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Soul's FE10 Casual effeciency playthrough [Complete]


Those little balls are annoying  

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  1. 1. Anyone else agree those little balls at 4-E-4 are annoying?

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pretty good teams, you trained a ton of people, im gonna go back and see your turn counts, cause if you did it quickly, your insane.

volug in desert would be so awesome, to bad im to lazy and impatient to play this game.

I thought it was funny how it took 4 people to go one side on 4-1, and one on each of the others.

also, when did u break up the ike/soren, after 3-10?

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Volug is not getting there. In fact, him and a few others aren't even getting deployed at 4-3, since this map is dominated by Haar, Jill and Naesala.

How do I get rid of that Sleep staff Bishop? He keeps sleeping my Jill and Haar.

And how am I to get through 4-4 without a tons of forged Hand Axes? I didn't know forging was unavailable during Part 4. :facepalm:

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Volug is not getting there. In fact, him and a few others aren't even getting deployed at 4-3, since this map is dominated by Haar, Jill and Naesala.

How do I get rid of that Sleep staff Bishop? He keeps sleeping my Jill and Haar.

And how am I to get through 4-4 without a tons of forged Hand Axes? I didn't know forging was unavailable during Part 4. :facepalm:

For some reason he likes putting transformed Nealuchi to sleep. Or was it untransformed? Not sure why he'd bother with that guy, but for me it worked. Laura spent a turn restoring him so that he'd be a target again.

And I had promoted Jill and promoted Nolan on that map. He just went after Nealuchi for some odd reason. Don't ask me why. Maybe it'll work for you? Maybe not. Also, since you can send Neal anywhere maybe you don't even have the option to try.

and yeah, you are supposed to forge in 3-E and 4-2 for what the other teams need. What, you never checked in 4-1 to see that Ike's couldn't, and 4-2 to see that Tibarn's could? Seriously, though, just be glad that they had them all actually sell, well, stuff. They could have had only Aimee's sell staves and healing items and only one path sell weapons but they didn't.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for the bump, Fenrir.

And no, I can't ragequit now with how far I've gotten. I've just gotten sidetracked with alot of things going up lately. I'll try to bring updates by the end of this week.

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^_^ I'm kidding of course!

I made the mistake once of bringing an unpromoted unit to endgame(Leo) but i had to restart several times and just replaced him with someone else.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


Preparations menu

No one gets BEXP'd here. However, I do give Jill a Secret Book I had in my Convoy.

- Jill gets Imbue.


I started by sending Haar to kill the Halberdier to the Northern entrance and moves up as far as he can to lure enemies at his range. Jill and Naesala attack the first two Halberdiers, then they place Canto themselves a space back in position to be Vigor'd by Leanne. Naesala attacks the closest Paladin, then Canto's back a few spaces, as to avoid a Warrior that bore a Crossbow. Jill flew up to a Bow Paladin and killed it with her hand axe, and then Canto'd a space forward to get attacked and counter-kill them back. Haar and Jill later make their ways to the middle of the field, killing everything in existence thanks to their wonderful 2-range. The only things they failed to 1RKO were some Generals, the boss and an annoying Bow Paladin who bore a steel long bow. Thanks to the latter, I couldn't 3-turn this.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    3.14 20  7  15  14  11   17  7  14   
Sanaki     1.33 28  2  33  22  23   32 10  28
Jill       7.41 54 35  10  30  29   30 30  18
GAAR       8.74 58 34   7  32  32   22 32  15
Naesala   27.92 60 17   7  20  21   20 13  14

4 turns.


Preparations menu

BEXP'd Eddie up to the 90s.

Gave the Boots to Rafiel, my favorite Heron. :3

- Eddie gets Paragon.

- Soren gets Resolve.

- Ike gets Adept.

- Re-established Ike x Soren C support rank.


Ike and Soren destroy the whole South side by themselves. Well, amost. They got a little of assistance from Boyd (Who destroyed the South-Western corner), and Eddie (Who killed a Priest and some other enemies close to where Catalena was). But mostly, Shinon and Boyd stood at the West side killing enemies along with Mia, Nailah, Janaff and Ulki. Eddie took on the East side by himself, support-botted by Volug who stood two spaces behind him. It was easy alright. Soren did an incrdible performance. He got lowered to Resolve level by two hits of enemies not-Warriors or Generals, and would then get back to the top thanks to Flare. The only thing I had to worry about was to not get him critikilled...which happened once, thanks to a Sniper bearing a Killer Bow. And that caused me a restart, of course.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike        5.04 56 33   8  35  33   24 31  18
Soren      8.23 45 17  36  29  31   15 15  28
Shinon     6.26 51 31  14  35  31   24 30  21
Boyd       8.00 61 36   9  32  33   20 28  15
Mia        2.59 45 27  10  33  33   21 22  14
Edward     6.73 46 31   6  34  34   24 21  15  

6 turns.


