I don't like over-using Sothe, and much less, leaving my other characters EXP-starved.

Micaiah's damage starts being much more awesome, and valueble. She can now 2HKO just about everything. No, wait, she can 2HKO everything not an Armor (Because she 1HKO's them, lol :awesome: ). But enough boasting over Micaiah's offense. Eddie goes for the Fighter to the RHS and kills it. Sothe stays in position to be attacked by the Armour for Micaiah to finish, and Nolan stays in place to take counters from Soldiers that Sothe failed to defeat (Which is all of them, unless Micaiah is nearby, for the +2 Atk). When we arrived close to the exit, there was that mounted boss. Micaiah was actually 3 Atk short of 1HKO'ing...and she got 1HKO'd and dobled in return. Well, I had Nolan weaken it, so Micaiah took the kill. Sothe later positioned himself close to the Armour (For Micaiah to later nab). Sothe killed that annoying 2-3 range Archer, and Micaiah, along with some other homies, managed to escape.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    6.03 16  4  10  10   8   12  3   8    A Sothe
Edward     8.85 22 11   0  15  14    9  7   1
Leonardo   4.60 17  8   0  12  10    6  5   4
Nolan     10.98 30 13   1  12  10    8  9   3
Sothe      1.50 35 18   4  20  20   15 14   9
Ilyana    12.33 22  6  12  12  13    6  3   9

8 turns.

By the way, as usual, I killed Brad.


Preparations menu

Hooray. Finally, a base.

First things first, I remove unimportant skills to sell (Sothe's Guard, Leonardo's Cancel, Ilyana's Shade, and Meg's Fortune). Along with skills, I also sell weapons and items I won't be using, like a Light tome, Ilyana's Thunder tomes, Edward and Meg's Iron swords, Leonardo's bows. And that's all I remember.

I bought a Beastkiller at the shop, for Sothe. Edward forged a Max Mt/Crit. Iron sword named "Paraphernalia" (Well, actually it's "Paraphernala", since the whole name didn't fit. xP

For supports, I broke Micaiah x Sothe, because I hate it, and because their bonuses wouldn't be coming useful, most of the time.

So I built Micaiah x Edward, since they were probably the only ones I planned on using *seriously*

<So let the chapter begin>

What can I say? There isn't much to explain from this chapter...

Sothe dominated most of the map, brandishing his new Beastkiller, while Edward also shined pretty well with his newly forged sword, Paraphernalia. But mostly, I had Sothe or others weaken things for Edward to kill. I managed to get the important goodies (Seraph Robe, 3000 bucks and the most important one, Beastfoe. We can't live without in Part 3).

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    7.06 16  4  11  11   8   13  3   9    C Edward
Edward    11.44 25 14   0  17  16   10  7   1    C Micaiah
Nolan     11.34 31 14   1  13  10    9 10   4
Sothe      3.30 35 19   4  22  22   17 14  10
Laura      2.10 17  3   8   4   6    8  2  10

10 turns.


This map wasn't a pain as I thought it would be. Mainly it's because it would usually be Jill to do something silly to get herslf killed. But not this time. There she was, laughing at enemies, for not anyone would be topping her beast durability and above average offense. 29 HP/15 Def is no joke. During the whole map, she only had to use one Vulnerary, either because she dodged alot, and/or because enemies made laughable damage against her. But enough of that, you're here to read how the chapter went for the whole team, right? :Soldier:

