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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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Good sidestep there.

Thanks, I put some effort into that one. Glad it didn't go unappreciated.

Well since I seem to be made out for SK in here and votes will be piling up, I might as well do the full role claim. I'm a BP follower (learns what kind of ability target has). Last night I tried targetting paperblade, but got the message I tried to but came back with no result. Which means I got roleblocked I think.

Not only did the claimed doctor and claimed alignment cop not get killed, but neither of them were hooked?

I don't buy that for a minute. Also, a hooked claim coming almost 40 hours into the day almost screams "waiting to make sure nobody's gonna counterclaim that".

More likely the hook died on Kay's omniguard of Helios, or was aimed at Shinori, redirected to me, and got lost in the shuffle. IMHO.

I've mostly finished my ISOs, and am working on arranging them more coherently. I may not get to it until after supper, although family game night may also get in the way.

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So Balcerzak thanked me for noticing that he sidestepped the question... and still didn't claim? Seriously? Why is everyone letting this go this easily, since everyone also said that they didn't believe that Rein/Bal was only a Vanilla Miller?

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I read.

As a sidenote, I didn't even know we were massclaiming, because massclaiming on DAY 2 is completely ridiculous, even if it's MYLO. I figured only 2 or 3 people claimed and I needed to get full background. I never get into a topic without knowing the full history and I hate getting summaries, because it doesn't show the whole story. Unfortuantely, I was thrown into this game on Day 2 as opposed to Night, where I could have time accurately reading what was said. Now, let me fucking claim, because apparently, confirmable isn't enough.

Anyways, I'm a Town Imitator and I can imitate dead roles. As you can see, we got some good dead roles. Confirmable, especially so if I imitate Manix's role. Meesh did nothing on Night 1, apparently because I'm still...an Imitator. I'm pretty sure that I become that role for the rest of the game, for the record.

So, let's look at our roles.

1. Boron/Excellen - 1 shot BP

2. Meesh/Bitto - Imitator

5. BBM - SIlencer

7. Shinori - Doc

8. Helios - Alignment Cop

9. Paperblade - Driver

10. Elieson/Psych - Dayvigish thing

11. Kay - 2shot Omniguard

13. Rein/Bal - Miller/"Miller Lightkeeper Beloved Princess Compulsive Weak Visitor"

15. Scorri/Eclipse - "Role that will make game go to D3"

Okay. 3 healing roles. ...No. Hell, if you include my ability to imitate protection roles, that's FOUR healing roles. What the actual fuck. We need an actual Cop. Also, I'm 99% sure Bal is lying. If that is literally an actual role...well, god fucking dammit. Why would you even...why. Might as well tell who you visited to help confirm! I'll type a bit more once I get back home, I'm kind of in a meeting. In about an hour, I'll be online till 1 AM PST, so I can finally fucking participate.

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Also, Bal said that his full roleclaim was a joke. I also woudn't depend on having a fullcop. You don't see them that often in games here, especially in games of this size. A fullcop and an alignment cop would certainly be pretty redundant, in any case, and Helios is basically confirmed.

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Excellen, I need you to answer something ery important

that is, why did you claim BP, when you could have claimed your investigator role and try to have gotten maf to get a kill on you instead?

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Silencer seems very odd in this. I don't ever see Town Silencers and in the context of this Mafia, it...doesn't really seem to fly. It also seems really odd to have a Silencer, looking at our roles. Also, I'm gonna re-look at the case on Shinori. When reading, I got crazy bad reads from him and the only thing that really halted me from continuing to check on him was his Doctor claim, which...looks a bit less credible after looking at the full list.

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...when did I EVER claim to be the opposite of meesh

I didn't even KNOW how she played when I first subbed in

Again, I apologize for what I'm doing today, but I literally got thrown in a potential MYLO and I'm already extremely busy. I'm pretty glad I was able to get through this entire topic in 36 hours. In any case, I'm more or less caught up now and I'll be able to participate more.

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Silencer seems very odd in this. I don't ever see Town Silencers and in the context of this Mafia, it...doesn't really seem to fly. It also seems really odd to have a Silencer, looking at our roles. Also, I'm gonna re-look at the case on Shinori. When reading, I got crazy bad reads from him and the only thing that really halted me from continuing to check on him was his Doctor claim, which...looks a bit less credible after looking at the full list.

I am considering Shinori, Psych and Helios as town at the moment because all Shinori did D1 makes sense now, Psych is well, I don't have to explain and as for Helios, only cop here and alignment no less (unless he is lying that is, which I think he isn't)

I wouldn't like an Eclipse or Balc lynch at the moment (I mean not in this phase)

I still liked BBM's D1 play, but he actually has a good chance of being scum!silencer actually

Hey, BBM, did you ask the mod about what happens to the vote to the mods yet?

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...when did I EVER claim to be the opposite of meesh

I didn't even KNOW how she played when I first subbed in

Again, I apologize for what I'm doing today, but I literally got thrown in a potential MYLO and I'm already extremely busy. I'm pretty glad I was able to get through this entire topic in 36 hours. In any case, I'm more or less caught up now and I'll be able to participate more.

when you introduced yourself, the stuff you said sounded like the polar opposite of Meesh

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Meh, there have been town-aligned Silencers before. GSM? I can't really do anything about my role.

Blitz, the Silenced person can't post in the thread during daytime (they can at night time), but they can make private votes in their role PM. The next time the host does the votals, that vote will show up. Do you actually want me to use it to prove my role? If you guys really wanted, I could like Silence myself or something (but if you guys lynch me right after that when I can't say anything, I'll be pretty annoyed).

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