Preparations menu

I forged more hand axes, and a Max Mt Wind tome for Soren. Lucia got a Max Mt/Crit. Silver and Steel forges.

Tibarn got a Vulnerary, just in case.

Lucia took a Storm sword and Wind edges.

- Paragon for Elincia.

- Adept for Lucia.


The way I went through this chapter was so un-effecient, and look reliable, it costed me 1-2 turns. First of all, I had Lucia solo nearly all the enemies to the South-East (It's ridiculous. And it was all because I accidentally sent Mia to the GMs when she would be much better here). And she was successful thanks to constant critikilling, Adept proc'cing, and assitance from Ranulf. Elincia took on a great part of the enemies the North-Western side, but most were later dealt with Tibarn. And of course, Tibarn took care of most things. All three of my characters were very close to death on many occassions. Even Tibarn was running around with 5 HP near the end of the chapter.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Tibarn    33.01 68 19   2   24  20  29 16  10
Elincia   11.04 42 29  20   25  29  35 18  29
Lucia     20.69 40 21  11   30  30  22 16  17

XxWolfxX would be proud. trollface.gif

10 turns.


Preparations menu

I BEXP'd a level on Jill (HP/Spd/Luck) and two on Haar ([str/Skill/Def]x2)

Concoctions and hand axe forges for both of them as well.


Haar first headed to the East side, equipped with a Brave axe, he killed a Halberdier bearing 2-range. He really needed the Brave axe to 1RKO Dracoknghts. Jill head to the south where she would encounter most enemies until Haar arrived for assistance. Naesala would usually field himself in groups of enemies that bore no 2-range (Like the SMs that Jill and Haar weren't 1RKO'ing). And it went really well, much better than I expected and did last time (Last time, I 13-turned this). I got Sothe to find Baselard, Micaiah too find Stefan, and even Skrimir and Sanaki got to do something. I even got to kill Lekain and Numida. BK arrived so late, but he got some of the action (He only killed one Dracoknight =P)

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    4.02 20  7  16  14  11   18  7  15   
Sanaki     2.00 28  3  34  23  23   33 10  29
Jill      12.97 55 35  10  31  33   35 31  22
GAAR      15.44 60 38   7  37  32   25 37  16
Naesala   29.29 61 19   7  20  23   21 13  14

8 turns.


Preparations menu

Eddie prepared himself for battle, bearing the awesome Tempest blade his friend Leo had given him.

Shinon got the Chest keys.

- Took away Paragon from Eddie, and gave him Adept.

- Ike got Paragon instead.


Oh wow. This chapter has to be the prime example on how broken Ike is. Once Nailah finished up alot of the enemies (Including Oliver), she left most of the map for Ike to have fun with. Shinon, Boyd and Eddie got alot of kills as well. Well, mostly Eddie, since he killed enemies up from the ledges.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       15.56 60 37   8  40  37   29 32  19
Soren                   R. I. P
Shinon    11.46 53 32  14  39  34   26 32  21
Boyd      15.02 66 40   9  35  35   24 30  19
Nailah    34.10 67 17   5  23  19   36 16  14
Edward    12.47 50 32   6  37  39   28 24  17 

Yeah...Soren died. This is what Narga, Dondon and Interceptor would warn me on ocassion- Soren died to a SM. He got critikilled by around turn 4, and I didn't really bother to restart (So many awesome level-ups I simply couldn't leave behind). He was useful enough already, but he won't serve me well for Endgame.

I got to swag the Fortify staff, along with a Statue Frag and a Blizzard tome (Which can be sold by now, since it's main user died).

10 turns.


Preparations menu

- Elincia gets Resolve and Savior.


Elincia rescues Tibarn. Elincia solos the map. /Chapter

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Elincia   16.97 46 30  21   28  35  40 18  31

4 turns.

So next up is Endgame. And here are the units I have decided to take:

- Ike

- Edward

- Micaiah (Obviously forced)

- Shinon

- Boyd

- Elincia

- Tibarn

- Jill

- Naesala

- Tibarn

- Nailah

- Caineghis

- Giffca

- Ena

The ones I didn't list was simply because despite taking them to the Tower, I simply won't be fielding them.

Have a nice day.

Edited by Flint Eastwood
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Rafiel is also my favorite Heron =3 I always give him boots too ^_^

Poor Soren same thing with Ilyana although she didn't die in mine even though I kept her up in speed and good stats her combat never got too good past Part 1, mages were too butchered in this game.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Wait, isn't it required to kill them both?

