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Dot.hack//The World:R1 Mafia(Game thread)


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Following a mighty hunt, the town was suddenly convinced that Refa just didn't belong. As all eyes were pointed towards Refa, a change occurred that just didn't make sense. Refa charged straight towards kirsche, faster than any normal player should have, shouting in an almost indecipherable language

If you're taking me down, I'll just take you down with me.

And with that, the air surrounding Refa changed, as did his form, and for just a blink of an eye, you caught view of something that certainly wasn't a player in The World. The last thing you could all see before your eyes was Refa laugh emotionlessly, and kirsche scream in agony, as the two of them exploded into nothingness.

Refa has died. He was...

Dear Refa, you are Tarvos, The Avenger.


You are Tarvos, The Avenger, and the seventh Phase of Morganna. You exist to cruelly and mercilessly strike down those that escape the destruction of the Cursed Wave, even though none maybe able to. You also exist to destroy those that stand in the way of you and your allies and to bring your evil justice to those who betray you and your allies. With the betrayal of Macha the Temptress your role here has become a lot more important than the previous mindlessly slaughtering you were up to.

Once during the game you may respond to your role PM with "Casting Malice Light on X" If X is Macha she will die instantly. This is unavoidable.

Once during the game you may post in the thread "CURSED DEATH PLAY ON X" You will suicide into X killing both X and yourself simultaneously. This can be used at any time, during any phase HOWEVER you may not use this when at L-2 or L-1.


You are allied with the Phases of Morganna You win when all threads to you and your fellow Phase members have been eliminated.

kirsche has died. He was...

Dear kirsche, You are Lady Subaru, the Axe-wielding-angel-princess-celebrity.


You are Lady Subaru, pretty much the closest to Royalty within The World. You are generally a very peaceful and nice person. You get along with just about anyone and you have the air around you to back up your title. You're the leader of the Crimson Knights and you're devout follower Silver Knight will do just about anything asked of him if ordered by you. You are generally extremely curious about the boy named Tsukasa.

You do not have any special powers of your own, but due to your presence and prestige in The World, your votes are valued and respected, and always account for double. This, of course, loses its effectiveness in instances of extreme pressure aka *YLO and variants.

You’re also being protected by Silver Knight, and are recognized as the leader of the Crimson Knights (masonry).

One thing to be wary of, is that should you die, other players will be too distraught by your passing, and will be unable to see who is voting for who. Until everyone is able to cope with your death, the following day’s votes will be restricted to being posted in Role PMs only. Votes made in thread will not be accounted for, and Votals will not occur until the phase ends.

<SNIP> If you die, their chat can no longer be accessed by your Knight squadron.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to you and your fellow Town members have been eliminated.

With the valiant leader of the Crimson Knights now obliterated, no one knows who to trust. Wounds like this will take time to heal, and unfortunately, no one benefits from coping with the death of a beloved celebrity. For the remainder of this phase, as well as for the entirety of Day 3, all votes must be cast in RolePM only.

For now, you know that the current standing of today's Votals were as such:

Rapier (4): TTPK_Tal/Baldrick, Randa, SB., Green Poet

Refa (4): kirsche, WeaponsOfMassConstruction, Lord Gaius

Eurykins (2): Quote, Refa

WeaponsOfMassConstruction (1): Bluedoom

Randa (1): Eurykins

Baldrick (1): Rapier

Voteless (4): eclipse, Paperblade, Blackhawk Stinger, BBM

With Refa and Kirsche dead; their votes are removed, and all votes placed on Refa and kirsche, in theory are defaulted to Voteless. Votals are now:

Rapier (4): TTPK_Tal/Baldrick, Randa, SB., Green Poet

Eurykins (1): Quote

WeaponsOfMassConstruction (1): Bluedoom

Randa (1): Eurykins

Baldrick (1): Rapier

Voteless (6): eclipse, Paperblade, Blackhawk Stinger, BBM, WeaponsOfMassConstruction, Lord Gaius

With 14 players alive, the new hammer count is 8.

Mods will only post to remind users of time remaining in phase, and/or to declare Mod-related announcements including Phase Pause and Phase End. Submitting ##Vote in thread will not apply your vote to votals, and submitting ##Unvote in thread will not remove your vote from votals.

With 14 players alive, 8 result in Hammer. If no hammer is achieved, Phase will end in a No Lynch.

Phase ends at 2am EST (GMT-5) on Sunday March 29, 2015. This means, there are 35 hours and 20 minutes remaining in Day 2.

Also a Warning/Rule Update: Any posts submitted 3 minutes after a mod declares Phase Pause or Phase End, unless otherwise allowed, will be modkilled and their RolePM will not be flipped to the public.

Phase Unpause

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Hee hee hee ha ha ha aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee! Take a good look, everyone! Unable to find a rival worthy of my genius, I was forced to create one by myself! Here I am! The tragic clown...Hee hee hee ha ha ha aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee!

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man though I was so sure Refa was town, fuck this bullshit.

I told him in email he was one of my top townreads (I emailed my other top townread too) and I told him it was confirmed you can email yourself because I sent an email to myself D1 after I sent everyone all those rickrolls/careless whisper lyrics/etc.

so yeah you can email yourself. I hope that didn't help scum w/ a role loophole or something.

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We see the distance flames, they bellow in the night.
We fight in all our names for what we know is right,
and though we may get shot, and cannot carry on
though we die, the town will live on!

You may get stabbed in the head with a dagger or a sword,
you may be burned to death, or skinned alive or worse.
But when they torture you, you will not feel the need to run
for though you die, the town will live on!

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I'm guessing they might have assumed from the miller claim because "she used to be one of the phases of Morganna"

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