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Rate The Parent Day Five: Sully


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Fair enough. Lifetaker would arguably work about as well as Aether. And since both of them are mutually exclusive with Galeforce, she's gonna need someone to Rescue her if she's in enemy territory. I'd still give the slight nod to Aether for the chance to activate on enemy phase, but that is simply down to a playstyle preference. I'll concede it isn't enough of an advantage to warrant a tie-break.

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And that's that. I'll add Chrom up in a bit. Moving on.

Day Two: Male Avatar and Female Avatar

Male Avatar

The best parent in the game, bar none. He can't pass down Galeforce, but he has absolutely tons of wives who can, many of whom also produce two kids. The ability to choose stats at game creation allows for optimum powergaming and the freedom to pass down something apart from Galeforce is great. Since magic dominates in this game from the get-go and only get's better, having children with high speed and/or Magic is great. Can also get Aether on Morgan, though since this produces only a single uber-child, it's usefulness is questionable. Can also produce super tanks, particularly with Nowi and Nah (Nah being one of the few second gens that you could make a case for marrying from a power perspective). Fear their ridiculous defence

There's a few flaws here, but since he's ultimately the best in the game, if anyone deserves a 10/10, it's him.

No Bias: 10/10

Bias: 10/10 (10 is the max)

Female Avatar

Much of what I said for the Male Avatar applies to the Female, with a few exceptions. She can pass down Galeforce. That's great. Unfortunately, it kind of locks you down in what you're going to pass on. But Galeforce is good enough that that's not a huge issue. What is an issue is her limited marriage pool. She can only marry Chrom for two kids, and while he's not bad, his stats lean towards low Defence and higher Strength. And Magic trumps physical power 90% of the time in this game.

Definitely the second best parent in the game, but there's a noticeable gap between her and her male counterpart.

No Bias: 9.4/10

Bias: 9.4/10

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Male Avatar: 10/10

He's great for everything. Want his children to have high strength? Give him strength as his asset and pair him with a mother that doesn't have a negative strength modifier. Want magical children? Give him magic as his asset. He is the best parent for every child, but some want him more than others. Pair him with a Gen 2 for an uber powerful child, but I'd argue two super children are better than on uber powerful child.

Female Avatar: 9/10

Same as Male Avatar, except she can only have two children if paired with Chrom.

Edited by Kamina
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Simi-customizable Stats and can be paired with anyone, any class you could possibly want, what more can you want

Both: 10/10 (without Bias)

-1 Bias for being too Broken

Both: 9/10 (with Bias)

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I'm afraid I don't have a truly original argument here now, but here goes:

Male!Avatar is bar none, an amazing father. His customization means you can mold him in anything you want, and therefore pass down some amazing modifers depending on what you picked. He makes certain kids unparalled in their badassery, and REALLY helps out some whose mothers provide less-than-desirable bases, such as Lissa, Maribelle, Olivia, Tharja and Miriel. While admittingly, the slew of male-only skills are a bit subpar, that can quickly be made up for by passing down practically anything else. Plus, if you marry a wife who has another canon child, you now TWO children who can access practically any class, and therefore any skill. Prepare for some second generation world domination.

The Female!Avatar is basically the same thing, except the downside of only being able to have one child unless you marry Chrom, which we've already discussed HIS issues, however, the fact that she can provide Dual Support+, Lancefaire and the oh-so-infamous Galeforce is quite nice, and considering how good the Female!Avatar is, Morgan doesn't get hindered no matter who you marry - the main problem is that those gender-locked skills are really the only things you can pass down to Morgan, so if you want him to get a particular skill for him, either hope his father can pass it or he has to work for it.

So, scores.

10/10 for Male.

9.5./10 for Female.

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Male Avatar- What more could you ask? Two god-tier children if you marry first-gen (except Say'ri, Aversa, Emmeryn, Flavia and Tiki) who can access (almost) every class, and have very powerful stats. Plus he's my OTP for Nowi. Overall best father.


Female Avatar- Similar to male avatar only she can only have one god-tier child unless you marry Chrom. She can potientially pass down Galeforce to her son, Morgan. Overall best mother.


+.5 bias because avatar is awesome.

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Personally, I'm not sure if there's even a point to rating Avatar but why not. I'll do it.

Only character in the game who gives any child access to everything. Only real difference between the male and the female is that the male can have 2 Morgans,(unless you marry Chrom as a woman) but the female can breed for a high stat Morgan with both Galeforce and Aggressor. Lon'qu!Laurent!Morgan and Lon'qu!Yarne!Morgan are the stuff of nightmares, as are double Manakete Morgans, double Sorcerer Morgans, Dark Flier + Sage Morgan pair, and a million other possibilities. Except maybe double Taguel Morgans, but there's probably a place for it somewhere.


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10/10 for both

I reeeaallly don't think I have to explain this.

+Gives almost every class in the game

+Customizable modifiers

+Can potentially have two children


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MU: 10/10. Almost every class in the game, two children most of the time, customisable modifiers.