It's possible to kill Lekain in 4-3 if you get to him before he leaves. I've done it before with Naesala rushing his his over to him.

Edited by Lancelot
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Here we are at last. After two tries, I finally get to Endgame without getting my files erased, or having to restart for some silly mistake and bad calculations. :newyears:


Preparations menu

Sold TONS of more crap I will not be needing (Weapons, items, some skills).

Gave Boyd a few spare hand axe forges I had around as well as Renning's silver poleaxe and the 17-uses Brave axe.

Jill got Urvan.

Eddie got the Vague Katti and the Tempest Blade.

- BEXP'd Jill for Spd, Def and Skill procs she needed & Shinon for some extra Str.

Skills, skills, skills...

- Ike got Adept, once again.

- Elincia removed Resolve and got Imbue instead.

- Jill got Adept.

- Boyd got Pass and Paragon.

- Tibarn got Paragon as well.


Jill, Ike, Boyd & Caineghis cleared the way killing some Generals, while forming a diamond shape for Rafiel to Vigor. Jill moved up to the stairs, used Parity and killed Hetzel. Ike killed that annoying Sleep staffer. Boyd and Caineghis got rid of 2-ranged enemies. Giffca used a Laguz Gem and stood guarding the downer-right side. Eddie and Nailah took on the opposite side. Lekain got ripped apart by Tibarn, and so did the Generals.

3 turns.


Preparations menu


- Ike got Parity.


Oh man. I just realized by now that I forgot to bring a Hammer. Oh well. Ike used Parity on BK, critial'd and doubled. Sanaki through a Meteor at Levail for Shinon to finish. But unfortunately, Shinon missed the second attack. Shinon also semi-solo'd the chapter. Eddie got a few kills.

BK attacked Ike, missed, and Ike counter-killed him.

1 turn.


Preparations menu

I realized I made another mistake: I forgot to buy Wyrmslayers.

- Shinon gets Pass.

- Caineghis, Giffca and Boyd all get Nihil.

- Ike gets Adept again.


Remember when I said I forgot to bring Wyrmslayers into the Tower? It turns out that isn't actually a problem, considering I have not only Caineghis and Giffca, but also Boyd and Shinon, who happen to be two offensive monsters by now, even beating a few laguz royals.

So here's what I did- Shinon moves forward and Deadeyes the Red Dragon on the ramp. Then, along with Caineghis, Giffca and Boyd, they build a diamond position or Rafiel to come and Vigor them. On their second moves, Shinon attacks Dheginsea for a total of 20 Dmg (Boyd wasn't at range). Boyd attacks for 28 Dmg. Giffca for 36. And the Lion King delivers the final blow, earning a fair ammount of Exp. (:

1 turn.


Preparations menu

BEXP'd Caineghis (HP/Str/Spd) & Tibarn (HP/Str/Luck).

- Giffca gets Paragon and Parity.


Ike gets shoved by most people that could shove him. All the way up to that little ball impeding the entrance to Sephiran's circle. Ike activated Adept and "killed" it.

Meanwhile, Shinon, Jill, Tibarn and Giffca form a diamond and get Vigor'd by Rafiel. Shinon attacks the little ball behind Sephiran. Jill attacks the one to Sephiran's right. And Tibarn gets the one to his left, leaving the main dish for Giffca, who activated Parity and ate him.

I used to find those little balls so annoying back in my first run. But they prove me no threat, as of now.

1 turn.


Preparations menu

BEXP'd Giffca (HP/Spd/Def), Shinon (HP/Luck/Res) & Jill (Skill/Def).


I tried to get as much use of Ena, Nasir and Gareth as possible, as they possibilitated clean 1RKO's to Caineghis, Giffca and Boyd (with a Brave axe). Everyone else got good use of them as well. I used Fortify on the three turns.

Unfortunately, Rafiel died in the second turn. But he has done enough for me. Best Heron in my opinion.

3 turns.

And there you have it. My first full Hard Mode run through this game. It was really entertaining. And I can't say those restarts I had to go through were exactly bad, since they made me reconsider alot of mistakes I went on making.

But now, here are my Top 5!

Number 5


Ike! With 83 victories.

Number 4


Edward! With 127 victories.

Number 3


Jill! With 128 victories.

Number 2


Boyd! With 133 victories.

And at last, here we have our Number 1!

Number 1


The great HAAR! With 137 victories. 8D

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YAY![spoiler=these]Edward, Jill, and Boyd

are in your top 5 :3

Such a great team ^_^ I get upset when I see Titania or Sothe in my top 5 but I don't mind Haar so much ^^' it must be his eyepatch.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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You have to kill Numida, but not Lekain (and even if you do he "retreats" until you face him again in 4E1).

