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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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gdi Marth

stop that

also: I would actually support a BBM wagon, details soon

I think BBM is town, so I won't support it, but once again I have no say whatsoever

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- Helios is kinda giving off the "I have my opinions but I'm being slightly vague about them" which is iffy

Well, I'm not saying it's good, but people did vote for him when he expressed opinions, so there's that.

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Dammit, I lost my post. Looks like I won't get to do what I was planning on doing IRL.

Kay's recent interactions have been justifying her scum reads (which is something I wanted), and an opinion on Psych. Whatever Kay has completely beats out mafia meta, which makes me very uneasy. How is the town supposed to know what the hell the mafia's up to? Your logic for thinking I'm "slightly scummy" is terrible, because saying someone is scummy and voting someone else for not-scummy reasons is scummy (which is what Blitz did).

Wasn't too sold on a BBM lynch yesterday, but the load of questions since yesterday moved him to "lynch right before Kay." The last player slot that worries me is the one responsible for this indecisive post, and this one.

##Vote: Helios

Mafia meta and speculation during D1 is beyond pointless.

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more thoughts (and why BBM is pinging my scumdar)

Also, although Mancer's posts haven't really improved, his latest ones have had a... sincerity? to them that makes me think he's prooobably not scum.



"hi I'm mafia and I'm going to fake sincerity/I'm going to be completely sincere but I'm still trying to hide being scummy"

*end hypothetical*

this reasoning for the Mancer unvote is really weak

also the use of the word "probably" is one that I also really like; it's a copout that allows you to flipflop on your opinions.

I don't see where Helios/Elie are getting that my reads are waffly. Maybe I have too many of them, but I've never second guessed any of them other than to say that some of them are sick/busy and to say that I'm not 100% sure that they are scum. And if that's waffling, so be it.

actually here's my problem; you aren't pushing them at all. it's passive-aggressive filler threat which doesn't actually contribute anything

Also I don't understand your point about me pointing out contradictions and then sitting on my ass at all- what am I supposed to do other than point them out and say I think they're scummy? I can only vote for one person at a time.

back to this, but looking at a little more this time. this is the problem; you aren't pushing your scumreads to slip by aiming pressure in their direction. votes aren't completely everything, you know

and again, passive aggressive threat in that last line which I've noticed is a subtle scumtell in some players

in general I'm also not getting townie!BBM tone from his posts. they read (tip: voice in my head) wrong to me.

-back on Paper for a sec to elaborate on my earlier comment. contrary to what I said here, his posts aren't actually that bad and my memory is awful

-Boron/Excellen playerslot wasn't the absolute best early, but isn't that bad right now

-not adverse to a Helios lynch because of kinda similar reasons to BBM (not pushing scumreads, feels like he's coasting a little)


##Vote: BBM

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gg Blitz, click on that post I linked (the first one).

now why would I have to vote for someone who already has some pressure on him/her, the point is to get reactions by applying pressure

once again, too bad I can't continue

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holy god this post from Helios is bad

thanks for bringing this to my attention

let me explain. Helios just used a major WIFOM to slide around a Mancer townread. hey guess what? that's awful justification.

also this post tone reads awful to me (like general BBM tone this game)

yeah definitely not opposed to a Helios lynch either right now

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now why would I have to vote for someone who already has some pressure on him/her, the point is to get reactions by applying pressure

once again, too bad I can't continue

I'll have to disagree with you there, but this isn't helping to find scum.

My lynch priorities are Helios/BBM/Kay/Meesh, for reasons explained earlier.

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And I know Mancer's been crazy scummy and I'd be willing to lynch him bc even if he's being plain n00bishly scummy rather than n00bscum scummy, one good way to learn what not to do is to find out the hard way that it gets you lynched.

BUT personally at the moment I don't think of Mancer as scum, and I like a Helios lynch better so I'm gonna put my vote back where it was before.

looking through clipsey's post again and I remember seeing this earlier and I was going to say something about it but I got lazy/was studying I don't remember

this entire part of the post literally confused me

- makes statement about Mancer's being scummy

- says he isn't scum

- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

- how does that even work, pls explain

the rest of meesh's posts are alright enough (besides the textwall I didn't read >_>) so she isn't a major priority for lunching right now but noting this for later

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looking through clipsey's post again and I remember seeing this earlier and I was going to say something about it but I got lazy/was studying I don't remember

this entire part of the post literally confused me

- makes statement about Mancer's being scummy

- says he isn't scum

- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

- how does that even work, pls explain

the rest of meesh's posts are alright enough (besides the textwall I didn't read >_>) so she isn't a major priority for lunching right now but noting this for later

Sounds to me like:

-Mancer has done things that are legitimately suspicious, and it would be reasonable to lynch him

-BUT doesn't actually think Mancer is that likely to be mafia

-thinks Mancer would be an acceptable lynch, but Helios is more likely to be mafia and therefore it would be better to lynch him

I don't really see a huge contradiction in that post, it looks a tiny bit waffly but I think it's just unclear.

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need some Kaypinions on current/preferred wagons stat

got any?

From best lynch to worst:

BBM looks noncommittal but talky and hasn't done anything particularly townish IIRC.

Wouldn't be opposed to a Mancer lynch because while I don't think he's obvscum, I do have a worse than neutral read on him, and it would be more useful info-wise than some things.

Helios looks a bit worse to me now that Eclipse pointed out that post of his but his other posts seem okay and I still think he's not that suspicious.

Not sure where people are getting a case on Meesh from.

Obviously I don't wanna lynch myself.

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here's some easy to read votals:

Psych: Rein/Prims

Mancer: Excellen

Helios: BBM/Paper/Meesh/eclipse

BBM: Helios/Manix

Excellen: SEG

eclipse: Shinori

for all people are saying Kay are scummy, she still doesn't have a single vote right now ;/

also interesting is that Helios and BBM have been at each others throats for quite some time

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Decided to ISO meesh(which I have not done up till now) and updated my scum tier list accordingly.

[spoiler=meeshed post analysis]

#1: RVS shinori vote

#2: Neat explanation against attacks made by Shinori

#3: Further discussion and self explanaining in reaction to shinori, though this time there's some thinly veiled attacks on him thrown in to the mix

#4: Basic gameplay advice, other superficial stuff

#5: Big post dedicated of further defensive play in response to whatever Shinori says.

#6: fluff

#7: fluff

#8: Helios vote post. First post so far that stands out as pro town play.

Gameplay summary: Meesh's earlygame is remarkably thin, now that I look at it. I don't think the Shinori stuff is horrible, but it's not good either. All in all I'm not getting a malintent vibe but all things considered I definitely can't call her obvtown either.

which brings me to update my list:

Can't lynch I claimed olol:













Meeshed Potatoes

lynches I might come around to support:

Helios **


Lynches I will support:


** I consider Helios's recent string of posts to be on the town side, currently torn between placing him in neutral and leaving him where he is.

All in all I´m not seeing a reason to move my vote.

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