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Theatre Mafia GAME OVER


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Just posting to say I'm still active. I wasn't able to post anything on D1 because people got themselves modkilled before I could get online. I'll need to catch up though.

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After reading the ISOs:

-Manix has a point that Prims wasn't contributing much in D1. However voting based off of D1 play when it was basically an RVS phase and had an early ending is poor reasoning. I disagree, when did you guys go off of RVS? If its that thing regarding Elieson, that was a poor reason to vote him when he was obviously joking. Otherwise the rest of the phase was filled with jokeposts and those of little content. Prims also was offline(or appears to be offline based on timestamps) when discussion about Elieson and other crap happened, if you consider that the end of RVS. These are very bad grounds to suspect him, if you ask me. Vote analysis suggests that you're tunneling prims, not a good sign.

- That said, I don't think Prims is looking any bit townish. If I were to use meta, I in fact find Prims scummy or rather very similar to his Xenoblade! self. Post #191 was uncalled for, we get nothing fruitful from discussing about meta. I disagree with your thinking- Manix's play is questionable, but it does not scream 'obvious scum.' If anything your reason for finding Manix suspicious is an 'OMGUS'(even though its not really a term lol) Especially when Manix has a point, albeit a weak one- it doesn't harm to contribute, and I cannot say you are contributing a lot. Would like you to pin-point the specific parts of his posts which make him 'obvious scum.'

- An ISO on Shinori shows lots of D1 fluff, and then pointless one-liners in D2 or prods. I might add that I haven't seen any proper, solid opinions on anyone from you yet(except SB, but he's basically active-lurking.). No.1 active lurker award goes to you. No.2 goes to SB. Both of them need to come up with efficient reads/thoughts soon.

- Scorri tbh looks very diplomatic and that's not good. It looks like she wants to be on the good side of everyone. Getting a scum read here.

Scum reads: Manix, Prims, Scorri atm.

##Vote: Scorri

Would like all three to come up with responses to my post. Also think its worth keeping my vote on Scorri atm.

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Actually (this came to me when hitting post >.>) I don't think scum would attract attention to themselves so you're leaning slightly town in my eyes.

There are more strategies of playing as scum than just active lurking, SB. That's not very good reasoning. For an example of active and attention-drawing scum, look at Prims in Draft Minimafia. Or, for that matter, me in SFM (although that was more due to bad play).

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##Unvote: Scorri

##Vote: Manix

Scorri still looks bad, but Manix, stop tunneling Prims. Don't you have any other suspicions? You seem kind of desperate right now.

Also, I don't get the Prims' suspicion some of you guys have, probably since Manix looks way worse, but he hasn't acted anti-town, and D1 was basically all RVS




You're being incredibly wishy-washy right now, which is not quite a scumtell (although I've seen scum possess this trait before), but for example:

(1) #198; I don't have an issue with the scorri part, but I guess it could be easy piggybacking ---- the Weapons part where you basically said you thought he was town before and then now you said he's town.

(2) #203 & 204; Manix suddenly turns from a null ---> town read?



Opinions on other players? Like, who's town? I would have been peeved if you hadn't put down reasoning, but your post was really well-written, and backed up, despite all the people you find scummy are under scrutiny already, and it would be easy to piggyback off them, so I'm okay with you.

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Shitty Votals:

MANix (4)- Weapons, Prims, BBM Paperblade, Iris

Scurri (2)- Iris, Paperblade, BBM , Marth

Seriously Bananas(1)- Shinori


No Aere (1)- Delirium

Prism (1)- Manix, Shinori

Nonlethal Weapons (0)- Scorri, Shinori

Gloom and Doom (Marth)(0)- BBM

I think those are right. Just over 48 hours left.

Edited by Snike
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Ohai Marth. Yeah I can totally see your point where I'm trying to please everyone. You know, the bit where I was all like "No, I'm not getting off Weapons even though all of you guys think my vote is stupid and scummy. I see a point in why I'm voting him." Yeah that's totally appeasing everyone. Oh wait...

I've been doing things that have gotten people's attention on me. Some things I've admitted were stupid (role discussion, though I had originally intended my first post to be a "Ok see your point, moving on" when i shouldn't have even started talking about it) but other things that I've done that people have found scummy I've continued to believe are a fine thing to do. Like my post about how discussion should be started. People have jumped on me for that and I continue to stick with it was a good thing. My vote on Weapons was staying there until he gave me a post that had something more than empty fluff or empty list post. I'm still not 100% sold on him being town, but I'm not sold on him being scum either. So I took the vote off of him because I was aware that I might be tunneling and I hate tunneling. So... yeah. Not sure how me getting lots of people suspicious of me is being diplomatic but... sure. Go ahead and keep thinking that. Have fun with that.

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Ok, I think Scorri is looking a bit better, while Manix is looking even worse. I'd put my vote back on him, but I think 4 votes is enough for now. While SB is generally inactive, some of the stuff he's said is starting to seem weird. ##Unvote, ##Vote: SB

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Uh. Core, Aere, that's kinda weak for this point in the day. Do you have any thoughts on the other cases that have been brought up so far?

@Marth: Like I said, he's not scumhunting and most of his posts have been asking why he's being attacked while keeping his vote parked on me for weak reasons. He cares more about not getting lynched than finding scum.

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Scorri is spending way too much time and effort defending herself. But I'm not sure what that means yet. I'm thinking Scorri's inability to be concise just has her over-explaining everything making her posts and intentions difficult to grasp, which makes people misconstrue them, which makes her explain even more. And the more she explains the more it seems like shes being inconsistent. The over explaining also makes her seem like shes trying to make everyone happy, which I'm not getting from her. She is actually sticking to her opinions pretty strongly.

