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SFMafia's Greatest Hits - Day 6


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Blind Setup! You just, don't get to know what role you are, totally fair, right?

I'm seriously stressing this: I'm not experienced with forum mafia, it's much more difficult for me. I'm more used to the quick thinking from faster mafia, also this is faster than both my current forum mafia games.

Did I mention I'm also playing 2/3 other games? That's probbbbably not helping. Anyway, also, the names are confusing me. I know very few, so I'm slightly offset by not wanting to sound like a complete idiot, "that girl with the z name" or something. I'll read back and see if now, that I know some names, things are clearer or not. Sorry for my lack of posting, also just got a new job :/ (Lol I sound so scummy, defending myself so thoroughly.)

Anyway, rereading time. I doubt you'll hear from me again tonight. (10:43 PM here rn)

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That's either a reference to certain past games, or something's off. 'cause the first thing I do when I don't have a full role PM is bitch to the host.

My neighbor didn't read the neighbor topic. If you're THAT CONFUSED, I'm willing to help with things like who's who. ;/

J, there's an actual member named Shin that plays mafia, so I was confused for a second about your post.

Whew, finally free from the burdens of hard labor, I am going to be more active tonight.

Well, I see that the "hot potato" has been passed between Zero and Dandragon for wagons, but I am going to reserve judgment until we get closer to deadline.

Don't like this at all - this is no time to be sitting on the sidelines!

I really don't like the BW now that it's been addressed, nor do I like the idea that the BW leader jumped off as it neared L-2/L-1. I know that in some games, the mafia will try to start a BW on someone, and then when they flip town, mafia is like, "Ahaha I wasn't on that BW I told you so." I mean, WAYY too early for anything like that, but it's a possibility.

Here's the difference between NOC forum mafia and chat room mafia: It's impossible to get away with that tactic here. Between the "no edit" rule and the ISOs, these posts serve as an archive for views, and they're freely quotable and all.

Still waiting for Mancer's reread. I'll be here closer to deadline, so I'll be available to move my vote. Liking zerosabers a little less, because she was posting elsewhere as of ~4 hours ago. While I haven't solved the conundrum that is dandragon yet, I'd be willing to vote simply for the sake of a lynch happening (though the associative reads will be weaker than I care for). I'm not sure whether or not Weapons is telling the truth, because I can think of at least one great moment in SFMafia history where someone didn't get a full role PM. If he is telling the truth, then the best-case scenario is that we blind-lynch scum who will provide one-way associative reads, and that feels like a hell of a stretch. However, lying about something like this is right up his alley (like that one time where he wasn't the cop, but managed to lynch correctly anyway). Still, I'm not feeling scum!Weapons from his posts.

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I'd like Elie and Dan to come in and give their views on everything that has happened so far.

Mancer has only got two posts so far so I'd like to hear a bit more from him.

It seems like Weapons is getting lots of votes now from how he kept changing his vote.

I won't add much more, it's too late so I'm not in the best condition to actually make judgments right now.

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First part: What?

Second part: I've been playing for about 2 years, with a break of ~10 months in the middle. I came back around 2 months ago, and started forum mafia about a month ago. Doesn't matter, Gaius is right, I should be able to make a coherent post.

Is this normal? I don't think it's good, should probably ask SB about it.

i mean, objectively, the switch from table top mafia to forum mafia is weird, so i get the... i guess the best way to describe it would be timid?... nature of your posts overall.

the first part had to do with how much time was left in the Day at that moment.

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I'd like Elie and Dan to come in and give their views on everything that has happened so far.

Mancer has only got two posts so far so I'd like to hear a bit more from him.

It seems like Weapons is getting lots of votes now from how he kept changing his vote.

I won't add much more, it's too late so I'm not in the best condition to actually make judgments right now.

I'd like Elie and Dan to come in and give their views on everything that has happened so far.



i remember the last game i played here elie basically started off the game posting a bit and then pretty much just ghosted for a while, and then came back... eventually.


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fuck I'm pre-occupied I dunno if I'll have anything that useful out before deadline, sorry guys.

Weapons' recent content borders into him doing a bit to get townread and I think this could come from either alignment so I'm not really biting. I think Dand resembles newbscum play though whereas while Weapons is scummy it does make sense as apathetic town play so I'm much more confident in the Dand wagon let's get him.

I don't think Gorf is scum. I don't think zerosabers being aggressive in RVS means anything by itself. Hannah has too many words for how few reads she has. Elie's disappearance has happened from him as both alignments before but if he's low-effort when he comes back he's almost certainly mafia and you guys should lynch him.

