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Big NOCers - Game Over


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Per neighbor topic, because he had no idea how else to use his role, and so that Elieson could pass on messages at night. However, this doesn't change the fact that using such an ability on N1 on your own buddy makes no sense IMO.

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He's implicated both Vhaltz and Manix early on when there really wasn't much of a chance that they'd get lynched, and his later interactions with them has been either disinterest or outright defending Elieson. In hindsight, I'd say he looks the worst among the rest of us still alive.

And I really really wanted to try my role, I don't see why had to rush that vote on Elie when he was a lot more reluctant earlier

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I know what it's like to have a role that never works. I'm not particularly convinced that Scarlet is scum, but meh. It's not like there's a burst of activity ATM.

(that D4 ticks me off for other reasons, mainly lack of associative reads)

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I still don't think it's illogical enough to ignore him, had Vhaltz got lynched without anyone else in the group he'd gain town cred just because of the fact that it'd be a pointless second mafia chat still

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After doing some re-reading, I see exactly one interesting interaction between Scarlet/Vhaltz here. That post gives me a bit more bussing vibes than the early BBM/Manix scuffle. Otherwise, the sense I got from his posts was that he was answering stuff, and some of his answers were ignored anyway.

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Uh, so is eclipse's role a nerfed roleblocker? because what would be contradictory with SB being a roleblocker too then? and do you mean to say your target was Refa too? I'm confused here

Wasn't SB a Delayed Enforcer? I don't see how they contradict each other. Elieson being a Roleblocker of sorts makes it more likely eclipse is town (admittedly she could be fakeclaiming it but like...yeah no actually with the SB CC that'd just be really stupid).

Because of that logic, I'm not interested in lynching either of them. That leaves Refa/j00. I have no idea how BP Miller Vigilante works, despite the fact that Refa seems to be the one in charge of announcements, and j00 is now a self-admitted vanilla. I really, REALLY wish we could NL today, but alas, that option was yanked from us on D1. ;/

Can't you vote NL?

That sounded like a joke to me? We already have a flipped miller.

Yeah, I was poking fun at all of my SK spec with the hilariously bad fakeclaim for an SK.

My role is announcer. You might think that there is something else to it...But in fact it is just an ordinary announcer.

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My role turns off in *YLO, so yeah. I'll put my anonyvote on Raymond but tbh I don't really see the point?

j00 also made a good point wrt Raymond calling Vhaltz suspicious and then targeting him.

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j00 also made a good point wrt Raymond calling Vhaltz suspicious and then targeting him.

Yes, I targeted Vhaltz despite being unsure about his alignment, simply because the ability to pass on messages at night seemed more interesting than anything else I could've thought of doing with my role. I was willing to take the risk.

@PRIMS: Requesting votals.

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Day 5.1 Votals

Scarlet (1): ????????

Refa (1): Scarlet

Refa: BigBangMeteor, eclipse, j00, Refa

You have 48 hours left in the day. With 5 alive, it takes 3 to hammer.

E: that should say "not voting" and not "refa" but the mistake is funny so I'm keeping it

Edited by Prims
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Also I looked things over and I'm PRETTY SURE Scarlet is scum at this point (I'd show the ISO but honestly it's things that either I or other people have already said so it'd just be a waste of my time and really that's the important thing here), so if noone has anything else to say that's where I'll be dropping my vote on in a few hours GET HYPE.

And I just want to say that if I am right, I totally guessed 2/3 of the scumteam on D2 (the last guess was Strege shut up), amazing player.

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ehhhh, does anyone feel like discussing anyone else? eclipse never gave a clear answer on who she targeted, SB or Refa I guess?

If Raymond's not scum then my next would be Refa because SK rolespec I guess but I don't find Raymond's case on him that convincing. Like the Strege and item and scum spec thing was also something I questioned but it fits a "write post while reading" mindset and not something I find worth pushing

post above is also top stellar lazy scum hunting but who cares at this point

also we all had shit reads D3 except Raymond who after the Strege lynch realizes that Strege never had very concrete content

does anyone want to discuss your reads on anybody or should we just hammer

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ehhhh, does anyone feel like discussing anyone else? eclipse never gave a clear answer on who she targeted, SB or Refa I guess?

post above is also top stellar lazy scum hunting but who cares at this point

does anyone want to discuss your reads on anybody or should we just hammer

eclipse couldn't have targeted me, because then my announcement would've gotten blocked instead of delayed. If she targeted SB, my announcement would've been posted yesterday instead of today.

Wait...I want to know what you think of eclipse WRT her role before you hammer. Here's what's on my mind. You know how Conqueror had that item that made him basically invincible during the night phase and he had no more night actions (he specifically said the item he got from Paperblade was a 1-Shot track and there was nothing else)? Well, the only way I figure he could've died is 1) getting roleblocked or 2) Strongman killed. Maybe I'm being overly suspicious since a Scum!Strongman makes way more sense than a Scum!Roleblock (considering Elie's role) at this point, especially considering that CC...Unexpected Question- Does Prims give fakeclaims to scum, because I don't think I've ever been scum in a Prims game. It would explain eclipse being confident enough to CC, but if that's not the case then I definitely think I'm over analyzing things here.

Honestly, I agree. Pretty sure I haven't legit made a case or scumhunted since Day 3.

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Actually to prove myself wrong (wonderful), considering SB is an empowerer (even if he is a delayed one) it does make sense that even if eclipse blocked me, my action would still go through regardless on a future day (pretty sure noone else claimed roleblocked on that day)? I think, am I just being high? Also don't see why scum!eclipse would target me, so that's a point in her favor. Just hammer whenever you get a response from her or whenever.

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