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Black Fang Mafia


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Lloyd had been having funny suspicions for a while now. Subordinates had been disappearing, and the missions assigned by his father Brendan were straying ever farther from the Black Fang's original goals. Rallying the crew together he addressed them all.

"Everyone, there seems to be a shadowy menace amongst us, picking us off one by one, starting with those weak and infirm that we would not miss. While this is indeed in accordance with the law of the fang, it's come to the point where we must root out the cause of the problem, or perish entirely!"



This mafia game takes place in an alternate history FE7, during the middle of the Black Fang's infiltration by the Morphs. The Black Fang are the equivalent to the Town in ordinary mafia, and the Morphs are the Mafia. The Serial Killer is the Serial Killer.

For those unfamiliar with FE7, the cast of characters is as follows (note the minor changes from the original preliminary list):






Serial Killer:


Black Fang:








Uncle Jan








Some of the rules for this game are a bit different from the standard set most other games on Serenes Forest have been running. The following is a comprehensive list of rules.

  • Gameplay consists of two phases: a Day Phase during which the Black Fang gathers and decides who they wish to lynch (if anyone) by voting for player names (or for 'no lynch'); and a Night Phase during which the Morphs decide who they wish to kill (if anyone), the Serial Killer decides who to kill, and anybody else with Night Actions decides how they wish to proceed.
  • If you have a Night Action, but do not wish to use it on any given night, you MUST still send in a PM with orders stating your intent for inaction.
  • Phases will be roughly 24 hours long, and will usually open or close at 22:00 GMT.
  • No PMs are allowed between players. I will initiate all needed PM conversations (e.g. the Morphs' thread, any Jailer conversations).
  • While Role-claiming is perfectly acceptable, name-claiming is NOT. Do not claim your character name, and do not role-play. (The fact that roles have not disclosed publically and may be duplicated, whereas names have been and cannot be is the vital reason behind this distinction.)
  • If you desire information to aid you in crafting a fake role claim, for any reason, contact me privately.
  • The Morphs may only communicate privately during the Night Phase.
  • Nobody may talk in the main thread during the Night Phase. You're busy sleeping, or doing whatever your role is, not conregating at the village square and discussing.
  • During the course of the game, depending on which characters have died, certain other characters will react accordingly, either gaining or losing roles.
  • You are allowed to make one non-informative post following your character's expiration. This may be a "Fuck you guys for not believing me," a "At least they didn't kill someone with an important role," an embellishing role-play post (this is the only exception to the earlier prohibition, because once you're dead, your name is already made public and you are finally allowed to use it), or something of similar nature.
  • You may not edit your posts FOR ANY REASON, even for unvoting (or for forum smilies, or fixing grammar/typos). If you are changing your vote, simply cast a new vote.
  • If the leading votes are tied at the end of a day phase, for any reason, nobody will be lynched that day.
  • Roles AND character names will be revealed upon death.
  • You may vote in any manner you wish; if you cast an illegal vote it will simply be ignored.

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions, comments, or confusion, at any time.

PLAYER LIST (in alphabetical order):

Bizz: Oleg(Jailer) Killed Night 1

BK-201: Uhai(Evasive) Lynched Day 6

Core: Uncle Jan(Bulletproof) Hung Day 3

Crysta: Nergal(Dark Druid) Killed Night 4

Dracohon: Darin(Manipulated Voter->Informed Townie) Killed Endgame

Ether: Leila(Detective) Killed Night 2

Fayt Zelpher: Ursula(Valkryie) Lynched Day 8

Furetchen Arrowroot: Kenneth(Doctor,backup Vig) Killed Night 3

General Spoon: Nino(Unlynchable, acquired Heroic Sacrifice) Killed Night 7

I Eat Tables: Legault(Rolechecker) Killed Night 1

Life: Jerme(Vigilante) Killed Night 1

Lightning: Jaffar(Hated Innocent) Killed Night 6

Ninji: Sonia(Hooker) Killed Night 3

Raymond: Limstella(Doppleganger) Still Alive

Snike: Lloyd(Trusted,acquired Paranoid) Killed Night 5

Sync the Tempest: Ephidel(Stalker) Lynched Day 5

The Dragonslayer: Pascal(Serial Killer) Killed Night 5

Ulki: Brendan(Double Voter) Lynched Day 7

Weapons of Mass Construction: Linus(Impulsive) Hung Day 2

This game is starting on a day phase. It is currently 18:15 GMT. (I am beginning earlier than I anticipate being typical.)

