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Draft Link Arena #01 (PoR Maximum Stats)


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Round 1

Randa vs. PKL (complete)

Elieson vs. Athena (complete)

Final match

PKL vs. Elieson

Third place

Randa vs. Athena

An experiment mixing elements of FE drafting and the FE Link Arena.

1. The draft is for 4 people.

2. The format of the draft is Link Arena battling with the same procedure as that of the other Link Arena battles linked to above.

3. It is very highly suggested that you are familiar with the rules of the Link Arena before you take part.

4. Drafters take turns choosing units from the Maximum stats meta (spoilered) under the FE9 resources section. All characters besides Ena can be chosen, for a total of 45 selectable characters, 5 per person. The unit picking is reversed after the first 8 characters have been chosen, with Player 4 choosing character 8 followed by 9, Player 3 choosing character number 10 and so forth until all 4 players have 5 characters each.

5. With complete 5-(wo)man(/beast) teams, players fight each other in Link Arena battles to decide the victor. The winners of the first two games then face each other.

6. Usual rules and mechanics of PoR and PoR Maximum stats apply, plus the following: no stat boosters/bands, no custom skills, Laguz gauge receives a +4 boost prior to the beginning of the match, Provoke is never active, Shade is active until two allies are KO'd, Reyson can be used for healing but not dancing, Roar can be used once per match and uses up the player's turn.

7. Hosts are Espinosa, Elieson and others depending on situation.


1. Randa - Mordecai, Nepenthe, Largo, Devdan, Mia

2. PKL - Tibarn, Boyd, Mist, Rolf, Brom

3. Athena - Giffca, Ilyana, Gatrie, Lucia, Janaff

4. Elieson - Ike, Oscar, Soren, Kieran, Stephen Wilton


5. Terrador

Units to be selected










I think this is it, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong or neglected to mention something important. This should be really fun.

Edited by Espinosa
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I'll sign up for it. Who gone moderate the matches?

Me and any of the multiple other available hosts not playing at the same time (advisable really; if it happens in a separate thread it should be fine I should think). I would like to set an example for the format by hosting the first game however.

Adding you as Player 1.

Once we have four participants, we begin choosing characters. No limitations on Laguz royals will be present, though you still have only one Laguz Band.

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Ill second this

Set me as a Co-Op, espi. I've got a lot of comfort with PoR mechanics now that I tinkered in actually hosting a match.

Edited by Elieson
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Oh shoot, I was gonna...

F*ck it, I'm going to Disney in two days. I shouldn't be worrying about hosting a match while I vacation for ny daughter's birthday. Participation, hoooo

Edited by Elieson
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The draft order is the same as the signup order?

Wow, I've never seen that happen before.

What is it usually like? I guess we'll stick to this for now.

Elieson, are you playing? I'm fine with hosting all three games. Your match can wait until whenever you are available too.

Edited by Espinosa
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Draft order is usually randomized, Espinosa.

And, if y'all are willing to give me a day to familiarize myself with the material: IN.

E: FUCK, ninja'd.


Edited by Terrador
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Usually it gets randomized through random.org.

If it is randomized though, then it's really hilarious that it's the same as signups.

Okay, we'll go about it differently next time we do this.

I think it's not nearly as topical that you get the best picks before all others though? Compare picking Allen or Thany in a FE6 draft and picking anybody in the highly balanced Fe9 max stats meta.

Draft order is usually randomized, Espinosa.

And, if y'all are willing to give me a day to familiarize myself with the material: IN.

E: FUCK, ninja'd.


I think we could do a nifty little thing and have the subs continue picking units after the initial 4 players have completed their teams, in a very different environment with less than perfectly viable units, and then subs face each other.


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So how many players are you ultimately looking for? 9 so that the whole roster is selected? I could play, but keep in mind I'm not as experienced, if you want to see how lower-tier units perform.

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So how many players are you ultimately looking for? 9 so that the whole roster is selected? I could play, but keep in mind I'm not as experienced, if you want to see how lower-tier units perform.

4 for the higher-tiers part (we're not exactly even sure which units are better than others in max stats yet, whereas it's more or less clear in the averages meta where we played more matches than anywhere else so far) and maybe 2 or another 4 spots for the leftovers, among which there are some worthwhile characters regardless. The lower-tiers thing would happen once the drafting for the top 20 is done (which may or may not represent who is actually good btw; personally I don't see much appeal in Mordecai but that was Randa's #1 pick) and may not even happen if there's no demand for that. Still, would be cool.

The only guy who clearly stinks out of 45 is Sothe. I guess Volke too, but not nearly as much. No idea how Volke would fight, say, Rhys or something.

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