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W/E, I knew this was coming, and I've received absolutely 0 support from my team mates this whole game against a town which was more than a little strong.

##Vote: Kevin

End this thing clipsey, so I can rage hard in postgame.

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I hear and obey.

Back in another dimension, a different kind of fight raged.

"I thought you'd let me lynch people!" Joshua yelled.

"I would've, but the students kept leaving before I could lynch them properly," the woman he was yelling at said calmly.

"That's not fair. You could've totally made them stay put, and I could've had my fun with them!"

"While you were having your little pouty fit, the latest lynch victim walked out of school."

Joshua looked at the roster on the screen. Sure enough, it was short one.


Dear Kevin,

You are Hyo Imawano. Your idea of a school uniform is military threads. You came to this school as part of an exchange program. You are part of the mafia because you're the one that found out that this school was supposed to be a school dedicated to girls (and you talked Jin into forming the mafia, since he had the most resources at his disposal).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Standing next to <PLAYER>". You will take note of who visits <PLAYER>, then report them for breaking curfew. As "punishment", all the players you "report" will have their votes negated during the day. If you "report" more than one person in this manner, you will negate your own vote. No one will be given notice if their vote is negated in this way (even you!)

If you are sent out to kill, you may respond to the mafia thread with "I'm doing the killing, so catch me if you can!" If you do, you will send one of your clones to do your dirty work. In game terms, you will be untraceable for a night. You may only do this once.

Posting restriction: As a student of the elite Justice High, you must uphold your school's lofty reputation. Every post you make must be grammatically correct.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia have been eliminated.

With students no longer dropping like dead flies, peace returned to the school. . .almost. N left before anyone realized that he was way too old to be in school. As for the rest. . .well, we'll see them somewhere else, right?

Congratulations to the town for winning Schoolboy Mafia! Lemme format everything, and postgame will be up in a bit. Night flavors will most likely go up by day's end, my time.

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Players (by time of death, and the PMs they started with, with the lynch tie conditionals filled in):

Dear Paperblade,

You are Leo. Your Dragon is affected by Limiter Removal. You came to this school seeking someone ELSE to duel.

You are so loud and obnoxious that your vote will count twice. Your priority is 16

You found a Hall Pass in one of your drawers. You may choose to invoke this by replying to your role PM at night "Night X - I'm FREE!" If you successfully invoke this item, you will be allowed to break your posting restricton for the following day and night phase. Once invoked, the Hall Pass will find a new owner. You may not give this item away.

Posting restriction: Talk, dammit! In this case, make at least three posts a phase.

The shirt on the opposite bed looks to be about your size, but it looks stupid.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you lose, and negate all other lynch tie conditions

Paperblade: His post restriction was no problem whatsoever (thus, the Hall Pass was useless). He claimed mayor. . .and he finally was mayor. Did a fair amount of talking, and tallied the votals for me, which was really sweet of him. I giggled pretty hard when I saw what the RNG did with him! His roommate was Psych (Max).

Dear Radiant Dragon,

You are Ma-Ti. You (think you) left Suchi at home. You came to this school at the behest of one of my real life friends (no joke).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Use the power of Heart on <PLAYER>!" You will (ab)use your power of Heart, and you will get either <PLAYER>'s flavor text or alliance. Your priority is 13

Heart also gives you the ability to talk with animals, but the school said no pets, so. . .

You have some kind of ball in your possession. You can't see how this could be useful to anyone, so you keep it in your room as a paperweight.

Posting restriction: You are a very nice person, and as such, you may not swear or insult anyone.

You see a book on the other bed. On closer inspection, it's in French.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you automatically win the first tie

Radiant Dragon: Made the mistake of advertising that he had an item, which caught the attention of Slayer, Raymond, and Sho. Slayer broke his item, Raymond killed him (and was quite annoyed to see that he didn't get an item for his efforts), and Sho took that picture in the hopes of claiming that item. He would've learned a bit about the martyr, doctor, and Snike (as Sneasel's not exactly human). His roommate was Core (Odd).

Dear Blitz,

You are Shiki Tohno. You have a great appreciation for life, leisure, and ladies (sometimes). You came to this school due to a transcript mix-up.

You know that good-for-nothing Shiki Nanaya is in the game. It's probably best not to advertise yourself too much. This means that if you vote for him, your vote will not count against him, because voting for oneself is silly.

Since you are technically stuck with Shiki Nanaya, actions that would affect you will also affect him, including most kills! Your priority is 3

Posting restriction: Since you're not in the best of health, you may only post once an hour.

