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Pirates of the Caribbean Mafia [Everyone loses but j00, Baldrick and Manix]


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- again, look at the context. It's logical to attack the weakest vote (poly's was initially RVS, it wasn't until his latest post that there was anything to go on)

- it's more difficult to get on a big wagon without drawing attention, so no.

- you're saying he is biased, and implying you're not.

- he still addressed the point.

- no, because of circumstance. I would have voted poly before if he wasn't at L-2

- I told miria off already. Don't think I am disregarding her, but you have more to go on.

- exactly. I did the same thing as you, changed logic. When I realised you had explained it, I explained why it was bad reasoning.

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OK, where was I? Right, right, reading rabbit.

So let's talk about everyone's favorite cutting utensil, Rapier (real men use cutlasses). I don't take any issue with the cases on him early on because I think his RVS votes were pretty unhelpful (mod "vote" in particular), but putting him at L-2 over that comes across as well, really bad. Meh, I'm not finding the wagon itself scummy, but the whole thing comes across as bad play. Also I agree with what Baldrick had to say about scum not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves by posting a lot in RVS (defeating the purpose and all that). I don't get Rapier's vote on Isaac (like Rapier, can you explain why Isaac's vote on you was so bad? Are you still scumreading him?), but he acted pretty similarly last game so honestly not too bothered by it. Also would put his case on Poly in Mareep Tier.

tl,dr; Rapier's RVS content didn't cut that deeply with me (if only he was named Crissaegrim), but I feel like he's been playing to what I understand of his town meta anyways (or at least what Prims said about it in FE6 Moofia) and his later play has been much more pro town. Reading as town.

But enough about second rate swords (seriously, you should think about those name changes), let's move onto Many Twos.

I wouldn't rate Poly's replies to Rapier more than an 8.8 either (that means average, in case you're not in the know). Like Rapier admitting he is bad at RVS has nothing to do with him calling j00 out on not making a vote. Also generally it is a good idea for town to claim uh...anti-town (is that the right word?) roles early on, like Miller, PGO, whatever j00's role was, etc. Don't really see why you take issue with that! And yeah, like what seems like EVERY OTHER PLAYER in the game has said, his cases on Isaac/Baldrick just seem so...plebian! Like put some effort into it man, I don't even get why you're scumreading them (or if you're even scumreading them). While I do appreciate the sentiment about not wanting me to get vigged (hey, neither do I bro), I'm honestly not finding Manix suspicious for saying that (generally vigging inactives is accepted policy AFAIK). Ugh...not sure what to think of his claim.

tl,dr; I think Poly hasn't put much effort into scumhunting, his logic regarding j00's claim is baffling, and his role claim confuses me!

##Vote: Polydeuces

Also hi j00, I am talking to (or at) you. What's so bad about announcing town reads? It helps to catch people out on inconsistencies, ergo it makes scum hunting easier, ergo it is pro town (##logic)!

Honestly, I'm not too bothered by Baldrick, although I can't really remember much besides him holding a vote on Isaac that he admitted was weak (which is bad, but I don't see why scum would straight out admit that). Maybe it's just because his posts are long and I have to force myself to stop skimming them (says the person who wrote a long post...shut up, Refa)...I'll need to reread him.

good man, good man

~now~ i'm off

wow, agreed with hitler, obvious scum~

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Thoughts about miria

- A lot of her reads concern bad vibes or being unsure what people think. This gives her some flexibility in altering them later.

- her case on me was about my early game play, which I have addressed, me ignoring her, which is just wrong, and me being vague, when it's more to do with not having done enough reading

- i don't think poly's been tunneling on rapier. Isaac arguably.

"But Baldrick, you're commenting on her actions rather than properly reading her!"

I know, voice in my head, but I'm waiting on her reply before I make my judgment. I decided not to post when I felt the same way about Poly last night and that ended badly for me.

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Refa has a lot of asides in his post. I know I do that sometimes but I try and keep them separate from my actual content.

Did I say my first case was weak? I may have implied it when I said I didn't have anything stronger at the time. Anyway, I think it was alright for an ED1 case.

I believe town reads don't really count as content. I don't think it's scummy to out them, just more helpful to scum than town.

