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What Female-Only Skill to Pass to...Anyone?



128 members have voted

  1. 1. GO

    • Speed+2
    • Relief
    • Rally Speed
    • Lancefaire
    • Rally Movement
    • Galeforce
    • Resistance+2
    • Demoiselle
    • Rally Resistance
    • Dual Support+
  2. 2. Hmm might as well

    • Biorhythm Skills
    • Bane Skills

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The whole Galeforce argument is going aflame so I'm not going to bother spreading it further, I think it's overrated from personal experience but whatever.

Most of the other female only skills are pretty meh though that aren't DLC san Lancefaire and Galeforce. (At certain situations) So if you have a Lance user in mind, go for Lancefaire.

Edited by Quick
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I am never sarcastic about anything ever.

I'm plenty familiar with final DLC since I've played it and there are a million YouTube videos of it. The issue isn't that Galeforce is horrible -- it's that since the mode is designed around carefully combed SuperUnits, Galeforce has to compete to be a top five skill for a given character. It never is.

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Is Rally Speed/Lancefaire? In other words, are there any female-only skills worth using there outside of a dedicated rally mule? Because yeah, one or two units definitely want Rally Speed, but if then 17 of your other units are wanting Galeforce, I'd say it wins as the "preferred" choice. But if no one's using any of the 12 listed skills at all, then just say "none of the skills are absolutely necessary for the Last DLC, but _____ is the most useful during the maingame". When given a vacuum that can't be filled with one thing, why not fill it with what does fit? =P

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You know Legault, I really think that you're coming in the wrong way here. Just showing up and saying "No you guys you're all playing FE WRONG so let me show how it's supposed to be played you plebians" isn't going to get you much support and ensures that you'll ruffle a whole lot of feathers on your way in. Making it sound as if Galeforce is useless dogshit on the level of Luck +4 isn't helping your case either.

That said, I do agree that Galeforce is not the bee's knees or whatever. It's kind of overkill on the lower difficulties and will be hard to trigger on the higher ones.

Then again, following Legault's method of Efficient Play , the best answer would be Rally Speed or Relief (lol) since you're not getting anyone to level 10/15 until really late in the game, at which moment the kids won't be that amazing since it's so late and promoting the parents at level 10 hurts their stats.

In the end, I still voted Galeforce since most of the kids that really want a female exclusive skill (Inigo/Owain/Brady) don't have access to great Lance-wielding classes (only Paladins/Great Knights from the top of my head). Dual Support+ gives an amazing +5 Hit/Crit/Avoid/Dodge with a A support, so it's not really worth a slot IMO. And I always use DLC/Spotpass ladies as Rallybots (because they can stack Rally Spectrum/Rally Speed and now Rally Love and I'm sure as hell not using Avatar(F) or Morgan (F) as Rallybots when they could be on th front lines murdering stuff), so I don't feel the need to pass down Rally skills (also I think Inigo and Owain have better stuff to do than Rallybotting).

Edited by catastrophe_2
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I am never sarcastic about anything ever.

I'm plenty familiar with final DLC since I've played it and there are a million YouTube videos of it. The issue isn't that Galeforce is horrible -- it's that since the mode is designed around carefully combed SuperUnits, Galeforce has to compete to be a top five skill for a given character. It never is.

*claims he doesn't have the game earlier*

which is it

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Dual Support+ gives an amazing +5 Hit/Crit/Avoid/Dodge with a A support, so it's not really worth a slot IMO.

Dual Support+ is a top tier, top five slot skill.

...for the guy in the back. Don't put it on the lead unit. It's +5 Hit/Crit/Avoid/Dodge for the other guy and costs the front character zero slots!

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You know Legault, I really think that you're coming in the wrong way here. Just showing up and saying "No you guys you're all playing FE WRONG so let me show how it's supposed to be played you plebians" isn't going to get you much support and ensures that you'll ruffle a whole lot of feathers on your way in. Making it sound as if Galeforce is useless dogshit on the level of Luck +4 isn't helping your case either.

Luck +4 is probably better than Galeforce tbh. At least Luck +4 is innate for Olivia and doesn't require grinding / inefficient reclassing.

I'm honestly not trying to win a popularity contest, but I'd appreciate it if people could stay a little on-topic and not let my playfulness upset them so much.

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Regaruto, why the heck do you constantly change your context from "efficient play" to "postgame insane DLC"

Even then, why can't you have galeforce in an offensive unit while having a backup unit with rallies for those same postgame DLCs like normal people.

