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Schoolboy Mafia


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Dear Rothene,

You are Naruto. You are dead-set in proving that real ninjas scream loudly and wear orange. You came to this school by request of my mom (really).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Send a clone to watch <PLAYER>". One of your clones will spend the night watching <PLAYER>, while you get your beauty sleep. When morning comes, you will dismiss your clone, and learn who visited <PLAYER> during the night.

You have some kind of ball in your possession. You can't see how this could be useful to anyone, so you keep it in your room as a paperweight.

Posting restriction: Be loud, and be proud! Make up a catchphrase, and use it at least once a phase! No changing phrases in the middle of the mafia!

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.[/quote]

Bandages was given to me by Snike

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=_=". Here. Remember that time I posted it? compare my item and why I'm here.

Dear Rothene,

You are Naruto. You are dead-set in proving that real ninjas scream loudly and wear orange. You came to this school by request of my mom (really).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Send a clone to watch <PLAYER>". One of your clones will spend the night watching <PLAYER>, while you get your beauty sleep. When morning comes, you will dismiss your clone, and learn who visited <PLAYER> during the night.

You have some kind of ball in your possession. You can't see how this could be useful to anyone, so you keep it in your room as a paperweight.

Posting restriction: Be loud, and be proud! Make up a catchphrase, and use it at least once a phase! No changing phrases in the middle of the mafia!

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Edit: removed the itallics

Edited by Rothene
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I'm just pissed that he wants to use my role claim as a slate. Unless eclipse decided that it would be funny to toss in two similarly written ones just to troll with us.


Also are itallics not allowed to be revealed or it's dangerous to show them?

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Also are itallics not allowed to be revealed or it's dangerous to show them?

2. Everyone will get a role PM with a character name, some flavor, a role, a posting restriction, and a win condition. All of you will have italicized text in your role PM. The italicized information is not to be shared with anyone, and all italicized text will NOT be published until postgame. You may post/claim everything else in your PM, starting from D1. If you ABSOLUTELY want to say "My role is X", you may do so on the first night.
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Heya Folks!!!

Why do you have the same item as me Seven Deadly Sins? Why is it the same wording: 'You have some kind of ball in your possession. You can't see how this could be useful to anyone, so you keep it in your room as a paperweight.'? The fact it's used as a paper weight?

And did somebody's reason for being in the school also happened to be 'You came to this school because my mom asked you to (really).'?!

Does this ball actually count as an item I own?

That ball is. . .there. It does nothing, and you can't give it away. It does not count towards you inventory.

I assume the same applies to Rothene's, which is why the bandages can be held anyway.

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Released new update for Schoolboy Mafia.

Story updates.

*"It was only then did Haze understand what Eclipse had meant when she said she was laughing while letting her mother decide some of the role names...."

**Read the rest of the short story here.

Upcoming content.


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Curse you. . .PHASE END!

Less than half the number of students remained, and they looked nervously at each other. Onizuka was once again preoccupied with something else. In this case, it was a door. A single punch later, and the door collapsed. Behind the door was Rothene, still in bed. Blood was everywhere.

Dear Rothene,

You are Naruto. You are dead-set in proving that real ninjas scream loudly and wear orange. You came to this school by request of my mom (really).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Send a clone to watch <PLAYER>". One of your clones will spend the night watching <PLAYER>, while you get your beauty sleep. When morning comes, you will dismiss your clone, and learn who visited <PLAYER> during the night.

Posting restriction: Be loud, and be proud! Make up a catchphrase, and use it at least once a phase! No changing phrases in the middle of the mafia!

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

While Onizuka arranged for someone to clean up the mess, the rest of you filed down to the cafeteria to figure out who to lynch.


You'll get your night results in a bit.

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And I thought I had the worst role

You get to take down a Mafia member when you die. Even a Town Bomb can't guarantee blowing up on a Mafia. And since the Town must have more people than the Mafia, your role > my role

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Seven Deadly Sins



So, I took out the people that are as townish as they'll ever be(and me) and this is who is left. Personally, I think SDS is our best lynch today, since we don't lose a potentially valuable role.

Also, Kirsche hasn't claimed, but I am fairly sure he's town regardless.

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itt Core needs a scumdar update

But first

accompanying music

Dear Kevin comma

You are Hyo Imawano period Your idea of a school uniform is military threads period You came to this school as part of an exchange program period You are part of the mafia because you apostrophe re the one that found out that this school was supposed to be a school dedicated to girls open parenthesis and you talked Jin into forming the mafia comma since he had the most resources at his disposal close parenthesis period

During the night comma you may respond to your role PM with quote mark Night X dash Standing next to open bracket PLAYER close bracket quote mark period You will take note of who visits open bracket PLAYER close bracket comma then report them for breaking curfew period As quote mark punishment quote mark comma all the players you quote mark report quote mark will have their votes negated during the day period If you quote mark report quote mark more than one person in this manner comma you will negate your own vote period No one will be given notice if their vote is negated in this way open parenthesis even you exclamation point close parenthesis

If you are sent out to kill comma you may respond to the mafia thread with quote mark I apostrophe m doing the killing comma so catch me if you can exclamation point quote mark If you do comma you will send one of your clones to do your dirty work period In game terms comma you will be untraceable for a night period You may only do this once period

Posting restriction colon As a student of the elite Justice High comma you must uphold your school apostrophe s lofty reputation period Every post you make must be grammatically correct period

You are allied with the mafia period You win when all threats to the mafia have been eliminated period

hash mark hash mark elect colon Kevin

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##Smash with Hierophant Green: Kevin

So Kevin, it looks like you've been found out. And I feel I can trust Snike, because of a little something I kept hidden, which I am now putting out into the open.

You still have that camera you used on your trip to Egypt. To use it, reply to your role PM with "Night X - Snapping a photo of <PLAYER>". You will get a picture of <PLAYER> in return. You may use this camera to snap a Myspace picture of yourself. A player may only snap one picture a game. To give the camera to someone else, reply to your role PM with "Day X - Giving Camera to <PLAYER>". The camera has four pictures remaining.

This lines up with what Snike claimed the second time around. As I cannot use my camera again, I will be handing it to someone who can use it. I bet your mom never saw this coming.

Edited by TourGuideFromTheUnderworld
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Damn, you're right. Uhh. Yhat makes things slightly more difficult. Either way, I got a picture of Sneasel, which lines up with what Snike claimed. It would apply to the whole PM and not just the role itself, wouldn't it?

Edited by TourGuideFromTheUnderworld
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