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I just remembered Gilgamesh was in this game. yeah what the hell dude we're pretty close to deadline already, you should post, like, actual opinions. they don't even need to be on zero and dand even though you should probably talk about those guys! do you have reads on anybody else? I would prefer thoughts to observations. I'd also prefer an explanation for why you'd reserve judgment in the first place when nobody else is.

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At request:

dat feel when you change your name but are still referred to as your previous name

##vote elieson


i am the player that used to go by the name gorf. however, i am, indeed, african american and would like to be referred to as such :)

Who he is.



Shit post

what are "Levityâ„¢" vibes?

Shit post

why would i get suspended for the gimmick :c

also as far as the gamestate stands, the activity is concerning enough for me to be okay with following just about any wagon atm. i say just about cuz, to give credit where credit's due, there are players alive that are at least showing their desire to be alive.

@yolo, whos scum

@anybody who can answer me, is weapons a newb?

90% shit post


if anything thats more offensive but ayy

Shit post in response to shit post


##vote zerosabers

First actual post voting someone without saying anything sheeping eclipses case apparently.

shinori id appreciate if you line up every single post ive made thus far and show how there's absolutely no lack of joking throughout those posts (assuming that you actually mean what you say when you say that im "just joking about everything").

Replying to me saying he's been completely serious when everything so far has literally been shit posts or RVS.

see now THAT's a joke.

Shit post that should have just been with his last post.

@lord gaius if youre a hammerer why would your vote count at all in regards to pressure? i guess im just confused as far as what the parameters of your role are ?_?

also what do you mean by dan "using him rolling town as a defense?" i didnt see that at all in his post. i also fail to see how his lack of security with calling somebody scummy/scum at this point in the game is inherently scummy.

Felt like he was digging Gaius for information about his role needlessly but actual post so not shit post.

-insert generic "mancer your one post was bad and you should do more than just post that one bad post and leave" comment-

Shit post yet also okay post. But 90% shit post.

i guess my vote was more cryptic than i thought it came across as, but i very much support your reasoning behind voting zero:

i just kinda didnt have anything else to add on top of this, which is why i didnt have anything more to say. the pressure's deserved.

Explaining his bad vote. Nothign else. Neutral post.

here is dandragon's post

the ONLY mention of his past experiences is in addition to his lack of wanting to claim. truth be told i dont understand why that needed to be added at all, but i dont understand how that's a defense in the case that he isnt scum. if youre seeing something that im not, please show me as if im six years old cuz its coming across as a hard reach atm.

you also failed to mention why his lack of confidence in calling somebody scummy makes him scummy, which seems like one of your points made in your #73

Not shit post.

lol @ the thought of wagoning hannah and hannah ending up self hammering cuz of her role

Shit post

@hannah when a player reaches l-2 (or they reach l-1 with your vote attached), would you mind staying off of that wagon so when said wagon inevitably reaches l-1 you can prove your role? i just wanna check all of our bases n shiz

Not shit post but not a scum hunting post. Neutral post.

holy shit @hannah @lord gaius one of you two are gonna have to change your avy's cuz im getting SERIOUSLY confused

Shit post.

el oh el

i got it now

@lord gaius when a player reaches l-2 (or they reach l-1 with your vote attached), would you mind staying off of that wagon so when said wagon inevitably reaches l-1 you can prove your role? i just wanna check all of our bases n shiz

and @zero since you seem to also think that dan is using his never having been town as a defense against his being scummy, maybe you can shed the light as far as how that is, like what i asked lord gaius to do last page :)

Not complete shit post. I'll let it slide I guess.

what is she usually first class as town?

Shit post.

eclipse are you donning the first-wagon-so-probz-town robe or are you retracting your read on zero for actual legitimate reasons? if so plz do tell cuz his big post didnt help my read all that much.

or are you just applying pressure elsewhere while still maintaining a pseudo-position on zero's wagon?

oh would you look at that genders are posted under avy's que interesante

"a smokescreen brought up only to look like a defense." i dont understand what this means in relation to his post or how it equates to scumminess, but id prefer to pursue this with gaius moreso than you atm.

Half is shit post. But still not really doing anything. Second line is just a response and still not fully scum hunting I feel.

how did he use his rolling town in past games to prove his towniness in this game thats what i dont get

do you think newbtown would react defensively to the (as stated by others prior) shoddy vote by zero?