So I was kind of suicidal on this chapter. Mainly because I just had Volug get in the front line, and take on every enemy up there, only truly risking himself against the Fire mage. But fortunately, he dodged it, and just spammed Vulneraries from there on because he kept taking axes to the face. Meanwhile, scrubs like Micaiah, Edward and Laura follwed Sothe so they could retrieve the Master Seal from a Soldier's hands. Sothe couldn't 1RKO anything but Mages and Myrmidons, so he would come reliable here to weaken stuff for Micaiah and Edward. Laura was very much needed, as Edward got 2HKO'd by everything that aren't other Myrmidons. Micaiah's +1 Atk bonuses affored by her support with Edward indeed helped! Edward suddenly 1HKO'd Mages. Haha- And as stated, Edward was able to surive two rounds from Myrmidons, so this helped him up against the Myrm reinforcements that he took on by himself, assisted by Laura.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    7.99 16  4  11  11   8   13  3   9    C Edward
Edward    12.42 26 15   0  17  17   11  7   1    C Micaiah
Sothe      3.48 35 19   4  22  22   17 14  10
Laura      2.77 17  3   8   4   6    8  2  10
Volug     15.13 49 16   3  18  19   13 13   7

6 turns.

1-6: Part 1 & 2

Preparations menu

All my statboosters (Energy Drop, Seraph Robe and Dracoshield) go to Jill.

And then I forge her a Max Mt Iron axe.

- Volug nabbed Tauroneo's Resolve.


I intended this map to be Jill's training grounds, mostly. Volug would be getting most of the action on the left side of the map, and Jill just got the peggies and enemies that Volug failed to 1RKO (Armours). Zihark, Sothe, Micaiah and Edward stayed on the right side of the map, taking of reinforcments and such while Tauroneo stayed in the middle, to later be accompanied by Jill at killing peggies and their 2-range.

And in Part 2, Jill ferried Tauroneo across the map, up to the boss to show him what a real warrior is like.

Volug and Zihark took care of the horde of Cavaliers. Resolve helped Volug survive since he was really close to dying, and then he dodged the last attack that would have killed him. Micaiah took one or two Cavaliers on the way. Edward tried to get one, but failed to 1RKO, so Sothe took it instead. :(

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    8.89 17  4  12  11   9   14  3  10    C Edward
Edward    13.34 27 15   0  18  17   12  7   1    C Micaiah
Sothe      3.59 35 19   4  22  22   17 14  10
Volug     15.49 49 16   3  18  19   13 13   7
Jill      16.15 37 15   2  16  18   16 17   4
Zihark     3.03 30 17   6  22  23   11 13  11

9 turns.


Preparations menu

I got the Brave Sword through an Info conversation.

Then went to the Shop, bought a Secret Book, and gave it to Jill.

- Zihark grabbed Paragon.

- BEXP'd Jill up to 98.

- BEXP'd Edward to complete a level up (Skill, Spd & Def procs).


Zihark and Volug took on the Armours, and Micaiah swept away their left-overs. Jill weakened a Soldier for Edward to kill. Jill later bashed Armours with her Hammer, and took on most of the enemies in that hallway for Edward to just take whatever was left. When the LEA arrived, I had Tormod kill a Mage up the ledges, and Vika kill another one, later to ferry Micaiah up there. Muarim 1RKO'd the boss, and Micaiah Seized.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    9.18 17  4  13  12  10   15  4  11    C Edward
Edward    15.07 28 16   0  19  19   12  9   2    C Micaiah
Sothe      3.60 35 19   4  22  22   17 14  10
Volug     15.56 49 16   3  18  19   13 13   7
Jill      17.99 38 15   3  18  19   17 18   5
Zihark     3.12 30 17   6  22  23   11 13  11

6 turns.


Preparations menu

I forged a Max Mt Fire tome for Tormod, and sold his other tomes, not like I needed them.

Went through two conversations to obtain the Goddess Icon and Restore, respectively.

- BEXP'd Eddie up to the 90s.

- Broke Micaiah x Edward, only to establish Edward x Volug.


I never knew how to finish this map so quickly as others. It kinda disturbs me, because even though I am using Sothe as Narga recommended me, I just can't seem to break my own previous record.

