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Why is your favorite Fire Emblem game, your favorite Fire Emblem game?


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Personally, FE7 holds a place in my heart head as the introductory game for me into the Fire Emblem series. I spent a lot of time playing as efficiently as an uninformed teen could, and got those shiny green numbers that made me feel like I had achieved perfection. Canas and Florina stuck out to me as unique characters, and I really hadn't played another game with characterization and this type of playstyle. I've always been a pretty heavy practitioner of the older Shining Force games, so the resemblances were what sucked me in, but after playing everything from 6-13, I've just enjoyed the general balance that the game seems to have, and the lack of skills that the game tries to balance itself around.

FE6 doesn't come across as a game designed around balance. For a series which throws units at you left and right, it's not easy to burst through the game using units that the game hands you at the start, and that surprises me. I'd expect a FE game to reward the efforts of the earlier cast with higher growths, but trash like Ellen and Wolt just discouraged me from wanting to utilize so much of the cast. To beat the game feels good, but to just casually play it, I can't really enjoy it

FE8 feels too short, and the postgame makes me feel like I'm never quite there when it comes to maximizing efforts.

FE9 well, despite being a good game, was never a game I played on the console one that just seemed so much slower with the map animations and battle animations taking too long to practically play around, and Ike himself never really standing out to me as a character I could enjoy playing as.

FE10 was just poorly designed IMO, and initial playthroughs punishing me for not using certain characters, and using others, just seems unfair (I'm looking at you 3-13).

FE11 is a nice throwback, but the lack of characterization in pretty much any manner just seems like a waste, when the game threw so much onto the table in terms of unit customization. I also feel as though units get sandbagged even in easier modes (Dolph/Macellan please)

FE12...if it was a good game it would've been released stateside NA bias I didn't like the customization process for MU, I didn't like the Katarina subplot, and I didn't like the shuffling of units in early game just to lose them and get them back lategame. I know it's a remake, but it still felt pretty bland to me overall

FE13 was fun and all, but I view it more as the Final Fantasy 1 of Fire Emblem; the game intended to spark a new future in a series that could really go places. While I don't necessarily love its time travel based plot and easy overpowering of units, I did like the efforts put into the game design as a whole.

Well that's my general synopsis.

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I personally like FE6 because of its varied characters and their interesting backstories that alot of people don't see due to its odd support mechanic, but regardless. I have a blast playing through the game again and again.

I find Zephiel to be an interesting villain, the game is mechanically sound, providing various character choices for every class. Be they optimal or not.

Giving you access to legendary weapons that you can use at your own free will instead of LOLENDGAMEONLY.

The Various traps the game throws at you via trap chests. ambushes, and the map design I just absolutely adore.

Interesting recruitment lines, (see Cath) which actually play into character personality is also a cool little feature despite the payoff being eh, but I still have fun with 100% recruitment. There being two split paths, effected by different things add replay value.

I've used every character at least once and only two other FE's I can say that in and thats 9 and 4.

The balance isn't the best, but at the same time. FE hasn't really ever been balanced, also bows being pretty handy is nice.

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Ehh. I guess it's... some of the weapons? The legendaries. You can use them at your leisure, but if you're patient enough to keep them, you get some bonus content in the endgame. ALSO I AM IN LOVE WITH APOCALYPSE

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I think about these games in categories, like story, characters, gameplay, etc. and I think that different games in the series are the best in different areas, but I think that Sacred Stones is highest across the board. Games that are really good in some areas kind of flop in others (ie: FE3 has an amazing story but poor gameplay, Radiant Dawn has good gameplay but mediocre story and characterization, Awakening has great characters but a poor story, etc.)

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I love FE9 for it's story. Seeing Ike grow up from a simple mercenary to general and savior of Crimea felt complete and quite believable as far fantasy stories go. I also feel that the side characters are much more fleshed out than in other FE games. Most of the characters actually feel like they could be real people and multidimensional. I loved the racial rift between the beorc and laguz and the entire political scene of Tellius in general. Ashnard is also one hell of a villain. While the game is easy, even on it's difficult setting, the gameplay is flexible, and the units are reasonably balanced. Skills returning is great, though the sequel does handle it better. Supports are far less tedious than previous games, and bonus exp helps you boost units who are having a bit of trouble. Overall, it has almost everything I could ever want in an FE game. But seriously, who thought that biorhythm would be a good idea?