Looks like someone sat on the opposite bed? You can't see any other indication of who your roommate is.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will automatically lose, and break the item that the person/people you're tied with are holding, if they have one.

Note: You may not mention who your twin is in any way, shape, or form. Breaking this rule is grounds for a modkill.

Blitz: Changed his story, which got JB suspicious. Under most circumstances, this would be horrid play, but in this case. . .it was exactly what he needed to do. Everyone bandwagoned pretty quickly, including his other half. JB knew he was a twin, and voted anyway. I chose Blitz for this role, because he happened to be part of a set of RL brothers (the other being Proto). His roommate was Raymond (Joshua).

Dear Kiku-Ichimonji,

You are Shiki Nanaya. Your family tree does not branch. You came to this school due to a transcript mix-up. You are part of the mafia because you enjoy killing stuff, even if it's a sorry bunch of kids.

You know that goody-two-shoes Shiki Tohno is in the game. This means that if you vote for him, your vote will not count against him, because voting for oneself is silly.

Since you are technically stuck with Shiki Tohno, actions that would affect you will also affect him, including most kills! Your priority is 3

Posting restriction: You must insult whoever you vote to lynch, because you are a jerk like that.

Looks like someone sat on the opposite bed? You can't see any other indication of who your roommate is.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia have been eliminated.

Note: You are free to share with the mafia everything in your role PM EXCEPT anything in italics regarding the identity of your twin. You may not hint at your twin's identity to anyone in any way, shape, or form. Breaking this rule is grounds for a modkill of you and one of your teammates.

Proto: Dragged down with Blitz, because that's how that particular twin role worked. Proto was the one who could actively separate the twins. There were several other ways around it, but Proto killing Blitz was the most elegant way of doing it. He was chosen as the mafia half because between Blitz and him, he's the stronger player. His roommate was Raymond (Joshua).

If you guys are wondering how the twins could've not been twins, here's the full list of ways to "break" the bond:

1. Proto kills Blitz (Proto gains a one-time janitor ability if he does this).

2. Pariah drives her/Ether's priority with theirs.

3. Ether hits either one with a number that isn't 3.

4. Either one uses Haze's Stopwatch.

5. Snike kills one/Raymond drops the moon on one.

6. I find a good enough reason to modkill one and not the other (breaking post restriction while up for lynch wouldn't have been enough).

Dear Haze,

You are Ethan Kairos. You have a thing for watches and the like. You came to this school after an accident involving Sox and the Hollow Pen. Sox is currently hiding in your room.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Use Hollow Pen on <PLAYER>". You will use the powers of the Hollow Pen to send yourself back in time, right in front of <PLAYER>. Everything that would target <PLAYER> will target you instead. Your priority is 7

One of your favorite time pieces is a stopwatch. During the night, you may invoke this item by responding to your role PM with "Night X - Stopwatch!" If you do, your priority will be raised to 1. However, it will break once it is invoked. During the day, you may hand off the stopwatch to someone else by responding to your role PM with "Day X - Give Stopwatch to <PLAYER>".

Posting restriction: Every post you make must contain the time remaining in the phase, accurate to the hour. You can be more granular, if you wish.

You take a peek at the other side of the room. You see a badly-sewn charm on a key chain.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Haze (martyr): I honestly have no idea why the mafia chose to kill him. He used his Stopwatch right before he was killed. . .but to prevent his own death, he needed to target Core, as this would've triggered the town's omniguard with priority ridiculous. Did a splendid job hiding his post restriction in amusing ways (go see his write-up on Snike in SF MAFIA for more details), and otherwise did a pretty good job of talking. His roommate was SDS (Takumi).


You are Tori Avalon. You're quite protective of your little sister, and support her in her endeavors. You came to this school because you felt that something bad would happen to your sister if you didn't.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - What is <PLAYER> doing?" Using your extensive job history, you will be able to piece together <PLAYER>'s role. Your priority is 14

Posting restriction: If anyone deadtalks beyond their "last post after death", you must tell them to shut up and/or go away. Blame your ability to see ghosts.

Seems your roommate left his laptop on. Upon slightly closer inspection, the laptop's hibernating.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

JBCWK: Was killed by Raymond for looking scummy (really). He was yet another inspection ability, and the only useful thing he found before dying was Blitz's role. His post restriction was very well-done, though I can't imagine Tori screaming like that. His roommate was WoMC (Ginnosuke).

Dear Raymond,

You are Yoshiya Kiryu/Joshua. You were invited to this school, but were laughed out the door when you came dressed in Lapin Angelique. You snuck back in, intent on making those losers pay!

