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I've had sex with: Hanz, Metal Rabbit, MaSu, Lyle, Blacken, and Jyosua.



... DAMN my vagina hurts...

One day I will be up there. Maybe. Not really.

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I have a foot fetish. I'm not obsessed with sex, and currently have no intent to have sex (one of those wait until marriage types), but I LOVE the lasses. I'm a triplet.

Edited by Kintenbo
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mild clinical depression, and self-conscious about it, which is apparently weird

+product of a texan and a canadian.

Edited by Rehab
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I'm extremely flexible; before I even started training my flexibility I could cross my legs around my neck without using my arms in a fully upright seated position.

I shave my armpits (for hygienic reasons, among other things.)

I can rotate both my feet around 180 degrees without major discomfort.

I'm odd. : o

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Yo hablo espanol.

¿De verdad?

- Half the people who knows me hates me; the other half loves me.

- I am skilled at driving. I have, however, serious trouble getting in or out of a car.

- I never kissed a girl until age 15.

- My favourite drink is lime juice. I spend much of my free time drinking diet coke though.

- I'm one of the few males left who wouldn't hit on any hottie I've just met.

- I write with my right hand, but I kick with my left leg. My left arm is also stronger, but less precise.

- I've trained in more than 10 different styles of fighting, with and without weapons. I'm also a quite profficient sharpshooter.

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I studder. (Except when I sing.)

I've never had a grlfriend. (I am NOT gay)

I was born in West Virginia moved to Kenntucky (don't remember it but still) then moved to Pennsylvania and finally to where I am living now in Pennsylvania.

I have a Greatgrandma who is 106. (Ethel Johnson)

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- I like bananas dipped in tomato sauce. No, really. Does anyone remember the old Nickolodeon cartoon called Doug? Yeah, that's where I got that. 8D

- I like shouting 'sex' in wal-marts and MSN chats

- My mother wants me off of the computer right now


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-I've been across the continent but never off it.

-I'm repeatedly told that my eyes are "fucking creepy".

-I jump whenever someone sneezes.

-I am almost never fazed by cold, probably because I was locked out during a snowstorm when I was five.

-The government let me borrow a computer for free, over the course of a year.

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-my longest romantic relationship with anyone was both 1) my first; and 2) with a girl; I was 11 and it lasted 6 months

-my first kiss (mouth-to-mouth, w/ tongue) was with my girlfriend at age 11; my first kiss with a boy was when I was 19 (and not too long ago)

-though lacking in endurance and coordination in most physical activity; I have great reflexes and in such an event like Dodgeball, for example, I tend to be one of the last men standing (however I can't throw for beans)

Edited by Rhaan
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i don't feel the cold, im pretty forgetful and yet i can remember somethings really well (mainly lyrics and stuff), i have been called complicated and yet simple.

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i don't feel the cold, im pretty forgetful and yet i can remember somethings really well (mainly lyrics and stuff), i have been called complicated and yet simple.

I've heard someone be called a stupid genius before. Does that fit the bill?

While I'm here I may as well say what's unusual about me... Just a bit, you would die of old age if you tried before you heard the whole list.

-I can link both of my hands behind my back from different directions, pull them over my head, and then twist my arm so it looks like I'm just clasping hands in front in the end. Hard to describe, but, the moral of this is that I'm flexible.

-I cannot detect sarcasm. It is literally impossible for me, basically every single time.

-A story with a sort of plot goes on in my head whenever I have nothing to do. It's the same story, just going on from where I left off. And no, I didn't write it down.

Mmm... Yeah, this is good for now.

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I wear a jacket that I haven't washed since my junior year in highschool year round. I consider myself a kid even though I'm 18. I've been told I have pretty teeth. I have a child like personality even though I'm more mature than most of my peers. I might start collecting Pokemon cards again.

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I don't really talk unless someone else speaks to me or I ask for anything.

My nickname in high school for my senior year was "Hentai" because I bought some Chobits DVDs at a Game Stop and the clerk said "Ah so you're a fan of the hentai?" and my friends stuck to it.

My teams in Fire Emblem usually end up having about 3 or 4 male characters.

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