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whats so bad about the awakening forum?


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i havent played fe13 since i would have to buy a whole new console for the game, so i've never touched the forum. whats so bad about it?

Edited by Bacteriophage
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The forum itself isn't the problem. It's the people's reaction to another opinion that doesn't support their own, like characters, pairings, etc..

Honestly that's been there since Genealogy if you've talked with any of the veterans.

It was just... renewed when Awakening's popularity exploded.

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People don't accept others opinions and force their own just because they think their way of thinking is superior.

People can't even like characters another dislikes because they'll be outright attacked for it.

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Honestly that's been there since Genealogy if you've talked with any of the veterans.

It was just... renewed when Awakening's popularity exploded.


"levinXfury > levinXtiltyu because its cannon hurrr"

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kid, you are in NO position to criticize anything lol

i have a fair number of negative things to say about jedi but none of them are "is a dick about his opinions"

i mean i guess to you everything about him is a negative but hey, there it is

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Honestly that's been there since Genealogy if you've talked with any of the veterans.

It was just... renewed when Awakening's popularity exploded.

Which wouldn't happen if characters from other games weren't in it.

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Are you kidding me a significant portion of awakening's fanbase are new players who wouldn't know any of the older characters beyond maybe Marth Roy and Ike until/if they decide to play the other games in the series

Legacy characters have very little if at all to do with it

Ontopic: Too many stupid questions were asked

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link to a few posts? i'd browse through but i'm lazy

"Blahblahblah Tharja is so hot cuz she dresses in only underwear and fishnets or some other transparent material blahblahblah"

"Blahblahblah she's reallycreepy anyone who likes her sucks blahblahblah"

Same thing for Severa IIRC.

Uh, "Blah Vaike is cool cuz he just keeps acting like he's the best when he's not blah"

"Nah that fakery makes him lame blah blah."

(Nah rhymes with blah)

Prove me wrong.

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