Starting from N1, you MUST respond to your role PM with "Night X - Screw you <PLAYER>, <NUMBER>!" <PLAYER> will be killed. <NUMBER> is a number between 0 and 9, whose importance you aren't aware of yet. Your priority is indeterminate

If your victim had an item, you will obtain it. You may keep up to three items. If you would go over this limit, I will give you the option to discard items before adding new ones to your inventory. Instructions for item usage are on each item.

Since you are hidden, certain abilities may not work the way they should on you. You know that there is another hidden player, and that he does not mean you well. Be careful!

Posting restriction: You may not post in the main thread.

Your roommate left his knife on the bed. You vow to be more careful with your possessions!

You are allied with yourself. You win when everyone else is dead.

Raymond: Foiled by Sho, who somehow wasn't lynched on D1. I hid him to give him a chance at winning as SK, but Sho was able to go off of the vaguest possible night result and somehow got the vote to stick on him. This role had far more tricks up its sleeve, detailed below:

- Drop the moon: Unstoppable, cannot be redirected, day phase skip (once)

- Light beams: Janitors every even hit

- Heavy objects (the progression was cars, construction signs, and vending machines): Untraceable

- Gunshot to the chest: Someone gets a very vague clue to his identity (in this case, Strawman saw a bowl of shio ramen outside of his room)

His roommate was Blitz/Proto (Shiki).

Dear Strawman the Ducksaw Kitty,

You are Kunimitsu Tezuka. You are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of the team. You came to this school to escape Inui's newest recipes.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Try this, <PLAYER>". You will have <PLAYER> sample one of Inui's recipes. <PLAYER> will be knocked unconscious, and you will lock them up in a storage closet. Your charge will be protected from most actions, but they won't be able to take part in the next day's discussion. Your priority is 10

Posting restriction: If you must lynch someone, you have to justify why you're doing this to everyone, because it's bad team morale if you lynch one of your own!

You see a pair of polished black boots at the foot of the opposite bed.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, I will flip a coin. If you lose, you will die, and the person/people you're tied with will have all their night actions for the rest of the game determined by RNG.

Strawman: Did his best to fight the lynch, but alas, people believed Kevin over him. He did manage to save the Stopwatch, silence two mafia members, and protect Sho, so all-in-all, he did pretty good. I do wish he'd explain his kidnapping choices! This role was supposed to go to Kaoz, but that was long before I found out that he didn't care for NOC. His roommate was Kevin (Hyo).

Dear Pariah,

You are Carl Clover. You travel with your Deus Ex Machina, in the hopes of claiming the bounty on Ragna's head. You came to this school because you heard that the lunches were exceptional. You were promised a large sum of money if you did your part as mafia.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Playing volleyball with <PLAYER1> and <PLAYER2>" You and Nirvana will use one of your more annoying combos on both players, and let them out when you feel like it. This will effectively swap both player's priorities. You MAY choose to target yourself. Your priority is 1

If you are sent out to kill, you may respond to the mafia thread with "I'm doing the killing, and I'm not gonna let anything get in my way!" If you do, Nirvana will see to it that you are not stopped or redirected. You may only do this once.

Posting restriction: You're smart, but dropping out of school means that you missed a couple of important grammar lessons. Every post you make must contain at least one grammatical error.

You take a peek over to the other side of the room. You see an empty milk carton on the floor.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia have been eliminated.

Pariah: Decided to follow Kevin rather than find other uses for her role. The priority driven kills got on my nerves, but Snike decided to investigate her for whatever reason, then used his one-time kill to put an end to that nonsense. It would've been very interesting to see how Proto and Kay worked together as mafia! Despite how it looks, she was chosen by RNG. Her roommate was Rothene (Naruto).

Dear Balcerzak,

You are Jin Kazama. You are the product of a one-night stand between your messed-in-the-head father and overly kind mother. You came to this school for remedial classes. You formed this mafia because you are the head of Mishima Corporation, and you object to the remedial classes you've been forced to take.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Replacing part of my role PM with <something>". <something> is one of flavor, role, or alliance. Any attempts to investigate you will turn up parts of the following role PM:

Dear Balcerzak,

You are Bridget. Your parents raised you as a girl, because they thought that twin boys were bad luck. You came to this school because you are trying to learn how to act like a young man.

Due to your appearance and mannerisms, you'll draw slightly more attention to yourself during a lynch. If the vote would be tied, your vote will determine who gets lynched. Your priority is 21

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Your priority is 9

Since you do not wish for your company to draw any more bad press than necessary, you may not be sent out to perform kills while any other mafia members are alive.

