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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 3 - NOW IT'S REIN TIME (Game over)


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Sorry again, my intestines kinda decided to stop working last night. I'm here now though! I'll even finish the dead people's drafts.

eclipse, would you mind explaining why you think Psych is town? I didn't like his day 2 at all, and the shooting is only icing on the cake. You had a choice of four apparently, can I ask your reasoning? Plus, could someone explain how amnesiac work? I get that it lets him take a dead person's role, but this seems a little crazy. Did Psych take Haze's role or something?

Leornianwynn's (so hard to spell) thing on j00 was kinda interesting. j00 had considered Eli a lynch candidate, but suddenly decided to go for it towards the end. He did the same with Nag. Both were "might as well finish the lynch", which doesn't come across as great.

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kind of in a bad place emotionally atm, not really sure how active I'll be

psych's contradictions are bad, even though i thought he was town before

i don't get how people want snike to "clarify" his bpv, what is there to clarify? he's already been shot

shinori's night action was horrible

why is psych certain that the roleblock came from the mafia?

##Vote: Psych

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When a numbers claim claims 20 players in a 19 player game, and a hidden is killed, you use your action on trying to find another hidden ????

even ignoring how bad that is alone that denies a 'guilty' to /actually/ prove your role all you have is an 'inno'

psych is bad due to aiming for an active with no hard reads + ITP spec on me but I'm more inclined to go for someone who all we have on them is to take their word for it and who allegedly made a dumb scan

speaking of ITP I'm not ITP but I do have another part to my role which I don't want to use yet for /reasons/

also you'd think the itp would have a way of not getting NK'd bc of their own ability.

also im gay

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Psych, given a choice of Bizz/me/other2gays why would a townie choose Bizz over the rest of us, especially me as I'm supposedly flaking and therefore not pro-town in any way.

##Vote: Psych

Not brain science.

however at the same time kirsche has been flaky all game and really not contributing and like half of his stuff is trash posts and i think he's pinging me more than helios because it's really only that one point that is making me dislike helios

First off I think you missed:

Leaving for my last minute holiday soon, so don't expect much, if any, activity over the next two days.

Which is why I disappeared half-way thorugh D2. Secondly I think my D2 activity for when I was actually available was good, or as good as it gets for someone in my timezone. Thirdly, "half of my stuff are trash posts" is a bit of an exaggeration. Looking through my ISO, only #501 and #503 are really trash-y on the first page and in case it wasn't obvious, part of my RP is being a massive douche because I'm the only one that wants to spray my stuff over a Woman.

I'm not convinced that Shinori is scum. Hunting for hiddens may actually be the best use of such a troll role. Snike's logic of "oh we need you to get a guilty on someone to prove your role" doesn't really hold as if he's telling the truth then Shinori knows he's going to get guilty off of everyone and it's not like telling us he got a guilty tells us anything about his role. I guess he might find a godfather but hidden hunting is kind of an innovative use of such a crappy role. I would question the target though as Life doesn't play.

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The hidden is dead. Hunting for hiddens is dumb. That doesn't make it scummy though.

we can't actually account for his actions beyond what he said though on the past two nights now, given you outed your reverse miller d1 (unless tracker/watcher/whatevs proves me wrong)

it's an easy fakeclaim and I'm having trouble believing that he legit went hidden hunting

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Hi I am here, caught up with the thread but irl stuff is going on so give me a bit because I have three ISOs to reread listed on a notecard

Want to say really quickly though that Shinori looking for hiddens isn't scummy by itself (Life 100% doesn't play NOC though), what's scummy to me is his scumreads feel inconsistent with stuff he's said earlier in the game, plus besides fighting with Psych over his claim and 'clearing' Wombat it doesn't feel like he's actually done much in general

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I'm late to the party but wtf Psych why are you going to shoot Bizz for reasons that "everyone else looks more town than her" when you didn't mention her as a scumread before, but had that whole argument with scorri D1? Not understanding your logic behind the kill attempt. I'd vote you as well but you've got a ton on you right now so I'll wait a bit.

I can see why Shinori would search for hiddens. 1) He's a paranoid cop, who is going to have an inno result regardless. What's the point of copping any of the active players knowing that? 2) Yeah we have the numbers claim, but if Shinori disproves that it proves Manix is lying (though I don't think he is) and we possibly catch scum that way. It's not that bad of an idea and I don't see it as making him scummy.

##Vote Rein

Stop lurking scum and start posting

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shinori's night action was horrible

elaborating, it's a horrible idea but i don't think he's scum because of it. he could've just claimed a guilty on anyone if he was fakeclaiming it but instead, which would draw attention to himself (and i think his buddies would've talked him out of it too) which scum really don't want

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Back. Sorry to keep you waiting and such. I'm in charge of activity posting is hard etc.