FE4 is also great. Mechanically, it is the most interesting entry in the series. You can have completely different experiences in the second generation depending on your pairings, which makes it very replayable. The story is very political, and I love how well the world map matches up the chapter maps; you are literally conquering countries, which is cool. I enjoy a lot of the first generation characters, such as Sigurd, Lachesis, and Levin, but unfortunately most second generation characters don't have much of a personality. However, while not every character gets a lot of dialogue or development, each character feels unique because of the mechanics. Each character has their weapons, their gold, their lover, and a unique set of skills, all of which individualizes them and sets them apart from one another. Yes, maps are long and character balance is thrown out the window, still more balanced than FE10, but it is still a very fun experience.

Edited by Zvarri!
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I can't say Path of Radiance is my perfect FE game, but when combining all elements PoR does the best overall imo.

Then there are more specific things I just love about the game.

The story, the characters, the world, I love how it's all told and how so many characters have so much personality and even development for some relatively minor characters, even without getting into supports and it never feels too crowded or rushed, and there are just too many characters I like in this game. If I could somehow use everyone I would.

I agree that the game is too easy and I wish the NA version kept maniac mode, but I have a lot of fun playing anyway. The animations can get slow on repeated playthroughs, and not being able to see dmg hit and crit in battle is stupid, but personally I find it easy to look past that. Also while this isn't PoR exclusive, I appreciate how even the worst units can be used relatively easily in comparison to other games.

I find that people don't talk about the soundtrack much, but I love that too.

Edited by SecondWorld
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I love RD for its ambition which IMO mostly pays off. The story gets criticized here quite a bit but I think, overall, it's good. The only parts I really dislike are late in the game, and even then I would hardly say they ruin the story. The characters are awesome, and some get really interesting development especially building off of PoR. Unfortunately the new characters suffer since there's a limited support system, but when there's such a huge cast it doesn't bother me too much.

Gameplay wise, it has the best skill system IMO, and I enjoy controlling the different groups. It builds off of its predecessors to have probably the most varied and fun maps of the (localized) series.

I do think some games do certain things better, but overall it has my favourite story and is the most fun for me.

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"Why is your favorite Fire Emblem game, your favorite Fire Emblem game?"

>OP proceeds to give his opinion on every FE he's played. (not that there is anything wrong with it, just lol)

Radiant Dawn is my favorite Fire Emblem because I felt like it perfected the formula in many ways, allowed me to use many characters out of a huge cast, and kept me in with its story all the way to the end.

FE11>FE12( from what I have played)>FE 13 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FE4 (one of the most boring games i've ever played, can't stand it sorry FE4 fans)

How about instead you try to actually answer the topic?
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"Why is your favorite Fire Emblem game, your favorite Fire Emblem game?"

>OP proceeds to give his opinion on every FE he's played. (not that there is anything wrong with it, just lol)

Radiant Dawn is my favorite Fire Emblem because I felt like it perfected the formula in many ways, allowed me to use many characters out of a huge cast, and kept me in with its story all the way to the end.

How about instead you try to actually answer the topic?

okay yeah sorry I misread the title and read "why" as what" (meaning that I thought he typoed the title)

FE11: Enjoy it's simplicity and I feel it's more faster paced than awakening. Idk it's hard to explain why

FE12: although a little more complex it's still incredibly fun. I like how the units seem to have better growths. Map design isn't the best though.

FE 13: It's okay I guess. Map design isn't my favourite and don't really enjoy it like I do the DS games for some reason. They just feel more fun.

FE4: eh sorry overall I just feel the incredibly slow pace of the game isn't for me. Killing one unit took forever and it got boring when sigurd could pretty much kill everything instantly while for the other it took like three hits. I've tried like three times and can't bring myself to get past the prologue.

Edited by Junk
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I like FE12 because it's the perfect Fire Emblem game for me.

It features my favorite lord and my favorite story from Archanea- including the assassin subplot- and it's pretty close in style to my first FE, Shadow Dragon, while improving it in my opinion. I love the conflict with Hardin and the way Marth deals with it over the course of the game, and the gameplay features both all the conveniences I'm used to and what is in my opinion a pretty good difficulty curve. Some of the earlier maps feature a good integration of gameplay and story in terms of pressure, and I'm also glad that Lunatic and Lunatic Reverse exist to feed my inner masochist when I actually have time to play them.