FeMu: 9/10. (10/10 with bias). While you can't get two children unless you marry Chrom, she's still great.

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10/10 for Male!MU for having the potential to create two super kids.

9.5/10 for Female!MU, since although only Male!Morgan will result, he'll still be motherfuckingly powerful.

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Male Avatar- Can give all children bar Lucina access to all classes, can create two god children, customizable modifiers.


Female Avatar- 9/10 Still amazing, still disappointing you must marry Chrom if you want two god Children.

So pretty much what everyone else said reiterated.

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You should put this image in the first post.

Male MU is too OP.

Can have two kids more often than FeMU.


9/10 for FeMU because negative bias on rabid Chrom fangirl self-insert shipping.

...I'd ship MaMu x FeMU.


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Male Avatar


+ Can marry a lot of kid-bearing females, thus ensuring that you have 2 "Morgans", and maybe even of different genders.

+ Alternatively, can marry the only unit who passes down Shadowgift, if you care about that, as well as the only units who can pass down Aether to Morgan, if you care about that as well.

+ Literally no weaknesses as a father. Male Avatar is literally the best parent awailable, and his huge amount of Supports ensure that he will never get screwed out of his girl.

+ Is free to pass down whatever skill he wants to his kid, though a male-exclusive one is preferred for Morgan, as she can't get it otherwise.


Absolutely nothing...

Female Avatar


+ Can marry Chrom to make the best Lucina, and get a unique skill for Morgan, as well as having two "Morgans" of different genders.

+ Alternatively, can marry the only unit who passes down Conquest, or the only units who can pass down Rightful King if you play your cards right, if you care about that.

+ Can give Galeforce to Morgan.

+ Chrom's bland modifiers allow your genes to decide what your children will become.

+ Having only one pairing that gives two kids can be seen as freeing her to marry whoever she wants, since the bland modifiers mean that Lucina may want a sibling other than Morgan.

+ Second-best parent, and her large amount of Support options means that she won't be screwed out of her boy.


- The only pairing that gives F!Avatar two kids is a pairing where the father gives bland modifiers. While this allows you to decide what your children can become by going from your genes, it's a far cry from Male Avatar's options of giving his kids great skills AND great stats.

- Is kind of locked into giving Galeforce to Morgan, since no other female-exclusive skill compares.

- Having only one pairing that gives two kids can also be seen as locking her down to either that or a second-gen romance, for a possible third-gen Morgan with extreme stat modifiers.

Avatar will always be the best parent, no matter what, but the Male Avatar gains the edge by having so many pairings that can produce two "Morgans". That advantage is so good that he becomes hands-and-above the best parent! Avatar and Morgan will never disappoint either way, so go with whoever you like, though I'd like to note that for Female Avatar: Chrom and Second-gen Kids outclasses the other first gen people a tiny bit, and the other first-gen people outclass Donnel a bit (and Donnel is actually a contested father as well for reasons). For the Male Avatar: Any mother who can have a child on their own outclasses Aversa a bit, who outclasses the Second-gen kids a little bit in this case, who outclass the rest.


Male Avatar: 10/10 (10/10 with bias... except it can't go any higher...)

Female Avatar: 9/10 (No bias. I'm more fond of the Male Avatar.)

The Avatar will be the best parent, no matter what, but Male Avatar's more varied 2-kids-for-one-family Support Options soundly outclasses the Female Avatar's. Still, when playing as one or the other, they will still be the top choice for any character they can marry, perhaps with an exception for Donnel.

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The avatar can pass down any sort of stat bonuses and skills in existence, along with all the classes.

For a character that's Stue-ish in every way, I don't think much explanation is needed.

The differences; the MMU has far more options in which he can have two children that are monstrously overpowered, but the FMU can pass down Galeforce to Morgan. I'd argue that the MMU is better in the parenting department, but it doesn't matter anyway.


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Ahh, the M!MU...need I say anything? Well, I probably should to validate my rating.


  • Having access to nearly all skills and classes is amazing, allowing Morgan and his secondary children to literally be anything they want.
  • Stat modifiers are completely variable for the MU, and that means one can make a stat spread of their liking. Want a particular stat for the children? BAM! Just change the MU's modifiers to what you want. This is a fantastic trait of the MU.
  • Has access to every female in the game, meaning the possibilities (of inheritance) for Morgan and the secondary child are almost endless.


  • Absolutely none.

The M!MU is (to me) the best parent in the game. Period. He gives Morgan and any secondary children everything they want. Good stat modifiers? Check. Good skill and class access? Double check. 10/10, with 10+/10 bias.


The Fe!MU is just like the M!MU, but has some miniscule flaws.


  • Pretty much everything that the M!MU has. Only female. Which is still amazing.


  • The Fe!MU has less (viable) options than the M!MU.
  • Galeforce is a must for skill inheritance, greatly limiting inheritance.