Psych's claim just doesn't make sense to me in a lot of ways. There was not really any reason to make the claim in the first place, and he's been vague about things such as the roleblocking and what he meant by the not using Matchamker much part and he doesn't have any reason to withhold information like that. Your reads post also felt incredibly weak all around. Plus, your logic for the shot is awful.

I also don't get the logic behind Shinori's scan, unless you don't believe Manix's numbers, in which case why aren't you voting him? I'm more confused by this than anything, because it doesn't make any sense for either town or mafia. You'd best have an explanation for it though. The way you worded your claim makes it vague, and the lack of a result for it makes it difficult to know how it works for certain. So that's something that bothers me as well.

##Vote: Shinori. For the record I think Psych is worse but he's already dangerously close to hammer and there's plenty of time left today.

Going to do more rereading. Need to keep pace better.

also votals for convenience

Psych (6): Manix, Levity, scorri, j00, SB, kirsche (L-2)

Shinori (2): Snike, Rein

j00 (1): Wombat

kirsche (1): Psych

Manix (1): eclipse

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I don't want to risk someone jumping on the wagon and then j00 quickhammering in the case that j00 is scum.

I think that Shinori's inspect was not the smartest move ever, I'll need to think and reread before I decide if I think there's scum intent there though.

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No, there's a reason I'm surprised and it has to do with my role and what I did with it.

Oh wow can't believe I missed this. I have an idea of what you're trying to say here but...this is coming off as pretty suspicious

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Helios: Really? Why is it suspicious? Just saying it's suspicious does absolutely nothing if you don't explain why it's suspicious. I can't explain why it shouldn't be suspicious and no one else can believe or disbelieve your case.

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tbh i wouldn't mind if j00 quickhammered because we'd have guaranteed scum there.

finding it kind of weird how helios pressure votes rein but then when he posts he never gives any follow up on it, i don't like it

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Helios: Really? Why is it suspicious? Just saying it's suspicious does absolutely nothing if you don't explain why it's suspicious. I can't explain why it shouldn't be suspicious and no one else can believe or disbelieve your case.

Because why would you drop that super vague comment in the first place, when you seemingly have no intention of elaborating it? Unless I'm reading things wrong, you seemed surprised that there wasn't a kill last night because of your role. Now unless you're a vig or an SK, the only other people who have killing roles at night are mafia. Either way, I just don't understand why you'd say something vague like that without explanation and move on. It doesn't help that I've been suspicious of you all game either haha.

tbh i wouldn't mind if j00 quickhammered because we'd have guaranteed scum there.

finding it kind of weird how helios pressure votes rein but then when he posts he never gives any follow up on it, i don't like it

Rein is one of my top scumreads and his latest post is pretty much null so it doesn't change my thoughts on him. He pretty much said the same things that everyone else said about Psych and Shinori so there isn't much new content, and I can't really criticize him for it since he was late to the party.

The only thing I can say is that I don't like his Shinori vote because the reasoning is weak (I think myself and other people explained why it's not scummy for Shinori to do that with his role). He pretty much voted Shinori for the sake of voting someone. Rein, when you're done rereading, tell us your scumreads pls.

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Because why would you drop that super vague comment in the first place, when you seemingly have no intention of elaborating it? Unless I'm reading things wrong, you seemed surprised that there wasn't a kill last night because of your role. Now unless you're a vig or an SK, the only other people who have killing roles at night are mafia. Either way, I just don't understand why you'd say something vague like that without explanation and move on. It doesn't help that I've been suspicious of you all game either haha.

Mmm, not quite what I meant. It wasn't so much that I was surprised that no one was dead and more that a specific someone wasn't dead. No, I'm not claiming vig, or SK, or mafia. As for why I said it, it was in response to Wombat and either what I said satisfied him or he decided it wasn't worth pursuing. Either way, doesn't make it suspicious. Where's the scum intent in making such a comment?

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I just ISO'd Shinori. Apart from the fact I don't remember any of his recent content, I don't like how he literally jumps from his second-to-last post to his recent post from "mixed feelings on psych," then

The way psych is currently acting strikes me as off if he was scum but I could see it as a ploy.

Why does it strike you as off. Also the last part of this sentence is waffley.

He gunned for Psych in almost all of his posts from what I can see in a skimread and now he's swerving pretty hard, I also don't understand where these scumfeelings on me are coming from and would like a better explanation on that. He mentioned that some things happened D1 that he thought were weird. Could you clarify?