You came to this school with your trusty Flamethrower. However, you used it to help the gardener kill weeds, so it's only got five charges left. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Roasting <PLAYER>" You will fire up your Flamethrower, which will scare <PLAYER> into doing nothing that night. Afterwards, the Flamethrower will overheat, and you will drop it.

Posting restriction: You aren't a one for public speeches, so you may not post more than three sentences in a given post. You may not make a bunch of posts containing three sentences each to get your idea across, nor may you employ excessive run-on sentences. Be conscise.

You take a peek over to the other side of your room. Seems there's a pair of earrings on the desk.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will kill everyone that's tied with you

Balcerzak/Rein: Bal got busy, which made me sad. He correctly guessed the identity of Shiki's town half, and it would've been interesting to see if he would've been able to get Psych lynched after the latter confused his results. Rein subbed in, claimed self-safeguard as an attempt to explain himself, and yeah. . .next time that happens, get Psych lynched for not understanding the difference between "visits self" and "visits no one". His roommate, funnily enough, was Ether (Kakyoin).

Dear Psych,

You are Max. You are a complete Pokemon geek, even though you couldn't train one to save your life (yet). You came to this school to see if the library had any good Pokemon books.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Pester <PLAYER> about Pokemon". You will follow <PLAYER> around, bugging them for any Pokemon knowledge they might have. You won't learn anything new about Pokemon, but you will know who <PLAYER> visited during the night. Your priority is 19

Posting restriction: The teachers thought that you were too young to have a posting restriction, so at least once during each phase, you must whine about not having a posting restriction.

You see a hair tie on a bookshelf.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Psych: Nearly let Bal get away with visiting himself, but suddenly decided to post his results, as I sent them. I was extremely irritated with him when he remembered to post in the thread, and forgot to send in a night action. At least he took Rein down with him. His roommate was Paperblade (Leo)

Dear Slayer,

You are Roy. Between your growths and promotion time, you aren't considered an amazing lord. You came to this school because you got lost on your way back to Ostia. You are a part of the mafia because you feel that SF doesn't give you enough respect.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Rapier strike on <PLAYER>". You will attempt to hit <PLAYER> with your Rapier, but since your Strength sucks, you'll only succeed in breaking an item held by <PLAYER>. If <PLAYER> is holding no items, they will be silenced instead. Your priority is 4

If you are sent out to kill, you may respond to the mafia thread with "I'm doing the killing, so back off!" Any other roles that target you will be randomly redirected. This ability has the same priority as your original priority, and the priority for this ability may not be altered in any way. You may only do this once.

Posting restriction: After reading many tier list discussions, you realized that if you were on a horse, maybe you'd be a little higher up. You must make a mention of a horse at least once during every phase.

The other end of the room looks empty. Yay.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia have been eliminated.

Slayer: Did very well, until he posted that he was Roy (which gave Sho the idea that Paper was killed via Sword of Seals). Had he done a proper fakeclaim, he probably could've gotten Core lynched. His roommate was. . .no one.

Dear Rothene,

You are Naruto. You are dead-set in proving that real ninjas scream loudly and wear orange. You came to this school by request of my mom (really).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Send a clone to watch <PLAYER>". One of your clones will spend the night watching <PLAYER>, while you get your beauty sleep. When morning comes, you will dismiss your clone, and learn who visited <PLAYER> during the night. Your priority is 20

You have some kind of ball in your possession. You can't see how this could be useful to anyone, so you keep it in your room as a paperweight.

Posting restriction: Be loud, and be proud! Make up a catchphrase, and use it at least once a phase! No changing phrases in the middle of the mafia!

You see a bow tie on the opposite bed.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will stop the lynch. This only happens once.

Rothene: For a first game, did pretty well. I had to explain what a watcher was, as well as a few other basic mechanics of mafia. He saw the kidnapper, and everyone assumed the kidnapper was mafia. Snike tried to protect him, but Slayer's last act was to break the Bandages (which was a pretty good move, BTW). Next time, try a NOC game! His roommate was Pariah (Carl).

Dear Kevin,

You are Hyo Imawano. Your idea of a school uniform is military threads. You came to this school as part of an exchange program. You are part of the mafia because you're the one that found out that this school was supposed to be a school dedicated to girls (and you talked Jin into forming the mafia, since he had the most resources at his disposal).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Standing next to <PLAYER>". You will take note of who visits <PLAYER>, then report them for breaking curfew. As "punishment", all the players you "report" will have their votes negated during the day. If you "report" more than one person in this manner, you will negate your own vote. No one will be given notice if their vote is negated in this way (even you!) Your priority is 5

If you are sent out to kill, you may respond to the mafia thread with "I'm doing the killing, so catch me if you can!" If you do, you will send one of your clones to do your dirty work. In game terms, you will be untraceable for a night. You may only do this once.