I will admit that Kris is annoying, but he/she isn't too obtrusive to me aside from a few moments and did give IS an excuse to flesh out characters I had grown to love from Shadow Dragon. He/she also made Robin more palatable, so I guess that's a plus? The supports in FE12 aren't perfect but I enjoyed the hell out of them, and because of this it just felt like a huge step up from 11 (which I still enjoy btw). The pace of gameplay is nice too- after playing Gaiden and FE1 for the first time, I now have a great appreciation for how much faster the DSFEs are, lol.

The amount of dragons I get to have Marth brutally murder fight is a HUGE plus to me, as well as the fact that it's a bit easier to let Marth kill Medeus even on the harder difficulties (favoritism is key). I love the music as well; Forbidden Sanctuary is legitimately one of my favorite songs of all time and Reign of Despair is a great boss theme. I also owe the game for reinvigorating my love for the series as a whole and getting me into some of the other great games the franchise has to offer.

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Radiant Dawn is my favorite Fire Emblem because I felt like it perfected the formula in many ways, allowed me to use many characters out of a huge cast, and kept me in with its story all the way to the end.

This. It's become kind of difficult for me to play other FE games that don't have this game's formula/mechanics.

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FE10 was my first and is still my favorite FE game for these reasons:

  • largest variety of game mechanics
  • large variety of different missons types (only FE9 has more with arrive)
  • largest number of chapters in the main story
  • difficulty of the DB chapters in hard mode is perfect for me
  • great story (yeah I like the story in FE10!)
  • best battle animations
  • great soundtrack
  • my favorite characters
Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Radiant Dawn's parts system and general story break the traditional FE formula in a way I found interesting. I also find that the game's difficulty on Hard is at a nice level. The parts system helps most characters have some use, even if it has some weird balance issues of its own. It has nice animations and music and good map variety.

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Torn between the two Elibe games.

6 has a ton of playable characters to choose from, a genuinely threatening hard mode, perfectly-implemented legendary weapons, buyable boots, and Trial Maps really contribute to replayability.

7 has exceptionally creative map design, a great rankings system, a well-balanced cast with few useless characters, the largest variety of mission objectives within the series, and a healthy selection of difficulty options.

I'll give 8 some love as well. The strongest cast of characters, the best spritework, the best postgame, a concise and effective tutorial, a tremendous score, and a well-executed branching promotion system. Held back by a number of flaws, notably its lack of difficulty and ho-hum map design, but it deserves more praise than it gets.

I'll give the nod to 7, but it depends on my mood. If I could answer "the GBA era," I would.

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FE3 does have elements that genuinely would facilitate calling it my favorite (a narrative untainted by FE12's bad decisions, the weight system, universal caps of 20, dismounting, the aesthetics, Book 2's OST, etc.), but the primary reason why it's listed as such is because I can't for the life of me decide whether I like FE11 or FE12 the most. As FE3 includes its own versions of both the initial games, it serves as a compromise/placeholder well enough.

As for FE11/12, the new highest difficulty settings, reclassing, contributions to the initial games' stories and so on and so forth make them my preferred FE games. My major complaints are that FE11 could have added more to the narrative, and that FE12 added much that should never have been added.

All in all, I really have a preference leaning towards the Akaneia games.

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Path of Radiance is not a game without faults, but I feel that as a concise, wholesome product of a game it does not make any glaring mistakes that lower my opinion of it. This is the main reason, it's just all round incredibly solid, wheras most of the other games have things I like and some other things I really rather dislike.

The narrative is fantastic, and successfully implements a lot of subtext about racism/prejudice, patriotism/nationalism, egalitarianism into the standard Fire Emblem fare of "fighting the evil empire" (which gets turned on it's head anyway pretty poignantly). It also has the most attention given to side characters in meaningful ways within the series bar none. Other games (in particular Awakening) have a lot of supports but those supports and characters exist in a support bubble that's basically outside of the main driving narrative of the game and often have little to no connection to what is actually going on. Base conversations help to keep side characters involved in the current affairs of the plot, and PoR's supports in a bunch of cases are very carefully integrated so as to mean that characters can comment on recent events due to support timings coinciding with points in the story. Take for example, Mist or Lethe's A support with Jill that can only trigger after her father is confronted when the army is assaulting Daein, or Soren's supports with Ike coinciding with Soren discovering he is branded by researching in Sienne's libraries. The supports in this game can even adjust themselves depending on whether particular characters are alive or not! Even in main story dialogue many of the side characters often have things to say to Ike because of how closely connected he is to them as a leader and extended family compared to contemporary Lords throughout the series. Many of the antagonists (even minor ones) also get a fairly large amount of screentime, which is a large improvement over the abundance of nearly entirely generic bosses in other FE games.