I could see how he might think Manix is scummy but I guess he hasn't really been important to me because :meta: he's been really aggressive even if the Eclipse push did seem out of left field, kinda. He's on a similar level to me as Eclipse, as in "done a few things that are odd but not enough to build a case"

as in Eclipse has done a few things that are off to me too (that I already explained) + she didn't actually shoot scum, just a third + maybe it's possible she bussed Nags since he wasn't doing anything anyway was starting to draw heat, but that seems kinda graspy to me to push as a case without more reason

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Also don't like Helios's Rein vote when he appears to have more reason to be suspicious of Scorri and votes for the lurker for lurking instead, seems like an easy vote

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Also reading Scorri's statement as a risky softclaim rather than with scum intent, could be a late attempt to crumb a role to make it easier to claim/seem more town though

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i finally have time again

I don't get this Psych wagon. He's pretty much null to me.

pls explain: i don't like non-given reasons for brushing away the major wagon of the day so far.
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Oh hi headache, I hate you too. Today wasn't much better, but I should be able to vocalize things without going off the deep end. Normally this would go into spoiler tags, but. . .no. I think this applies to everyone, including people that aren't playing.

Manix: This wouldn't be the first time I've called you out on awful wording. That vote had everything to do with emotion, and nothing to do with your points (I think I made that clear enough). The BIG problem with stream of consciousness posting is that there's no checks to see if what you're posting is going to get on other people's nerves. This is an issue that needs to be dealt with, NOW. Mafia should not add to my headache by a substantial amount, so READ what you post, then ask yourself if this is going to offend someone. . .because if it is, it means you need to reword it so that it doesn't. I don't want to repeat this to anyone else in any game, ever.

Now, to more relevant things. . .

my apologies clipsey; it was just a thought that entered my head and my filter didn't filter it into a more appropriately worded statement. i didn't have a load of time and i was also doing assignment work. points about psych from that period still stand though.

basically the gist of it was meant to be that you made a number of setup assumptions around scum!amn not being able to take a killing role, however with the forcekilling whatever it is that j00 claimed, and the flip of a scum reviver, that making assumptions like that around the setup are potentially dubious logic to present.

Under most circumstances, I'd agree with you. However, the role PM I was handed must disagree with you. I present the amount of rolespec I do because of the information I have in my role PM - if I'm not careful with it, things will go pear-shaped in a hurry. If my role PM is ever made public, my motives will be made clear. Sadly, I am unable to target myself, or I would, just for discussion's sake.

eclipse, would you mind explaining why you think Psych is town? I didn't like his day 2 at all, and the shooting is only icing on the cake. You had a choice of four apparently, can I ask your reasoning? Plus, could someone explain how amnesiac work? I get that it lets him take a dead person's role, but this seems a little crazy. Did Psych take Haze's role or something?

I ask myself why scum would post what Psych has revealed so far (no really, WHY would scum crumb amnesiac early, then claim it with little pressure?), and I can't come up with an answer (in other words, I'm not fully convinced that this is scum logic as opposed to Psych logic). Also, choice of four? Can you point out where I said this?

I honestly can't decide if Shinori is NOT paying attention or scum; either way, that N2 inspect is absolutely useless when there's people that can be scanned in this game. I think it would be a LOT more helpful to get a pool of results, then cross-reference them with flips. Wasting time after the hidden player has already been removed is really unhelpful.

The more I see of SB, the more echoey he gets; thus, the less I like him. However, I'm quite sympathetic to emotional stuff, so hope things get better~! (I don't like the echo, but I can't tell if that's scum talking or RL stuff talking. . .argh)

Psych, given a choice of Bizz/me/other2gays why would a townie choose Bizz over the rest of us, especially me as I'm supposedly flaking and therefore not pro-town in any way.

##Vote: Psych

Not brain science.

First off I think you missed:

Which is why I disappeared half-way thorugh D2. Secondly I think my D2 activity for when I was actually available was good, or as good as it gets for someone in my timezone. Thirdly, "half of my stuff are trash posts" is a bit of an exaggeration. Looking through my ISO, only #501 and #503 are really trash-y on the first page and in case it wasn't obvious, part of my RP is being a massive douche because I'm the only one that wants to spray my stuff over a Woman.

I'm not convinced that Shinori is scum. Hunting for hiddens may actually be the best use of such a troll role. Snike's logic of "oh we need you to get a guilty on someone to prove your role" doesn't really hold as if he's telling the truth then Shinori knows he's going to get guilty off of everyone and it's not like telling us he got a guilty tells us anything about his role. I guess he might find a godfather but hidden hunting is kind of an innovative use of such a crappy role. I would question the target though as Life doesn't play.

Y'know what's worse than your post restriction? Quote tags on SF.

Ahem. . .Thanks for reminding me to reread your D2. You called out SB for rolespec, but didn't bother calling me out? Why?

Right now, my vote isn't being helpful.


##Vote: Helios

His last list of reads had scorri on top, but his vote is on Rein, his second read. How did scorri drop off of your list, given that you just pressed her about something? I did some rereading on N2, and thought the Helios/scorri interaction was interesting. It's a shame that these two aren't on more often, because I think there's a lot to be had here.

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