Anyway, Tormod takes the Bandidos to the South, Nailah all the enemies to the West, and Sothe, Volug and Zihark have their way on the enemies to the East. Vika, through Grassing, assisted by killing a Wyern and Mage, which is something. =P

Note/s: Volug S-ranked his strike by turn one.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    9.26 17  4  13  12  10   15  4  11    
Edward    16.71 29 17   0  20  20   13  9   3    C Volug
Sothe      3.73 35 19   4  22  22   17 14  10
Volug     15.68 49 16   3  18  19   13 13   7    C Edward
Zihark     4.44 30 17   6  22  24   12 13  11

6 turns.


Thank you very much, Oval.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    9.26 17  4  13  12  10   15  4  11   

7 turns.


Preparations menu

To begin with, I gave everything I had to ship to the GMs to Ilyana. (Which was a 17-uses Hammer, Red and Blue Gems, Goddess Icon, Arms Scroll, Celerity and Savior)

Forged a Max Mt/Crit. (+5 thanks to a Coin) Steel sword for Edward, and named it "Plume". Jill got a Max Mt/Hit Steel axe instead.

- BEXP'd Edward up to level 17 (HP, Str & Def procs), then up to lvl 18 (Str, Luck and Res procs). Seal'd him, and Voila. At last, I gave him the second Seraph Robe, to aid his poor durability.

- BEXP'd Jill up to lvl 18.56 (Proc'cing HP, Str & Spd)


BK and Nailah did most of the weight-lifting here.

BK killed the first two Archers, got rescued by Nailah, later to being Vigor'd by Rafiel, and they went of the ledges. Edward, now a Swordmaster (8D), got a few kills. And thanks to Rafiels Vigoring, he got two in the first turn. Later to be made three since that Myrmidon came, suiciding up to him. Volug weakened the Armour so Eddie could kill it. (It was mostly so he can bulid his strike faster). Nailah dropped BK close to the door leading to Jarod's lair, so BK broke the door down and killed every enemy that held 1-2 range and went up to him. Edward, equipped with an 11-uses Wind edge, killed everything that came in his way from the lower levels. Death from above, basically. Volug assisted Edward, of course. That's how he got so much Exp in the first place. And he is half-way to SS-ranking his strike.

On the 7th turn, Jill placed Micaiah close to the throne, so all she needed was to be shoved.

On the last turn, she got shoved by Nailah, and seized.

Note/s: I got the Speedwings, which is the only thing that mattered.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    9.26 17  4  13  12  10   15  4  11   
Edward     4.16 40 23   2  23  24   16 12   6    C Volug
Volug     15.96 49 16   3  18  19   13 13   7    C Edward
Jill      19.02 40 17   4  18  20   18 20   6

8 turns.

Edited by Flint Eastwood
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I'm actually glad to see someone using Micaiah past level 10 on a HM playthrough. Just a couple of things.

1-6-2: Jill lost 3 EXP. I'm assuming that's a typo.

I'm also wondering who you're bringing to Endgame. I can so far tell Micaiah, Sothe, Nolan, Volug, Z, and Jill, but who else are you thinking of bringing?

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He's not bringing Nolan. And I can sympathise. 0 strength procs, 1 skill proc, 2 speed procs and 2 defense procs in 4 levels is a bad way to begin.

1) I gave it to him since I plan on having him take on Ike, equipped with the Wrath/Resolve combo and at least a B support with Zihark. I doubt Jill would hit Ike's 120~ Avo.

Why can't Jill do it with Resolve? With Resolve active, 3rd tier Jill has 192 hit with the Brave Axe and probably 4HKOes (or is at least near 4HKOing). Ike is also not going to have 120 avoid. Leaving out that it's a bad idea to support him with Soren in the first place, it's also pretty easy to just kill Soren and deprive him of his support bonus. In which case Jill has perfect hit. Doesn't even need to rely on a crit (which is unlikely given that Soren is probably giving out a bond bonus as well).

