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The Resistance


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Welcome to the rebel headquarters. It's come down to this. We still control Chalphy, Edda and Dozel, and we have plans to destroy the Grandbell Empire bases of Velthomer, Freege, and the Capital Barhara. We are currently enlisting agents to enact these plans. But we must be cautious, because there are a number of Grandbellian spys trying to infiltrate and sabotage our plans...

The Resistance is a game, similar to Mafia, in which there are a number of Empire spies (the mafia) among a group of Rebel agents (the town). Like mafia, the spies must hide their true identity and deceive the town in order to sabotage plans. Unlike mafia, there is no deaths of players, rather, bases will be destroyed as plans succeed or fail.

Life Admiral is co-modding this game.


  • The game is split into phases and starts in the planning phase. At the start of each planning phase, a group leader is chosen from a cycle.
  • The group leader then allocates plans to a number of players. The number of plans will increase as the game progresses, meaning that more players must be trusted on each mission. The leader chooses players with the format: ##Give plans to: user 1, user 2 etc. The leader may choose himself to go on the mission.
  • The first Empire base takes 3 players. The second takes four, and the final takes six.
  • After plans have been allocated, everyone must vote on whether they are happy or not with the allocation of plans. If yes, then the game progresses to the mission, and if no, then the assignment fails, and the next player in the cycle gets to become the group leader and make an assignment. This voting should be done in the format ##Vote: For/Against assignment. Once a majority (which will always be 5 players) has been reached the plans will proceed.
  • Once the allocation has been approved, the mission starts. If any empire spies have plans, they have the chance to sabotage the plan, or to perform the plan. Any rebel agents MUST follow the plan - since that's what they're trying to do.
  • To prove you've actually read the rules, please reply to your role PM with the word fusion. If you don't then I'll assume you haven't read the rules. And that would be bad, because we've never played this game before.
  • If everyone follows the plan, the mission is successful, and an empire base will be destroyed. If even one person sabotages the plan, it will fail, and an empire counterattack will destroy one of the rebel bases. The number of players sabotaging the plan will be announced and the game will go back into the planning phase. Note that the empire may choose to support a mission, particularly earlier in the game, so don't think that a mission succeeding means everyone on the mission is a rebel.
  • Both sides have three bases. When the third one is destroyed, they lose the game and the other team wins.
  • Empire Spies will have a PM, like normal mafia games, but nobody else may commune via PM or outside the thread.
  • Each leader will have 72 hours before leadership passes over. In that time they must propose a plan allocation AND have it voted on. As soon as the current leader proposes the plan distribution players may vote for or against it. In the case of no majority being reached, but more votes are made for than against the current allocation, then the allocation will go ahead provided voting was open for at least 24 hours. If it wasn't, then the allocation will fail and leadership will pass on to the next player.
  • To put the above another way: Make an allocation in the first 48 hours and you only need more yes votes than no votes, but if you make it after 48 hours, you need 5 yes votes.

There are nine players in the game. The order of leadership (and the player list) is as follows:

JB25 - Julius

Psychout50 - Ishtar

Core - Sety

Proto - Arion

Darros - Corple

Agent Dale Cooper - Shanan

Weapons - Altenna

Lightning - Faval

Balcerzak - Alvis

So, JB25 will be the Rebel leader first, then Psychout50, then Core etc, and after Balcerzak, it goes back to JB25.

You are a member of the Rebels. You must try to ensure every mission is a success - to do this, you'll have to try and work out who you think the empire spies are, and stop them going on any any missions.
You are the Empire Spies. It is your job to blend in as members of the Rebels, but still try to sabotage their plans.

These are the two different PMs that have gone out.

Please read the rules if you haven't already. Don't mention THAT. The game will start once I'm confident everyone has read the rules.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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I'm basing it on FE4. Alvis uses Falaflame, Cyas doesn't even appear (and actually, Cyas doesn't even have Falaflame in FE5)

Core: Okay. Say I'm town leader and we're partway into the game. We've had a little discussion, and I think General Spoon and Life Admiral are probably rebels, and I'm a little skeptical about VincentASM. I tell people this, and they agree that Life is town but aren't sure about the others. So I go ahead and propose: ##Give Plans to: I Eat Tables, Life Admiral, Sirius. Now people have to vote on this. I vote for it, Life votes for it and so does Vincent. Sirius and General Spoon however aren't sure about me, and vote no. Nobody else votes though, and after 72 hours, this proposal goes ahead.

Now the game goes into the mission phase. I'm a rebel, so I perform my part of the plan. So is Life. But Sirius is a spy, and decides to sabotage the mission.

At the start of the next planning meeting, we get told that one person sabotaged the plan, and that the rebels have lost a base. Now we know for sure that one of me, Sirius, or Life is a rebel, and leadership passes to Life, the next in line.