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Refa has a lot of asides in his post. I know I do that sometimes but I try and keep them separate from my actual content.

Yeah, I want to apologize for that. I was rereading my post to make sure I conveyed everything I want to say and honestly, it was kind of a PITA to read; that's never a good thing.

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was out playing squash, and my last post was done in a hurry. time to do some things. also my brain is half dead, so yeah

- you're saying he is biased, and implying you're not.

never said I wasn't biased toward my own points, you're only implying as such. everyone is going to be biased toward their own points, it's called confirmation bias or w/e. it's like trying to argue at the person you think is scum to convince them that they are scum. it doesn't work, ever

- exactly. I did the same thing as you, changed logic. When I realised you had explained it, I explained why it was bad reasoning.

there was little to no indication that you had that logic shift. you had one little blurb, and didn't even express "so this is my change of opinion on isaac because of ~this reason~", whereas my posts did have a more clear indication of the changing reasons. all you had was a little part that was like "here's a thing, which addresses a question posed by both isaac/bbm." nothing at all indicating any change in opinion

(i realized i didn't elaborate on linking that post once I had left, but i was in a rush (and was almost late))

re poly at L-2: seriously? if you think someone is scummy and your vote isn't going to lynch them, there's literally no point in holding it. if someone decides to quickhammer, they look incredibly scummy for it, so who gives a damn. you're being too antsy with that vote, and only placing it in cases that won't make you look that bad for it.

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anyway that's enough mafia for the day. probably won't be around for deadline, but current lynch priorities are Baldrick > Rapier, and wouldn't really lynch anyone else rn

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In this post, your case on rapier has two paragraph, one for RVS stuff, one for his reaction. There is no indication the former isn't important any more, and you chew him out for addressing it the very next post. At least my post implies I had conceded my original point.

I thought it was a convention in SF to not vote people when they're at L-2 unless you intend to lynch them now. In the second post I linked, you implied you wouldn't have voted rapier if you had realised he was at L-3.

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i am awful at this "staying away from mafia thing"

I thought it was a convention in SF to not vote people when they're at L-2 unless you intend to lynch them now. In the second post I linked, you implied you wouldn't have voted rapier if you had realised he was at L-3.

I wasn't aware that my vote put you at L-2 until Bard posted votals, but at that point I still didn't care to change it because it was my best lead at the time.


i'm completely baffled. i stated that even ~once votals were out~ that I wouldn't change my vote anyway. how did you get "you wouldn't have voted him if you knew he was at L-3" from that? ???????????????

i do however concede the point about opinion changing, but you can't really deny that it was more articulated then yours. details man

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wow so many posts and I'm already late for class

Should be back before phase end though. Baldrick if you're still here, can you summarize your Manix case?

I don't want to just not consider roles at all because then why the hell do we even have them? Might as well be mountainous.

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Feeling so lazy ugh, I'll do something productive later.

@Miria Stop speculating about the reasons why I unvoted Isaac, I already explained them (tl;dr: I hadn't read Poly's following post because I was writting a reply at that time).

@Isaac Are you really going to cling to RVS stuff at Late D1? Seriously. Also, when I made my "useless joke posts", Bard had just started D1. You said you contributed to the discussion, but the difference is that I posted much earlier than you (right after the game started), while you started posting a bit later. Your case on me is much weaker than you make it seem.

What do you think of my current content? Let's think outside the RVS phase for a moment.

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@isaac; when you said you weren't aware how many votes rapier had I thought you meant it would have changed your action. My bad.

I'll concede you're more articulate than me


-Voting rapier on the basis of RVS shenanigans

-Says Rapier has confirmation bias about his opinion, then says he is "completely wrong "because it contradicts Manix's own opinion.

-After spending several posts talking about RVS, when Rapier mentions it he suddenly says his vote's not about that anymore and accuses him of ignoring his other point. (Which rapier had addressed in that same post)

-Most of his case on me (lack of reads, vote parking) he is just as guilty of

-Exaggerates my "focus on inactives"

-Lies about me claiming to have poor reasoning on him

-Implies I'm tunneling on him because I called him out for something bizz also said (when I had previously called her out on it)

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Post split for refa's pleasure

@bbm again

I think in this game at least, if we're using role spec to scum hunt we might as well RL. It would have just as good a chance of catching scum.

