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Trainwreck Mafia - Game Over


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(8) Rapier - Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla (L-0)

(8) Aere - Manix, Bluedoom, Levity, Boron, BigBangMeteor, Helios, Elieson, Shinori (L-0!)

(2) BigBangMeteor - Cam, Penalty Priscilla

(1) Helios - Kay

Not Voting (4): Admiral Shin, Aere, MancerNecro, scorri


maximum effort flavor

Rapier, Passenger Miller CPR Doctor, has been lynched / modkilled!

Aere, Passenger Rioter has been lynched!

24 hours for night actions. Don't post at night unless I tell you to do so.

Additionally: night actions are compulsory tonight! All players with at non-factional active night abilities must use at least one. If they don't send in an action, it will be decided by the RNG.

Edited by Prims
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Ahhh, tis a sad day indeed when the royal physician is killed... The most unfortunate part is that the modkill could so easily have been avoided if those of my subjects who knew that they did not have the time to be an active member of this attempt at unearthing the villainy corrupting our kingdom had simply not signed up...

And it is also a shame that Aere was not a member of the mafia.

On a more positive note, I hope I have managed to at least convinced my citizenry that I am indeed the Hated Macho Miller Insomniac Eagle Eye Question Asker Beloved Princess.

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also round two on attempting to prove my role tom someone (and Shinori will draw it, calling it now)

also Prims you forgot that night actions were compulsory, didn't you

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Manix, my goodfellow, have you any idea what CPR means? Or are those physicians who specialize in cardiopulmonary resuscitation no different from those who save the lives of their fellows with more traditional means?

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I'm... not sure if I'd even use my role as a CPR Doctor if I didn't have to. I could never bear it if my intentions to protect the best of my subjects was the reason behind their death...

Additionally, I wouldn't be surprised if the mafia drive everything from Shinori to someone else again. BTW, I get now why the mafia drove people from Shinori to Psych. Most likely, their original intention was to drive everything targeting some other player in the game to Psych. Maybe if they felt that the town's investigative roles would track one of their member who was not able to disguise themselves well, they tried to drive everything from that person to Psych, one of the claimed Millers, whose inspection would probably tell an Alliance Checker nothing at all. Except since Shinori drew all actions in towards himself, the Driver's action changed from Scum -> Psych to Shinori -> Psych.

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I told you Rapier wasn't a great idea considering he went plain inactive. We should probably oh wait, he got modkilled. >_>

We're gonna lynch Helios tomorrow especially if he doesn't come and actually post some decent thought because he's just active lurking.

Actually wait. If CPR doc dies if their protect fails, shouldn't Rapier have died N1?

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As Manix explained it, it is not the Doctor who dies, but the target. So Psych would have died since Rapier didn't block the kill, except he died anyways.

Also, Prims for bastardmod2012. An investigator who kills all those who join him in his efforts to deduce the villains among us, and a physician who kills the targets of his protection if there is nothing to protect them from...

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I suppose that is a distinct possibility, but Prims strikes me as the sort of sadistic villain who would make an Interceptor Cop someone who slays all those who visit the target of his investigation. Alas, we will only know upon the completion of this saga (or in the afterlife).

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I'm... not sure if I'd even use my role as a CPR Doctor if I didn't have to. I could never bear it if my intentions to protect the best of my subjects was the reason behind their death...

Additionally, I wouldn't be surprised if the mafia drive everything from Shinori to someone else again. BTW, I get now why the mafia drove people from Shinori to Psych. Most likely, their original intention was to drive everything targeting some other player in the game to Psych. Maybe if they felt that the town's investigative roles would track one of their member who was not able to disguise themselves well, they tried to drive everything from that person to Psych, one of the claimed Millers, whose inspection would probably tell an Alliance Checker nothing at all. Except since Shinori drew all actions in towards himself, the Driver's action changed from Scum -> Psych to Shinori -> Psych.

No BBM, it doesn't work this way. Shinori has stated that his Lightning Rod can't draw in Powers that target more than one Player. AKA, Driver's Power can't be Lightning Rod-ed. It means that the Driver knew we were all going to aim Shinori somehow and deliberately Drove Shinori and Psych. It was not by accident that Shinori was Driven, it was more of on purpose.

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Appealing to the mods not to modkill mancer because unlike showing role PMs, his night posts weren't really interesting anyway and I've made mistakes lik these too (SFMM2- I didn't get modkilled for editing)

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