Not shit post.

seems too objective for my taste, a lot of bark not a lot of bite, but then again shes putting her neck out a lot more than necessary (like when she backed off of zero when she hit l2). not seeing a whole lot to bite into tho

eclipse's 58 includes the following excerpt:

"Super-conflicted on these guys - they're both relatively new, but this seems way too aggressive for just-out-of-RVS" (note that "these" and "guys" contain hyperlinks to dand and zero, and "this" contains a hyperlink to zero's 55)

i thought that the over aggressive perception of zero's 55 was justified and worth looking into, so i went ahead and supported the wagon. seeing how zero's play has given me no reason to back off the wagon (and no play has jumped out enough for me to leave the wagon), i am still here.


the implication exists because three posts prior eclipse dropped a vote on zerosabers, the first vote on the wagon. sure, vagueness is a tactic many players (including myself) like to use, but if you read just a bit into it its pretty reasonable to claim that my shameless post where i do nothing but add one vote to a wagon, which only had one vote, had something to do with the ONLY SERIOUS POST IN THE GAME which included a vote and an accusation against zero.

the rest of the post reads as blanket statement + overexaggeration + lack of desire to actually read me because you dont seem to have a funny bone so idk how to respond, if one is even necessary.

Not shit post

all the racism here is making my sjw/politically correct censors go through the fuckin ROOF

@yolo zero kinda comes off as extremely self preservative, even for newbtown. the aggression in her dan vote is like WOAHDADDY coming from a newbie. no semblance of reads were given till she was heavily prodded to do so. i dun like it. granted similar accusations can be made for dan, but i have enough of an irrational gutnewbtown vibe from him to prefer zero's lynch.

hannah strikes me as that pristine type of newbtown whos like really cute because shes trying to get her hands rough but doesnt really know how to do so.

thoughts on gaius?

Not shit post I guess?

dont disrespect me like that son i went page my page


whats the optimal way to iso on this site?

Neutral post. Tis fine.

whats the optimal way to iso on this site?

does your gilgamesh fos go anywhere past his general absence?

Neutral post, second line warrants actual meaning however.

>reserve judgement till we get closer to deadline

>deadlines in like 15 hours or so

Not shit post but 19 hours is still a fair amount of time but yeah people should already have votes down on people and a lynch priority for the most part by now. Otherwise we are gonna have last minute claims and rushed wagons.

That's how you lynch docs people.

oh would you look at that its 19 and a half hours not 15.

how long would you say hannahs been playing

Neutral post.

i feel like a lack of context reeeeeally hurts your claim about my lack of content. i remember asking you to line up every single post of mine when you originally said that aaaaaaall the way back in like pg 3 in order to show, not just talk about, my lack of actually playing the game. are you just not keen to showing posts and substantiating claims?

So when you first asked me you literally had nothing EXCEPT shit posts and when you asked me this time you still have mostly shit posts.

i mean, objectively, the switch from table top mafia to forum mafia is weird, so i get the... i guess the best way to describe it would be timid?... nature of your posts overall.

the first part had to do with how much time was left in the Day at that moment.

Neutral post.

oh look at that. you came from chat room maf, not table top.

the same rule applies but i guess kinda less so since chat room maf is probz closer in relation to forum maf but still.

Neutral post.


i remember the last game i played here elie basically started off the game posting a bit and then pretty much just ghosted for a while, and then came back... eventually.


Shit post mostly.

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16 shit posts out of 35 posts total.

9 Neutral posts out of 35 posts total.


So 25/35 posts are pretty much like not content.

And if you look at the other 10 'content' posts, there still isn't really much content.....

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oh well look at that you did it. props.

i feel like asking questions and not directly applying them to something groundbreaking in the moment makes you equate a post as "not shit but not productive." quite frankly i dont mind not being read as town and leaving certain things vague cuz id rather not give scum my complete objective and absolute thought process. has there been anything for me to really sink my teeth into toDay? not as much as i usually like, and i just gotta adapt and keep looking and laying a trail, and the best way to do that is to interact. sure i shit on the thread every now and then "and i lol'd at every shit post that i agreed with you on" but i think you have a MUCH broader opinion on what a shit post is than what actually is, to which i say... i guess im sorry? but at least i know youre not all talk.

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(4) dandragon: Omega, zerosabers, Lord Gaius, Prims

(2) zerosabers: Gorf, dandragon

(2) Weapons:[/b]: MancerNecro, Eurykins

(1) eclipse: Weapons

(1) Eurykins: King Gilgamesh

(1) Omega: J

(1) Eurykins: Elieson

(1) MancerNecro: eclipse

(1) Gorf: Shinori

(1) Not Voting: Hannah

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch. Shinori's birthday ends in 7 hours and 34 minutes.