Fe!MU is M!MU, but lesser because of the lesser options and the limited inheritance. Still amazing, though. 9/10, 9.5/10 with biased.

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Alright, I'll add up the Avatars in a bit. Shouldn't be hard, given most scores are 9-10.

Next up, Frederickson.


Those modifiers. Those class selections. That horrible grind to get him to a decent level (bias).

I suppose if you just want a physical damage dealer/taker, you could do worse.

No Bias: 7/10

Bias: 6.5/10

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In no grind, hes the ONLY father that i can rely one giving promo skills in reasonable timeframe

Mods wise, -2 SPD mods is terrible(lets face it, SPD is mostly the only mods that matter) which is somewhat made up by +2 SKL mods.

Can marry Sumia which is quite a plus

Exclusive access to both Pavise and Aegis, and Deliverer on top of it is cool as well

That being said, Frederick is, perhaps the best prove that Great Knight is extremely unfair for a sub-class. Luna is a solid procs. Dual Guard+ is another really good skills. Most classes generally has one good skills on their tree(see: Pavise, Aegis, Sol, Galeforce), yet they have two for some reason, and those two happen to be some of the best skills in the game

A notable usage of Frederick in practice:(im going to do this because why not)

Severa: Can make a full use of Frederick. PavGis is cool for Sorcerer, and her spd mods somewhat helped to counteract the -2. Deliverer is solid. One of the best Severa.

Cynthia: High SPD mods to counter the -2. 44 SPD allows you to pair DF Cynthia with an Assassin. Gives Deliverer as well. A solid choice in general, but watses Luna and DG+

Gerome: Pavise, Aegis, Sol. Gerome make a cool Tank who doubled as DG+ bot. IMO this is the best Gerome.

Yarne: Lazy pairing when you don't want to choose the Wyvern skills to inherit to Yarne. DG+ Assassin is the main draw of this Yarne

Owain: gets Luna, and at -1, Assassin is still sitting at 46 Speed, which is plenty.

Inigo: PavGisSol with Galeforce and Armthrift is pretty solid. Also my OTP

Laurent: PavGis Sorcerer with DG+.

Kjelle: Is here because this is so terrible its not even funny


The only father who is better than him are Stahl, Gregor, and Gaius

+1 Bias for sexy brown hair

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Frederick the Wary

+ Free Pavgis

+ Great Knight skills

+ Tanky modifiers

+ Paladin and Wyvern Lord make good support classes

- Negative speed modifiers

- No healing whatsoever


Frederick is a Great Knight parent which means he'll never get less than a 5. Good overall for kids like Yarne and Gerome who don't care about speed. However he doesn't provide Assassin like Kellam does which means his kids will be pigeonholed into defense or support. Pavgis is the main draw for Frederick, though I find it overrated. His kids have low bases, but that doesn't matter in min-max (this is based on min-max right?)

-.5 bias for poopy hair color.

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Gives instant Luna/Dual Guard, which is really all that matters. And Pavise/Aegis. Wyvern is gravy.

The low speed kind of sucks, but to be honest, I don't think speed really matters unless it's like absurdly low because of how flexible the pair up system is. Gerome, Inigo, Severa and Yarne like him. Cynthia and Laurent can make use of him, (Nah too, but no self-healing sucks and -3 speed is borderline. -2's the lowest I'd be comfortable going) and I could probably make a case for Noire and Owain as well. Seems meh but is actually one of the better parents, to be honest.



And just for the heck of it, some quick and dirty writeups on each of Fred's kids. Best ones first.

Gerome: Pavise/Aegis/Sol to tank, access to Paladin. Super bulky mods. Good.
Inigo: Pavise/Aegis/Armsthrift/Sol, replace Armsthrift with Galeforce/faire/whatever as needed. Inigo likes Paladin and Wyvern access. Good.
Severa: See Inigo except instead of Myrmidon she gets Sorcerer about. Good.
Yarne: Access to Dual Guard/Deliverer to support, Pavise/Aegis to tank a little but no self-healing is iffy. OK.
Cynthia: Likes Paladin for Aegis and as a class. OK.
Laurent/Noire: Pavise/Aegis/Luna makes for a bulky Sorcerer, can also pull support with Dual Guard and Deliverer. OK.

Owain: Likes Luna and Paladin is a fine ending class. OK.

Nah: Pavise/Aegis to tank, Luna as a proc, but again no self-healing is iffy. Eh.

Brady: Doesn't really care for Knight, but he does get Deliverer at least. Eh.
Kjelle: Hahaha i've got nothing. Bad.

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However he doesn't provide Assassin like Kellam does which means his kids will be pigeonholed into defense or support.

I don't know about you, but IMO Assassin is one of the better support class

As in Galeforce User >_>

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I don't know about you, but IMO Assassin is one of the better support class

As in Galeforce User >_>

Thats what I meant. Frederick doesn't give assassin so Kellam has that advantage.

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