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Fire Emblem 6 Mafia: (Day 4)


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Rapier I can see you're here and there's 25 minutes left, claim

Refa, say something if you're still around

Lunch will be ready here any minute and I'm forced to go eat with my family when that happens so make this as fast as possible

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Vhaltz, if nothing else, can you at least point out the contradictions in Eurykins' case on you, because I've just read it again and I'm just not seeing them. Also did your opinion on bearclaw change from yesterday or why would you not support his wagon (unless that's a typo)? What about Shinori? Is he still your top lynch priority?

Not really sure what to do with my vote to be honest. I've read Refa's posts again and can't get to the bottom of the gut feeling I had.

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Already explained Shinori and Bear.

Wrt Eury I don't like the idea of making a rushed/bad presentation of my cases in the last 15 minutes of the day while suspecting that you're scum. Makes it easy for you to drill on them later if you want to try and get me lynched tomorrow.

Case will come D2.

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SB Crumbs his role n0 so not lame Votals:

Paperblade (1): bearclaw13

Rapier (3): Paperblade, Refa, Bluedoom

Xinnidy (1): Polydeuces

Refa (2): Prims, Rapier

Polydeuces (1): scorri

Shinori (1): Vhaltz

Vhaltz (1): Eurykins

About 4m remaining

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Rapier (4): Paperblade, Refa, Bluedoom, Vhaltz
Xinnidy (1): Polydeuces
Refa (2): Prims, Rapier
Polydeuces (1): scorri
Shinori (1): Vhaltz
Vhaltz (1): Eurykins

Paperblade (1): bearclaw13

What? I don't trust that guy. He says he hates wall posting, but then wallposts himself like a bajillion times.

Bajillion isn't a real number!

To bad! He's scum for doing that?

I'm not sure....Let's avenge SB with a proper scumflip!

Rapier was lynched. He was...

Dear Rapier, you are Oujay, the Mercenary.

You are young Ilian mercenary, and you join the faithful Ostian soldiers in order to earn enough money to feed your poor family back in Ilia. Your partners, Barth and Wendy, serve under you in order to aid Ostia.

Your expertise in the arts of mercenary work allow you to learn information that you might not know if you were just a regular soldier. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Inquire on the job of [uSER]. With your keen intuition focused on [uSER], and learn if he or she is performing any night actions during this night. You will not learn who they target, or what they do, but you will know if they are up to something.

In short, you are the Reporter.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

Damn it!

Night 1 has begun, and ends in 48 hours (if I receive all night actions, I will end N1 by up to 24 hours early).

No talking tonight.

Edited by The Protown SK
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Well, everyone gathered around the morning campfire, to find a certain someone burning in it.

Vhaltz had been killed. He was...

Dear Vhaltz, you are Celicia, the Valkyrie.

You are the infamous Mage General of Etruria, as well as Roy and Lilina's former teacher. Before you joins the Lycian Alliance, you help Roy by often leading the way. You are leading the loyalist forces against the Etrurian deserters, but unfortunately, you were injured in battle. Due to losing consciousness, you were forced to retreat for a while, but now you are back, and while weakened, you are still prepared to join combat.

Despite being a Etrurian general, you lack the incredible offensive powers of others in your league. You do, however, have great staff utility that lets you help your team by bringing new information to the table. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Focus my magical energy on [uSER]. You will be able to formulate a mental picture of your target's special skills, and learn their role in battle. This requires a tremendous amount of magical focus, and since you are still recovering, can only be used twice, before your body gives out from the mental stress of this spell.

In short, you are the 2-shot Role Cop.

You are allied with the Lycian Alliance, and win when all hostile threats are eliminated.

It's now Day 2. Day 2 ends in 72 hours, at 2p EST on 12/19/13. I'll get one of those clocks later.

Also, with 11 alive, 6 forces the still optional hammer.

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So this is the post I made as I read through the thread overnight:

I heard you guys like walls of quotes.

Shinori's vote is bad bad bad, if he doesn't come back later to give actual reads I'm gonna be furious

This feels disproportionate to the crime at hand. Shinori's vote was clearly a joke, and while that is bad, being "furious" at him for very typical Shinori behaviour feels off, especially for you. Your defence of this was adequate but I'm noting this down.

Shut up. Shut the fuck up. Oh my god I haven't read this game yet and posting walls on D1 doesn't make me want to.

Bet you were happy to see me in this game.

I still think Rapier could be scum, but I don't get why scum would try to stand out so much on Day 1.

All the waffles.

Refa's wall: ...Eh. I don't care for his tone at all in it (seemed snippity/snide/overly critical at times), and the massive amounts of quotes/replies he crammed into one post felt very disorganized, like he was pulling together the most he could to fill up the posts. I couldn't read his post without grimacing a bit, and it's not due to the size... Just something about it seems way too forced/out-of-place in his attempt to contribute.

"Lots of quotes" and "Snide tone" are not reasons for scum. You should comment more on the content itself than the way it is presented.

I would assume Vhaltz's reasons are role related, not really getting the impression that he's covertly pushing Poly's lynch (after all, generally there's not much point to keeping your eye on a dead person).

Why are you answering for him again?

I feel like Vhaltz is third because having gone back over his posts briefly, I'm getting a vibe much like his Healer Mafia play, where he looked uber-town for the first little bit, then flipped scum. Xin & Rapier are obvious at this point.

Why is Vhaltz a third when he is supposedly playing to his cum meta from healer? Unless you mean third highest suspicion.
I don't really understand your summary of his meta though. Acting like town but flipping scum doesn't mean that every time he acts like town he is scum.

K I'll go with this because lolmajority.