And I'm pretty sure MU won't have low mag as a Dark Flier, anyways.

Pedit: Yeah after this + 4 luck hilarity I don't think I have anything more to say about this argument.

To answer NUMBERS:

Yes, Lancefaire, Dual Support+ and Rally Speed are good options on their own. According to your pace, what you want to do with your unit, and how much you can bring yourself to grind. They're not less useful by extension, if you have party building in mind.

I don't think I can bring any more to this thread that is shown if you see it with unbiased eyes, so I'm leaving.

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And I'm pretty sure MU won't have low mag as a Dark Flier, anyways.

You must have missed the part where I explained that there is no way in hell FeMU is going Dark Flier when Sorcerer and Hero exist.

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look, either this is a discussion for LTC or a discussion for postgame

pick one and stop switching positions every damn time

It's a discussion about both, actually, as well as any other context Galeforce could be possibly useful in. I've tried to outline why it's impractical for both maingame and final DLC.

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Not gonna lie, this made me laugh more than I should.

I really don't want to sound rude though, and there's nothing I think I can contribute in this thread more. I'm out.²

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It's a discussion about both, actually, as well as any other context Galeforce could be possibly useful in. I've tried to outline why it's impractical for both maingame and final DLC.

unfortunately for you, Galeforce is everywhere in the final DLC, as that video shows

nice try though

Edited by shadykid
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unfortunately for you, Galeforce is everywhere in the final DLC, as that video shows

nice try though

Well, it is one video, the guy in the video could've been extremely lucky, but we don't know because we don't have it yet, do we? Honestly this whole argument is stupid, Galeforce is overrated but isn't trash. Though people will still continue and my opinion doesn't really matter enough to change it.

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Well, it is one video, the guy in the video could've been extremely lucky, but we don't know because we don't have it yet, do we? Honestly this whole argument is stupid, Galeforce is overrated but isn't trash. Though people will still continue and my opinion doesn't really matter enough to change it.

better than Luck +4, at any rate

no takebacks, mr. i'm always serious

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Checking the jp wiki, there are 7+10+15+20+25 enemies to kill in only two turns to fully complete the final DLC. I'm certainly not presumptuous enough to say it's impossible without Galeforce, but it sure looks a magnitude harder on paper. Every single non-boss looks to have either Pavise+ or Aegis+ (but never both, thankfully) and a bunch of them have Dragonskin on top of it, having to ORKO almost all of them on enemy phase while actually surviving seems like it's both harder and much more dependent on stuff like Aether procing constantly than Galeforce spam strategies where you can cut down on their numbers greatly on player phase while hitting the right defensive stat as much as possible.

If you're going to just ignore the second phase entirely than sure, Galeforce is hardly needed, but I don't see why anyone min/maxing kids for Ultimate Training stages would ignore the actual hardest part of the final DLC.

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Shadykid you may want to chill a bit if this is affecting you that much.

For all we know Regaruto is just trolling pro-galeforce comments intentionally.

And if he isn't then eh

I'm pretty sure our concept of maingame is more LTC/efficiency-driven than his from what he says about it. (and he is talking about Dark Flier but not Galeforce as a skill whenever he brings up postgame apparently).

Anyways I don't want to post anymore

I have like nothing to contribute anymore

this was a thread about inheriting female skills

and I've already spoke my mind

why am I coming back

go awei thread. :<

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why are we talking about Galeforce so much anyway dry.gif

Would you rather the discussion on +2 Spd? Rallies? Everything else that can be substituted with a tonic?

Galeforce is the most obvious beneficial skill. It's having a Dancer, only the Dancer doesn't die on Enemy Round.

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Checking the jp wiki, there are 7+10+15+20+25 enemies to kill in only two turns to fully complete the final DLC. I'm certainly not presumptuous enough to say it's impossible without Galeforce, but it sure looks a magnitude harder on paper. Every single non-boss looks to have either Pavise+ or Aegis+ (but never both, thankfully) and a bunch of them have Dragonskin on top of it, having to ORKO almost all of them on enemy phase while actually surviving seems like it's both harder and much more dependent on stuff like Aether procing constantly than Galeforce spam strategies where you can cut down on their numbers greatly on player phase while hitting the right defensive stat as much as possible.

If you're going to just ignore the second phase entirely than sure, Galeforce is hardly needed, but I don't see why anyone min/maxing kids for Ultimate Training stages would ignore the actual hardest part of the final DLC.

Wait, I thought it was only the first wave of 7 enemies that you had to finish within 2 turns to get the alternate set??

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