3) Yeah...I see now. But with a stat-screwed Nolan and Edward, what was I to do? At least I managed to pull decent turncounts, right? I think I would've shaved off some turns by using Sothe, which proves Micaiah can be trained, but the exchange is benching Nolan.

Well, I managed to get my team to generally higher levels, but in fewer turns. I mean, Jill should be cruising at 18, or maybe even more.

4) I gave Rafiel's Robe to Jill.

Good boy.

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An efficient pt and you're using Ilyana? Good luck with that.

lol Eddie's crap avoid couldn't save him.

I agree the Secret Book should've been given to Jill. To me SB's are really there to teach Axe users how to hit things.

You're planning on taking on Ike in 3-13? That doesn't sound efficient. But I guess you'll have to if you're goal is to keep turncounts as low as possible. Makes me wonder how you'll do 2-E w/o Elincia getting arrow'd/crossbow'd or Haar getting Thunder'd.

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How do you make those white boxes where you show everyone's stats on the forums? I've seem them on other people's too but I can't amke them myself and it would really help out.

 Stuff [/co  de]

Delete that space and you're away.

Edited by Furetchen
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Why can't Jill do it with Resolve? With Resolve active, 3rd tier Jill has 192 hit with the Brave Axe and probably 4HKOes (or is at least near 4HKOing). Ike is also not going to have 120 avoid. Leaving out that it's a bad idea to support him with Soren in the first place, it's also pretty easy to just kill Soren and deprive him of his support bonus. In which case Jill has perfect hit. Doesn't even need to rely on a crit (which is unlikely given that Soren is probably giving out a bond bonus as well).

That's a good suggestion you know. But I think Volug with Resolve is safer on not getting scored by Ike, considering he has a B support with Zihark by then...

An efficient pt and you're using Ilyana? Good luck with that.

lol Eddie's crap avoid couldn't save him.

I agree the Secret Book should've been given to Jill. To me SB's are really there to teach Axe users how to hit things.

You're planning on taking on Ike in 3-13? That doesn't sound efficient. But I guess you'll have to if you're goal is to keep turncounts as low as possible. Makes me wonder how you'll do 2-E w/o Elincia getting arrow'd/crossbow'd or Haar getting Thunder'd.

Why can't Ilyana be effecient, huh? =0

She provided me alot of help during Part 1.

Of course killing Ike is effecient. That way you don't have to deal with tons and tons of laguz reinforcents.

Edited by Flint Eastwood
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That's a good suggestion you know. But I think Volug with Resolve is safer on not getting scored by Ike, considering he has a B support with Zihark by then...

I don't see why that's an issue, when Ike should have been given a Bronze Sword to equip (he won't switch to Ragnell unless someone is in his range or he starts moving). Plus, Ike has something like 180 hit. That's still about 30 real hit when Volug has Resolve active, assuming you spent a long time on earlier chapters and got them an A support. Given that Volug will die if he gets hit, that seems pretty unreasonable.

Part of the advantage of Jill is that she can weaken Ike then Canto back, to stop him equipping Ragnell.

Why can't Ilyana be effecient, huh? =0

She provided me alot of help during Part 1.

When Part 3 rolls around, she's just going to be an inferior Soren when Soren is already shit. I think it's fine to use her, especially if she got transfers, but you should just Seal her immediately since her growths suck.

Of course killing Ike is effecient. That way you don't have to deal with tons and tons of laguz reinforcents.

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I guess efficient wasn't the right word to use. More like suicidal. He's got Ragnell by that point and most DB members can't take him on without Micaiah putting him to sleep. I've only been able to get him with Brave Sword!Eddie and a very blessed Aran who was 3rd tier by then.

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I guess efficient wasn't the right word to use. More like suicidal. He's got Ragnell by that point and most DB members can't take him on without Micaiah putting him to sleep. I've only been able to get him with Brave Sword!Eddie and a very blessed Aran who was 3rd tier by then.

Laura puts him to sleep, not Micaiah.