"I'm going to claim miller then do absolutely nothing of note this phase lol"

If Vhaltz is getting lynched though, I'd like to reread him

So if Vhaltz isn't getting lynched, you wouldn't want to reread him?

tbf Vhaltz I don't feel like I have STRONG REASONS to vote Rapier(wow that was little time) but we're outta time d00d.

Dude you were like the third person to vote him with other people about, you could've totally swapped to someone you actually thought was scum and push them.

-Marth's late day distancing and general lurkiness is bad.
-Agree with Vhaltz regarding Refa and him appeasing others and the other cases on him were solid. I feel like he spent most of last phase explaining his Rapier read and not actually scumhunting.
I ISO'd these two again, and I really dislike Refa's #165. His stuff on Vhaltz can be summarised as: "Vhaltz is scummy because of this" "Not bothered by him anymore though". "Of course, Shinori always thinks I'm Mafia when he's town, but then again I always think he's Mafia so maybe it just balanced itself out this time", do you think Shinori is mafia this time? You don't really say anything negative about him in this post other than undermine his suspicion of you with "oh he always does this." He's also unusually annoyed at people disagreeing with him, "Like seriously, does he just tend to give up as scum...", and finally:

See, I actually did look back and Xinny did bring up a good point that she was replying a lot about the case because a lot of people were bothering her about it (yeah yeah me too, I am a Xinny-botherer).

This here is enough to make Refa happy with my slot whereas he handwaves it when attacking Rapier. The fact that most of his posts are basically just list posts doesn't help his case, it looks like he's trying too hard to address everyone instead of pressuring the people he actually finds scummy.
As for Marth, he votes Poly because he was trying to appease Rapier, then sat on his vote not responding to anything for 24 hours before leaving an empty unvote and joining the Rapier wagon even though he felt Rapier was playing to his town meta. He basically coasted on a miller claim, and idek how you do that.
##Vote: Refa
Refa > Marth
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There goes my OTP. :(

Genuinely surprised that Polydeuces didn't get killed, I guess that means either scum has some X-shot actions too or they just thought that all of the thwomps would be surrounding him. Anyways, I figure the only people who standed to gain from killing Vhaltz are Eurykins and kaoz, so

##Silver Lance: Eurykins

(because kaoz hasn't really done much due to late sub in, I would assume)

These are the things that bother me most about her.

-Her lynch priority and her actual reads are completely conflicting with each other.

-Votes Rapier early on for kind of...eh reasons (I didn't really care about it myself on D1 because I was sure Rapier is scum) which isn't necessarily scummy, but the timing of her vote swap to Vhaltz and his complete disappearance on her lynch priority list with no explanation or anything seems like obvious distancing and is YES we all know what I'm going to scummy.

-Prims is her second highest scumread despite her having a null/leaning town on him beforehand. She even states that me/Shinori are the closest to null reads and we are at the bottom, so this sudden change of opinion is just that. Also Prims didn't even have any posts in the time between the post where she said Prims was null,leaning town and the one where Prims was suddenly her second highest scumread.

I'll look over her Vhaltz case later, and put out some reads on other people I find scummy, just really wanted to throw this vote out there because I FEEL GOOD about it. Also last game Eclipse said I spent more time talking than voting and I think that's troo so have at you, this is a vote post.

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-Why would I waffle on someone who I was voting on for the whole day?

-I wanted to see if Eurykins was intentionally rolefishing or not.

-No, I wouldn't want to expand on my read for someone who isn't even getting lynched.

-I don't think I spent that much time defending my Rapier read, but w/e I'm just biased like that.

-Already explained what bothered me about Vhaltz (forced reads), so when his later reads did not come across as forced, naturally I wouldn't be bothered by him.

-I could have sworn I already said I was reading Shinori as town.

-I wasn't suspicious of Rapier because his Xinny vote was bad lol.

-You just said most of my posts were explaining my Rapier read, but that I didn't spend enough time pressuring my scumreads (then why would most of my posts be explaining my read).

-Agree with your point about Marth's Rapier vote, but I don't see how him coasting on his Miller claim is any worse than other inactive slots like bearclaw.

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-Why would I waffle on someone who I was voting on for the whole day? I dunno, but you did.

-I wanted to see if Eurykins was intentionally rolefishing or not. I did no think "the reasons involved must be due to his role" when reading Vhaltz's post.

-No, I wouldn't want to expand on my read for someone who isn't even getting lynched. So you admit to not wanting to analyse someone you find scummy?

-I don't think I spent that much time defending my Rapier read, but w/e I'm just biased like that. All I saw from your posts was "Rapier this, Rapier that". You had stuff criticising him in other people's sections for instance.

-Already explained what bothered me about Vhaltz (forced reads), so when his later reads did not come across as forced, naturally I wouldn't be bothered by him. Ok.

-I could have sworn I already said I was reading Shinori as town. You did, but that statement makes me think twice. It also reads as handwaving someone's concern.

-I wasn't suspicious of Rapier because his Xinny vote was bad lol. Don't even know what this is in response to.

-You just said most of my posts were explaining my Rapier read, but that I didn't spend enough time pressuring my scumreads (then why would most of my posts be explaining my read). Scumreads not named Rapier. You even dropped bear in favour of Eury based on association alone so it's pretty obvious your D1 reads were weak in your eyes.

-Agree with your point about Marth's Rapier vote, but I don't see how him coasting on his Miller claim is any worse than other inactive slots like bearclaw. I feel like Marth is more active lurking than flat out inactive like bearclaw. He's posting, but not doing anything. Whereas bear is just not really posting.

Okay Refa's pretty blatantly Percival so if I come on tomorrow and find he's been mislynched I'm going to slap Kirsche

Why are you clearing someone based off of crumbed flavour?

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Basically I just can't get into a mafia mindset right now; I try to re-read the thread but I just kind of glaze over all the words. I blame the ED1 walls. But I'm pretty sure Refa is scum.

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