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The Assassins Guild


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... Wait, Ether, CAN you even kill tonight?

Oh and we're at MYLO if you guys haven't realised so yeah.

You're right about Ether not being able to kill tonight, but you assume the mafia's hit will remain unfettered.

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Night fell, and JB25 AKA Craig Cork was sentenced to death.

"Before I die, I want to tell you all something," he started, "The Kanari conflict was never my idea. I'm just a Corporal. I just followed the orders of my General." Silence fell over the other three people. Did they believe him, or not? It was too late for mercy. The noose was tied, and the trapdoor released. Just three men left and still an assassin finishing his job.

Dear JB25,

You are Craig Cork, the Corporal

Being in the millitary is your life. You’d do anything for your country, following the General’s orders even when they made little sense. That did include the destruction of an entire city in Kanari... but it was necessary. Why? You don’t know. But the General said it was.

You always follow your orders, no matter what. In a sense it’s a simple life, as you don’t have to do decide to do anything on your own. Now your orders are to find the assassins and kill them, so you’ve elected to do it during the day, like everyone else, so you don’t make any mistakes in judgement.

You are allied with the town, and win by killing everyone allied with the assassins, even if you are killed before that point.

It is now Night 9 and yes, neither side can yet guarantee they will win, so the game continues. Night ends 10pm on the first day next decade.

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Katana headed out in the night, still shaking. Could the contract be completed? He didn't know. There was still another kill to make.

Ether aka Darrly Felt was trying to sleep, when Katana smashed the window and climbed in. With only two other people left, he immediately recognised Katana. "I knew it was you. I knew you'd-" Katana didn't care for Darrly's rambling, and immediately shot him through the head, before he had a chance to react. Then, in his normal meticulous method, cleaned the body and area. By morning, there was almost no sign that he was a military member.

By daybreak, the two men met together, staring each other down. But there was something... something different. Like a presence watching them. Could something make a difference here? Or would they be left staring each other down?

It is now day phase. Day will end at 11pm Tuesday or when 3 valid people has voted.

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Holy fuck I was right about it not being a MYLO situation

when 3 valid people has voted.[/b]

Right I think I see what this is referring to. ##Vote Levity

There'll be a grace period after all the votes are in, so unless there's an undead mafia secret voter I'll have time to alter it if need be.

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Sorry for the delay, the flight got snowed in.

Edit: And it still is.

Edited by Snike
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3 valid people has voted.

But since there are two people alive, can a random spectator just come in and vote to end the Day Phase? It's worth a shot.

##Vote: Bizz

So sorry, Bizz.

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But since there are two people alive, can a random spectator just come in and vote to end the Day Phase? It's worth a shot.

##Vote: Bizz

So sorry, Bizz.

The flavour for that would be interesting, a random passerby stumbles across a village lynches a resident there and just leaves without so much as a word to anybody.

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"I've been watching these events since the start... protecting who I could, preventing people dying..." Proto aka Lashay Curcuru said to the two men. "But now it's time to reveal myself." He turned towards Levity, "And I think it's you..."

Proto has been added to the list of players and revealed to be playing.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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The remaining two grabbed Levity aka Cole Lezo and demanded the truth. "Is it you? Are you the last one? Mikethfc aka Cortney Miesel asked.

Cole frowned. This was it, there was no further way out. "Yes. I'm Katana. But you two never paid enough attention, did you? The crimes here... the murders... do you know what's going to happen when you kill me?" She looked towards Proto. "You were never really involved. You should run while you still can. But you..." she turned back towards Cortney, "You are guilty of murder, abusing your position, and various other crimes. Do you expect to be let off? Hehehe... I don't think so. I think that Nicolas has won this battle, after all...

Cortney couldn't take the insults and taunts, and drew the blade she'd been keeping in her pocket. "I'm glad you think that, scum. But you're going to regret that for the rest of your life... both seconds of it." With that, the normally mild-mannered Courtney stabbed viciously towards Cole's face, before he had a chance to react. She couldn't quite make good on her threat to Cole, although she came within a few painful, stabby minutes of doing so.

Dear Levity,

You are Cole Lezo, the Cleaner

You are a very insular person, giving away little about yourself. The few people who know you consider you to be a cold, ungrateful person, but that’s only because they know little about your past.

The truth about you is this: Five years ago, on February 23rd, you got married to the only woman, the only person, who had ever felt like a true friend to you. On February 27th of the same year, your wife was killed in a car ‘accident’. A small truck pulled alongside your car while you were driving along a cliff, and as it did, it rammed the side of your car and threw you off the side of the cliff. As it happened, you saw clearly the face of the driver of the truck, leaning over and out of the window, laughing at you as your car began sliding off the cliff. That face, that laugh, the look and sound of someone killing out of the desire to kill... Your heart was filled with an uncontrollable rage and anger and a sole desire to see that person dead.

After the police ruled that the death was an accident and that there wasn’t even another car involved, you left your job and began training, motivated by revenge, to become strong enough to kill, to become wise enough to find out who it was and to become alert enough to pick him out of a crowd. As you trained, you were found by The Master, who took you into the guild to both offer you sanctuary, and hone your skills further. For the past year, you have been training, but are always cautious to completely clean up after your kills. This means that if you kill someone, there will be less evidence about them available to the town. If you’re killed, the bodies you’ve hidden are likely to be revealed.

As you continue your work, you’ve never forgotten your true aim of the past few years. As you continued to investigate this injustice, you did discover that your wife was killed by someone called Joshua, who currently lives here in New Novo. You can only hope you’ll run into him again.

You are known among the assassins as ‘Katana’. You are allied with the assassins, and win if the assassins kill all of the targets, even if you are killed before that point.

The game is now over. The town, just about, wins!

A new topic with endgame flavour, developer's notes, all role PMs and other various postgame bonuses will be available some time in the near future.

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In case anyone wants to know, the Town didn't actually deserve to win. Only reason why it happened where balance and mod problems along with Spykor quitting.

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In case anyone wants to know, the Town didn't actually deserve to win. Only reason why it happened where balance and mod problems along with Spykor quitting.

I'll admit the town was as shaky as the conjugation used in that last sentence.

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