Mechanically speaking, the game is rather easy even on Hard, and notably can be broken in two handily by dumping BEXP into particular units, but I don't personally view this in any different a light than how one can completely trivialise many other FE games by doing the same thing in combat. PoR simply removes the grinding aspect. I won't claim that BEXP could not have been implemented with greater care, but I just don't see it as a huge point against the game due to how prevelant game breaking strategies are within the series. The difficulty is rather low even ignoring that, but whilst I enjoy difficult Fire Emblem games, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy an easier game. The removal of Maniac was also a point against the localisation team, and I don't believe the game itself should be held to account there. I have yet to play Maniac but my understanding is that it's fairly challenging, so I think criticisms about the game's ease aren't entirely justified (although reasonable). Skills are interesting and fairly well implemented, and help to distinguish characters from one another.

The game is heavily biased towards mounts, but infantry units are far from being outright bad or difficult to use, so whilst there is a notable gap in strength, there is not a significant gap in long term usability. Whilst Titania is obscenely powerful, I feel her strength is implemented well into the game, as although she can't feed kills to other units like FE6 Marcus can, her storming ahead secures you lots of BEXP via fast clears for your other characters. I think many of the early maps are also designed around utilising Titania aggressively, where she essentially handles an entire flank by herself whilst your other units work together on the rest of the map, and there are quite a few anti cavalry weapons she has to also watch out for (although much less so in localised PoR because they changed effectiveness formula again...).

Returning to the BEXP point, I think it's great the game incentivises faster clears, even to players who naturally feel as if they would rather rout a map to get as much EXP as possible, since in many cases the extra BEXP is more valuable than the combat exp. PoR also has a lot of varied map layouts and objectives, and a wealth of unique extra subobjectives that also reward you with BEXP (such as the stealth route in chapter 10 or the pacifist route in chapter 15, or the shove mini puzzle in chapter 22). There is a recurring trend of a connection of narrative and gameplay on many of these maps too, such as in 17-3 where Ike is carrying Leanne the whole time.

I also think the music is fantastic, some of the strongest in the series. The map animations are basically the only thing I can really say I view as a problem with the game, since they do make it drag, but I find that such a minor complaint in the grand scheme of an incredibly well put together game that is simply consistently strong. I think that there are definitely aspects of other FE games that I like more than FE9, in fact, almost every other game in the series I could probably list a thing I think is better than FE9, but FE9 just brings everything together into such a great package that I have to put it as my favourite.

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FE4 and FE5?

I like them because of the scale the risks the stakes the mechanics the pairings in gen 1 the story being decent the game not feeling slow like fe9 (fuck you map animations) the characters etc.

they just feel like one big epic which I enjoy playing

Now for the rest of my favs:

Number 3#:FE10 while it has critical flaws I cant ignore anymore thats why it just went down and down on my favorites ever since I started playing it more like the aviabillity problem the writing in part 4 and late part 3 punishing me for not using certin characters in part 3 not very intersting new characters added but the core gameplay is still very solid and I do enjoy playing the game alot.

Number2#:FE12 I love this game even if MU is a bland son of a bitch I like him more then FE:A MU because he isnt special the crusader that saved us all we cant do nothing without him he is a normal human being hence why he/she didnt get a special class to them. And the fact that while still being loyal to its original game it wasnt too loyal like FE11

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Red Fox pretty much summed up why I love RD the most (followed by PoR). Tellius just has the best story, world, mechanics, and the best lord by far too! Ike is such a lovable guy! <3 He also got omg HOT in RD too, those muscles and dat face! Heck Tellius also has the best character designs overall too. I wish IS would get that artist back.

It isn't without its flaws (boring starting party and bad support system in RD, wtf some of the character endings and so few paired endings, story falls a bit at Part 4), but it's the closest to perfect that FE has gotten, imo.

Edited by Anacybele
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FE5. But I honestly can't explain why, exactly. Maybe because it's so different, and lets you beat maps in so many different ways that I like it. Even with all of its flaws and trolling, I love to play it again and again, and it's great that scrolls basically make any character viable. The cast is interesting, too. And it has Mareeta.

FE10 would probably be my favorite if Ike wasn't such a boring Lord. Unpopular opinion: The Dawn Brigade chapters are my favorite maps in FE10.

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lol at Jave for saying FE5 is his favorite, but listing FE10 as his favorite in his profile.

I didn't mention because i was sleepy but FE7's multiple ranks system was a feature that I wish existed in more FE games.

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