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SFMafia's Greatest Hits - Day 6


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Holy shit an Elie exists!

I want to hear more from Weapons/Shinori slots, given Weapon's post.


Wpns being right means that we get rid of a third party and if it's a killing third party then well

If a supposed third party (with killing potential/capabilities) existed, and there was only my death last night, either SOMEONE/One side idled (I don't see scum team having much reason to idle a NK unless there's something role-related that would prompt them to do so), one of the sources got blocked, or I'm just extremely hated/loved by both sides and got piled on by both.

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I don't think SB handpicks roles so that seems pretty shaky, Elie.

I have some Thoughts but I'm mostly waiting on Weapons/Shinori.

Nobody thinks I handpick roles either but even I don't know

I'm more interested in shinori than Wpns regarding this, even though they both have valuable input on the matter. It's weird but I don't think it's something that someone would just throw out into the open as a gamble

Holy shit an Elie exists!

If a supposed third party (with killing potential/capabilities) existed, and there was only my death last night, either SOMEONE/One side idled (I don't see scum team having much reason to idle a NK unless there's something role-related that would prompt them to do so), one of the sources got blocked, or I'm just extremely hated/loved by both sides and got piled on by both.

It's too early to go by, but as soon as I saw 1 kill and third party existing, and your rolePM mentioning BBM, I kinda jumped to thoughts on Arsonist (since that one game where BBM was an arsonist and won). It's a stretch but it was my first thought so yea

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I can believe this. Playerhost meta suggests that Buttnori might not even join unless he was bribed with a cool role

Wpns being right means that we get rid of a third party and if it's a killing third party then well

if anyone can imagine the hype about what I hope the third party role of the game actually is though, it'd be me.

Also, I genuinely apologize for being out for the latter chunk of the phase. Ty visited this weekend, for the first time in many months, but unfortunately I had to bring Tyler to the ER (my son, for those who don't know), and while he's been discharged, things have been kinda weird for him. Nothing life threatening (that we can tell so far) but extremely uncool all the same.

Content post when I get home from work. I'll actually have time to read the game thread now that today, he's stabilized and I can quit being a frantic parent for a while.

thats no excuse. mafia > stupid kids


nah but fer real thanks for communicating this, and best wishes for whatever may be going on. truth be told i remember you mentioning a tyler earlier on and thinking he was a gay lover. good thing THATS not the case amirite

also @eury (or i guess @any site vets really) is it typical for mods to allow the scum team to idle their kill? ive seen it sparsely but its kinda bullshit whenever i see that a mod allows scum to forego their factional Night kill.

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Eury-Zombie activated.

I'm probably gonna be re-reading, because I wanna see what derives from Dand's town-flip. Plus Eury's confirmed town flip.

I don't think in my 5+ years of mafia I have played with a tree-stump, but I've seen it so this shall be interesting.

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also @eury (or i guess @any site vets really) is it typical for mods to allow the scum team to idle their kill? ive seen it sparsely but its kinda bullshit whenever i see that a mod allows scum to forego their factional Night kill.

As far as I've known/have seen thus far (unless otherwise stated in the rules), Mafia scum team (and ITPs/SKs) do have the choice to idle their kill or not to, depending on their choices, whether they submit night actions on time (Mods often end up saying "No kill target" if there's no target/action sent in by end of the night phase).

What concerns me is the fact that scum parties in general have been known (at least on this site) to idle kills from time to time to sort of mess with the game, and I wouldn't put it past an ITP with a killing ability to idle a kill or two to keep themselves from being found out super early in the game. So I'm not sure whether Weapons is saying his comment because he has some sort of info garnered from last night, or if he's trying to bait responses or not. Nor do we know if any other ITP's actually exist at this point.

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Why am I third party? O.o


I am curious as to how that's apparently player meta Elie. For what it matters I still don't like Gorf but his posts seem to be getting a bit better so I'm going to reread a bit of the thread and analyze the wagon before dropping a vote at the moment.

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If I put each read into separate posts, can I get a gif per read? xD

I'll post them later, but I don't think they'll be good. It's nearly dinner time though.

A player after my own heart. The answer is yes of course (to the gif set). But, for that I would like the read's tonight.

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I'm a Treestump.

Oh, I forgot to mention this: Whoever killed me should totes claim. :D Because why not? <3

I'll also be formatting my post with this shizz 'cause I'm no longer just a Townie player, but a zombie-treestump Townie~ ;) Though I haz no voting capability. Q_Q Zombies hold no powahs in the electoral systems, it seems...

But anyways, (realtalk shizz) I'll be lookin' through things and see if there's possible shizz to pick up on from the end of last day phase.

I'm a Treestump.

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Shinori is third party.


Didn't you claim that you didn't get a role PM from SB in D1, so now you want to claim this? For some reason, It actually sounds a bit believable to me.

Why am I third party? O.o


I am curious as to how that's apparently player meta Elie. For what it matters I still don't like Gorf but his posts seem to be getting a bit better so I'm going to reread a bit of the thread and analyze the wagon before dropping a vote at the moment.

So you are denying that you are third party?

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finally home, and there's no crisis to deal with! Finally!

Why am I third party? O.o


I am curious as to how that's apparently player meta Elie.

because i'm 99% sure you've played differently based on the role you've received, and I think back when I was hosting like Shining Force SoH mafia you requested ITP i can't remember i know it was something that you requested, so I think it's more i'm not sure what might've happened. Regardless

are you denying that you're third party or are you questioning how weapons came to that conclusion? You don't really seem to be doing the former

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I'm not third party.

And I've requested to be like sk in every game I play. I don't really think that's a viable argument.

And if you are saying it's cause I'm playing different then I guess I should just go inactive and not be helpful and then everyone will yell at me again for doing nothing.

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aight cool so weapons' accusation doesnt matter cool

i still kinda wanna lynch zero cuz... like seriously what dafuq has she done to redeem herself aside from dish out half-baked reads (at eclipse's request) and fly under the radar? i wont explicitly pursue it till after i get a fresh reread in toNight but no stronger convictions come to my head at the moment.

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