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Balcerzak, Proto, WoMC, Lightning, Agent Dale Cooper

I want to keep my spot in this game, but I can only be on for a few minutes this choice was mostly random, pick approve or disapprove. 5 people is correct?

I think it's 4 people because we didn't even attempt any mission after the first one.

I still want Joshaymin in though because I'm fairly sure he's a Rebel. We don't want this mission to get sabotaged now, do we?

My approval is gonna have to wait until Life's approval because I think it's supposed to be 4 people.

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We were doing pretty well here for awhile. Are we still waiting to figure out whether it was 4 or 5 before confirming/denying Hemlock's plans? I know I am. Maybe we can do something while we wait too... If I have an idea, I'll make another post.

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I still think Joshaymin should have been included but eh, no time to be picky especially since I'm part of the team

##Plan: Approve

Now, if we become lucky enough to succeed in this plan, we'll have a pretty good chance of destroying their final base before we die.

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I havent been subbed it seems. This group seems solid to me

. ##Vote:Accept

Edited by Darros
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So, yeah, Life doesn't seem to be here. I'm going out soon, so no flavour or direct reminders to those people, but:




Agent Dale Cooper

I need either your confirmation (rebel) or sabotage orders (spy). Thanks.

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"Okay." Sety announced. "The problem with Velthomer is it's proximity to Grandbell. The reinforcements we'll face could be enormous. Arion, it's your job to watch for, and intercept, anything coming from Grandbell's direction.

Alvis, as it's your castle, you'll be leading the assault. We won't need anything fancy here, just charge in and defeat Aless' cavalry. The problem will be Aless himself. The Demon Sword is an incredibly potent weapon, known for leading it's wielder into killing opponents instantly, even when making non-fatal attacks, and it's also known for helping it's wielder survive magic attacks. Fortunately, Faval will be able to deal with that.

Faval, your unit's job is to assist Arion in defending against Grandbell troops. Once you have a clear line, you're to shoot down Aless with Aless's help."

Faval nodded, and looked over to Shanan. "What's Shanan's role going to be?"

"The most important. Remember I mentioned the number of reinforcements we could face would be enormous? Shanan is reducing that. He'll be taking a group of Swordmasters, along with Celice and a cohort of other troops, to lay a false attack on Grandbell. While they're busy defending, Velthomer will be more vulnerable."

"Sounds good to me. You need a few crusaders in the assault, or they'd suspect it was a trap. We pull out before taking too many casualties, I guess?" Shanan replied

"Correct. It shouldn't be too hard for you, but do stay on guard."


Alvis ordered the charge on Velthomer. His home castle was well known to him, but most of the fighting would be done on the plains against the cavalry of Agusty, now stationed in Grandbell. Still, he wasn't going to give in. He ordered the assault from his Fire Mages and Mage Knights as they came close, and an epic battle ensued.

"Prince Celice! We're in position." Shanan called over to Celice, who replied by ordering the charge. They were met with a barrage of Sleep Staves, Light Magic and various other troops, stationed in Grandbell Castle. Fortunately they didn't have to defeat Empress Julia or even fight her, just distract her troops long enough.

With Velthomer having been attacked first, troops were already on their way to defend it. But as Grandbell was attacked, they began to work out what they thought was going on. Velthomer was just a distraction, and the real assault was on Grandbell. With that, no more reinforcements headed out of Grandbell. Velthomer was doomed to fall to rebel control.

"Reinforcements spotted! All Dragon Knights, prepare to assault!" Arion's cry was heard all over the sky, and the troops swooped in, with Faval and his Snipers covering their position. They knew they could take the reinforcements. There wern't enough there to stop them.

A blinding flash of light pierced the battlefield, near Faval. "What the heck was that?!" He shouted, looking at the area it hit. Over a dozen of his archers lay there, killed on impact. Narga. A fear rose in his heart as he realised what they were up against. "It's her! She's snuck out with her troops!"

Alvis and his men turned to see the commotion. Julia was Alvis' daughter, but had inherited the power of Narga from her mother... and inexplicably turned evil. "Damn... I can't fight against that. All units, retreat! Cut your losses and fall back to base."

Arion sensed something was up and headed towards Dozel. But by the time he got there, it was too late. He saw Aless' men, riding towards the castle from a distance, unable to warn those inside or reach the assaulting army. Dozel would fall. The attack had failed.

It is now planning phase. Proto is now the rebel leader, and the Rebels have lost a base. One person sabotaged the mission. Don't try and read flavour to work out who it was/wasn't.

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