You picked up an Item Finder in the hall. This device will beep if the person(s) you target have an item. Your target(s) will hear the beeping. If you want to give this item away, you can respond to your role PM with "Day X - Pass Item Finder to <PLAYER>". You may not give away this item until D2.

Posting restriction: As a student of the elite Justice High, you must uphold your school's lofty reputation. Every post you make must be grammatically correct.

You take a peek over to the other side of the room. You see a red, white, and blue jacket thrown over a chair.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will permanently disable the person/people you're tied with.

Kevin: The head of the mafia, whose argument with Proto on D1 kept him safe for a very long time. Was eventually discovered by Snike, who had gotten mostly everyone to claim in-thread by that time. Kevin's role was highly experimental, and was designed to give the mafia a chance at day control. His roommate was Strawman (Tezuka). Since he was the most active of the group, he gets mafia MVP.

Dear WoMC,

You are Ginnosuke. You get your glasses from the same place that Carly Carmine gets hers from. You came to this school to test a few things.

You brought four items with you, none of which you can use. Their usage is outlined below:

- Pressure Meter: Can check a player's alliance once a night. Each player may only use it once. It has three charges remaining.

- Circuit Breaker: One-time lynch cancel

- Megaphone: Owner's vote will be worth an additional 0.5

- Decoder: Will reveal one person's priority to the entire school, then break.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Handing <ITEM> to <PLAYER>" You will pass out your item accordingly. Your priority is 18

Posting restriction: Due to your good grades, you are allowed to make up your own post restriction. Once you make one up, you are not allowed to change it for the entire game.

Additionally, you brought along a trusty Wiretap. This is your item to use, and it cannot be given away. To invoke this item, reply to your role PM with "Night X - Tuning into <CHANNEL>", where <CHANNEL> is a number between 0 and 9. You aren't sure what this will do, but it's better than being Santa, right?

You see a photo of a little girl on the opposite desk.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

WoMC/Haze: WoMC didn't do much of anything with his role. I had Haze take over, because WoMC told me he really wasn't paying attention to the game (and his role required much attention being paid to it). Haze gave Psych the Alliance Checker on the night he died, then gave Snike the Megaphone, which was unneeded by that time. The Wiretap was meant to give clues on the hidden players, then clues as to who the remaining players were (flavor-wise). He got fragments of conversations from both hidden players, but luckily, that wasn't needed. His roommate was JBCWK (Tori).

Dear Ether,

You are Noriaki Kakyoin. You've had Hierophant Green for as long as you remember. You came to this school because you heard something about fajita night.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Taking control of <PLAYER>, <NUMBER>". You will force <PLAYER> to perform his action with priority <NUMBER>, with <NUMBER> being from 1 to 20. Your priority is 2

You still have that camera you used on your trip to Egypt. To use it, reply to your role PM with "Night X - Snapping a photo of <PLAYER>". You will get a picture of <PLAYER> in return. You may use this camera to snap a Myspace picture of yourself. A player may only snap one picture a game. To give the camera to someone else, reply to your role PM with "Day X - Giving Camera to <PLAYER>". The camera has four pictures remaining.

Posting restriction: After a rather. . .awkward scene with Jotaro in his house, you have decided to work on your joking skills. Once per phase, you must make a "your mom" joke. (I'm pretty sure this won't get you in trouble, but if it does, do let me know)

You see a very expensive jacket tossed carelessly on the opposite bed.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will kill a random voter

Ether: Wasn't sure how to use his role (read Duel Terminal; you did enough trolling in that game!), and didn't use the Camera until N6, which was almost too late. His blind shooting saved Haze's item, ended Psych's night early, and caused Core to dodge Kevin's role (saving his vote). This role is a true wild card, so don't be afraid to fail with it! His roommate, amusingly enough, was Bal (Jin).

Dear Seven Deadly Sins,

You are Takumi Fujiwara. You drive like a maniac when doing your deliveries, yet somehow your goods are always intact. You came to this school because my mom asked you to (really).

Since you have to continue your delivery job, the first attempt to kill you will miss, and hit your car instead. If this happens, you will spend the next day fixing your car, effectively silencing yourself. Your priority is 8

You have some kind of ball in your possession. You can't see how this could be useful to anyone, so you keep it in your room as a paperweight.