If my proposal was voted against, then the mission wouldn't have gone ahead, and Life would have made another proposal at that point.

Hope that helps clarify a little

Finally, three crusaders taken. Faval, Sety and Alvis.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Everyone's been on and confirmed a character. Two people haven't confirmed they've read the rules though, but... meh.

"Thank you for coming, gentlemen... and, ladies" Celice started, nodding at Ishtar and Altenna." As you know, we're at the end of the journey. Nine of the crusaders are here, and so has Julius, who was not quite entirely taken over by the power of Loputousu. Now, we control my home castle, Chalphy, Corple's home, Edda, and Dozel, Neir's decendants castle. Now, we have a plan to take back Freege... Ishtar, if you would."

"Thank you, lord Celice. Freege is well defended, but there are weak points. We'll need three people on this mission... I'll explain what needs to be done only to the people we assign."

"Very well. Then... Julius, please, who do you recommend we send on this mission? There are... two Empire Spies among us, we believe."

"Mmm...." Started Julius, "With Dozel under our Control, Burian has moved to Freege to defend it. I suppose..."

It is now planning phase. JB25 is the current leader. You have 72 hours to form and pass an assignment. (Hint to all: You can play this bit a lot like mafia. The start will probably be weird and chaotic, but then you can use scumhunting techniques, pressure people to explain things they've said etc. Generally, the more everyone talks, the easier it'll be to find who the spies are and the more fun things will be. Just like a mafia game.)

Edited by I Eat Tables
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There are... two Empire Spies among us, we believe."

There are three empire bases. That means if there are three occasions where they choose not to sabotage the plan, or they don't get the chance to because they weren't part of it, then they lose. If there are only two Empire Spies, then they're gonna need a lot of luck to win through. It would be too risky to miss an opportunity to sabotage a plan then, even if it the purpose is to appear innocent. I find two Spies to be much too less.

btw I eat tables, does the flavor text ever have anything that might have some value in the game? Or are they always pure 100% meaningless flavor? Also, does any player get any special abilities (kinda like Night Actions in Mafia) or are all players the same?

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Well, we only need two people for this one right?

So if he takes himself and one other, we'll know one of them is a spy. It should be easy to decide who to vote. Just come up with your other.

I think you should take Weapons, but that's just me.

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Psych. We need three people for this mission. That could be himself and two others, or it could be three of us without himself. While he's drafting up the plans, he's not necessarily trustworthy either.

I'll need to think a bit more on how to possibly present a case to get myself sent on the mission, but I fully plan on doing so, because we're going to need some activity up in here.

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It was a hard call between two and three spies. Bear in mind you need 6/7 rebels on the final mission, Proto, that's a pretty tough number to reach. There are no special powers. If the game is successful enough to run again, I will likely do it though. Flavour is flavour only. For a quick explanation: Me/Life is Celice, Burian, Julia and Aless are the three remaining (unchosen) Crusaders and therefore the three enemy commanders in the flavour, and the other nine are you lot. Ishtar was chosen because it's Freege, and Julius because he's the first leader.

Anyway, unneeded bump, I guess. Remember, more talking is good.

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k, thread sub-title should still be edited though.

I claim spy.

So all we have to do is make sure we never send you and we can guarantee victory.

The first mission is probably the most important since it's our only chance to do it with three people. If the mission is sabotaged, then the list for one spy gets narrowed down to only three people or in the eyes of the other rebels who participated, two people. Clearly the rebels that participated in a sabotaged mission have a better chance of identifying a Spy than those who sat at home. Based on this reasoning, I would advise Joshaymin to bring zak into the mission because I find him to be the most intelligent player here.

I also think it might be a good idea to bring psychout or Core, because their orders are coming up just after yours and it would be better if they had this slight advantage over the other rebels if the first mission is sabotaged. It would help in their decisions. And IF one of them was a Spy, we might be able to figure it out based on what decisions they make in their turn.

All players are the same and we have no info on Day 1, so it's not like we have much else to go on with. What say you, Joshaymin?

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I also think it might be a good idea to bring psychout or Core, because their orders are coming up just after yours and it would be better if they had this slight advantage over the other rebels if the first mission is sabotaged.

I just realized this is probably a good plan....>_>

So in that case, I suggest myself, JB, and Core go first, but it's up to him I suppose.

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If JB25 is claiming spy, Im automatically voting no to his plans. Unless hes lying, which might make sense.


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There are 9 pick 3 = 9x8x7/3x2x1 = 84 total combinations of teams we can send. We have 7 pick 3 = 7x6x5/3x2x1 = 35 possible combinations of teams containing only rebels. Therefore, if we were to pick our first team at random, we would have a 35/84 = 5/12 chance of no spies.

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