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SF Mafia Mafia


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Bastards, I liked that post restriction.

That looks more like a Paperblade role anyways. Or at least the restriction.

(i should look up some sort of "never wrong" image and make this restriction more fun)




Edited by Luka Mefeline
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Will be absent until Wednesday, I believe. Worshipping a person with a halolike object.

Edit: tag fail.

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Mayor died? :/

Hrmm...after reading through everything I missed, I don't really have anything more to say at this point, I didn't think we should've lynched Kevin anyways. Someone seriously needs to start acting really scummy or something. It'd make everything so much easier.

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Will be absent until Wednesday, I believe. Worshipping a person with a halolike object.

Edit: tag fail.

This is incorrect, I will be here sporadically. Just more consistently Wednesday and Thursday.

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cmon people I'm making longer posts than almost anything this day phase, what are you guys doing wrong?! (Since we all know it's not me- I'm never wrong)

Moving on...

##This is our last dance

this is our last dance

this is ourselves

I Eat Tables

(Under) Pressure vote. I don't like how your role sounds, tbh. Not inventor, not JoAT, multiple one use actions? =\ I can't help but feel that role isn't exactly nice for us. Feel free to totally ignore this if you'd like, but... I'd at least like to know, what kind of user would have a role like that? :o:

some other thoughts...

Levity's numbers role saying "14 townies" makes me want to go out on a limb and say maybe there's just a single mafia and a third party. Assuming it's true, anyways.


Also, I really wouldn't mind a permanent extension to 72 hour day phases. We haven't got much discussion going, and it's not like it's going to really be a problem to anyone. Except maybe clipsey and RD, but I think it'd be a boon for the most part.

Edited by Luka Mefeline
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I never said it was multiple one use abilities. Just, at least one. Exact wording, see ;). But since I was so nicely blocked last night, I think there's a mafia out there afraid of my ability(s). And I can't blame them.

Now... ##Vote: JB. At this point, even if Kevin is scum (he likely is) killing him gives us little more than closure, I feel, as we pretty much know what his role is. JB I already gave weak reasoning for, and he's got a vote, so let's put the pressure on.

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cmon people I'm making longer posts than almost anything this day phase, what are you guys doing wrong?!

Well duh. I don't exactly feel like taking chances and getting myself modkilled.

On that note, post restrictions are retarded and hinder the flow of the game.

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A few people have requested day phases be extended to 72 hours, I'm afraid due to a fuckup that shouldn't have made it past final checks, I can't oblige that request. Full explaination in postgame.

Ergo, I suggest you actually get off your asses and make the most of the 48 hours you have instead of sitting around twiddling your thumbs.

Phase ends in 16 hours.

Edited by Hazekitty
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I don't have anything to say, aside from that if you lynch me you're fucked ;/

...realy? thats what you are going for? At least try to convince us that you are a townie... but really? we are fucked if you die? in a 20 player game were there has only been 1 death?

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This game is just... ugh. No one is doing anything, I don't know what to do, and all of you are just so used to OC that I'm not even quite sure if any of you remember how to play NOC properly anymore. And it's okay if you don't prefer NOC; everyone swims their own way. Everyone flows with their own current, you know. Sadly, I just can't keep up with the style of mafia here anymore.

I request to be replaced in this game. I'm sorry if there are objections to this, but... I just hope all of you have fun. /; Maybe I'll try out an OC game or two, but it's unlikely. I just... I'm not having fun here anymore. But I love all of you guys, really, and I'll miss you.

Anyone wondering about CM4: Yeah, I'm still going to host the game. Sadly, it might have to wait a bit more because I flubbed up and wrote out roles way too slowly: CARA is going to be holding some more full games soon, and I don't think they want me to hold CM yet. I'm waiting for one of their games to be done before I start. So, if anyone expects to be busy in the future... sorry about that.

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##Unvote: JB

I'll bite that for now. Of course, it leaves the question of who to lynch open. All things considered, I think ##Vote: Kevin might be another valid choice. If he's town (which I kinda doubt) then he's basically vanilla town at this point. If he's scum, he's scum.

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This game is just... ugh. No one is doing anything, I don't know what to do, and all of you are just so used to OC that I'm not even quite sure if any of you remember how to play NOC properly anymore. And it's okay if you don't prefer NOC; everyone swims their own way. Everyone flows with their own current, you know. Sadly, I just can't keep up with the style of mafia here anymore.

I request to be replaced in this game. I'm sorry if there are objections to this, but... I just hope all of you have fun. /; Maybe I'll try out an OC game or two, but it's unlikely. I just... I'm not having fun here anymore. But I love all of you guys, really, and I'll miss you.

Anyone wondering about CM4: Yeah, I'm still going to host the game. Sadly, it might have to wait a bit more because I flubbed up and wrote out roles way too slowly: CARA is going to be holding some more full games soon, and I don't think they want me to hold CM yet. I'm waiting for one of their games to be done before I start. So, if anyone expects to be busy in the future... sorry about that.

NOC > OC always. Just look at the effects of OC on discussion.

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