It's possible to kill Lekain in 4-3 if you get to him before he leaves. I've done it before with Naesala rushing his his over to him.

I DID kill Lekain. What I was wondering is why it's not necessary to kill him. Does he retreat all by himself after x number of turns if you don't?

3 turns.


Oh man. I just realized by now that I forgot to bring a Hammer.

How would Hammer have helped?

I realized I made another mistake: I forgot to buy Wyrmslayers.

They don't really help, since Deghinsea doesn't care about those.

Ike gets shoved by most people that could shove him. All the way up to that little ball impeding the entrance to Sephiran's circle. Ike activated Adept and "killed" it.

Meanwhile, Shinon, Jill, Tibarn and Giffca form a diamond and get Vigor'd by Rafiel. Shinon attacks the little ball behind Sephiran. Jill attacks the one to Sephiran's right. And Tibarn gets the one to his left, leaving the main dish for Giffca, who activated Parity and ate him.

I used to find those little balls so annoying back in my first run. But they prove me no threat, as of now.

You know, I'm fairly sure I managed to hit Sephiran without killing the balls first. You sure Nihil doesn't prevent them from protecting him?

Jill (Skill/Def).

She didn't get 3 stats. Did you seriously max out all of her other stats?

Unfortunately, Rafiel died in the second turn. But he has done enough for me. Best Heron in my opinion.

Four target Vigor even before transforming? Nobody cares if he can't fly, since I doubt all four targets would be fliers as well.

And there you have it. My first full Hard Mode run through this game. It was really entertaining. And I can't say those restarts I had to go through were exactly bad, since they made me reconsider alot of mistakes I went on making.


Number 5


Ike! With 83 victories.

Number 4


Edward! With 127 victories.

Number 3


Jill! With 128 victories.

Number 2


Boyd! With 133 victories.

And at last, here we have our Number 1!

Number 1


The great HAAR! With 137 victories. 8D

At least Haar, Jill, and Edward were up there.

Such a great team ^_^ I get upset when I see Titania or Sothe in my top 5 but I don't mind Haar so much ^^' it must be his eyepatch.

Why so upset about Titania? I found her to be a pretty awesome unit.

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How would Hammer have helped?

BK is weak to Hammers (being practically a Marshal/General) and any weapon that gives you enough atk to overcome his defence will damage him in this game (none of that "only Ragnell can hurt me" crap from fe9). On HM with near-capped str, Ike can 2HKO BK with a hammer if he's using Parity or waits for BK to get off the cover tile. Has to be HM since on EM or NM the weapon triangle is in effect and even capped str Ike falls 1 x2 damage short of a 2HKO. Or maybe that was 2 x2 damage short. Whatever, not important.

They don't really help, since Deghinsea doesn't care about those.

Sure he does. Mantle only negates skills (and criticals and damage from non-blessed weaopns), so Dragonfoe doesn't work because the skill is canceled. Wyrmslayers don't rely on skills to do effective damage so wyrmslayers are still 33mt weapons. Anybody can do pretty decent damage (or good damage, depending on the unit in question) to Deg with a wyrmslayer. You just have to bless the thing so that it can damage.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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YAY![spoiler=these]Edward, Jill, and Boyd

are in your top 5 :3

Such a great team ^_^ I get upset when I see Titania or Sothe in my top 5 but I don't mind Haar so much ^^' it must be his eyepatch.

I was surprised I even used Edward. It was really un-intended.


Dude...I'm basically the worst of the best (well, I don't think I even get there), you can see others can 2-turn this.

She didn't get 3 stats. Did you seriously max out all of her other stats?

Of course she did. She did it before she got to the Tower. :awesome:

Shinon got to lvl 20 and capped everything except Res, lol. Boyd capped everything except for Luck.

Four target Vigor even before transforming? Nobody cares if he can't fly, since I doubt all four targets would be fliers as well.

I didn't mind the fact that he couldn't fly, since he used the Boots for 7 Mov. And Vigor'ing four people before even transforming is what lets us 1-turn 4-E-2 - 4-E-4 and get us to kill Auras faster. He's golden for Endgame.


Thank you.

Okay, I'm sorry to post something really random but...

That Haar picture





Making him look badass was my intention. :awesome:

I would also like to thank the sound advice given by experienced players as I went through, players like Narga, Anoulethe, Interceptor and Dondon.

What now? :(

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I didn't mind the fact that he couldn't fly, since he used the Boots for 7 Mov. And Vigor'ing four people before even transforming is what lets us 1-turn 4-E-2 - 4-E-4 and get us to kill Auras faster. He's golden for Endgame.

I'm a little bit disappointed you let him die.

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