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I Don't Mean To Alarm You But 5 Hours Left! Votal

SB (0): Refa

Refa (0): Polydeuces

BBM (0): Miria Harvent

Rapier (1): Polydeuces, BBM, Miria Harvent, Isaac Dian

Shinori (0): Eurykins

Miria (0): Rapier

Baldrick (3): Isaac Dian, Eurykins, Miria, Isaac Dian

Isaac Dian (1): Rapier, Baldrick

j00 (0): Rapier

Polydeuces (5): j00, BBM, Rapier, scorri, Refa

Rapier (1): Polydeuces

Baldrick (3): Eurykins, Miria, Isaac

Isaac (1): Baldrick

Poly (5): j00, BBM, Rapier, scorri, Refa (L-1)

Not Voting: Shinori

Lynches happen at 6 votes!

Deadline countdown:


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Mod confirmed I can't self-target, doesn't tell me if I get to know if I'm redirected and my framed targets will be shown as guilty, ie. I don't know

dunno if tracker and watcher get a guilty report, it's indicated that any investigation will get some sort of fake results but nothing's clarified

I'll read through the rest of the posts now, but in case poly gets hammered before my next post I'll target Isaac

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about outing town reads: I don't think Isaac is scum, but announcing town reads without reasoning is more pointless than announcing scum reads without reasoning. you want people lynched or not lynched, reasoning why you find them scum/town attempts to convince people, by not stating reasons you're not making an effort in getting them lynched/not and the statement doesn't do anything in terms of scumhunting

@refa: yeah sure, town reads may help catch scum in a very roundabout way, but town reads are better to out later in the game due to PoE, early on it just gives scum an indication on who they should kill/investigate. if you want to catch scum it's better to scumhunt and ask questions if you want clarifications or find contradictions

I'll make posts as I read in case anyone hammers

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Okay so after going over the main two cases I'd honestly prefer a Baldrick lynch > a poly lynch.

Poly's overall posts seem poor but I feel that the way he claimed is more likely town. Honestly he hasn't done much except for like a list post so my read on him is iffy but between him and Baldrick I'm leaning more town on him than Baldie-poo.

Baldrick's posts however I have a few issues with. I felt like he honestly wasn't doing that much until he started receiving pressure. I'm also really just disliking his like awkward tunnel onto Manix that he's been doing. Technically he's been saying that Poly is his main lynch priority but I felt it was weird because he didn't state this until Poly was already at L-2 and this also coincides with the time that he randomly got more active. It honestly seemed like a really easy wagon while not wagoning thing. "Oh yeah I'd prefer to lynch Poly but L-2 so I'll tunnel someone else." I personally feel that more of his posts are then in a defense of himself and not actual scumhunting. Every now and then you get a post from him that is something like "Thoughts on Miria" or something which is honestly just a roundabout way of looking like town while not actually doing anything. He didn't even say if he thought Miria was scum or null. Seriously though like all his posts are tunneling the hell out of Manix and because of this I've lost any sort of idea of who he thinks is scum besides Manix. Even his "I would prefer to lynch Poly" thing seems easily forgettable, but that could be because Poly just isn't around much as well. Still don't like the tunnel.

##Vote: Baldrick



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I'm going to say this once only.

I was asleep. When I went to sleep, it was all quiet. I can't be blamed if you fuckers wait until I'm in bed to do everything, then say "oh, Baldrick vanished, he's not replying to me, he didn't do anything until we'd done all this stuff" Learn to take time zones in effect. I'm sick and fucking tired of having to defend myself from bullshit cases because my timezone sucks.

You know what? Let's make something happen while it's convenient for me.


And shinori, read the last part of my post concerning via. For god's sake. I get shit on if I don't post half-baked, I get shit on if I do post half-baked. I cannot win.

Like, it was the same in snoop mafia. We lost overnight because I wasn't there to make town not suck.

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I was reading around and saw no reaosn for this. Why was this here? I heavily dislike this because uh, vanillas aren't in the game....notsurewhattothinkaboutthis.jpg

If it was a joke it doesn't look obvious. Is there some sort of context or something that I'm missing or did you literally just randomly claim or make a joke claiming vanilla?

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