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So long, Smash Fanatic


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This is, by a significant and big amount, the strictest board I've ever been on. I actually find the strictness to be suffocating which is why I barely post now. Even AiB and Smashboards, which is full of small children and has laws to follow because they are public businesses, feel much less strict than this place. >_>;

Are you dumb?

Seriously, are you fucking dumb?

I've been warned many times on SF, and every single time I've been warned, I either knew that I would probably get warned for doing what I did and did it anyway for the lulz, or was warned by Jyo, which doesn't really count. It's not hard to avoid warns on SF, it's not even suffocating or infringing on amusement much.

There is a trade off like Interceptor said, and if you knew anything about SF, you would understand why that trade off exists.

So, strict? Possibly, but not massively, and certainly not unreasonably.

Difficult to avoid getting warned on? Not a chance.

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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not even Smashboards and AiB, places with censors and actual laws to abide by due to being businesses and having tons of small children there, make posting images outside of a spam board or posting "I agree" a spam post to be warned for


get the hell outta here with your "SF is super easy to avoid being warned on" nonsense

everywhere is easy to avoid being warned on if you just read the rules

it's just that this place has tons and tons of stupid shit you can get warned for that other places don't have

it's more strict than Smashboards, AiB, FEFF, and FEP

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not even Smashboards and AiB, places with censors and actual laws to abide by due to being businesses and having tons of small children there, make posting images outside of a spam board or posting "I agree" a spam post to be warned for


get the hell outta here with your "SF is super easy to avoid being warned on" nonsense

everywhere is easy to avoid being warned on if you just read the rules

it's just that this place has tons and tons of stupid shit you can get warned for that other places don't have

it's more strict than Smashboards, AiB, FEFF, and FEP

Dude, I've done so much shit on these forums that are warn-worthy and not even I have gotten a warn yet. It's easy to avoid getting warns here.

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not even Smashboards and AiB, places with censors and actual laws to abide by due to being businesses and having tons of small children there, make posting images outside of a spam board or posting "I agree" a spam post to be warned for

Or in other words, those forums have userbases with a huge percentage of socially retarded immature members, making it administratively implausible to keep Eternal September at bay.

Meanwhile, Serenes Forest has carved out a relatively sane portion of the Interwebs by quarantining the cancer into a sandbox subforum, and applying aggressive chemotherapy to keep it from spreading to rest of the site. The process is slow -- evidenced by how you have seven warns, and yet still exist -- but it doesn't harm the host.

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Meanwhile, Serenes Forest has carved out a relatively sane portion of the Interwebs by quarantining the cancer into a sandbox subforum,

They have not made my Tyrant subforum as requested yet. :( So I am still a cancer to the other forums...

Sirius save the children. Won't somebody please think of the children!?

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They have not made my Tyrant subforum as requested yet. :( So I am still a cancer to the other forums...

Sirius save the children. Won't somebody please think of the children!?

Hmm... Dictator School with you as the main teacher.

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it's just that this place has tons and tons of stupid shit you can get warned for that other places don't have

What's ironic is that a few of them were caused by your whining!

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I'm not particularly used to the rules here at SF (at the forum I used to most often frequent, trolling, image macros, and flaming were really rampant, but the community was tight-knit so everyone took it in stride). I got warned once for a graph I made that I thought was pretty funny but didn't please Shuuda. Oh well.

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So I am still a cancer to the other forums...

You are a Tyrant, it's true, but also a benign growth that doesn't require surgery.

I got warned once for a graph I made that I thought was pretty funny but didn't please Shuuda. Oh well.

I remember that, I believe. It was a good example of why the rule needs a "10 hours in MSPaint" exception for creativity.

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not even Smashboards and AiB, places with censors and actual laws to abide by due to being businesses and having tons of small children there, make posting images outside of a spam board or posting "I agree" a spam post to be warned for


get the hell outta here with your "SF is super easy to avoid being warned on" nonsense

everywhere is easy to avoid being warned on if you just read the rules

it's just that this place has tons and tons of stupid shit you can get warned for that other places don't have

it's more strict than Smashboards, AiB, FEFF, and FEP


It's silly to not have a rule against posting nothing but "I agree". Why? Because there's no point. It's one of the single most annoying and dumbshit things people tend to do on the internet. It contributes nothing to discussion. It basically is spam anyway. It's certainly stupid, pointless and annoying.

As for the image macro rules, while I don't fully agree with it, I see the reason it is in place.

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What's ironic is that a few of them were caused by your whining!

To be fair, it didn't help that I "fanned the flames". I still wonder to this day how I am still not warned. Maybe I'm just blind.

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Or in other words, those forums have userbases with a huge percentage of socially retarded immature members, making it administratively implausible to keep Eternal September at bay.

Gfaqs. But only the FE sections.

I'm not particularly used to the rules here at SF (at the forum I used to most often frequent, trolling, image macros, and flaming were really rampant, but the community was tight-knit so everyone took it in stride). I got warned once for a graph I made that I thought was pretty funny but didn't please Shuuda. Oh well.

I honestly can't picture you either trolling or frequenting on flaming, you seem too of a serious guy, and just "I PWN N00BS" at debating.

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This is, by a significant and big amount, the strictest board I've ever been on. I actually find the strictness to be suffocating which is why I barely post now. Even AiB and Smashboards, which is full of small children and has laws to follow because they are public businesses, feel much less strict than this place. >_>;

You know nothing

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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As for the image macro rules, while I don't fully agree with it, I see the reason it is in place.