Posting restriction: As you are off-campus during the wee hours of the morning, you may not post during the last half of the night phase (so if the night's 48 hours long, you can't post in the last 24 hours, etc.)

You see a wristwatch on the opposite bed. It is accurate.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

SDS: Was more-or-less silent throughout the entire game, and was surprisingly not pressure-voted. Luckily, the town didn't need his BPV. His roommate was Haze (Ethan).

Dear Core,

You are Odd Della Robbia. You are straight, yet wear a skin-tight purple jump suit. You came to this school because you need to work on your grades.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Kiwi, go to <PLAYER>". You will send your pet dog Kiwi to stand near <PLAYER>. Anyone who attempts to kill <PLAYER> will be scared off by Kiwi's barking, because pets aren't allowed (supposedly). Your priority is 11

Posting restriction: You are a far better artist than student. When voting to lynch someone, you MUST post a picture indicating your lynch choice. The picture must not have any words, and you are not allowed to say who you are lynching in the main thread. You'll unvote normally. You may NOT share your posting restriction.

The room smells really good. Upon further inspection, the source of the smell is a small pounch on the other desk.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Core: Came off as scummy for his post restriction, but managed to outlive Slayer, the other doctor claim. Snike investigated him, and cleared him for good. He had one of my favorite post restrictions! His roommate was RD (Ma-Ti).

BTW, he and Haze were not hooked on N1. They activated the town's hidden Omniguard by both of them choosing Psych. Their actions failed because they were busy chasing their respective pets, but everything that targeted them would automatically fail. Nothing targeted them that night, making this somewhat useless.

Dear Sho.M.The.Heap.Master,

You are Neku Sakuraba. You cannot match your clothes with your hair to save your life. You came to this school because screw you, it's none of your business!

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Snapping a photo of <PLAYER>". <PLAYER> must be dead. Using the camera you gained in your, erm, adventures, you will get a photo of the scene near the time of death. Due to the strange laws of the school, you may only do this thrice. If <PLAYER> died with an item, you will pick it up, if you do not already have an item in your possession. Your priority is 15

That Data Stick you have around your neck is more than decoration. During the night, you must respond with "Night X - Here's a thought: <THOUGHT>" <THOUGHT> may only be one piece of information, and you may NOT name yourself or your role in <THOUGHT>. Once you have recorded something, the Data Stick will find a new owner. Any owner of the Data Stick will be able to see your thought! You don't want to find out what happens if you fail to record a thought.

Posting restriction: If anyone quotes you, you must tell them off. How you do this is up to you.

Looks like someone sat on the opposite bed? You can't see any other indication of who your roommate is.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Sho: Got into my brain, and found both Raymond and Slayer with his role. While his analytical skills regarding my flavor text is exceptional, his scumhunting could still use some work. . .as does his attitude. I got complaints that he was plenty OP in this game. . .but given that Slayer claimed his own role (which caused Sho to switch his target), and that Raymond was supposed to be found with it. . .well, I'll let you guys tell me more about it. This role was originally supposed to go to Rein, because I know how much he likes Neku. His roommate was Snike (N).

Dear Snike,

You are N. You got lost, and decided to spend the night in a storage closet. When you woke up, you heard voices. School was in session! You decided to stick around to see what this school's like.

You don't like to keep Pokemon longer than you should, but these two refuse to leave your side.

- Sneasel insisted on following you after you gave it some food. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Send Sneasel to <PLAYER>, <ITEM>". Sneasel will visit <PLAYER>, and steal his item. If he doesn't have an item, Sneasel will steal his role PM instead. If you send Sneasel with an <ITEM>, it will drop it off on <PLAYER>'s bed. This has a priority of 6

- Zekrom chose you, and you will do your best not to call on it unless absolutely necessary. Once during the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Use Fusion Bolt on <PLAYER>!" Zekrom will follow your orders, and <PLAYER> will die. You have a specific target in mind, detailed in your win condition. This has a priority of 0

You may keep up to two items in your inventory. I will give you the option of discarding an item before adding new ones.

Since you are hidden, certain abilities may not work the way they should on you. You know that there is another hidden player, and that he does not mean you well. Be careful!

You stopped by the nurse's station, and snagged some bandages. They will protect the holder from dying, at a very heavy cost. You can't use these, but if you were to give them to someone else. . .

Posting restriction: You may not post in the main game thread. This restriction is subect to change.

You took up residence in what you thought was a vacant room. Turns out you have an unwitting roommate. He left his headphones on his pillow. You vow to be more careful with your possessions!

