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Pirates of the Caribbean Mafia [Everyone loses but j00, Baldrick and Manix]


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bbm; response noted. however i ask this: it's been a very long time since rapier was scum, so wouldn't that maybe have the potential for his meta to change? (ider what his last scum game was, i think it was volcanic?)

now i'm off to go stream, so i won't be around for a bit

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Going to sleep soon; if Refa doesn't have content by the time I wake up I would seriously support a vigshot there. Death to inactives.

good man, good man

~now~ i'm off

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Okay fuck it, I'm re-reading but seeing the wagon build on me. May as well claim.

I'm Town Motivator. No tricks, no added BS (that I'm aware of). Just a straight-up Motivator.

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Poly can you target every night?

As far as I can tell, yes.

I don't know if my motivation carries over to the next night if my target idles, though.

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j00 feels weird to me. She posted the first post with her claim and a statement saying that she's bad at RVS, resulting in RVS votes (I still don't even understand that, really, lol). And the next thing posted after that was her defending Rapier and putting down her Poly vote. There was something about her reasoning itself stating that sounded.... parroted/echoed from other people's (trying to explain it correctly/find the right words for it, ugh...) previous thoughts, so it dropped some weird vibes in my mind.

In addition, my explanation behind my vote on Baldrick (as opposed to Poly) is in regards to the fact that I'm wanting answers from Baldrick (as I'm sure others here do as well). People have complained to me before about having seemingly off/faulty votes on people that contradict my reads/priorities, so I was making it clear of my intentions behind my vote. Also, with so few people in this game, and with Rapier's own wagon having been so easily pushed to L-2, I'm wary of anymore quick wagons coming up and suddenly rolling to L-2 or L-1 positions in which scum could potentially hammer (since there are already some votes moving onto Poly's head currently).

Unfortunately though, I'm not seeing a whole lot of response/posting from him (Baldrick), so it's basically making my vote in itself kinda useless. That, along with the general slowness of this game, is making things really hard to get anything out of this 48 hour day phase. ;/

..There were so many posts that went in before I finished this one, lol. I'm so slow at typing. @_@

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Not sure exactly how balance gets dictated in bastard games, but that seems kind of really strong to me for a small game, especially if the target doesn't suffer any sort of drawback after being motivated. 2x Cop or any other investigation result every night is overkill for 13p, even with sanities and results not guaranteed. It's pretty provable, but it could just be a ploy to survive an extra night.

urgh rolespec in bastard games is hard

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I went from lazy reasoning -> bad reasoning on Manix and there was nothing better so I didn't change my vote. I felt until Poly replied, I couldn't add anything rapier and j00 hadn't already said apart from him seeming emotional which is filler.

@eury if j00 can be redirected without knowing it we should do everything we can to prevent it.

@manix the pressure that comes from a vote is because it is paired with a sound argument for why you should be lynched. RVS votes lack that by their very nature.

@poly I went to sleep (is that allowed?) I was explaining why the way Rapier acted has no scum intent. He doesn't why compulsive (read: likely to fuck town up if kept secret) framer should claim ASAP. Doesn't feel like he needs to patch up holes poked in the Rapier case. Pushing my lynch without voting so he can backtrack easier if I flip. Continues to waffle on Manix.

But he's at L-2 right now so not inclined to vote him. Need to look at inactives.

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##Vote: Baldrick

actually happy with this lol fight me. I dunno about Poly's claim but that snarky remark & he ignores me while still keeping his vote on Manix and being vague about his scumreads. why would you want to focus on inactives? who would you lynch amongst the players here right now?

I will switch to Poly for consolidation on the off-chance I'm around for deadline, which after looking at it again I might be. I've been going back and forth between him and Baldrick and I don't feel like putting him at L-1 either uou

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@Baldrick: Mmmm... I see. Makes sense, regarding j00's role. I think you asked Bard earlier in the thread regarding the matter (but was told he wouldn't answer anything in-thread, if I'm not mistaken?)- did you get any messages from him regarding the matter?

And d'awww~ what a manly man! Insomniac Baldrick OP. <3

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@manix the pressure that comes from a vote is because it is paired with a sound argument for why you should be lynched. RVS votes lack that by their very nature.

but votes still get you lynched. rvs wagons do still apply pressure. but whatever, this is irrelevant now.

why are you ~still~ voteparking me under admitted bad reasoning? why are the inactives a looking priority but not the more active people? scum like to look at inactives because it makes them look like they're contributing. you have next to no up to date opinions on same of the more active players, which irks me

you know what? fuck it


##Vote: Baldrick

voteparking and a lack of contributions + focus on inactives. feels a stronger case than rapier

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@miria I didn't ignore you? The first part of my content post was addressed at you (and like half a dozen others)

I wanted to see whether the inactives justified a prod vote (sconori do not, maybe refa but everyone else has done that so it's pointless). Right now my lynch priority is poly > Isaac > j00/BBM/Eury so I could unvote but unless something comes up in the latter three ISO's I will vote him again.

Poly's claim is null to me right now.

@eury I can't ask about j00's role, only my own

##unvote #yolo I might not get my reading finished before I have to go though

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On first read, I have nothing more on you. I need to reread you also.

so you have bad reasoning (self-admitted), yet i'm still your second lynch choice? yeah no, this is bad
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Yo, I'm here. Give me a few hours to read what's happened and make a not awful (citation needed) post, I've spent a lot of time recently making spreadsheets which is why the lack of activity.