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I guess efficient wasn't the right word to use. More like suicidal. He's got Ragnell by that point and most DB members can't take him on without Micaiah putting him to sleep. I've only been able to get him with Brave Sword!Eddie and a very blessed Aran who was 3rd tier by then.

If you give Ike Bronze Sword and have him equip it, he will still have it equipped in 3-13. He only changes weapon when he moves or attacks, so if you have Jill canto away, you can easily kill him on turn 4 or 5.

In addition, if you buy a Daemon Card, you can use it to deal some major damage to Ike. A Crowned Tauroneo 3HKOes with a Daemon Card, I think.

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Killing potential playable characters is one thing, letting your own die is rank amateur. Hard mode is no excuse. Just for that, this can't be called an 'effecient' playthrough at all......assuming that word is meant to be spelled with an i rather than an e somewhere.

I didn't think you know what "effeciency" exactly means. Well, neither did I when making this. But I do know now for sure, that is doesn't include keeping irrelevant characters that rather hinder your path alive. Growth units like Edward and Laura aren't worth training in HM. And I can do perfectly fine without either.

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Killing potential playable characters is one thing, letting your own die is rank amateur. Hard mode is no excuse. Just for that, this can't be called an 'effecient' playthrough at all......assuming that word is meant to be spelled with an i rather than an e somewhere.

So? If someone like Aran is going to get critted and die in 1-4, something that's almost impossible to prevent, I think the player is well within their rights to just shrug their shoulders and not care. Now, I don't think he should have let Laura die, since she's useful throughout most of the game, but there's nothing inherently wrong with letting some characters die if you have no plans for them. I certainly wouldn't have reset for someone like Leonardo.

And if we're going to play pedant, you misused the phrase 'rank amateur'.

I didn't think you know what "effeciency" exactly means. Well, neither did I when making this. But I do know now for sure, that is doesn't include keeping irrelevant characters that rather hinder your path alive. Growth units like Edward and Laura aren't worth training in HM. And I can do perfectly fine without either.

While Edward and Laura are growth units in the sense that they have good growths, that does not mean they are not worth training. There are many growth units worth using in this game, like Nephenee, Mia, Nolan, and Jill.

My personal opinion of Edward is to give him two levels, and if they're good (you get +speed), you can use him fine. Laura does not need any levels to be useful for her healing.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Too bad she's dead...

Hi NM. You came! 8D

Not unless you give the sleep staff to Micaiah! Which was what I meant! :P

You know what I mean....

Because Micaiah has 1-20 Staff range!

Yeah, letting Edward die is one thing, but Laura would've been worth a reset. It's going to make his efficiency run much harder.

No, it doesn't.

It's not like anyone but Jill is going to be needing to get healed. And besides, I'm not up to being Laura's babysitter.

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No, it doesn't.

It's not like anyone but Jill is going to be needing to get healed. And besides, I'm not up to being Laura's babysitter.

I really beg to differ. Laura is pretty useless in part 1 due to the huge number of near invincible units that you get, but she does very well in part 3.

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1) I gave it to him since I plan on having him take on Ike, equipped with the Wrath/Resolve combo and at least a B support with Zihark. I doubt Jill would hit Ike's 120~ Avo.

You didn't answer this when another person pointed it out:

Please tell me you aren't supporting Soren and Ike. That's a really bad idea unless you are playing for the special scene.

4) I gave Rafiel's Robe to Jill.

Who got the 1-4 robe?

Not unless you give the sleep staff to Micaiah! Which was what I meant! :P

You know what I mean....

Like Soul implied with sarcasm, Micaiah can't actually reach Ike with the sleep staff until he starts moving, by which point it's already, what, turn 10 or 11? I don't know, I've either killed him earlier or had him sleeping by turn 8 or 9 in each playthrough. I've never actually seen when he's willing to start moving. Anyway, if you are trying to kill him before turn 7, Micaiah won't be putting him to sleep.

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