And even that should be relaxed somewhat if my ticket continues going in the direction it is.

What's also funny is that some of these rules he's complaining about are things I brought up in the first place when I was a staff member. I specifically remember bringing up image macros and one line posts like "This" and "I agree."

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And even that should be relaxed somewhat if my ticket continues going in the direction it is.

What's also funny is that some of these rules he's complaining about are things I brought up in the first place when I was a staff member. I specifically remember bringing up image macros and one line posts like "This" and "I agree."

Were you against people posting "This" and "I agree" or in favour?

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Were you against people posting "This" and "I agree" or in favour?

Against. When I said "I brought them up" I meant that I suggested making the rules against them because they'd been bothering me quite a lot.

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What's ironic is that a few of them were caused by your whining!


I am referring to no image macros and even no emotes outside of the ones specifically on SF, which I got a warning for ROFL!!!, as well as posts agreeing/disagreeing with someone getting warns.

To be fair, it didn't help that I "fanned the flames". I still wonder to this day how I am still not warned. Maybe I'm just blind.

Here's why: bias. I'm not liked or part of the circle of buddies here, so I get warned for looking at you funny or sneezing while the rest of you can do whatever. It's that simple, and it's something that plagued me on Smashboards as well.

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I am referring to no image macros and even no emotes outside of the ones specifically on SF, which I got a warning for ROFL!!!, as well as posts agreeing/disagreeing with someone getting warns.

Image Macro. Should've made a ticket about it like Red Fox did but instead, you go and disregard Tino's verbal warnings. Didn't listen, got the warn.

Here's why: bias. I'm not liked or part of the circle of buddies here, so I get warned for looking at you funny or sneezing while the rest of you can do whatever. It's that simple, and it's something that plagued me on Smashboards as well.

This is hilarious. I've actually hesitated more on your warns (to make sure there's no bias) than I have on warns I've given to Dondon, Bblader, Red Fox as well as some people in my friends list who really only post in FFTF. You've been shown enough mercy, but you show no sign of improvement (other than posting less) and just continue to whine simply because things aren't the way you want and can't face being wrong unless the trio you keep bringing up agrees.

Edited by Speedwagon
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Colonel M just said he had no warns.

That is hilarious given some events last month or so. I wouldn't be surprised to see really small or nonexistent warn logs for him and others that were flamers and trolls not too long ago in some tier list threads.

Emotes are not macros. Macros are larger images with embedded text that are intended for humor. The Kermit emote was simply a small image of Kermit's face about the same size as any emote here with no text. That is not a macro at all. There was and is no rule against posting such a thing, yet I received a warning for posting it.

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Here's why: bias. I'm not liked or part of the circle of buddies here, so I get warned for looking at you funny or sneezing while the rest of you can do whatever. It's that simple, and it's something that plagued me on Smashboards as well.

Go ahead. Continue living in your own little world.

Emotes are not macros. Macros are larger images with embedded text that are intended for humor. The Kermit emote was simply a small image of Kermit's face about the same size as any emote here with no text. That is not a macro at all. There was and is no rule against posting such a thing, yet I received a warning for posting it.


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Colonel M just said he had no warns.

That is hilarious given some events last month or so. I wouldn't be surprised to see really small or nonexistent warn logs for him and others that were flamers and trolls not too long ago in some tier list threads.

Emotes are not macros. Macros are larger images with embedded text that are intended for humor. The Kermit emote was simply a small image of Kermit's face about the same size as any emote here with no text. That is not a macro at all. There was and is no rule against posting such a thing, yet I received a warning for posting it.

Colonel M listens to verbal warnings. You don't.

Most of this was pretty minor and several of them were verbally warned which resulted in my final warning linked to in the opening post of the current FE7 tier list handled by Admiral Lifey. Several of the things you got warned for were minor stuff but if you can't listen after being told what you shouldn't do so many times, there's no reason NOT to add +1s to your warn.

You. were. told. not. to. post. them. You. should. have. posted. a. ticket. like. Red. Fox. did. and. not. disregard. a. mod's. warning. It's not complicated and it's suggested in the rule that Narga warned you for.

Anyway I'm gonna close this since all I can see coming is just warranted flames and it's repetitive to tell someone the exact same thing worded differently several times.

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You. were. told. not. to. post. them. You. should. have. posted. a. ticket. like. Red. Fox. did. and. not. disregard. a. mod's. warning. It's not complicated and it's suggested in the rule that Narga warned you for.

Just to say, you warned him for not learning from Tino's earlier warning to stop with the kermit. I warned him for violating the quite literal interpretation of a different rule. That may have been what you were alluding to, though.

Oh, and since nobody said it:

What's ironic is that a few of them were caused by your whining!


I am referring to no image macros and even no emotes outside of the ones specifically on SF, which I got a warning for ROFL!!!, as well as posts agreeing/disagreeing with someone getting warns.

Yeah, and she's referring to the whole "don't call Inui 'Horio'" unwritten rule we now have because you made a report every single time you saw someone do it rather than just live with it. And so, when you said

it's just that this place has tons and tons of stupid shit you can get warned for that other places don't have

and it's clearly her opinion that getting warned for calling you a different name is stupid, it's only logical that she'd state that you are responsible for adding something to get warned about. Just like to you it's stupid to get warned for repeatedly doing something the mods have already specifically told you not to do and then blatantly violating a different rule soon afterwards. I ask you to think about which one is a more logical thing to get warned over? Using a different name when talking to someone, or what you've done?

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