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asked the mod a few questions about my role, haven't got any answers yet, but neither the rules or my pm says anything against self-targetting so unless I get a negative on that I'll just frame myself making me functionally a miller

also my pm says investigation of my target will show guilty, waiting for clarification on stuff other than cop

@Eurykins: If I don't have a joke at hand in rvs, I normally just wait until it's pretty much over since no one's good in rvs, it usually delves into whose jokepost is the worst and most vote-worthy or things like reaction tests. hadn't played in a while and had no lame joke to pop so posted to claim.

@Poly: as town, you'd want to claim your anti-town roles as soon as possible since you might accidentally mess up other people's actions, and so you don't have an eventual rolecop waste their action on you and claiming just to say you've a scummy role. you're not revealing that much interesting things to scum either since you're not a threat to them.

Eurykins calling me out for parroting is bad since she's just parroting Polydeuces calling me out on parroting, and if they'd read through the votes they'd see that I was the second vote on him after Rapier, with BBM even saying "and yeah, the stuff j00 said" in his vote on Poly.

Baldrick's posts are just empty fluff, he just comments on some stuff and answers a few questions but haven't given a single proper read. like you posted one sentence on Isaac early in the game and now you have a lynch priority train of poly > Isaac > j00/BBM/Eury? where did any of that reasoning come from?

kind of in the same vein as Poly's bad vibes from Isaac and Baldrick, Miria saying Isaac has def town reactions is equally useless because stating town reads are uneccessary at this point, stating town reads based on nothing but meta is even less helpful and would only be useful for buddying.

vote still stays on Poly, rolespec is null, still disagree with his Rapier vote, I get his feeling on Baldrick but he's still pretty waffly about Manix and it's strange that he's calling me out for parroting when there's like three people who voted him after me for more or less the same reasons. and why would I hide that I'm framer as town, how would that benefit anyone.

if the Baldrick wagon grows I might consider switching as he's active lurking at this point, but Poly really hasn't become any better

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It's Like I'm Flying Solo! Votal

SB (1): Refa

Refa (0): Polydeuces

BBM (0): Miria Harvent

Rapier (1): Polydeuces, BBM, Miria Harvent, Isaac Dian

Shinori (0): Eurykins

Miria (0): Rapier

Baldrick (3): Isaac Dian, Eurykins, Miria, Isaac Dian

Isaac Dian (0): Rapier

j00 (0): Rapier

Polydeuces (4): j00, BBM, Rapier, scorri

Not Voting: Shinori, Baldrick

Lynches happen at 6 votes!

Deadline countdown:


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- rapier was at L-2, not sure how you can claim his reaction was knee-jerky. The timing of the posts makes it clear he was cut by poly; I posit it is you who needs to learn to read the context, brother

- read the text also; rapier says he would have voted poly instead of you if he had seen the post.

- rapier addressed your reaction point, you hand wave it by saying he's biased. Might you also be biased against your own posts? I have said why your logic is bad.

- then you say rapier ignored your reaction point. Are you even trying?

- 2/3 of your non-null reads are completely useless. you waffle on poly and say refa is inactive, and your only other read is on me. You say I have not many reads, but so do you. You say I vote park, but so do you. You say I focus on inactives, but I had one sentence on them. You are making a mountain of my molehill.

- Self-admitted bad reasoning? Find where I admitted it, quote me. I said your rapier reasoning was bad, then I said I hadn't read your ISO yet.

- based on what I said, who should be above you on the priority list, apart from poly?

J00 has been alright. She was the first one to go into detail about why poly's reads were bad. Point about miria is fair, he's in no danger of being lynched so you shouldn't be talking about him if you think he's town.

Eury complaining about inactivity seems a little forced, especially since she doesn't have any strong reads ATM. Her vote on me was a prod but she hasn't moved it or updated her read on me.

BBM has been alright. The bit about role spec caught my eye, but I don't think it is scummy.

Reeeeeeeally wanna hear from Shinori and Refa in the next few hours.

##vote: Isaac Dian

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- rapier was at L-2, not sure how you can claim his reaction was knee-jerky. The timing of the posts makes it clear he was cut by poly; I posit it is you who needs to learn to read the context, brother

no, it's kneejerky in response to a single vote on the wagon, not to the wagon itself. big difference

- read the text also; rapier says he would have voted poly instead of you if he had seen the post.

scum can double back on their own points, ever think it could have been due to taking the easy way out? (poly had/has a bigger wagon)

- rapier addressed your reaction point, you hand wave it by saying he's biased. Might you also be biased against your own posts? I have said why your logic is bad.

i fail to see what you're even getting at here.

- then you say rapier ignored your reaction point. Are you even trying?


rapier ignored the relevant points I was making, namely that my vote that had changed it's logic, etc.

You say I vote park, but so do you.

Have you even voted anyone aside from me outside of RVS??????

You say I focus on inactives, but I had one sentence on them. You are making a mountain of my molehill.

why the fuck is your problem with me in this regard? via/miria pointed this out before me, iirc. what about them? why do you find me scummy for pointing that out when others already had? i think you're trying to pull a fast one

- Self-admitted bad reasoning? Find where I admitted it, quote me. I said your rapier reasoning was bad, then I said I hadn't read your ISO yet.

I concede this, upon checking. however, you never ever explained why you went from lazy to bad reasoning in your case against me, so i still think you're full of shit. this is the only post remotely content related between the original vote and when you stated lazy > bad. bye

tl;dr you're still scummy, your points are bad. vote definitely staying here

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