You are allied with the town. You win/lose under the following conditions:

- If Zekrom successfully kills the other hidden player, you win

- If the town would otherwise win, you win

- If the mafia reaches parity with the town (not counting yourself), you lose

(once unhidden, his wincon matched the town's wincon)

Snike: At first, wanted to go fulfill his alternate wincon (kill Raymond). After Sneasel got annoyed with him, he started playing with you folks. He stole the Item Finder, gave the Bandages to Roth, switched his target from Core to Pariah on N3 for IDK reason, fried her on N4 (I did not tell him that Zekrom was a phase skip), then used his inspections to clear up scummy people (Core) and find better targets (Kevin). Even with his requested post restriction, he managed to get his point across. He gets Town MVP for attempting to get you guys to talk more, and for being the only one to correctly guess his roommate (Sho/Neku).

If you're wondering why Raymond and Snike were the hidden players. . .remember what their avatars were around last Christmas? That's what gave me the idea for the entire mafia.

Other fun awards come with the night flavors. HAZE AND RD, I WILL BE A MOST UNHAPPY TEACHER IF I BEAT YOU TWO!


Edited by Clipseykitty
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Time for a nice Life Admiral RAEG:

Look at the mafia. We had a vote negater whose own vote was lost if more than one player visited his target. This meant that lategame, if he was one of the few remaining mafia members left, his control is almost worthless. This was an absolute garbage role, hwich I woudl have redeemed eclipse for if she had given me the option of claiming mayor and manipulating the town that way. But NO, I had that option lost from me too. A nerfed godfather who apaprently visist himself or some BS just to make him super nerfed. A silencer who breaks weapons (we broke like 2 weapons. Great role) and a priority driver. And the only time the priority driver would've come in handy was the time when you refused to assume she'd boost my priority (which is the biggest pisstake of all, it got one of our members killed, after all).

Oh wait we also had a twin. That changes everything.

And now we look at the town. For protection, we have core/rothene/Strawman/Haze/Ether and a bijillian protective items. And for inspection we get two cops (who were killed off nice and early thankfully), a tracker, crime scene investigator, a fucking ninja day vigilante who skips a night who can also investigate people (BS role as well).

And then, to top it all off, none of my mafia ever really did anything; pariah went inactive, balcerzak went inactive, slayer never really says anything anyway and proto was killed very early because of being a bloody twin. I had to organise the mafia, which I'm still not very experienced at and would have really loved having a more experienced member give me advice on (Bal/Kay tyvm).

tl;dr, the balance was as bad as Pokemon mafia, the host trolled us and my team never fucking did anything. gg.

I honestly have no idea why the mafia chose to kill him.

I killed him because a) he was smart and actually talking a lot. b) because he was a protective role. and c)because I was beginning to suspect that there was no doctor because I wrongly suspected you had enough sense to not put so many fucking strong roles against such a weak mafia.

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1. Thanks for saving this for postgame.

2. If the host is telling you in the mafia thread that you guys need to step up your game, do it! ALL of you failed to create fakeclaims on N0, including you. That probably would've let Slayer live long enough for you guys to lynch Core.

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If the host is telling you in the mafia thread that you guys need to step up your game, do it!

You told us to do so when I said that slayer should idle when he was under suspicion. We really wouldn't have missed his role anyway.

ALL of you failed to create fakeclaims on N0, including you. That probably would've let Slayer live long enough for you guys to lynch Core.

No it wouldn't eclipse, because roy was the most logical answer to Sho's flavor whether you choose to believe so or not. We lost, eclipse, because you didn't let us kill Sho because you trolled us and have us all shit for roles while the town laughed as even though they all publicly claimed, they still had the resources to protect themselves.

And I could think of literally nothing for Rein to claim as because visiting yourself is such a bloody scummy result.

Edited by kirsche
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Released new update for Schoolboy Mafia.


*Fixed a rare bug where the mafia hadn't lost yet.

New Content.

*Added new costumes and items for all town classes.

*Added SF Mafia Mafia Night Flavours to the Story Archive.

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And I could think of literally nothing for Rein to claim as because visiting yourself is such a bloody scummy result.


"I tracked X and he visited himself."

"What a coincidence! I'm a self watcher and saw Y visit me!"

Town will be confused all day.

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*me sighs*

Sho GOT the idea when Slayer claimed Roy. He was originally investigating Haze's death. Sheesh.

I'm still not seeing a reason why mafia deserved to win. The fact that you had to rely on Pariah to do your kills should say something.

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Let this be my public apology to kirsche.