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i will be back in thread in about three hours and may not be back until past the deadline. if i come back and the spread is still roughly the same, ill switch to dan.

@gaius unvote so that you can prove your pr publicly. i dont not believe you, per se, but its just better to have tangible confirmation ya feels?

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Oh there aren't any new pages. Sooo, I was rereading everything, and besides some name difficulties still, I picked up 2 things on multiquote (which I forgot right now.)

And... ninjad by a bunch of other people angry with Archer. Maybe Yolo's guy was right.

What was this about?

Personally I don't think the reasons given for either zero or dan are strong enough to lynch either. Idk why everyone is turning this into a 1v1. I'm also suffering from a bout of severe apathy so bear with me here.

@Prims, why do you think I'm town?

@Eury, why would scum Weapons do what I've done as opposed to town Weapons

@Everyone who commented on it, what is the cost/benefit for scum hammering an RVS wagon ED1?

I seriously have very little reads on everyone, probably due to apathy, but I'm staying in this game because the premise is cool and I may or may not have a cool roleTM.

I agree, I don't think the reasons on Zero/Dan are strong enough to lynch.

Your @Everyone, The cost? Well ending day one early is bad in general, since it cuts off all discussion and some good players might die N1, whent hey could helped us. But that's obvious. Second, an RVS wagon doesn't have very concrete evidence, and we could lose a town power role. Of course, not the end of the world, but power roles are generally helpful.

Looking back at Zero and Dandragon, I don't think either of them did anything too bad to be lynched. However, I don't think we can no lynch, nor should we no lynch. We should lynch the person who will give us the most associative ties to other people to look back on. Buuuttttt, those do seem to be Zero and Dandragon because of all the attention on them lately.

Shin(ori I think?) was mostly pointing to African, which could be an early seed of scum bussing, getting their suspicions out on their partner in order to bus? Just something I'd think about.

For Eclipse, I see her as mainly town, maybe because she's been somewhat leading it? She definitely hasn't done anything to hurt town, at least, not that I picked up on.

Weapons and Eury are both nullish reads, since neither of them have caught my attention much. I didn't like how Weapons seemed to be (If I'm remembering who did what correctly) jumping back and forth and unsure. I'll go read back into those I guess, more reading ughhh and get back to this. Anyway, those are my reads for now. They're not good, but at least they exist now.

People I didn't list are just null reads so far.

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African, do you intend to switch to Dandragon at the end of the day then? I'll jump off the leading wagon when we get enough votes on it and prove my Hammerer claim. I can understand why you'd want confirmation.

Feeling a bit off about Hannah still leaving her vote undecided. We have a little over 6 hours left, you should get on a wagon or pressure someone now.

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Well ninjad again by Hannub. It's supposed to be Yolo's gut read, and was in reference to Gilgamesh showing up and doing absolutely nothing.

If you agree with Weapons that Zero/Dan shouldn't be lynched, who else would you suggest?

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I don't want to lynch anyone, for fear of losing a PR, as I stated. I also don't know what 'pressuring' someone 6 hours before deadline would do.

If anything, I'd prefer a Dandragon lynch to a Zero lynch.

Sooo, I guess I'll hop on the bandwagon! Why? I don't exactly know.

##Vote: Dandragon

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Sorry about dropping, I actually had Tyler visit my house (first time in many months) so I kinda dedicated the weekend to him).

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Shin(ori I think?) was mostly pointing to African, which could be an early seed of scum bussing, getting their suspicions out on their partner in order to bus? Just something I'd think about.


So then I assume you are scum reading both me and Gorf?

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African, do you intend to switch to Dandragon at the end of the day then? I'll jump off the leading wagon when we get enough votes on it and prove my Hammerer claim. I can understand why you'd want confirmation.

Feeling a bit off about Hannah still leaving her vote undecided. We have a little over 6 hours left, you should get on a wagon or pressure someone now.

imma make sure im totally caught up before i affirm an answer, but unless something drastic enough happens to change the course of the Day i have no problem switching to the dan wagon if need be.

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##vote dandragon


gaius if youd be so kind as to remove your vote thatd be swell

also posts like hannah's 196 and parts of her 193 are reeeeally making me understand the case against hannah more and more ._. ... but ultimately i think its more worthwhile to see if her play blooms later in the game when theres more on the table.

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