DAY 1 BEGIN: You may post now.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Oh boy, isn't this fun. Every player in the game has a name, and we know what all the names are. This makes it impossible for the mafia to fake claim at all. So we should all just claim what our names are, and lynch counter-claims. Oh wait.

While Role-claiming is perfectly acceptable, name-claiming is NOT. Do not claim your character name, and do not role-play. (The fact that roles have not disclosed publically and may be duplicated, whereas names have been and cannot be is the vital reason behind this distinction.)

So long as you enforce this by mod-killing, I don't think we should have any problem.

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I am going to vote no lynch because I can.

Did Spoon really just vote for himself or am I smoking something?

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No Lynching is good when you have no information. You're more likely to hit town - and important town roles - my lynching, than you are by No Lynching for the Cop/other information roles to gather information.

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@Bizz: He voted for himself but you might be smoking something anyways, idk

Vote Gen Spoon then, cause if he really is the unlynchable he'll be cleared. Of course, that would make him a prime target fro mafia night kills if he can't be lynched, but that would also mean the mafia would miss out on a potential detective/ doctor kill... whatever, still voting for him.

EDIT: Wow I just got ninja'd by like five people... edited to make it clear who I was replying to (Bizz)

Edited by Lightning
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There's actually a reason for my no lynch this time.

In actuality I have never voted no lynch in a game before :awesome:

Spoon's strategy is good, but at the same time it's scaring me, so no.

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EDIT: Wow I just got ninja'd by like five people... edited to make it clear who I was replying to (Bizz)

Never edit your posts. This is a verbal warning. Do not do so again. Ever.

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Spoon, the note is pointless and I have played countless games where people pulled stunts like that and ended up being lynch bombs, or worse.

But if you're really insistent on it, vote Spoon. You have no idea how much you ruin my fun, all the time. <_<

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So here's my guesses for lolz. Y'all can come back at the end and laugh if you want. Or Gawp at the accuracy. But mostly laugh:


Nergal - Godfather

Sonia - Hooker

Limstella - Something else mafiaish.

Ephidel - Perhaps Janitor or Stalker

Serial Killer:

Pascal - Er... Fool?

Black Fang:

Lloyd - Unlynchable (and by extension, Spoon)

Linus - Bulletproof (To go with Lloyd)

Brendan - Miller

Legault - Detective

Leila - Detective (one of these...)

Nino - Watcher

Jaffar - Assassin

Uncle Jan - Not sure... perhaps he dies in place of Nino?

Kenneth - Doctor

Jerme - Pass

Ursula - Driver

Darin - Pass

Uhai - Tracker

Oleg - Pass

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So here's my guesses for lolz. Y'all can come back at the end and laugh if you want. Or Gawp at the accuracy. But mostly laugh:


Nergal - Godfather

Sonia - Hooker

Limstella - Something else mafiaish.

Ephidel - Perhaps Janitor or Stalker

Serial Killer:

Pascal - Er... Fool?

Black Fang:

Lloyd - Unlynchable (and by extension, Spoon)

Linus - Bulletproof (To go with Lloyd)

Brendan - Miller

Legault - Detective

Leila - Detective (one of these...)

Nino - Watcher

Jaffar - Assassin

Uncle Jan - Not sure... perhaps he dies in place of Nino?

Kenneth - Doctor

Jerme - Pass

Ursula - Driver

Darin - Pass

Uhai - Tracker

Oleg - Pass

I'd say Limstella is Stalker/ Yak, Ephidel is Janitor/Guiser, Lloyd is some type of townie, Brendan's the Unlynchable, and Leila's the Miller. Jerme for Paranoid, Darin and Oleg for vanilla townies. Just my opinion.

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There can't be a Guiser, not on this forum anyway. Others seem to make sense though, but I was under the impression there were no townies (might be wrong). Leila as miller seems likely, Jerme as Paranoid does too.

Anyway, we don't really have anything to now now... Hmm, what's the betting on me/Life dying tonight? If anyone has some kind of Driving/protection (other than Doc, who should be on Spoon) I think one of us would be a good target of them.

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