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ATTN: People who want art of their waifus and MUs


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I finally achieved the impossible; I beat Chapter 2 and now I'm standing in front of the Outrealm Gate.

My condolences to the families of Stahl, Sully, Virion, Vaike and Miriel who all sacrificed themselves in a single chapter.

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So anyone have any tips for the final boss? I only have vv sage Inigo and vv sage MU. The last time I beat this I had every unit at nearly capped stats, not just two.

(And yes, I beat the entire rest of the game in less than a day. I had nothing else to do)

Edited by Duck
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So anyone have any tips for the final boss? I only have vv sage Inigo and vv sage MU. The last time I beat this I had every unit at nearly capped stats, not just two.

(And yes, I beat the entire rest of the game in less than a day. I had nothing else to do)

Are you playing on lunatic or lunatic+? I've only beaten lunatic mode once, and it took me a few times to get through the final chapter without anyone dying, but I did have an entire team. Uh ... if you only have two characters, I'd suggest stocking up on elixirs and equipping your lead unit with Sol to steal back health.

EDIT: And tonics. I've started using tonics when fighting limit broken streetpass teams, and that +2 really seems to make a difference.

Edited by Sangyul
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Oh yeah, I somehow forgot that you said you were using Vengeance. If Sol is out of the picture, try tonics for sure, and if you have any DLC maybe all stats +2 if you don't already have it. I do think having more than two units is a good idea. A rescue staffer and a person who can rally would be nice.

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Just hire a bunch of spotpass 20s to fodder off.

Im tempted to try and rush lunatic+ and just let people stay dead

That's what I'm doing, but I'm calling in my "special backup".

Namely Squad Symphonia. Nothing wrong with 10 MUs with every skill in the game and all Limit Breaker Caps...

Also, I'm on C16 vanilla/classic.

The problem is going to be Ch2 and 3 L+.

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I just use vanilla Ashnard and Travant when I need L+ backup. They don't break the bank, require no setup, and can survive a ton of abuse anyway.

EDIT: Cht.4 done, and I can't believe my luck. First try, and Marth was the only enemy on the map with Luna+ (so I got to see the rare Masked Marth cut-in), and Chrom got the Marth kill (at 1HP!). No wireless stuff either (but that's because I forgot to get it first).

Err... How does one post screenshots/images?

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I just use vanilla Ashnard and Travant when I need L+ backup. They don't break the bank, require no setup, and can survive a ton of abuse anyway.

EDIT: Cht.4 done, and I can't believe my luck. First try, and Marth was the only enemy on the map with Luna+ (so I got to see the rare Masked Marth cut-in), and Chrom got the Marth kill (at 1HP!). No wireless stuff either (but that's because I forgot to get it first).

Err... How does one post screenshots/images?

pic with phone


Or screen cap on the computer with a capture card i guess? idk how that works

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For some hint, my Avatar is level 1 at the final chapter

Beyond EXPonetial there's another way...

Little hint: What C2ii is looking for is


Something like that.

You can readily just tag or set your message to match who it is.

What's being looked for doesn't have a showing of who your MU's spouse is.

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Well, Chapter 2 is a pretty big rushdown of guys who just picked up steel weaponry at a point in the game where 3 extra damage is pretty massive (especially when Luna+ is thrown into the mix). Then Chapter 3 does it all over again, except with Counter. Comparatively, while Prologue and Chapter 1 have a bit of a rushdown, their forces are spread much thinner, so the luck factor involved isn't quite as big.

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