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Battle City Finals Minimafia: FINAL D4 [FINISHED, Now with Postgame]


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I have to ask why you didn't ask me to claim before I left if I would have been your most preferable lynch before all the claiming and flipping.

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Why didn't you claim in the first place? Why am i dupposd to fish to get you to claim? i don't understand what you're saying tbh

Process of elimination is that there is scum amongst manix, shinori, and marth

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Also, I will probably not be around for phase end. If I need to claim, I'd prefer to do it soon.

If you'd simply ASKED me to claim, I would have done it. No fishing required. The reason I didn't do it before I left was because it looked like Marth was going to get lynched and I didn't want to claim unnecessarily for a repeat of SSBU where the mafia knew everybody's roles by like D3. The reason I even did it now is because Aere, our Rolecop, started theorizing about how the other Neighbour might be scum, and since there's a very good chance he might inspect me, I didn't want to get lynched tomorrow simply for not outing that I was his Neighbour beforehand, and why I didn't stick up for him before his lynch.

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BBM, I don't see alignment. I'm rolecop. And doctor better be on me tonight.

Bizz, just on a hunch, but is the second letter of your character's name e?

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I know you don't see alignment, but you were theorizing that the other Neighbour was scum, and I was afraid that you'd assume that I was scum if you inspected me and I hadn't already claimed Neighbour.

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Aere, mafia could have a way to bypass protection

And to answer your question, yes

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Bbm ill answer that when i get back home

Fair enough. It's the night and I'm a vanilla for all intents and purposes now that Helios is dead, so I don't mind waiting.

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Okay I am back home now.

So a neighborizer and a one-shot unkillable. I'm not counting Blitz's 'claim' because he didn't claim role name or character, and could easily be hiding aspects of his role, but at least his claim DOES help his early behavior make sense.

What I'm trying to say is that I find it unlikely that any of the claimed roles right now are scum, barring Blitz's claim. A mafia neighborizer is pretty much a mason infiltrator and thus in bastard mod territory, and I would hope we don't have one of those in this game. If we do, that's my mistake.

Therefore, I don't like how Manix and Marth BOTH jumped to hound me for the obvious hole in my argument right at the same time. The hasty behavior there doesn't sit well with me at all. Yes, I'm aware that anyone could be fakeclaiming and that I should not automatically consider any of them 100% clear, but what they did I find almost as bad as if they, say, tunneled on the claimed third-party or something. Go ahead and remind me to be paranoid, haha. It's likely at least one of them is scum.

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And Bizz, tbh, I don't see how your character could be town.

Hey, don't start basing all of your scumhunting on flavor. That's really going to cripple you in the long run.

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Hey, don't start basing all of your scumhunting on flavor. That's really going to cripple you in the long run.

I'm not scumhunting with flavor, lol. I just guessed your character at the beginning of the phase, and I got it right (Fit with your role).

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I got a bad character and role, my alignment could go either way

but screw the rules, i have money

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Sorry guys, was watching the Olympics.

<stuff blitz said>

First, since the cat's out of the bag, confirming that I am the Lyncher -- thought it was weird that Blitz was tunneling eclipse incessantly, makes more sense now. Also, I think my role can change (for the better, I guess, in the town's eyes), but Role PM is confusing.

Sorry to disappoint, Blitz, but I was actually scumhunting to some degree yesterday. My Role PM was really unclear and didn't outright say who I have to lynch, but mentioned that I am looking for Yugi, and since SB did claim Yugi and there were no CCs, I assume it's him.

Doesn't change the fact that I was on him because crappy active lurking and no scumhunting which are scumtells (was on him before he claimed). Also, still wary of his claim since why would the Lyncher have to lynch a to sum it up, basically a 1-shot lynchproof? Either my role is crap, SB is lying, or this setup sucks -- which is why still wary of SB since, tl;dr: why would the lyncher lynch someone who s/he can't lynch?

Also if you have any other information, don't see why you shouldn't out it + it'd be weird if you just knew that a lyncher existed??

Also, no flavor arguments, would not be surprised if mafia has fakeclaims + I think Kaiba (so many softclaims o: ) could possibly be town.

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