Not liking either Prims or Manix(who I initially did like, but his posts have really gone downhill).

Especially, posts like this:

blah was away for a while (chem prac ;/) ; anything directed at me that needs answering? my brain isn't working at full capacity, so I've probably missed something

I don't like the reasoning behind his initial Prims vote either, but the more Prims posts the more I could see it being justified, just not with his original reasoning which is what he keeps using. There are plenty of people who did not get to say anything after rvs, why didn't you vote any of them?

For Prims, I don't like his inital Manix vote because its massive OMGUS. Seems like a cop out to just come in and vote they guy thats voting you because he is voting you and nothing else. Prim's second vote explanation is better, however he makes it sound like Manix's reactions to votes is a reason he voted him, yet those reactions happened after his vote. While I agree, it looks like he's piling on other reasons to make his OMGUS look more justified. Also don't like his responses to Shinori.

Not a huge fan of Aere either. D1 sheep vote was iffy, but thats minor. Posts feel hollow to me, and not because they are short. Votes don't seem to carry much weight and most opinions aren't backed up strongly.

##Vote: Manix It took a bit of thinking, but he is my biggest scum read so he gets the vote. Not sure how I feel about the wagon on him yet since I generally don't like wagons that I feel are too easy.

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To expound on Aere:

Most of Aere's posts are one-liners, which require little scumhunting with the benefit of retaining a respectable activity level. He voted BBM for sheeping when that's exactly how I would describe Aere's D1 Elieson vote. Seems a wee bit hypocritical. The switch to weapons seemed pretty spontaneous to me. Are you still suspicious of BBM or is he better now?

Regarding Manix, I dislike his prodvote on Prims and his overreaction to Elieson on D1. Also he seems very paranoid that he is being voted for.

SB's discussion of the setup was pretty useless, and the lack of conviction(no votes, lots of one-liners) since then has bothered me.

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First off, stop being a hypocrite. You have not scumhunted at all (unless you count what you're doing to me, the only person you've voted for), and 3/5 of your posts have been one liners. And you called SB out for his "lack of conviction".

I'm not completely sure of BBM, but he's at least putting effort into the game. I'm not voting Weapons for inactivity, but for him putting more effort into his joke than his vote. I wanna say flying under the radar, but...

I don't want to hop on an easy Manix wagon, like Strawman said. How much time is left in the phase?

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More than 24 hours. It's right under the thread title.

Also I still don't like SB. You said you meant me when you were talking about the reads you stated in posts 203 and 204? Does that mean you think I went from null to town from one little thought? Is that the only reason you think I'm town? That's not that good of one. "Scum wouldn't want to attract attention to themselves" Refer to Elie's BCM mini for two scum members that both did just that. It happens in games.

What are your other thoughts on me SB? Also SB I would like your opinions on Paperblade and on Aere if possible.

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okay, I just woke up

and I really don't feel like doing anything right now, but... blah.

Especially, posts like this:

blah was away for a while (chem prac ;/) ; anything directed at me that needs answering? my brain isn't working at full capacity, so I've probably missed something

okay seriously? I actually did just finish a chem prac (I can go into detail if you really want), and I really didn't feel like thinking after that. I read through the thread, and I don't recall seeing any questions directed at me, so I said the last bit just in case I did miss something because I thought it was entirely possible that I could have missed something. My brain isn't perfect. So I'm scummy because of that? Right, I'll note this and apply it to everyone who says similar stuff; ie it's not a scumtell, it's a null tell.

I don't like the reasoning behind his initial Prims vote either, but the more Prims posts the more I could see it being justified, just not with his original reasoning which is what he keeps using. There are plenty of people who did not get to say anything after rvs, why didn't you vote any of them?

I think you're missing the point I'm making here; Prims made a claim about his content from D1, which I really didn't like, and then went to prove it. And I still feel he isn't contributing as much as some of the other people in the game. (yeah, call me a hypocrite, I don't care. I can still call people out on it regardless.)

I'll get to Marth's post (and others) in a bit once I'm feeling a little better

Also in other news: Be careful around double standards; when I'm done defending myself, I'll be looking for them and calling people out (because I've noticed it's quite common around here and it needs to stop)

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how is Prims contributing less than, say, Rapier or Iris

how is Prims contributing more than, say, you or Shinori

I can do this too; stop trying to twist what I'm saying and use specific examples to ignore the point I've made

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okay seriously? I actually did just finish a chem prac (I can go into detail if you really want), and I really didn't feel like thinking after that. I read through the thread, and I don't recall seeing any questions directed at me, so I said the last bit just in case I did miss something because I thought it was entirely possible that I could have missed something. My brain isn't perfect. So I'm scummy because of that? Right, I'll note this and apply it to everyone who says similar stuff; ie it's not a scumtell, it's a null tell.

I think you're missing the point I'm making here; Prims made a claim about his content from D1, which I really didn't like, and then went to prove it. And I still feel he isn't contributing as much as some of the other people in the game. (yeah, call me a hypocrite, I don't care. I can still call people out on it regardless.)

I'm not questioning whether you really did chem practice, but to me, reading through the thread only caring about if something is addressing to you is scummy. You certainly don't make it sound like you're reading through the thread to get reads or to scum hunt or to solidify you opinion on anything other than yourself and Prims.

Prim's claims of activity(that I didn't like either by the way) came after your vote(which is relevant because the quote you were addressing was about your initial voting reasons), activity was still a crappy reason to vote anyone at that point, and there were plenty of just as inactive people anyways.

And it looks like your vote reasoning still consists just of thinking he hasn't said enough.

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