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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 3 - NOW IT'S REIN TIME (Game over)


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Guys, you are capable of telling me WHY you disagree with me; I'm more likely to change my mind if I can see your logic.

As a practical matter, I don't want you to change your mind, but generally gaming the setup isn't a good idea imo. You never know what a mod/host is gonna do.

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Well, at least from what I can see, they're two different types of OC. Haze had 1 day/night contact with 1 person at a time of his choice. Elie seems to be able to set up permanent contact between two separate people.

Also, multiple types of OC isn't a huge deal I don't think. You're trying to outguess the mods and that's never a great idea, especially in a role madness game like this.

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What does a paranoid cop have to do with multiple OC? I don't particularly agree with Eclipse's logic but I don't understand your logic in bringing that up.

IT has to to do with the fact that Eclipse is claiming to understand the host's implementation of Role Choices so strongly that she is scumhunting specifically due to her confidence in that.

I do not find eclipse scummy. I find her thought processes irrational, and downright horrible.

Which is wrong.

I'm going to flip town and you're all going to be confused as fuck. At least you're agreeing to try to lynch a role that probably isn't incredibly crucial to town success.

I'm not throwing in the towel but I hafta get ready for work and if I get lynched before I get to access my phone there then at least you'll understand my thought processes.

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If I were compulsive silencer I'd silence you in fact, just because apparently your shot is hidden and if repeatable, can be done regardless. I think you're detracting from conversation.

Eclipse, I think you're more likely to be Day-Wolf than Day Vig.

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Well, from my perspective, it seems silly to place a read on someone based on how silly or not silly the setup might be. I know that Elie's role in itself isn't particularly rare, and while it might seem excessive when Haze' role is looked at, Haze also explicitly set up someone to talk to himself, the hidden, where Elie claims that he himself cannot be a part of the OC he sets up.

But that's my two cents.

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Also if Elie flips scum j00 might be worth looking into as he tried to get BBM off of his wagon to consolidate when Elie was not an unconsolidateable wagon.

It was more like "what are your options" because everyone else who were already voting a wagon also stated which other wagons they'd like to vote.

Elieson's looking like the lynch now, but I particularly don't like people voting him just because of his claim.

I give up trying to get to a consensus here, seems like we're enough people around to pull of a lynch without coordination


##Vote: kirsche

prefer this wagon as I've said

@eclipse game 2fast4me

And I disagree with you because your sole argument on Elieson seems to be rolespec, about so much OC being hard to pull off etc. You even stated you didn't suspect him UNTIL his claim.

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Touhou had a town mass Neighbourizer, someone who was sort of like a Town Courier (plus other stuff), as well as a Mafia Announcer who could message people. That's 3 OC roles. Only one of them allowed complete OC, but it allowed it as more than just two people chats.

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It was more like "what are your options" because everyone else who were already voting a wagon also stated which other wagons they'd like to vote.

Elieson's looking like the lynch now, but I particularly don't like people voting him just because of his claim.

I give up trying to get to a consensus here, seems like we're enough people around to pull of a lynch without coordination


##Vote: kirsche

prefer this wagon as I've said

@eclipse game 2fast4me

And I disagree with you because your sole argument on Elieson seems to be rolespec, about so much OC being hard to pull off etc. You even stated you didn't suspect him UNTIL his claim.

I think Eclipse is the only person voting Elie just because of his claim.

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If I were compulsive silencer I'd silence you in fact, just because apparently your shot is hidden and if repeatable, can be done regardless. I think you're detracting from conversation.

Eclipse, I think you're more likely to be Day-Wolf than Day Vig.

This is basically an OMGUS, which is particularly bad considering the post you make one minute before this says you don't think she's scummy in bolded letters.

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It's not a matter of outguessing the mod so much as trying to figure out why the heck something even exists. For example, Shinori's role looks like an absolute troll, until Wombat chimed in (and then it looks. . .well, not quite as trollish). Likewise, why give the town a dayvig with such tight numbers? This was why I was initially nervous about Manix's numbers claim - with the numbers as tight as they are, I can't afford to be stupid with my shot. Luckily, I took out the hidden player, so it worked out in the end. Somehow.

Now, notes for Haze's contact: Unless Paper made a typo, it lasts until the end of the NEXT day phase; assuming I lived until D2, I'd have until that lynch to talk to Haze. I'm still not fully sold about having that much OC in a game, but it seems like I'm the minority here. As such, I'll drop it for now. There's got to be other ways to test this out.


I need to take a short break before I snap.

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It was more like "what are your options" because everyone else who were already voting a wagon also stated which other wagons they'd like to vote.

Elieson's looking like the lynch now, but I particularly don't like people voting him just because of his claim.

I give up trying to get to a consensus here, seems like we're enough people around to pull of a lynch without coordination


##Vote: kirsche

prefer this wagon as I've said

@eclipse game 2fast4me

And I disagree with you because your sole argument on Elieson seems to be rolespec, about so much OC being hard to pull off etc. You even stated you didn't suspect him UNTIL his claim.

j00 didn't you say earlier that you sort of agreed with me that Kirsche's drunk post was veering into so-bad-it's-town territory?

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This is basically an OMGUS, which is particularly bad considering the post you make one minute before this says you don't think she's scummy in bolded letters.

Pretty sure that if I think someone is a wolf, it implies that I don't think that they're scum.

stop putting words into my mouth BroBM

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Also, j00 saying we're enough to pull off a lynch without coordination is super sketch when the biggest wagon was like only halfway to lynch.

it's more the fact that we're 15 members watching this topic and posts and votes coming in fast

I can try to check up on people's preferences again but eh. I'm lazy, but if it seems necessary, I can try to do a count on which wagons that may happen today. So far, it seems only Elieson, kirsche and Naglfar are even viable.

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##Vote kirsche

Wombat is going nowhere apparently, and I have only a slight scumread on kirsche over nags...slight. My vote is better off somewhere useful since I literally am at a red light on my way into work and don't have the ability to read deeper into anything and come up with a new read that is likely to build into anything (since I can cote evidence and quote shit)

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Oh wait you never thought I was Elie in teh first place.

You know for someone so eager to consolidate, you didn't exactly do so yourself what with having your vote on Snike until just then. If Elie is scum then Strong FoS on j00.

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god I'm really behind but yeah I'm not voting Elie because of his claim, I'm voting Elie because his Excellen vote was questionable, then Excellen turned up town and Elie got frustrated at Eclipse for shooting who he said he was comfortable with lynching.

PLUS I do NOT like Elie speccing Eclipse as wolf-dayvig, even if Eclipse was wolf town's first priority is to find mafia over thirds and third hunting is scummy

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j00 you said that you wanted to read Naglfar earlier, yet it doesn't seem that you have, since I don't see any opinions about him from you, even though you just said that he'd a valid lynch wagon.

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