I had to sub out. I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have signed up in the first place, but I did. I told eclipse after the game ninja-started on me when I wasn't expecting it that if she ever couldn't contact me for 24 hours, to find a sub, and then when I realized that was a shitty idea not fair to either her or my team I just scrapped it and subbed out completely. I wish things could've gone better, but real life, etc. etc.

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Well while we wait for Eclipse, I may as well post an incredibly silly half-finished fakeclaim I'd been working on before I realised these were all Japanese schoolboys/girls.

Dear Haze,

You are Samara Morgan. Your parents murdered you when you were a little girl, and ever since you've had a thing for crawling out of TVs and scaring people to death. You came to this school because someone brought a copy of your tape with them.

During the night, anyone who attempts to visit you will find your haunted video tape running. Out of curiosity they will watch it, causing them to die 3 phases later. Your priority is 0.

(^Ask Eclipse about tweaking the wording)

(No item? The tape maybe?)

Posting restriction: Every post you make must contain the time remaining in the phase, accurate to the hour. You can be more granular, if you wish.

(Possibility of not changing the PR, could argue it's a "SEVEN DAYS" reference.)

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I swear random.org is in love with you!

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Congrats to the town.

Thanks to eclipse for reserving the Tezuka role for me, I'd have played if I had known about it beforehand (I don't agree with the represenation as you know, but I shall rectify that at some point).

Furthermore, thanks to SStS for doing well with that role, now I don't have to regret not playing.

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Strawman: Did his best to fight the lynch, but alas, people believed Kevin over him. He did manage to save the Stopwatch, silence two mafia members, and protect Sho, so all-in-all, he did pretty good. I do wish he'd explain his kidnapping choices! This role was supposed to go to Kaoz, but that was long before I found out that he didn't care for NOC. His roommate was Kevin (Hyo).

WOMC: this was pretty much personal and I wanted to prevent a dumb mislynch on day 1 he might cause with his pressure voting.

Kevin: I just don't ever trust Kevin. Bad reasoning I know.

Pariah: I had pretty much narrowed her down to mafia or doctor, because she was being so quiet which is how Pariah is when shes mafia. But since I wasn't sure and my opinion has 0 importance in mafia games and my evidence wasn't that strong, I decided to kidnap instead of call her out.

Sho: To protect him obviously. By this point I suspected Kevin so I had a good idea that he wanted the doctor to protect Roth instead of Sho so they could take out Sho, also I thought it'd help me be able to claim without getting lynched if I could prove I protected him.

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I still insist that claiming to have an Item and Role wasn't a mistake, since I assumed it would also catch the attention of a protective role or at least the Watcher...

As for Ivalice Mafia's postgame, I'm not sure I'll be able to get it done since A: I lost my original postgame document when my laptop crashed and B: I can't stay on this computer for very long since I have to share it with everyone else. I'm really sorry, and I'll try to find a time where I can complete it, but don't hold your breath.

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I'm still not seeing a reason why mafia deserved to win. The fact that you had to rely on Pariah to do your kills should say something.

We didn't deserve to win eclipse, we couldn't win. And the fact that we had to rely on pariah for kills just helps porove my point.


Actually my response would've been exactly the same if I were town, because quite frankly, kidnapping what was clearly a strong town role when he had all this protection on him was a terrible idea, you just lucked out in taht we targetted him teh same night. Protecting Psych, I could understand. But not sho.

Proto played very well for the short duration of his time in the game.

Yes, sadly he got trolled on by a terrible host.

No more unchecked games.

Edited by kirsche
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I'm not trying to be arrogant but WRT Balance: It isn't unbalanced if the mafia team can get that thoroughly demolished by scumhunting. As soon as I picked Kay, you guys (excluding Slayer) basically rolled over and let yourselves get lynched. And you didn't even go after me after I popped out of nowhere. Did you honestly think I was going to get lynched after killing a Mafia, or that I just got 'lucky' on that shot?

Look guys, you had a roleblocker, a silencer, a weapon breaker, a ninja, two hitman variants, a priority driver, a godfather, and a twin role, which could have been used to 'clear' proto since twins are usually town roles here. That's a lot of firepower.

Rein could have easily claimed driven, and we could have lynched SDS for it. But he didn't.

If you're going to complain about balance, then don't roll over and die.

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as for the whole vote negation deal, that essentially allows you guys to gain majority faster, which, like kidnapper, is generally a good thing for mafia.

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Also, I'm directing this more at Kevin, Rein, and Slayer at the moment.

Slayer less so. Bro, drop me a line, and we can work on that arguing off the lynch bit.

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